Dear Dr. Dot…..

Dear Dr. Dot,

My boyfriend is not happy with my mood swings.
The other day, he bought me a mood ring so he would be able to monitor my moods.
When I’m in a good mood it turns green. When I’m in a bad mood
it leaves a big fucking red mark on his forehead.
Maybe next time he’ll buy me a diamond.

Bitchy in Manchester

Dear Bitchy,
make him give you your own room, or house for that matter, fuck the diamond.
Dr. Dot

“This city is even too gay for me!”

I haven’t blogged because I have a slight slipped disc and fever since I got here to Berlin. I can not stay in bed though, so I went to KaDeWe, which is Berlin’s answer to Macy’s to stock up on my favorite cosmetics and say hi to all of my cosmetic counter friends.

One of my favorites is Sophia. She looks like Demi Moore and was with me when I celebrated Bruce Willis’s 47th birthday in 1999.

(this is Bruce, Sophia and I, March 1999 at my favorite Italian to celebrate his 47th b-day. Sophia REALLY looks like Demi, but not so in this particular photo. Bruce was busy picking his nose but we shot the photo anyhow)

( which is why I am puzzled at the last US magazine, as they showed photos of Bruce’s latest b-day bash in Hollywood his “49th birthday bash”. Hmmmmm, doesn’t add up. Anyways, when Bruce laid eyes on Sophia, he started to drool and begged us to give him a 4 handed massage together. Sophia does make up, not massage, but he didn’t care. She said “no thanks, I don’t care who you are, I have a boyfriend” which only made Bruce want her more. 

WAAAY off the subject as usual. I got super deals from Sophia this time at her Christian Dior counter and we caught up on what’s new.She told me she moved recently, I asked her “where to” she told me her address, and HELLO! She lives RIGHT next door to me! Super sweet. We joked that I will leave my curtains open and let her watch me undress every night 🙂

I then went around KaDeWe and saw Marcus; I flipped out as I hadn’t seen his queer ass in over a year! He has Latino blood and an American passport and German passport, shaved head, LONG black lashes which I think he has permed and colored and super waxed eyebrows. He is SO GAY. He has worked for Versace and Mac cosmetics and has done my make up for some shoots in the past here in Berlin. We were chatting about the differences about Berlin and NYC and of course had to compare the man scene.

I told him I can NOT believe how fucking GAY Berlin is, even the mayor is a flaming fag who openly french kisses his lover in public for the press. Hetro women are bored as hell here and starving for sex and love BECAUSE 90% of the men (and boys) are queer.

Marcus even told me ” Yes, it is unreal here, it is even too gay for me!!” he went on to say “I feel like a hetro woman in this town and I am a gay MAN!” .  Well, in NYC the gay men hang out in Chelsea and don’t give dirty “I hate you bitch” looks to the women. In Berlin, you have to put an add in the paper to find a hetro man, or date 18 year olds who don’t know they are gay yet, then at least you can have some sex for a year or two with them before they find out they are really into hairy balls instead.

If they aren’t gay, they have at least tried sex with a man. Oh so open minded. “Well, I have gotten a blow job from a guy before, but I prefer women now” is a very popular sentence you hear in bars here. In NYC it is really RAINING men, straight and gay. No shortage there!! No wonder the women in NYC walk around smiling, they are satisfied, like they should be. A GIANT selection and the competition there makes the men behave ( polite, generous, ambitious, clean, talented, funny). Here in Berlin, the hetro men KNOW they have the market cornered and act like fucking snotty British pop stars. They MAKE the women pay their taxis, rent, meals, etc. They are running the show. But Berliner women don’t know any better, so they pay and pay and PAY. The black American dudes here, left over from the Army, are in HEAVEN, they are juggling 4 or 5 women at a time. I know some of them and I wind them up about it, we joke about it and they tell me they call the brothers back home and tell them to get their asses over here, as it is raining women for them (German women LOVE, and I mean LOVE Black American men!!!!).

