Massage in Hamburg, Germany

Contact me for a massage: and put "Annette/Hamburg" in the subject line please.



Hello, my name is Annette and I live in Hamburg since 1989.

In the nineties I went to university to become a teacher. In this time I worked in different venues as a security or at the cash-desk and went on tour being the merchandiser. I really enjoyed these jobs because I always loved music! But I had to stop this after my daughter was born in '95.

In 1999 I started an education in alternative medicine (in german: Heilpraktikerin) and specialised myself in homeopathy and massage. When I give massages I use deep tissue massage, medical massage, triggerpoints, Shiatsu, Acupressure or a mixture of all to achieve the best individual results in accordance with the needs of my clients. I always do my best and follow the, even nonverbal, communication between my hands and the person on my massage table. So every treatment is different from strong and deep to soft and relaxing or something in between.

For two years I worked in a clinic for Osthopathy, Chiropractics and medical massage where I gave strong massages the whole day long with no chance to get tired – it is just a question of technique!

In may 2009 I set up my own little clinic for homeopathy and massage in Hamburg St.Pauli and later a friend told me about the Dr. Dot team. So now I am very happy to be part of this team because for me it is the perfect way to be back into the "music-world" with doing what I really enjoy.

See you soon!