Massage Delivery Service in Hampton, Virginia (and Virginia Beach)


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Book me: email and write “Joe/VA” in the subject line ๐Ÿ™‚

I have been a Certified Massage Therapist for over 2 years, working on everyone from athletes to accountants, people in pain to people looking to relax; dancers, artists, cooks, real estate agents, yoga instructors, musicians, etc.ย  I played in a band that toured across the US, Japan, and Australia, and know how stressful tour can be on the mind and body.

I specialize in Myofascial Release, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular Therapy, Swedish/Relaxation, Trigger Point Therapy, Sports Massage, Aromatherapy, Reflexology, Hot Stone Massage, and Craniosacral Therapy.

I look forward to helping you find relief on your way to wellness.