Herbie Hancock is mad cool!

I have been ill since Halloween with Pneumonia but I finally got well enough to work again. My friend Nathan East, who plays bass (for many big names like Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, Bon Jovi,  Quincy Jones and loads more) suggested that I come to his gig in Berlin, as he is touring with Herbie Hancock now.



  ^Herbie is a wonderful person

The last time I saw Nathan was about 8 years ago when he was on tour with Eric Clapton. I massaged them all back then and was amazed that Nathan insisted on riding his mountain bike from the Hotel to the concert hall, which was MILES away and in East Berlin. It was already (it gets dark early in the winter).. but he was confident that he could find it and he did. He is soooo outgoing and fun. Nathan is a perfectionist and you can hear that in his music. That's why he only works with the best musicians around. He has been called one of the best bassist in the world…You can read all about him by clicking HERE

After I massaged Nathan, we all met in the lobby to go to the gig which was at the UdK (university of Art) here in Berlin. I met their tour manager Phil and was told he is also Paul McCartney's tour manager, so we chatted about Paul a bit *sigh* I LOVE PAUL! Anyhow, next time Sir Paul tours, I may be able to massage him..yay!

Nathan introduced me to Herbie outside the hotel, he was super friendly and has a warm, contagious smile.
He was driven to the gig in a sleek black Mercedes and the band and I went in a van.
VInnie was so tired that he was delirious and hence, FUN. Vinnie sort of reminds me of Dee Dee Ramone; he is
funny even when he isn't trying to be.

Vinnie Colaiuta is on tour with Herbie too, playing drums of course. Vinnie has slept through his wake up call (he was napping) and was a bit tired, but perked up when he saw me and gave me  a big hug. Last time I saw Vinnie was this past summer when he toured with Jeff Beck. Poor Vinnie, he hasn't been getting much sleep on tour, I feel really bad for touring musicians, no matter HOW cushy the tour, no matter how rich they are, it's still hard on the body. You hardly ever get a good night's sleep and the constant sitting (in the tour bus, on the plane, on the train, backstage)  and irregular meals and meeting new people every day can be exhausting. If I could give them a gift of 8 hours sleep, I would. Massage does help, but nothing beats a good sleep.

Backstage, before sound check, Herbie asked me if I would like to join him chanting later. He is a Buddist
and has been for the last 25 years. I told him I was open minded and would love to try. I was thinking, maybe this
could be the answer to my nasty sleep disorder.




During the sound check I got to stand on the stage and watch the geniuses in action. Vinnie is so exciting to
to watch, no wonder he gets so many hits on youtube.The last time I saw Vinnie was n the summer when he was drumming
for Jeff Beck. He said he was actually planning on a long break but "when Herbie called, well, that was a no
brainer, of course I said yes, he is one of my hero's."

Nathan had me film him while he sang "I just called" (Stevie Wonder) with his high tech camera during the sound
check. I am almost certain if he wasn't busy being on of the best bassist on earth, he would be a full time
photographer. He takes more pics than I do and he always makes sure the background, angle and lighting are right.
Nathan is also madly in love with his wife and super proud of his twins. He shows off pics of them so proudly. It's
nice and refreshing to meet a man in the music business that tours so often to still be so dedicated and in love
with their wife. In fact, I rarely meet anyone anymore that is so in love with their spouse. People usually moan
about how they wish things were like they used to be, in the beginning of the relationship, or the complain about
"the ol'ball and chain". My Father and Step Mom are madly in love STILL after 25 years and they were the only
couple I knew that were like that until I met Nathan. I thought to myself "all women would love a man like that".
Nathan is such a positive person and he radiates that. This man truly loves life. I love being around people like
him, it recharges your battery, takes away any jaded edges you have lurking around (well, at least for a while).
To top that all off, he can sing his ass off too. Herbie chose the best musicians for his quartette.

I was really surprised when Herbie told me he had never collaborated with Zappa. He said they had spoken a few times
about doing so, but things always seem to get in the way. I could tell he regrets that deeply, as he speaks so
highly of Frank, which just confirms how cool Heribe is.




Herbie during sound check ^ 





My friend Shai  ^  arrived during the sound check. Herbie was standing on stage with a mic in his
hand and I introduced her to him. He spoke into the mic for all to hear "Shai? How do you spell
that?" Shai spelled it for him. "Oh, nice! Great name!" Herbie is so friendly!
After the sound check, Herbie invited us into his dressing room.
I gave him a quick back massage and they he asked us if we wanted to chant.




