24 Hour massage service in Las Vegas, Nevada


 Reach me at: info@drdot.com and write "Samantha/Vegas" in the subject line please πŸ™‚




My Name is Samantha. Although I've only been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2007, I have been in training since I was a child. I love massage therapy, and that love comes through in each and every massage I give. I believe in the healing art of touch through massage and the bodies ability to heal itself if given the right tools. Massage of course being one of those tools. 


I specialize in Deep Tissue, Russian massage, and Trigger Point therapy. Although if a lighter touch with a Swedish massage is what you have in mind, I can do that too. 


I am available for outcalls only, so the next time you find yourself in fabulous Las Vegas request me! I promise you will have a very rewarding and healing experience. Hope to meet you soon! 



24 Hour massage delivery service Birmingham, England



Reach me at: info@drdot.com and write "Becky/Birmingham" in the subject line πŸ™‚ 





Hi my name is Becky and I live and work in Birmingham. 

Having worked as a surveyor, I decided that I was looking for a change in career direction that involved working more directly with people. So in September 2009, I started to study holistic massage and became hooked. I had no idea that I would fall in love with it the way that I have. 

In July 2010, I qualified as a massage therapist. I get great satisfaction from working with people on a very real and natural level and seeing the very positive benefits of the massage. 

I have a passion for people and massage which keeps me constantly interested, fascinated and hungry to learn more. 

So far I am qualified in holistic massage/deep tissue massage/Indian head massage and pre/post event massage. 

I love my job and I’m very proud to a part of the Dr. Dot team!

24 Hour Massage Service in Montreal, Canada


Contact me at: info@drdot.com and put "Fenghua/Montreal" in the subject line please 


Hello everyone! My name is Fenghua. I have been working as a massage therapist since I graduated from Capital University of Physical Education (Beijing, China) in 1994. During the four-year undergraduate study, the subject I concentrated on is Sport Health Care and Rehabilitation. The courses I took include Sport Health Care, Clinical Rehabilitation, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Massotherapy, Acupuncture, Qigong, Taiji, etc… 

During the 10-year therapy work from 1994 to 2003, I changed my job from Fitness Center to Medical Company, from time to time, while the only thing I had never changed is my passion to do a good massage for my client. For me, massage is not only a job, but also one thing I would like to devote all myself on. I really enjoy the whole process of a relaxing massage with soft asian music, or a sport massage with western rock & roll, even though I am the person who has to do the massage, not the one who receives it. 

My passion for Rock can be traced back to my university days. I still remember clearly that I was extremely shocked for the first time when I watched a concert video of Aerosmith! Even in 1990s, it was still not easy for a western rock band to give a live show in Beijing. I had never thought that someday I can watch a vocal concert in live. While, you will never know what may happen next… 

Finally, with the theory & practice experience, I immigrated to Canada, Montreal, my favorite city so far. Since coming here in 2005, I have been working as a Senior Massage Therapist. As a member of ACTMD, the techniques I usually apply are Deep Tissue, Chinese, Swedish, Shiatsu, Thai and Reflexology, combining eastern and western perspective and ideas. 

At a relaxing location like home or hotel room, I can follow the procedure of a massage treatment: detailed questioning; exact judgement; right treatment and careful direction followed. While, on the concert back stage or just a chair at office, I also can give a brief but efficient, quick but deep massage. Now, life changes again and my dream comes true: among Dr. Dot’s team, it’s time to touch Steven Tyler, Axl Rose, Jon Bon Jovi.

24 hour massage service in London


 Contact me: info@drdot.com and put "Ria/London" in the subject line please πŸ™‚



My name is Ria – I am a pure Zen Shiatsu massage therapist, specialized in structural corrections, sport and performance injuries. 

Despite my youthful looks (baby face!) I was born in London in 1972. I originally trained in Dance and Performance, graduating with a BA (hons) at Dartington College of Arts in 1991. I worked internationally as a professional dancer and performer during my 20's and have also practiced Yoga and martial arts for many years. 

Having been recommended a course of Shiatsu treatments after suffering a minor injury during a tour in 2000, I was so bowled over by the power and affect of the treatments that I decided to study the technique myself. 

I trained in Zen Shiatsu – a technique that works with the same theory and principals as acupuncture but without needles, using stretches, gentle manipulations, rotations of the joints and acupressure. My training was an extensive three year course at the British School of Shiatsu-Do. Study included Traditional Chinese Medicine and Qi Gong, with specialisms in structural corrections, fascia release techniques, sports/performance injuries and Shiatsu for pregnancy.

I now manage a very busy and successful clinic where I practice as well. I am deeply passionate about the power of Shiatsu massage and have been developing my work with artist and performers over the years. I am thrilled to now be bringing Shiatsu to the international arena through Dr. Dot. 

Treatments are fully clothed, full body massage. Clients should wear loose comfortable clothing. 

