Book me: and write: “Mary/Manchester” in subject line
My name is Mary and I truly love what I do! I am a spiritual person and I feel very lucky to have found my true calling in life. I have approximately 10 years experience working in a variety of modalities. My favorite modality is deep tissue and trigger point therapy. I combine this with reiki and cranial sacral skills to provide a very effective pain relief technique to my clients. With this approach my clients receive an energetic healing that is felt throughout the body, beyond the area of the trigger point and the achy muscles. I believe in following ‘my gut’ when working on a client and my hands are guided to where the pain and trigger points are as though they are being pulled by a magnet. It is always my pleasure to work on my clients.
I have a soon to be 17 year old son Ian and my fiancé David. As they say, I am a ‘dog person’ and have 3 furry children. A 15 year old chocolate lab named Anna, a 6 year old yellow lab name Sara and Booper, the 8 year old mini-dacshund. My son says we only have one dog- Anna is really a piece of furniture, Sara is the real dog, and then there is our rodent, Booper! All are rescues and all are spoiled and loved dearly…and massaged of course!
I am looking forward to our massage encounter!
Mary, BS, LMT, Reiki Master