I have loads of ‘grumpy Berliner’ stories to tell you about, getting screamed at on a regular basis here, you know, the usual day to day shit you encounter here, but I decided, ill or not, I have to go out and karaoke with my strictly karaoke friend, Fricky.

Jasmine is fine, gorgeous and talented.It is so fun to be with her and witness her chaos. She learned Imagine on the guitar, even though it is a piano piece, she can play it on guitar.

If there is spelling mistakes in my blogs, it is because there is still no spell check yet, so excuse me.

It is grey, FREEZING and expensive here- don’t even bother coming unless it is june, july or august.

-missing the US

Dr. Dot

Banished to Berlin

I am packing now, off to Berlin for 3 weeks. I have to get Jasmine in line. She is almost 15 and thinks it is ok to sleep at a boy’s house. Her father thinks its ok too. In fact, I am the only one who doesn’t think it is ok! Over there in Germany, kids sleep over each other’s houses (boys and girls mixed) from early on. I am probably getting paid back for all of the times I slept over at boys houses at age 14 WITHOUT permission, on the sly, so now I get it back BIG TIME. Jasmine AND her gal pal slept over a boys house last night, I freaked out because it is a school night AND it is a boy. Hard to crack the whip from over here, but she refuses to move to NYC and we all know it is not a good idea to rock the boat at such a fragile age.

I however, can NOT live in Berlin anymore, I sank into deep depression living there and having had two parents take their lives, I decided I should get out of such a situation before it turns deadly/dangerous and all that. I stayed there for 13 years and still have a flat there, so Jasmine was raised by both parents, in one city and had a very stable life, almost like Mr. Rogers neighborhood ( throw in a few rock stars coming over for a massage) compared to my child hood ( 15 schools in 12 years of school, children’s home, trailers etc). So I gave as much as I could. She is welcome here in NYC anytime and I go to her every 3rd month.

You should live WITH your kids not FOR them (I was told that years ago). Germans let their kids sleep over each others house and think it is better to allow them to do such things so they don’t hide it and lie about it. I see their reasoning, but the prude New Englander in me thinks it is an invitation to under age spit swapping that could go further if the hormones are in high gear. Guess the times are a changin’, and fast.

I can’t wait to get there and play the domestic goddess (* name my aunt uses for her catering business) and cook and clean, care for Jasmine, wait on her hand and foot. I do miss that badly. But I do not miss being there amongst stubborn, grumpy Berliners who smoke heavily in every restaurant and who would DIE before admitting they are wrong. I will make the best of it though. Wish me luck.

Yesterday was action packed. You know I usually go to bed at around 6 or even 8am, well yesterday I got UP at 8am, jogged, got gorgeous and drove about 100 miles an hour to my 11am appointment with a HUGE TV company ( my manager forbids me to mention what company) and chatted with the charming president of the company. They want to do a show with me, a weekly show, not sure what concept though.

He asked me (honest) to post it on my blog, he told me to ask you what YOU want to see, what would make you laugh, what would help you, etc. They have done this before for many successful shows, getting feedback from the people and so I am asking for ideas. I suggested that I go to peoples houses or so, in times of need ( family feuds etc) and help out, and also sometimes film backstage, you know, hands on and all, interviewing during the massage or during a make over, etc. But we need more ideas. Any ideas and concepts would help! My email address is in the contact section of my web site. Cheers 🙂

Oh, after the meeting, I rushed WAAAAY down town to a VIP fitness studio (gym) called Peter Anthony’s on 89 Franklin street. It is so exclusive; they don’t even have a web site or advertise. It is 3 floors of working out paradise. They train a lot of stars and rich folks there.The owner, Peter, let me film there for over 4 hours with A & E TV ( remember I told you I was going to film with them?). A shout out to my good pal Steve Mercinzky for hooking us up with Peter Anthony.

I did a make over on Jesse, my assistant who normally never wears make up. Click HERE to see her after the make over. Well, we had a blast. I did a mini facial on her, then her make up and hair. Then I massaged Seth, the singer of MENSCH for the cameras. I was beyond tired and delirious by this time, but oddly enough, that is when I give the best interviews.

