I know she can afford underwear. I have to say, Lil’ Kim is by far my least favorite celebrity, hands down. I would rather stare at Michael Jackson’s face then hers. She has had so much plastic surgery that she doesn’t even look similar to her first album cover. She is, like Michael, also getting whiter. Lipo, new teeth, fake hair, fake eye colors, tit job, nose job, cheek implants, eyes lifted etc, she was so creepy to see at the Grammy’s. All that is nothing compared to her nasty choice of clothing, or lack of it.
Sure, we all dress hot sometimes, but shoving your FURRY Beaver in the crowds face while you are singing on stage is down right lewd. Why doesn’t she just do porn? I guess since Janet let her tit flop out at the Super Bowl, the shock bar has been raised, so in order to shock now, you really have to let it ALL hang out.