Shiatsu is useful for:

  • Relaxation
  • Emotional well-being
  • Back and neck pain
  • Realignment
  • Headaches
  • Strains and sprains
  • Insomnia
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive issues
  • Circulation issues
  • Etc.

Ask Dr. Dot February 2011

Free Love, Sex and Relationship advice: drdot@drdot.com 


Recently I started dating this guy, 26 years old. I am a 28. When we first met, I had been going to his place as I paid him to fix my lap top. I thought that he was gay, because of his mannerisms. He acts and talks very feminine. However, he hit on me and I was surprised but flattered as he is very handsome. I flat out asked him “aren't you gay?”. He hesitantly said, “no”. Then I asked if he was bisexual and he said “not really”. I said “What? Have you ever made out with a man?” and then he told me “yes once or twice”. I don't understand this. How can one not know if they are gay or not? Making out with a man, if you're a man, is gay. He says he doesn't like to be labeled, but I need to know. How can I handle this without scaring him off? He has a HUGE fat cock, which I sucked once already (loves it!) but I am wondering, has it been in a few men's asses or has he been fucked in the ass? Will my twat be enough for this dude?

Dude looks like a lady





A new lover is sort of like a used car; it may seem new to you but you just can never tell how many or what kind people have ridden in it before you got it. I have met a few well hung men who have also pitched for both teams simply because they feel their massive cocks are too precious to be limited to one gender. They want EVERYONE to worship their gigantic rods. If he treats you well and you use protection, just enjoy him for what he is, a well endowed, open minded amusement park ride. You can't change the past, so just enjoy the present (pun intended).



I've been seeing this man for the past few months and we laugh a lot and have a great time but I feel like I am being taken advantage of sometimes. I cook, drive to him ( he lives 30 miles away) . I have to pay sometimes when we go out as he is out of work. I guess I want to prove that not all girls are after a Man's money. I spend a lot on gas and even feed his cat. How can I get out of this routine without coming across as being mean?

 Lovely Linda




If you give too much people will take too much. Be nice but stop giving. See what happens. You will find out if he still wants to come around and see you, etc. If he asks you why the sudden change, tell him "I am exhausted from making such a big effort for us". You need to know the truth. If he really wants you, he will make a bigger effort and start being more generous. Keep in mind, there is one thing you can never change and that is biology; The sperm come to the egg; not the egg to the sperm.





I'm 20 years old with an 18 year old fiancee. Young, yes, but we have a lot of love for each other. Just recently she has been shying away from sex, she said she just didn't have the urge to… She had recently been put on the depo birth control shot. Which I figured (A) Sometimes people go through dry spells, and (B) Birth control can really play a toll on females. Well on top of the whole not having sex thing, she has become more stand-offish. She will fight with me about anything, and yell at me for the simplest of things. I don't know what is going on, I don't want to believe she's being unfaithful because I trust her. She was walking to grab a screw driver just now and turned around half way through the hall to grab her phone, maybe because she knew I would go through it, or was waiting for a friend to respond, I don't know the case.I really am fighting to hold on to what I have, but it seems like every time I try to better things, they become worse. And thoughts? Tips? Advice? What should I do? I'm really lost,

Hasty Hal





You say you trust her yet she “knew” you would go through her mobile phone when it was unattended. This proves something is brewing between you two. First of all, she is only 18. She probably doesn't know her ass from her elbow yet. Her yelling at you and protecting her phone are signs that she is bored with the relationship, probably having an affair (this is pretty much expected from teen-agers). At your age (20 and 18) getting engaged may be a sweet gesture but you see now that the security you sought is quickly killing the love and passion you had. I suggest sitting her down and telling her you love her madly, still want to be romantically involved but are calling off the engagement. Tell her "why rush into things? I can see the pressure of being engaged is getting to both of us, there is no rush, we are both young, lets just love each other and forget the contract". If you don't have the balls to tell her to her face, write a nice letter to her, making sure you stress the fact you are not breaking up with her, just ridding the engagement which you feel has changed things. Stand by your decision and you will find out the truth; she will either crave you more or be relieved and move on to whatever it is that is distracting her so much. You need to know and this gesture will show you if she can live without you or not. Getting married, in my opinion, is old fashioned and unnecessary-unless immigration plays a role in it. Getting married before age 30 is just inviting chaos into your life.



I am 22 years old girl and had my first relationship with a guy who took my virginity and after few months he dumped me. I decided have another affair with a guy who made me pregnant. I am not in a good relationship and I wish to go back to my first boyfriend who too my cherry and ran. I try to find his whereabouts but only found that he's in jail and was sentenced for 15 years. I love him very much and I wish to have him back whenever he comes out of jail; am i right to go back to him? I miss him so badly and I have a 4 years old daughter I don't know if he will accept me. Help me.