He set it all up, and everyone came in to join us, except Vinnie, I think he was too tired.
Herbie handed us a booklet with all of the verses he was going to say and we were to follow. He has been doing
this every day for the last 25 years, so he doesn't even need to look at the book. It sounds Japanese to me,
and he speaks very fast, we got lost at one point and Herbie turned around, found our spot were we should have been
and never even missed a beat with his chanting. We were gob smacked.Amazed. He gave us a card with the web site
and info we need to chant. Almost every city has a Buddha center. It was so relaxing and calming, I find myself
chanting now, when I get stressed. You can read up about it online..Apparently Herbie is really famous for his
participation as I have been approached online by people who say they are also Buddhist and they have chanted with
Herbie too.Wtf? Small world.




The show was long, well over 2 hours. It was amazing, sounded perfect.Herbie is really charming on stage,
he talks sometimes in between songs, and the people love it. He makes them all laugh. He needed help translating
something; he needed the German words for his song "Watermelon man" and I shouted it out in German for him
(note: I am NOT German, no German blood, I just have a flat here and speak the lingo). Anyways, Herbie
repeated it in German and it was super cute. If Herbie is to play anywhere near you, do check out the show,
the band is TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!
After the show, my daughter Jasmine and her "friend" Julian, who is from Italy, came backstage to say Hi to
Herbie, Nathan, Vinnie and Lionel. Nathan entertained us with a few magic tricks, he is a magician too (jack of
all trades!). I am glad Jasmine gets to meet such musical legends, they are rare and should be treasured.
I was going to go to Italy and massage Herbie and co. at a few Italian shows but as I said before, the first
show was canceled and it just didn't work out. Looking very forward to seeing the lads again..


My massage assistant in Italy, Melissa, got to massage them in Milan for a few days. She also chanted and went to see the Buddha center with Herbie. Mad cool.

Ask Dr. Dot




My wife got pregnant last summer and she miscarried about six weeks into the pregnancy.

She thinks it happened because we had sex right before she lost the baby. The sex was a

little rough, but everything I’ve ever heard is that there’s

 no way having sex can cause a miscarriage. There’s many other factors that could have

caused it, and she knows it. For one thing she smokes, even when she’s pregnant.

She’s pregnant again, and she’s afraid to have sex,

fearing it could cause her to lose this one too, yet she’s still smoking as much as ever.

I just don’t understand this. Doctors have told her, smoking is not good for the baby,

having sex will not hurt the baby. Yet she’s more focused on giving up sex rather than her smokes.

How can I convince her that it’s okay to have sex, but put it gently that maybe the smoking has

been the problem the whole time?

Future daddy–or not?




Sex will not cause a miscarriage. Smoking will. Smoking increases the risk

of losing a genetically normal baby. Women who smoke more than

14 cigarettes a day are about twice as likely to miscarry.

The risk of miscarriage increases with the number of cigarettes a woman smokes.

Women who smoke during pregnancy are ignorant and selfish.

Go online with her and surf, there are endless articles that prove sex is FINE

during pregnancy, and smoking is can be deadly. I feel for you buddy, I really do.




I wank nearly every day so I am worried would I run out off cum, so how many

times can we cum?

Young, Dumb and hopefully, full of cum



Lucky for you, you are a never ending fountain of spunk. Your balls produce about

about 300 million sperm every time you cum; they start brewing a new

batch as soon as you shoot your wad. It’s impossible to run out of sperm.

In fact, the more often a man cums, the more sperm he produces, which explains why

Men never use up all their sperm. Wank away my friend.


How do you feel about cheating? Even though my 11 year relationship has been

sour for the last year at least, I still expected my partner to be faithful to

me. He recently told me he cheated on me with a "hot girl" from a hole in the

wall bar, a few weeks back. I still can’t believe he went home with a woman he

knew for no more than 3 hours!!! He told me this on Thanksgiving Day, he

confided and said that he and his friend from work picked up these two sisters

at a local after hours bar then stopped to get

condoms and then went back to her house so they could pair off and fuck. He said

the guilt was bothering him so he confided and was planning on leaving me. I

completely lost it…this whole experience has taught me how much I

love him. If everything would have been peachy

between us and he cheated on me, I’d let him go, no problems. But, since I

actually feel a little responsible due to the fact that we had drifted apart, I

didn’t approach him for sex…nothing…I was able to tell him I still love him

and want to make things better between us. He told me he didn’t know if he was

in love with me anymore but would always love me. So then he said he needed a

a break to think. He moved out for 5 days, then came bawling back.

I have tried to have sex again, but he won’t.

What do you think is going on? What should I do?

