
This blog should have been posted a couple weeks ago. I've been "busy".  

Phil of Motorhead is a massive Tool fan and has joined them on stage quiet a few times. Phil
was in Berlin recently with a few days off so he invited me to join him to go to Leipzig and see Tool.
Phil's German friends drove us, it took hours and we were cramped up as fuck in this tiny car. Phil
made it fun though, as usual. I already blogged about this, click  HERE   to see that blog.

Phil after the Tool show. We were listening to the Carpenters during his massage. You would be surprised how many Rock stars listen to the Carpenters. "Just like me, they long to be, close to you"

Lemmy's dressing room door ^


Michael the Brave of Romania cross ^ (google him)

I thought that M stood for Motorhead, but I was wrong. Lemmy explained to me who Michael the Brave was and

lost of great things he did, but the music was so loud, I only caught half of it.


Lemmy had Danielle and I listen to  Evanescense  while we were hanging out  in his dressing room. He
REALLY loves their music and adores the singer. He is a big fan. Then we listened to some Skunk Anansie,
who I love! He has thousands of songs on his iPod and Phil recently gave him a massive, portable speaker system
(the same one he has for himself) so they can rock out LOUDLY with their iPods. I heard it cost about $350, I have to get one of those.


Lemmy was sooooo kind to us. I have met him a few times before and the first time I met him he said he "hated
to be massaged". While he was explaining this to me I started massaging his hand. Then his forearm and I said
"continue, tell me more about how you hate massages" and he kept talking and then I massaged his neck and shoulders.
By the time he was done with his long story, he had already had a massage. He was even helping  me by taking off his
rings and moving his shirt around. I love that. I love showing people that massage is a great thing. Some where along the line
Lemmy had a BAD massage and that is why he hated it. I doubt he gets massages regularly but at least he liked mine.

Danielle gets hers signed ^

Lemmy had a hot English roadie, who is in charge of merchandising go fetch us a few shirts. He always

gives me and my friends shirts. I have a whole Motorhead wardrobe now.

Phil looks so fresh after his power nap ^


 Danielle had a naughty look on her face, so I had to capitalize on it ^

I was DELIGHTED to see my old friends, Meldrum. I haven't seen them in over a year. Last time I saw them was when
they opened for Zakk Wylde. If you click  HERE  you can read that blog. Michelle, the lady with the long blonde hair
has a child with one of the guys in the band Europe. This band is all Swedish except for Michelle, who is American.

The last time I saw Frida, the Bass player, she looked totally different:
< Frida and I in April 2005


 So Meldrum opened for Motorhead this time. The singer of Meldrum, Moa, is Lemmy's girlfriend fyi.

The show was beyond sold out. All the Germans got their fill, rocking, sweating, swearing, drinking, smoking, LOVIN'
MOTORHEAD. The place was heaving. It was so smokey in that concert hall I could barely see the stage. I can't wait
until Germany comes to it's senses (aren't they supposed to be ueber-intelligent?) and jumps on the smoking-ban wagon.
If Italy and Ireland can get their folks to stop smoking in public places, why can't the Germans? Perhaps because they are so
stubborn and see a smoking ban as an invasion of their freedom. Boo fucking HOO.

Speaking of Germany,  Jasmine and I fly back to Berlin tomorrow, er, rather, later today (Jan. 4th). I will miss NYC badly. Can't wait
to get back here. I LOVE NEW YORK! I have TONS of picture and will make a monster blog once I get settled in Berlin. Lets just
say there is a lot of ASS involved. Long story. ttyl


< "Moa and Lemmy sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G"

Ask Dr. Dot


What’s up with band rules? Only one member can date a girl, as in, even if she is an ex from someone in the band, no one else in the band can date her?
I was with my ex for 3.5 years, until I got pregnant. He didn’t take responsibility, but I wanted the baby. I moved out and kept it. Went through everything alone – pregnancy, labor, and am now a single mother while he’s out every night being a "rock star".
I’ve gotten used to it. None of his friends know the situation at all.
He’s been playing with this one band for almost a year. I always liked their Guitar player, but obviously I’m not going to do anything about it. The other night I saw him out, said hello, maybe flirted a
little and we ended up hooking up… no sex, just lots of making out (in public none the less) and touching and all that stuff. He was really into me. He asked me how I knew “T” (my ex; their drummer). I said we were “just friends”. He asked
for my number and called me the next day. We talked for an hour. We got it off like CRAZY! Made plans to hang out, etc and of course was freaking out, because I was talking to someone that is exactly what I need, but it’s based on a lie. So I was going to tell him.
That night my voice shut down. Later that night, my ex called and said "what’s wrong with your voice? Maybe it’s because you were making out with “R” last night?"
So now I’m an evil liar, according to some people. R sent me a text saying I’m evil and have a kid with his drummer, and now I wanna go out, to lose his number and to have a nice life.
The kid is mine and mine alone. The only thing that was contributed by T were the 23 pairs of chromosomes.
To top this off, my ex wants to get back together with me now.
SO this is really bothering me. I’m not sure if this is the kind of thing I should be asking you or what my question is really, but do you think this is a lie, a loyalty thing, or everything all together? Plus, why do men change their minds so damn quickly?
Sick of it All

