The photo above is Chris Botti, Sir Sting’s trumpet player who now opens for Sting at all of his concerts. This is his flat in Manhattan, almost as big and gorgeous as he is. He just had a two hour massage, that is why he looks so relaxed and is glowing. This was taken 90 minutes before show time last week when they played the Beacon Theater.
This photo above is Jasmine learning to play “Purple Haze” by Jimi Hendrix. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree in this case. I can’t play the guitar, but I was a dam good drummer back in school. Jasmine’s guitar teacher in Berlin wonders where she gets such cool guitar picks like one from Keith Richards, Johnny 5 ( Marylin Manson) and my old Ramones pick. I give them all to her, but the one she got from the Stones was given to her personally last June when Alan Dunn brought her on stage before the show and back stage to eat in the Stones catering room. She got to say hello to the Stones again; it wasn’t her first time, she met them when she was a toddler too, but probably forgot. See my Pooh bear in the background? (you can just see his head) Everyone uses him for everything: a foot stool, to hold their guitar in place, a pillow, etc. Poor Pooh.
The picture above is my voluptuous cousin Rachel. ‘Baby’s got back’ and is proud of it. We look nothing alike, her Mom Irene is my (late) Mom’s sister. Rachel looks like her Father, Jasper. I look like my Italian father, Salvatore ( and a bit like my mom too). I wish Rachel would quit smoking cigg’s. It bothered the HELL out of me when we were hanging out.
I am SO happy that I can add photos again to my blog. What a relief. Now if I can only take care of the rest of the symptoms that were making me cranky
Dr. Dot