Then we went out to eat at a near by Greek restaurant, and eventually ended up doing karaoke because Jesse started singing in the Greek place and said she was no stranger to karaoke, well, you know me, that’s all it took to get me to stay up longer and go sing. I sucked big time at “When the Levee Breaks” ( my voice was GONE by that time) but redeemed myself with “Me and Bobby McGee” which I am always great at. Jesse was approached by one of the drunken Irish tourist. He goes “I just signed us up for Sheryl Crow and Kid Rock”. Jesse was about two sheets to the wind by now thanks to all that red wine at the Greek place and I simply said “GOOD LUCK with that song!!” Sheryl Crow may seem easy to sing, but she is SUPER hard to do.

 This is Jesse and I in the karaoke bar

She got up there with ye Ol’ drunk Leprechaun and kind of just froze every time it was her part to sing. I went and lent her a hand for a second and she said “no, I got it now” and then froze up again. She didn’t say much, just stood there looking like a UFO was about to land in the karaoke monitor. It was so funny- and the Irish dude sang REALLY badly. He ended up singing both parts, Kid Rock and Sheryl Crow.

My massage assistant Stephanie up in Boston is super psyched, I sent her to massage Sir Sting on Monday night at his sold out show in the Orpheum Theater. And I sent Felicia to massage him last night (Wednesday- St. Patrick’s Day) in Wallingford, CT (of course, another sold out show). Felicia bought his book and new CD for him to sign and he did. They were both amazed at how fit and polite he is. Now he is off to Toronto, I think they go all over Canada now. I will massage him again in Berlin in June and bring Jasmine to say hello, she will love that.

The A & E show I filmed “Star Treatment” comes on at NYC time; they said they won’t show my segment for about 6 months or so. And I have no idea when that VH1 show I did will air, that one is called “The Fabulous life of Rap Stars” that should come up soon. I have a small part, just a few minutes chatting about what Rap stars I have rubbed down and while I am being interviewed, I am massaging Cooper, my Fitness trainer assistant.

If all goes well, I will be back in NYC April 5th. Hope my assistants can hold the fort down while I’m away!

Dr. Dot


How to reply to annoying chain mail

Hello, my name is (insert your name here)  and I suffer from the guilt of not forwarding 50 billion fucking chain letters sent to me by people who actually believe that if you send them on, a poor 6-year-old girl in Arkansas with a breast on her forehead will be able to raise enough money to have it removed before her redneck parents sell her to a traveling freak show.

Do you honestly believe that Bill Gates is going to give you, and everyone to whom you send”his” email, $1000?

How stupid are we?

“Ooooh, looky here! If I scroll down this page and make a wish, I’ll get laid by a model I just happen to run into the next day!”

What a bunch of bullshit.

Maybe the evil chain letter leprechauns will come into my house and sodomize me in my sleep for not continuing a chain letter that was started by Peter in 5 AD and brought to this country by midget pilgrims on the Mayflower.

Fuck them.

If you’re going to forward something, at least send me something mildly amusing. I’ve seen all the “send this to 10 of your closest friends,and this poor, wretched excuse for a human being will somehow receive a nickel from some omniscient being” forwards about 90 times. I don’t fucking care. Show a little intelligence and think about what you’re actually contributing to by sending out these forwards. Chances are, it’s our own unpopularity.

The point being? If you get some chain letter that’s threatening to leave you shagless or luckless for the rest of your life, delete it. If it’s funny, send it on. Don’t piss people off by making them feel guilty about a leper in Botswana with no teeth who has been tied to the ass of a dead elephant for 27 yearsand whose only salvation is the 5 cents per letter he’ll receive if you forward this email.

Now forward this to everyone you know.

Have a nice day.