I’d also like to mention that this man has a really tough schedule that he keeps

which is partly what caused us to drift in the first place, 7 days/5 nights.

We just made up, so I expected him to be more attentive towards me,

 and he hasn’t. I told him yesterday that it would be

really nice if he at least laid his arm on me at night when we go to sleep…he

does not even touch me at all!


– Hopelessly in Love



"I didn’t approach him for sex…"

Excuse me, do you have a cock? You are acting like the man in the relationship.

It is NOT your job to go to him for sex and ask him to put his arms around you.

No wonder he is distant, you are making him feel like a bitch.

He is obviously staying with you out of habit, it feels comfy.

I suggest STOPPING ALL advances towards him NOW, and I mean ALL. No "I love you", no touching, nothing.

YOU have to find out once and for all how he feels about you and if he doesn’t

show his love (he already told you he isn’t sure how he feels , he isn’t IN LOVE

with you- sorry, but you are IGNORING all of the signs. Love can make us blind, deaf

and dumb. Wake up and take off your rose colored glasses, he is an uphill battle.

  If you have any questions you want me to answer, send them my way. I always change the name for privacy.

Dr. Dot video clip

I just came home from London. I know, I was supposed to go to Italy but the Herbie Hancock show in Napels was cancelled due to gangster style promoters not wanting to pay. So I decided to visit friends in London. It wasn’t IN London, it was outside of London, so it was like being in any suburb of any big city really, but with hotter accents. It was nice to see old friends and meet a few new ones but I am glad to be home. I have so much writing to do, so many blogs to complete, jeeze, my ass is getting flat just thinking about all that sitting. I will meet and maybe massage Placebo tomorrow, never heard their music but I have heard they are great, we shall see.

Look what I found in my inbox, edited and put together by my dear friend Christine Collins. Thanks Christine! You rule! x Dot


Ask Dr. Dot

 I was wondering if you could tell me where the line is between
charming persistence and creepy stalking. It sounds corny, but I’ve got a
crush on a girl, and I don’t want to ease so much that she falls for someone
else, but I also don’t want her to get a restraining order against me; not that
I’ve done anything to merit one. My problem is I have plenty of confidence,
which I’ve been told is the most important thing, but my form is – how should I
put this – potentially intimidating.
 At 6 feet tall and 255 lbs., with growing out damn near every hole in me,
I’ve been told by people who know me that to people who don’t, I look like a
crazy mountain man. Of course, almost all of their suggestions include the words
"scissors", "contact lenses", and "American Eagle"; or something to that effect.
I am very fond of my mane, and the ancestry that it comes from, and see no
reason why I should have shave down and spend half my paycheck on my
 wardrobe? To make a long story short (too late, I know), I need to know if there
is indeed a line between persistence and stalking, and how to identify it. I
would imagine it’s different for every woman, and if so, is that an indication
of what type of woman she is? I would greatly appreciate your input on the
situation as a woman, as listening to my male friends has led to nothing.

willing to learn,
Mountain Man

p.s.: if you could, please use my question in your column. I’m sure there
lonely souls out there, both male and female, who are lonely as well; simply for
lack of knowing where the line is drawn.

Try to tune into her actions and tone of voice when you talk to her:
Does she sound happy to hear from you when you call or say hello?
Does she smile and look into your eyes? Does she tell you when she is free?
It REALLY helps if you tune into a girl’s signs. If we don’t like a guy, we
find excuses to avoid meeting up with them and we turn off (not smiling, ending
each conversation as fast as possible). Ask her out for lunch or to a movie, if she
says yes, she doesn’t hate you. Also, never call a girl everyday, as this may
either bore her or make her too secure. Keep her on her toes by quality not
quantity communication.
Things that are NOT a good idea are (a) showing up at her home or work place unannounced-
and I mean NEVR do this, even if you are dating for a long time. It’s still called
STALKING and is the biggest, creepiest turn off! (b) Book a vacation for two without
asking her. These kind of surprises are too pushy and in my eyes, a sign that you are in
for more controlling behavior, even if it is disguised as a generous gesture.
 Just because you are a big hairy oaf, doesn’t mean girls
won’t fall for you. A lot of women love big, hairy men. They want the opposite
of themselves, someone big and warm to protect them. Yoko Ono sang it best "every man has a woman who loves him".

 Chin up and keep trying.