Musicians can be fickle babe magnets ^

I would text R and say "I said he and I are FRIENDS, and that is ALL we are. I didn’t lie, just didn’t want to spoil our whirlwind with to many facts about the past" You didn’t LIE! Men can be wimpy at times.
Send him the text and see what happens. If you want you’re ex back, make him work for it. Making out with his drummer stirred up his competitive side.
Don’t be so hard on yourself! You are hot, that is obvious.
You could have either one if you play your cards right.
Don’t text him any more than once, too many words make men run, they like things SIMPLE. Also, men are fickle; they change their minds more often than they change their underwear, get used to that.
Ps. Do NOT apologize to any of them, or ANYONE!

I am facing a dilemma I have no clue how to handle, and it’s getting
quite frustrating. This is what’s going on:
I am completely in love with my girlfriend. Though we have only been together for a year, we spend every day together, and I would love to do so for the rest of my life. I am in no way unsure of my emotional feelings toward her, but I have another problem.
I don’t know why, but I have always been very interested in sodomy. I don’t know why, it’s not a conscious decision.
She has given me head a few times, though she has only done it until I came on two separate occasions. One time she swallowed, and the other time she didn’t. I know how other people’s sex lives are often void of oral, so I don’t see myself as incredibly unfortunate, but there’s one thing that tips the scales, and that is that I frequently go down on her. It’ll usually happen about 3-4 times a week, if not more, and it’s not very rare for twice in a day.
Don’t get me wrong, I love doing it, and I am very good at it, as she comes every time. But I feel like our sex life is very one sided. I’ve tried talking to her about it, but all I get are answers like, "I just don’t feel like it" or "Do we have to do it all the time for our sex life to be good?" (I don’t understand how that last one even applies though, because she’s getting some practically every night.) I don’t know how to stress this point well enough to her, without seeming like a sex hungry jerk. I also suffer from the fact that I was in a different relationship about two years ago, and that girl gave me head all the time, (almost nightly) and we did anal once. (That’s when I got my thing for it.)
I guess my question is what makes you enjoy giving head? I love giving her head, and I’ve asked her once, maybe twice, if she liked doing so to me, and all I get is an "I don’t mind." I feel very unsatisfied, and seeing as I please her with my tongue on an almost nightly basis, I feel she should do the same.
I do not want a "Doing it because I have to" blowing though. That sounds horrible.
Hungry for Head

Everyone deserves oral sex ^

First of all, stop eating her out. When she asks why you stopped, tell her "I don’t feel like it" or "do I have to in order for our sex life to be good?"
She should get the fucking message loud and clear. She is selfish and spoiled by your eager mouth.
I really think you want anal sex because it reminds you so much of your ex who satisfied your oral cravings, like a good girlfriend should.
Look what happened to Bill Clinton when he wasn’t getting head from Hilary. Stop giving and you will start receiving.
It is clear you are more into her, then she is into you. She is obviously into sex, as she lets you lick her clean every night, so it just boils down to her being selfish and just not into your cock like she should be.

< The ‘Blow Job machine’ in case she refuses


I have a question on etiquette for casual-sex pals. By "pals" I mean that the only kind of interaction I have with this person is purely sexual (aside from the pleasantries of "how are you" on the way in and "have a good day" on the way out. Even though I’m sure to be equipped with the appropriate prophylactic, my pal brings over condoms. He throws the four or five condoms on the floor near where we’re getting it on. If we happen to just use one condom, he’s always sure to grab the three or four unused condoms on the way out. Now, something about that act seems almost rude. It’s like when you bring over a cake or a bottle of wine to Simeon’s house for dinner: you don’t take the leftovers home with you.
Do you think it’s rude to take home the unused party favors, even if they’re condoms?
Condom Snob

It is tacky to take the unused condoms with you. It’s like saying "I will definitely need these between now and the next time I will be in you, and I am definitely too cheap to buy new ones for my new conquests." The only thing worse would be for him to come empty handed and expect you to supply the condoms, then take a few with him.
Aaah, the perks of casual sex.