P.S. Send me 15 bucks

A shout out to Steph for her kick ass sense of humor

Dr. Dot

STING: The coolest Star in the universe

March 13, 2004 Friday I drove 3 hours south to a dangerous part of Philly to massage Sir Sting at the Tower Theater. I was 15 minutes late, (it was a dam miracle I wasn’t an HOUR late as there seems to be only ONE winding road through this town “Upper Darby” to get to the Venue and it was bumper to bumper for an hour and I was FLAPPIN’ (British word for FREAKING OUT) in my car as I knew I was going to be late.

Everyone told me “Oh, it is only 90 minutes to Philly from NYC” What a bunch of BULLSHIT that is. It took me a full 3 hours and I drove 85 miles per hour 90% of the time like a bat out of hell. 

Anyways, as soon as I got into the backstage area, I saw Sting standing at the top of the stairs and I was rushed up there. Sting was happy to see me and ready for his rub down. 

We went into his dressing room, which always looks and smells and looks gorgeous from candles burning to the inviting warm lighting. Sting was in a great mood and during the 2 hour massage he told me I give “the best massage”, more than once. Those words coming from Sting make my career really worthwhile. 

Sometimes during such a long massage, I look around the room and notice things, like what tea they have out, what vitamins are on the table etc, but one thing that caught my eye that made me smile was a bottle of “Singer’s Saving Grace” from ‘Herbs etc’ in extra Strength. Funny, because I always have a bottle of that nasty tasting/smelling spray in my purse at all times in case of a Karaoke situation.  

You can get it at any health food shop and just the other night when I brought Stings manager, William ( also known as Billy the Basher) out to karaoke, I sprayed some of that in my mouth, and William was curious and wanted to try it to, so I sprayed it into his mouth and he turned a shade of green cause it taste so bad. BUT it really perks up those vocal cords and I need that when I sing Janis Joplin or AC/DC, and apparently it is so good, Sting uses the same shit! I told Sting I write a blog almost every night and he said he was going to read what I write about him in my blog as soon as he got home. Well, wouldn’t you FUCKING know it, my Blogs server was DOWN for 24 hours and the next day when I showed up to massage Sting he said ” I went to read your blog and it was down, bloody hell!”. So. Cheers Blog-City for letting down Sir Sting. Nice one!

Anyways, after two hours of deep tissue massage on the most gorgeous body in rock and roll, I started packing up my stuff and Sting asked if I could massage him the next night as well in Atlantic City ( New Jerseys version of Las Vegas) and I agreed to be there again at 5:30. He said I should check out some of the show before driving back to NYC.

I was wearing black timberland boots (clunky hiking boots) as it was cold. These boots make my feet feel bigger and clumsy, but warm. I was in the backstage hallway, and saw Sting and the rest of his band go down the stairs that were 12 inches away from me. They must have been going to a secret passage way to the stage, as from where I was standing, I had one foot kind of on the stage and one in the hallway. So they went under the stage to get there. (Hard to explain). The manager and roadies all wanted me to get more onto the stage, to have a closer look at the show that was about to begin. So I went a bit onto the stage (audience couldn’t see the roadies and I behind the huge speakers).

(this is where broke the electical plug, right near that bald roadie)

A guy holding a guitar yells to me “when was the last time I saw yoooo?” in a heavy Glasgow accent. I said loudly ” probably Berlin”. He wasn’t Stings guitarist, he was the guitar tech. He said “Oh yee, I remember, it was the Cranberries, Aye?” Yes, we met at the Cranberries show two Octobers ago when I massaged Delores, the singer.

I moved closer to the guy so we wouldn’t have to scream across the stage, and as I turned around and walked back towards the side ( to be further out of the way) I felt and heard something go *SNAP* under my left foot and at that same exact split second, ALL of the lights on stage went out ( it was already dark in the audience) and there I saw Sting, standing in the freakin DARK, holding his huge upright bass in the middle of the stage. Naturally the roadies and sound techs went APE shit trying to find the plug to plug back in and find out what the hell went on and I kind of slinked back into the hallway, horrified beyond belief, I UNPLUGGED Sting 🙁  !!!!!!

 ( This is my view of the Sting show in Atlantic City.His back up singers are so HOT!)