I have a Fart question. I know you have written about how to avoid farting in
front of your lover, but these one cheek sneaks can’t go on forever, can they?
I live with my boyfriend now and he farts around me, so when can I start farting
around him? This is the first time I have lived with a guy and my first long term
relationship. I don’t want to let it all hang out and loose him, yet I hate running
to the bathroom every time my ass is acting up. When can we fart without shame?
Bloated Bellamy

Ah, the Fart Threshold. An inevitable part of living together. If he is already telling
you he loves you, then it’s ok to let one rip in front of him. You simply have to know
if his love is real or not. Who wants conditional love? ("if you fart, I won’t love
you anymore"). You can make it fun by blaming it on him and then laughing. Men fart all
the time, their dogs fart all the time, so they will only be shocked the first time they
hear you cut one. When it does, giggle and quickly change the subject and act like it never happened.


I just broke up with my boyfriend a little over a week a go, and I did agree to
be friends. Problem is, he does not seem to get that we have broken up. He still
calls me more then 10 times a day, still calls me pet names, and still thinks we
can go out on random dates. Recently I planned on going out on a date with
someone new. He didn’t seem to get that I didn’t need his help with the new guy.
He just kept calling that whole day asking if I needed help getting to where I
was meeting the new guy. He just doesn’t get it. He still even says he loves me
and goes in between saying ‘I want you back’ and ‘if you want to move on, don’t
let me stop you.’ What do I do about the clingy psycho?

Another problem, I’m interested in a guy that is in my lab. Can’t quite tell if
he reciprocates the feeling. What are the normal signs you males give off? What
can I say? I’m bi and mainly spend my time girl watching. Not seeing of a guy
likes me back.

Beautiful Bi Bitch


  < Think of ways to turn him off; he WILL stop calling.


You wrote "What’s the normal signs you males give off?"
I am curious as to why you think I am a male? I am a female, Google me Bitch.
Anyways, I am also curious as to why you ended it with your ex. This would help
me help you. It is normal after a break up that one still holds on, so his behavior
isn’t really psycho, he just can’t seem to let go as easy as you can.
You must be able to see his number on your phone when he calls, so stop
answering his calls if you REALLY want him to stop calling! You are not doing him
any favors; you are merely making him suffer as he wants more than friendship and
you don’t.
You have to tell him the truth. If you want him out of your life, tell him you want
 a change and you need time alone to think. Even if you think there is a slight
chance of you two getting back together, tell him you need time to think. You need space and time.
 Take advantage of the Caller ID on your phone and stop answering him.
About the guy in your lab. If you can’t tell he likes you, it isn’t even worth
your time. Men let the ladies know when they are interested. It’s not the female’s
 job to drag it out of him. Men pursue, women are pursued.  Naturally this doesn’t
apply to gays/lesbians/bi’s. But if it’s a heterosexual man you want, let him lead,
for the best results.

Is it safe to cum inside my pregnant wife? I don’t want to make her have twins or cause any harm.
I hate condoms and I am too horney to wait until it comes out.
Freaked out Frank


You are either too naive or dumb to be procreating anyways, but I will answer you to calm your nerves.
 No, it won’t harm the baby (unless you fuck around with other women without a condom and drag some nasty
 disease home to your wife). And you can’t get pregnant women pregnant again.

How can I politely hint to my girlfriend that I want to buy her a new pair of tits for Christmas? Hers are
 nice but less than a handful. I love her but need more Breasts.
Tittie Man Stan

  < MA MA

She will either be offended (imagine she bought you a penis extension because your knob wasn’t big enough for her)
 OR she will let you buy them and get turned on by all that extra attention she is suddenly getting from men
(her confidence may soar) and she may want to try them out on those other, adoring men, who also love her new
 implants. Unless your girl asks you for them, it’s probably better just to enjoy what she has and use your
imagination. Don’t fix what isn’t broken.

I am probably too young to be reading your column (I am a 15 year old girl) but I learn a lot from you and education
 is never a bad thing. I am on the pill and sometimes I forget to take one. I have a steady boyfriend and yes,
 we do screw very often. My question is, what if I sleep over his house and forget a pill or two, can I make it
 up by taking them when I get home? I don’t want to get pregnant; my Dad would kill both of us.
Little Suzy

No, you can not make up for forgotten pills. If you take two at once, you will throw up violently (well, it may take 3
to make you blow chunks). You just have to be religious about taking them. Take one every morning you wake and if you
 miss a day, take it the next morning you can. The only way to avoid getting knocked up is by using condoms or not fucking
at all. If you missed a day or two, put a rubber on him to be extra safe. If he whines about the condom (like most guys do)
tell him it’s sexier to wear a condom than to be changing diapers.

