Ripping open old wounds ( and a cockey Arab )

One thing that has changed since I have been back here in Sauerkraut land, something quite amazing-is that I have become a morning person. I am not sure how long it will last, or if it is a sign that I am ill, but since I landed 6 days ago, I have gone to bed every night at 11:30pm and I get up at 9:00am! Of course I got up like everyone else for school at 6am for years and with Jasmine for years too, but like I said in a former blog entree,

New York City (through my sun roof)

Sitting in traffic on 50th street, between 3rd and 4th ave, I looked up through the sun roof of my car and thought, well, this is probably the only way you get to see the freakin' sky in the city, it looked nice, so I snapped this shot. I get a LOT of emails, asking for more random shots of the city, so here they are. They were all taken with one hand, through my sun roof, mostly while driving.I had the Frank Zappa cd “joe's garage”

Females I love

Finding a good, honest friend is almost as hard as finding a snowball in hell. The ones in my life, I hold dear, they live scattered all over the globe, but we are always in touch. Here are my favorite females:

That is Betsy, she is like the Mom I (almost) never had. She is so funny and talented, her oldest son was my guy for a while, waaay back. It ended between us, but I kind of adopted his mom as my own ๐Ÿ™‚

Animal Cops, Dogs and why Berliners are so angry

You no longer need to wonder why Berliners are so fucking miserable. Imagine, you work your ass off all year long, give about 50% of your earnings to the government for taxes, and just when the weather gets nice ( this happens about 14 days a year) you may go to the 'Beach' in Berlin, the Wannsee and naturally you want to stretch out and lie in the sun rite? WRONG!!

Us and Them

“With, without, and who'll deny it's what the fighting's all about” Pink Floyd

It is hard strolling around NYC, seeing long limo's like….