The audience thought it was part of the show and was all “Whoooow, wooow!! ” yelling and shit and the roadies got it all back on within a minute, but I tell you I was sweating bullets and wanted to crawl away and DIE.

I said to one of the old roadies in the hallway, “Holy SHIT that was me!! I did that!! Fuckin hell, did you see that!!” and he said “Oh, no, it wasn’t you, it was the big black guy who does the house lights, he stepped on something and broke it”.

All of the roadies came out into the hall and said the same thing to me, and I wasn’t sure anymore myself if it was me or not, but I FELT something snap and break and I heard it break the same time the lights went out, so I was sure it was me.

I was NOW not sure if the roadies were all just trying to make me feel better or telling the truth, but it sure as hell made me freak out and then laugh my ass off about it later on the ride home as I told my Uncle Jack. He could barely breathe when I told him- he was laughing that hard.


The next day, Saturday the 13th, I drove another 3 hours to get to Atlantic city ( again, always 80 miles per hour or more) as I did NOT want to be even one minute late this time, and I got there 30 minutes early and this venue was MUCH cleaner and nicer than the night before.

This place was called the ‘Music Box at Borgata Casino”. It was a big concert hall and when I entered I heard Sting playing, so I went in to look and he was doing the sound check and I sat and watched that for a while. I love seeing the sound check, everyone is so relaxed and you get the feeling you are experiencing a private show, it is the BEST!

I then went to his dressing room and set up my table. Sting walked in and as always, is pleasant, polite and friendly. Gordon aka Gordy who has a VERY cockney accent (the wardrobe assistant) came in and said before the massage, Sting has to do 2 radio interviews and to have a seat. I was waiting for them to ask me to wait outside, but they said, “no, stay in here”.

So I sat as quiet as a church mouse, about 5 feet away from Sting and watched him get interviewed by the first radio station.

He answers the questions in such a nice and friendly way and makes everyone laugh. When asked “Why are you still so approachable, I mean, you are already famous and rich enough, why are you so nice to the press” and then he answers ” Well, I have nothing to hide and you should always look the people right in the eye, it’s good karma” etc.

I couldn’t remember every word, just some incredible things like when they asked him what his favorite Sting song, he said ” My songs are like children to me, you can’t love one more than the other one”.

(Sting allowed me to photograph him sitting on my massage table. I shall never wash it again 😉

The next team came in (each radio station got 5 minutes each). Sting was goofing around and laid down on his back on my massage table for this interview,

So the Disc Jockeys stood up and held the microphones to his mouth while he lay there on my table. They asked him basically the same freaking questions, and Sting answered them with the same courtesy and enthusiasm as he did the first time around.

When asked if he listens to rap, he said he does like NAS and Black Eyed Peas. The female Disc Jockey asked him ” Can I feel your ABS?” as he lie there on my table, and everyone in the room thought she said ” ASS” not “ABS” so Sting was like ” Pardon?” and she asked again and he just laughed, she touched his stomach through his suit and she looked like she was melting.

I felt like saying, “hey lady, you think his abs are nice? You should feel his BUTT” !!!

(Sting LAYING on my table *sigh* )


He then did radio sound bites, you know, station I.D for each station, and said everything they wanted him to say like ” Hi, this is Sting and my favorite morning show is Jack and Diane on WWAV” or something like that. They took loads of photos of him, got many autographs and all that, he is REALLY nice to everyone and it seemed they took a bit advantage of him, but he didn’t seem to mind one bit.

After a very silent 2 hour massage, he showered and then went out and did a meet and greet, where about 50 people, some of which are press, get to meet him and photograph him etc. He is so tolerant and generous with his time.

He does this every time he does a show too! I have been backstage to so many concerts and some stars (not mentioning any names- sorry) are snotty as hell and would never do that. Some won’t even pose for a photo or meet fans.

But you know, what goes around, comes around, most of the bands that act like that are now history. ( wait, I have to mention two bands: a German band called “Echt” was so hot at one point and so fucking SNOTTY, “beam me up snotty” and Blur is also extremely snotty to their fans, and Papa Roach, where are you now??.)