Jasmine and I landed in NYC safely. I haven’t slept for 52 hours. Going to slip into a tiny coma,

Happy Holidays and all that crap


Ask Dr. Dot (Should I rat him out?/ Sleep (and fart) alone/ Condon hater/ The Cheap way to bring in the new year)

I am in a tough situation and bet you can help. I was friends with this guy long ago,
and he got married and I became best friends with his wife. In fact, I get along with
her much better than I ever did him. Before I became such great friends with her, he used
to ask me to let him use my apartment to screw other girls. As time passed, this stopped
because he noticed that his wife and I were best buddies. Now it bothers me badly not to
tell her the truth that I know he cheats on her. He doesn’t treat her well anyways and I
just wish I could tell her he is not worth the stress he puts her through. I am afraid but
something inside me tells me she has to know. Do I tell her or not?
Stuck with the Truth

Would YOU want to know if your man was cheating? Even though the truth will set you free,
it may well turn you into the enemy. The messenger usually gets shot. Some people are so
in love that they don’t want to believe the truth, even if you had photographs of him
cheating, she may find a way to deny it; to defend him. She may end up thinking of you
as the one trying to break up her marriage. What would you gain? Nothing. If she is meant
to find out that her husband is a lair, and then she will. What will be, will be. If she finds
out and knows you knew all along and asks why you didn’t tell her, blame it on me.

I can not sleep with another person. I don’t mean sexually, I mean literally. I can not
sleep next to another person. This has offended many a partner. Can this be corrected?
Sleepless in New York

Some people can sleep with others ^

One GREAT reason to sleep alone ^

Funny you mention that, as I have the same problem. I can’t even sleep in the same room
as another person. You are not alone. In fact, I think it stems from being a light sleeper
and/or fear of intimacy. Face it, when you sleep next to someone, it becomes a habit. It
can make you dependent on that person when you equate them with sleep. For me it is more
intimate than sex. It could also be just not wanting to hear another person scratching,
tossing and tossing off, farting and snoring all through the night. There is nothing wrong
with you. Just explain to them sleep is a very personal thing for you, and since your mind
is so busy working on saving the world, it is hard for you to turn it off and any distraction
at all will disrupt your badly needed rest. If you are shagging your partner properly, they
shouldn’t mind where, when or how you sleep, as they will be too tired to give a shit.

I hate to use condoms, my cock goes limp when I put one on. I prefer to pull out right before I
cum, by how can I convince my new girlfriend to waiver the condom rule?
Raincoat dodger

It is not her fault if you can’t stay hard enough for a condom, so it’s ignorant and rude to try to
make her screw you without one so you can get your rocks off. If she prefers safe sex, respect her for
that. Now about that pull out myth….
Pre-cum, which is that clear liquid that seeps out of your dick during foreplay and intercourse
has loads of sperm in it too. There is a high chance of some sperm left in the urethra mixing with
the new precum Even before you cum which can get her pregnant. You are playing with
fire if you screw without a condom on. An expensive, dangerous fire. Only if you are in a monogamous
Relationship for a long time, where you both had time to be tested for nasty diseases, you
trust each other, AND if she is taking birth control, should you have sex without one. This "pulling
out" method is a good idea, but is about as dependable as a wet paper bag.

How can I tell my new, younger girlfriend that her completely shaved pussy is grossing me out?
She is perfect otherwise but since she is young, I am afraid telling her may hurt her feelings or self confidence.
Mr. Fur Burger

  < Shaved is TOO much information.


Perhaps you can say that shaved genitals remind you of shaved chickens and/or people who are too young to fuck,
 that it makes you feel like a pedophile. Maybe she even does it because she thinks that all men like it that way.
 I personally loathe shaved genitals.
When a woman trims it a bit, it looks nice, but when men shave at all, it screams out to me:
"I am vain and will spend more time in the bathroom than you". Not to forget the inevitable
stubble, which can make one’s clit and surrounding skin feel like it’s been rubbed down with coarse sand paper.
 I mean, how much time should one spend on their genitals? Wanking, washing,
shaving? Photographing them for internet chats? All time that could be spent on a good old fashioned fuck fest.


How can I show my girlfriend a good time on New Years ever when all of the parties cost so much money?
I am a college student and don’t have money coming out of my ass. Any ideas and suggestions would
be greatly appreciated.
Tight Wad Todd

+ @ =

New Years Eve is so over rated, you rarely find the right place to be and you end up spending loads on
an evening you usually can’t remember. You can plan a sexy night for two without spending much at all.
But some strawberries, seedless grapes, bananas and cooking chocolate. Melt it and feed each other fruit
dipped in chocolate (fondue style) all night while sipping cheap champagne or sparkling wine while watching
all the fools free their asses off at the outside events. Make sure you are fucking when the clock strikes
midnight. That is the BEST way to start off a new year.


Don’t be shy, if you have questions, send them to me, I will always change your name to avoid people pointing and laughing at you.

Dr. Dot Live on WAAF fm tonight at 9:15pm EST

Tonight I will be a guest on WAAF (Bostons BEST Rock and Roll radio station) at 9:15pm EST (Boston time).

We are goign to talk about Massaage "Tonight’s question is Massage Etiquette..unusual stories during a massage. "

So, as you can imagine, I have a lot to say on the subject and lots of fun stories to share.. If you have any questions you

want me to answer, message me asap and I may just answer  it live on the air 🙂

Click   HERE   to hear our chat (you have to scroll down and find the link "Dr. Dot on WAAF")