Book me: and write: "Beth/Oklahoma" in subject line
Hey, Y'all…. My name is Beth and I have lived in Oklahoma for most of my life and am proud to be called an "Okie". I am the mother of 2 children, with whom I enjoy spending free time with, I also play piano, enjoy watching a good movie and I love to read.
I began 'dabbling' in massage when was in Junior High School. My mother had triple scoliosis and had to have hardware placed in her back along the spine through multiple surgeries. She was allergic to every kind of medication that would have been able to help, so Massage and Chiropractic were the only things that gave her any real relief.
In High School I worked on the school teacher, coaches, marching band members, cheerleaders and athletes. After High School, I did massage mostly on family members, friends and co-workers. I was always being asked to work on an aching muscle or joint, or a stiff neck and tense shoulders. Getting rid of headaches was always helpful as well. I really enjoyed knowing I was helping someone feel better.
I have worked in many capacities in the medical field for over 20 years. I like to think of myself as being knowledgeable in many aspects of the body and what it needs. If I come across something I don't know about, I will research the topic to learn as much as I possibly can. I absolutely love to learn new things!
I specialize in Deep Tissue, Deep Swedish, Myofascial Release Techniques, Stretching, CranioSacral Therapy, Lymph Drainage and Thai Massage. I believe the massage is an integral part of a preventative lifestyle and can be a very healing element. I am excited to be a part of Dr. Dot's team!