I know I know, get my claws back in. Ok, where was I. Stings Butt? No, the show. When it was show time, Gordon asked me do I want to watch the show from the stage (by the way, I asked Sting if he noticed the black out on stage the night before, and he didn’t. I told him I thought it was me and he laughed about it, so at least I got that off my freakin’ chest! ) .

The band all headed in parade like formation to the stage, me being the last one in line, VERY humble and grateful to be in tow.

They all headed up the stairs and onto the stage. Waiting behind the curtain to go out there. I stood to the side and absorbed one of my favorite concert scene moments, I love it to see the band RIGHT before they perform, some pray, some hold hands, all are excited and antsy, it is such a BUZZ to witness that.

I usually photograph that moment, but I refrained this time as I wasn’t sure if it was cool. I never ask, just photograph that moment and most bands love to see that later. On my web site, you can see the photo of aforementioned Papa Roach in a group hand shake before they go on.  It is awesome. Anyhow, this is my view from that show:


I stayed and watched a few songs and didn’t bump into anything or break anything, so all went well. I drove home another 2 and half hours to rest up for the next day.

Sunday the 14th, I went to massage William first. William is one of my favorite guys in the business. He doesn’t take shit from ANYONE and is very direct. Some think he is bossy and “always right” but he is usually right AND Stings right hand man. He won’t put up with any bullshit and doesn’t trust anyone, so we have a lot in common! When he is in a good mood, he giggles a lot. He cracks me up. I love his dry sense of humor and he keeps me on my toes as he knows I work best under pressure. Anyhow, I massaged William for two hours then went to massage Sting at his gorgeous mansion like house in Manhattan. I would NEVER say where it is, all I can say is he has the best view of Central Park you can get.


His wife Trudie is definitely the luckiest woman alive (well, she AND Heather, Paul McCartney’s wife). Sting is madly in love with her and speaks so highly of her. She decorated the huge place and it looks majestic. It is overwhelming. Red velvet couches, huge Helmut Newton photographs, antique paintings, a grand piano overlooking the park. He is the coolest fucking rock star in the world ok?

 ( Mr. Sting ( as Frank Zappa called him) took this photo of us with his left hand in his NYC home.


He is so majestic and calm. He told me I should quit jogging as it “shortens your muscles Dot” and I should practice Yoga, Asthanga Yoga like he does. I will now buy a “How to do Asthanga Yoga video” ( but first I better learn how to spell it!!!

I massaged him for another two hours and Sting was trying to pay me and I said “are you serious? You know you don’t have to pay me. My team is So grateful you utilize them this is the least I can do! One hand washes the other, innit Sting?” He says “you’re mad Dot”.

After I massaged Sting, I went to pick up Mick Jagger’s assistant (and the Stones logistics manager) Alan Dunn. He was at Elaine’s, an Upper East Side celebrity hang out that had a party that night. When I picked him up, he told me who was there earlier at the party (Mick only stayed 5 minutes) but Bruce Springsteen was there, Kid Rock and I forget who else. Alan told me on his flight over from London, he stood in line at the airport with his good pal Paul McCartney, who was just standing there in line, with no bodyguards, holding his newborn baby. Heather was checking the luggage in while Paul chatted with Alan. Alan said Paul was in good spirits and looked very happy and content.

There are SO many stars right now in NYC because today (Monday) is the Rock and Roll hall of Fame ceremony. Mick will take part in it as a presenter that is why Alan is in town. Alan and I had a nice meal and now I am beyond exhausted. I need SLEEP. AND I need Blog-City to fix the photo upload so I can show you the great new photos I have of Sting and co.