Ditzy Donna





You may THINK you "love him" but loving someone who doesn't want you is retarded. People tend to romanticize about their first ever lover. The one who took their virginity sometimes stays in our hearts and minds but this does not mean they are "the one". In fact it seldom ever works out being the one. He already dumped you once. It's over. It will never work out. Not only does he not want you (you can TELL when a man wants you, he makes it very clear by calling, texting, emailing, trying to find you like the sperm tries to find the egg) but he is in JAIL. Do you really think this is the best father figure for your daughter? You need to get busy as it sounds like you have way too much free time. Would you want your daughter to spend her time chasing a criminal who doesn't even want her? I doubt it. Set a good example for your kid by working hard and only loving men who love you (and I don't just mean sex you, I mean LOVE you). You are wasting your time even thinking about this idiot. Get busy, move on and the right man will come along. Men usually don't mind when a woman has a child already, especially a cute little daughter. It shows them you are capable of pushing out a healthy kid and either gives them hope they will get one out of you too or if they don't want any of their own, they will enjoy the fact you have one and won't be bothering them for a child.




I have been dating my girlfriend for almost a year now, and we have been having serious relationship issues because every time we have sex, she gets a yeast infection. Its to the point where she resents me so much for it, that we constantly fight, argue, and refrain from sex all together. She claims its my fault and I keep giving it to her, but I don't feel any symptoms and she is the only girl I have had this problem with. I work part time and I don't have medical insurance so I haven't had the chance to see a doctor either. I really love her, and I don't want to do anything stupid like cheat on her, but more importantly I don't want to lose her over this. What can I do?

 Tortured Tommy




This happens A LOT. Tell her to make sure she cuts back on eating sugar, carbs and avoid using any soaps on her snatch. Get some yeast infection cream, like Yeast Guard or something similar. Try and give it a rest for a few days to work it's magic (if you simply have to fuck, use the creme as lubrication). She also needs to wear cotton panties (no thongs) to bed so her crotch can breath. You can both eat acidophilus tablets and lots of natural yogurt to keep your bodies bacteria in check. Try using a condom next time, perhaps that will help. Tell her MANY women get itchy/irritated pussies after sex and it's not your fault that she too much cheese on her Taco.


Arf, she said

My new faux-fur Red Fox hat came in the mail, so warm and sweet, I love it. Got it here , in case you want one too πŸ™‚ 


Late Christmas present arrived today ^ my FAVORITE game to play. Had one in Berlin years ago, but sadly had to part with it. My neighbors will LOVE me now πŸ˜‰ 

24 hour massage delivery service in Berlin, Germany




Book me: info@drdot.com and put "Julia/Berlin" in subject line to reach me 



Hi, I am Julia. 

I am offering my massage skills which are a combination of deep tissue techniques, trigger point techniques, mobilization of joints for freeing blockages and, if requested, stretching elements. 

As I am a physiotherapist my massages are based on medical knowledge and many years of experience. 

I am also qualified in manual lymph drainage which is helping blocked water flow in the body system to move again and in manual therapy which is a soft technique to mobilize blockages. 

My massages are powerful, relaxing and individual depending on your needs. I am happy to be of service and let you experience the relaxing effect of my skills.

Amazing massage in San Francisco, California 24/7



Book me at info@drdot.com and write "Sarah/San Fran" in the subject line, thanks  


Hello! I'm Sarah and I live in San Francisco. I have been a licensed massage therapist since 2000 and I am a graduate of the Swedish Institute of Massage in New York City. I specialize in deep, specific and thoroughly thorough body work. You tell me what your body needs and I'll hone in on it with laser focus and an arsenal of techniques. My massages are a creative, flowing and dynamic mix of swedish, deep tissue, sports, trigger point, myofascial, tui na, shiatsu and stretching. I make sure the job gets done!

My path as a body worker began 18 years ago in a movement class in the curriculum of my acting conservatory at NYU. We learned to assist our fellow actors in the Alexander Technique which is a modality that incorporates visual imagery and touch to help align the body so that it can move more freely. For performers this translates into a body that is a more open, relaxed and expressive instrument. I know how important it is for performers to be free of tension and pain. If your body is blocked its more difficult for your energy to flow. It is my aim to help optimize this flow.

I have been on stage most of my life and it is always extra rewarding to work on members of the performing community whether they perform onstage or off.

I look forward to meeting you when you pass through the Bay Area!

Benches in Hoboken, covered. Enough snow already

Pardon me if I whine about the snow. I have been up to my ass in preparing for tax time, studying to re-take written drivers license exam AND the painters are in to top it all off. I am miserable. Just paid to have car dug out from snow and now it's snowing again- expecting more than 2 feet…


You're not missing anything. Being snowed in is like the cherry on top of my shit-Sunday. Will be back when I am in better mood. Pffft.