Ask Dr. Dot


I am an eighteen-year-old college student get really horny. But when my bf and i
fuck each other he says the wrong name. Could this mean that he is putting his
cock in some other girls pussy? Is this normal?


It could mean he is not over his ex or he is indeed fucking other girls. Sooner
or later, one should learn to just use the term "sweetie/babe/honey/cutie" so
that this problem never occurs in bed.
If you want to have some fun, next time you fuck him, yell out a woman’s name when you cum.

 When he asks "what the fuck?"it will be your cue to tell him "doesn’t feel good does it?".
Or you could just stick to the story that you also sleep with a woman from time to time to
keep him guessing, just like he keeps you guessing. Mystery keeps things hot.


I just came back from a business trip and my wife seems super loose in the
pussy.  After a couple days she felt normal again.  Then after another business
trip the same thing happened.  I am wondering why she could feel so loose, the
only time I have felt her that loose is after we use something like a cucumber
in her.  What do you think?


Perhaps she is screwing the UPS man and his cock is ooooh so much wider than yours, OR she
has a monster dildo that you don’t know about.
I think her "feeling loose" could be that she is very wet and horney because she is excited
to see you/fuck you again. You say after a few days it returns to normal,
it could be because she got bored of your ass already. Absence does make the heart/genitals grow fonder.

ps. The ONLY way you can ensure she is saving her self just for you, is to get her one of these:


Dear doc, i’ve been hearing about a muscle called the "Vip Muscle", it is suppose
to give guys more orgasms and some penis growth by exercising it. but i have no
idea where the hell it is located.   could you help? thanx


There is a book called ‘Scientifically Guaranteed Male Multiple Orgasms and Ultimate Sex’ by Alan Ritz.
My suspicion is that the author pulled this term out of his ass to get quick shooters/tiny men to run to the shop
to buy his book. However, there is a muscle called the vastus intermedius profundus (VIP) in rabbits.
And there is a vastus intermedius in humans, but it’s origin is Anterior and lateral shaft of femur
and it’s purpose is to extend the knee, which is ironic as when most men cum they
extend their knees, you know, flex their legs straight, point their toes. Anyways, the vastus intermedius
is muscle that has nothing to do with the penis.
You could buy the book and decide for your self. Silly me, I always thought the man’s VIP muscle was his cock.

 < The vastus intermedius muscle is sadly not a secret cock muscle, sorry.