“You could say I lost my faith in science and progress
You could say I lost my belief in the holy church
You could say I lost my sense of direction
You could say all of this and worse, but
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do

Some would say I was a lost man in a lost world
You could say I lost my faith in the people on TV
You could say I’d lost my belief in our politicians
They all seemed like game show hosts to me
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do
I could be lost inside their lies without a trace
But every time I close my eyes I see your face

I never saw no miracle of science
That didn’t go from a blessing to a curse
I never saw no military solution
That didn’t always end up as something worse, but
Let me say this first
If I ever lose my faith in you
There’d be nothing left for me to do”  by  STING

That for sure is my favorite song by Sting

Dr. Dot

Blog Frustration

Blog city was down again for 24 hours. Now I can not add photos again. I have great things to write, all about how GREAT Sting was in concert and in person and nice photos to share, but Blog City is not working again.

I will blog again when I can add photos- when ever Blog City works properly again-



The photo above is Chris Botti, Sir Sting’s trumpet player who now opens for Sting at all of his concerts. This is his flat in Manhattan, almost as big and gorgeous as he is. He just had a two hour massage, that is why he looks so relaxed and is glowing. This was taken 90 minutes before show time last week when they played the Beacon Theater.

This photo above is Jasmine learning to play “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this case. I can’t play the guitar, but I was a dam good drummer back in school. Jasmine’s guitar teacher in Berlin wonders where she gets such cool guitar picks like one from Keith Richards, Johnny 5 ( Marylin Manson) and my old Ramones pick. I give them all to her, but the one she got from the Stones was given to her personally last June when Alan Dunn brought her on stage before the show and back stage to eat in the Stones catering room. She got to say hello to the Stones again; it wasn’t her first time, she met them when she was a toddler too, but probably forgot. See my Pooh bear in the background? (you can just see his head) Everyone uses him for everything: a foot stool, to hold their guitar in place, a pillow, etc. Poor Pooh.

The picture above is my voluptuous cousin Rachel. ‘Baby’s got back’  and is proud of it. We look nothing alike, her Mom Irene is my (late) Mom’s sister. Rachel looks like her Father, Jasper. I look like my Italian father, Salvatore ( and a bit like my mom too). I wish Rachel would quit smoking cigg’s. It bothered the HELL out of me when we were hanging out.

I am SO happy that I can add photos again to my blog. What a relief. Now if I can only take care of the rest of the symptoms that were making me cranky 😉

Dr. Dot

How to spot a bastard by his star sign

Ok, which one of you has my ” How to spot a Bastard by his star sign” book? See, here I am being all nice and lending shit out to people and what happens? I forgot who I lent it to, and no one is cool enough to just think ” oh, I am finished reading Dot’s favorite book, perhaps I should return it to her as I promised her when she reluctantly lent it to me” .

Apart from Cigarettes and Fish, my pet peeve is lending something to someone and then they don’t return it. Normally I write it down somewhere, what was lent to whom, but this time I slipped and forgot and now *poof* the book is gone. I am also cranky because 1) I can’t add photos to my blog  2) I haven’t had sex lately  3) Now I can’t even add smileys from Smiley Central to the new Blog layout. CRANKY!

I learned my lesson LONG ago not to lend shit out, I lent Robert Plant some of my blues tapes, Chess Box collection tapes, and he swore he would mail them back to me after the tour. That was 1993 and I still haven’t received them. But he is coming to town Sunday and if I massage him, I will take them out of his ass. ( not literally you freak!).

In 1997 ( or was it 1998?) I lent a 5 month pregnant Lauryn Hill a copy of ” the womanly art of breast feeding” and I haven’t gotten that back, but I forgive her, she is so frickin’ COOL!

I can not count how many tapes. cds, videos etc I have lent out and never gotten back. Why do people do that! It is ignorant. If someone lends you something, enjoy it and give it back, keep the good vibe of generosity and trust going on dammit!

I am thinking, I don’t let THAT many people in my flat, and I have asked most females I know if they have it, they all say no 🙁

Then I started asking the guys I know, thinking, well, some could possibly be gay and not know it yet, and perhaps they wanted to read ” How to spot a bastard by his star sign” but so far, even the guys have said no. You have GOT to read this book, it is hysterical!

Thank god for I will just order a new copy and never lend anything out again- “I am a rock, I am an island” ( Simon/Garfunkle)

Not 100% sure yet, but I may drive to Philly to massage Sir Sting this Friday. I am not looking forward to the drive, I don’t know how to get there and the last time I went to Philly, I saw the Grateful Dead there in like 1988 and did NOT like the scene there. But who knows, perhaps it is clean and safe and friendly now. (As if).

I am filming with A&E TV on Tuesday; they want to interview me for a show “It also airs
on A&E’s Biography Channel. The show features profiles of people who work with
celebrities or who provide services for celebrities, and we’d love to profile
Dorothy Stein ( aka Dr. Dot).”

So that should be fun. I am thinking of who I can make over that day. I don’t just want to have the usual boring interview in which I bite someone’s ass and then massage them, I want to do a make over, take a plain Jane and turn her into a sexy vamp right in front of rolling cameras. Then I will bite her back/butt area and massage her.

Any plain Jane in the NYC  area who wants a free make over and massage from me, and has free time on Tuesday, email me and send me a small jpeg ( no bigger then your hand as not to clog my freakin mail box).

Even though my endless tales of karaoke are pissing you off, I wanted to say, I brought Stings tour manager, William out tonight and dragged him  AGAIN to my favorite karaoke spot and thank GOD the DJ was there and not ill like last Sunday. Anyhoooo, He saw me do an awesome rendition of ” Down on me” by Janis Joplin and said it was great. I then tried “Ramble on” by Led Zepp and tore that up too, I can do Zepp pretty good. Sometimes I SUCK royally, like when I did “Tumblin Dice” but the Stones, jeez, I will never do that again! In  fact, I can only do a few Stones songs, Mick’s shoes are hard to fill. I know the words  by heart, but he is hard to copy! I also destroyed the Beatles ” We can work it out”!! Although it is one of my all time favorite songs, I just sucked at it big time! I know my ranges, James Brown, Tina, Janis, Rod Stewart, Zepp and Ac/DC but forget anything like Mariah or Celine ( but who the fuck wants to hear that at a bar anyways!?)

Ok, I better get my cranky celibate self in bed now, it is .

“Live your loving life,
Live it all the best you can
And if you pay no attention darling
To what you might ever hear from your man,
I think you’re just like a servant
And try to keep it all to yourself.
Don’t you know it makes the world go round,
You gotta go and honey share everywhere else.
Come on, come on, come on!

As good as you’ve been to this world
So good i wanna be right back to you.
As good as you’ve been now,
As good as you’ve been to this whole wide world,
So good i wanna be.
As good as you’ve been now, say,
As good as you’ve been to this whole wide world,
As good as you’ve been, babe,
So good i wanna be here.

Ain’t no use in being faithful,
I see you look at the sky.
I know what’s in it make you happy there,
But it only make you cry.
I think you got good intentions too,
They don’t manage to show through.
Whatever you give to the world outside,
I wanna give it right back to you, yes i am!
Come on, come on, come on!

So you meet somebody on the street,
You know you treat him mighty fine,

Or you meet somebody on the street
And you give him a real hard time.
It’s gonna come on home baby,
I said it’s gonna come right back home to you.
I said it’s gonna visit you now,
Yes it is, oh yes it is.

As good as you’ve been to this whole wide world,
As good as you’ve been, babe,
So good i wanna be here.
Oh, good as you’ve been to this whole wide world,
As good as you’ve been, babe,
So good i wanna be here.
Ah, the way you love your mother,
The way you love your sister, your brother,
The way you love your aunt, your uncle,
Anybody now, everybody now.

Good as you’ve been babe
’cause i’m just gonna show you now
And i’m just gonna make you want it now
’cause i ‘m just gonna give you a thrill
Say, good as you been babe,
Hurrah, good as you been babe,
Come on, good as you been babe,
I say, good as you been babe,
Oh daddy, good as you been babe,
My man, good as you been babe,
All right, yeah hey.”

Janis Joplin  “As Good As You’ve Been To This World”

xx Dottie