I have fallen for probably one of the most unavailable men on the planet and can’t get myself unhooked. I keep showing up
 at his gigs, as he is a hot Brooklyn rocker dude, he keeps coming home with me, or in the past, me to his, and we have sex
– which is OK. And then he leaves a few hours later. The sex has been increasingly more like ‘meat and potatoes’ mainly because
 I think he does not want me to get too attached to him and fall in love. He never takes me out on a date – we only have sex
after his gigs, I am a 38 year old groupie to a 40+ rocker.
 Why do I do this? Because I love the warmth he creates at
his shows, because I think he is a brilliant writer and I am in love with his voice and have found so much music I like through him.
 This has been going on and off for a year and a half. I don’t want to marry him – just have some sort of passionate breakthrough –
 how can I make him feel something and show it?
 -Groupie Love

First of all, if you fall for unavailable men, you may subconsciously feel you don’t deserve to be loved. Dig deep, find out why and fix it.
I am totally against trying to convince a man to like you. The men either love you, or they don’t. I have also been in your shoes,
 and it doesn’t feel good, it feels like you are number 2, or maybe even number 3 and that is not good for one’s self esteem.
You are settling for tiny scraps of affection he tosses your way when it’s convenient for him.
It may go on like that forever, or until you demand more.
Dating a pop/rock star is never easy (look at Jerry Hall, Pam Anderson, Heather Locklear).
If the man isn’t head over heels for you by now, he never will be.
I am sorry if you were expecting tips on how to convince him to love you, but I have to speak my mind. Great blow jobs do keep a man happy,
 but you should only do that if you like to do it, not to convince a guy you are the one for him.
Successful and famous men are used to having women fall at their feet and do whatever they want, whenever they want, so they usually end up
falling for a women who doesn’t give a fuck about their fame or fortune, one that acts indifferent; one who is a challenge. All men LOVE a
challenge and face it, you aren’t one for him. You are his booty call, and maybe not his only booty call.
Shake things up a bit by not being available for the monthly meat & potatoes. Maybe it would heat things up if you went to one of his shows
 with a hot male "friend" to finally see if he gives a shit or not. I totally understand the groupie love; the hero worship; I would probably
 do the same for Paul McCartney, but then again, I would pretend to not really care about who he is, like Heather did when she met him
(yeah, right, an English girl who doesn’t know who the Beatles are… BULLSHIT! ). Only difference would be I wouldn’t fuck it up like she did.

TOOL with a dash of MOTORHEAD

I should actually be posting my Herbie Hancock Blog, but it's sooo long I thought I should post this short one first. I have been ill (Pnuemonia) since Halloween and just now feel better and of course as soon as that happens, all the work I could wish for falls into my lap at once. I am off to massage Herbie Hancock and his band (Nathan East, Vinnie Colaiuta and Lionel) this coming Thursday. I will fly to Naples then stay there for 4 days with them (well, I will share a room with my lovely massage assistant, Melissa who lives in Italy) and they she and I will head north to maybe massage them again in Milan or just wing it and tour around. I haven't been to Italy since I massaged Bruce Willis in 1999. Since I am 50% Italian, I figure I should go and refresh my memory as to how gorgeous it is there, while working at bit at the same time.

Anyhow, since I will be seeing Herbie and co. soon, maybe I will just wait until I get home from Italy to do one giant blog. Meanwhile, one of my closest friends in the Rock scene called me Sunday.. Phil, the guitarist of MOTORHEAD. In case you thought that all REAL rock stars have turned into PC loving vegetarians who are too domesticated to destroy things, I just wanted to let you know, Phil is STILL the real deal, the typical Rock Star in the flesh. He loves to shock people and NOTHING embarrasses him, so as you can imagine, it's tons of fun to hang out with Phil. One time, in Germany, he bought one of those candy bikini's and wore JUST that and a pair of snake skin cow boy boots and walked into the gas station and was browsing magazines and drinking coffee for a good 20 minutes. Every German who walked in almost shit themselves. Phil is HILARIOUS!!

Phil invited me (last minute as usual) to go with him tonight (well, Dec. 4th) to Lepzig to join him for a TOOL concert. He said he would be going on stage with them and playing one song with them (which would be the 2nd time this week he has jammed with them). I have never seen TOOL live, so even though I was MAD busy preparing for my trip, I agreed and Phil, his body guard and two German pals of Phil all crammed into a tiny ass car and drove from Berlin to Leipzig. We were told it was only an hour drive. WRONG answer. It took 2 hours and being cramped up like that makes me batty, but Phil kept us laughing the WHOLE trip.

Out of all of the bands I have met and massed over the years, I would have to say TOOL is one of the hardest bands to meet. I met them because Phil brought me backstage and introduced me as he and the guitarist, Adam went over last minute details. But most people will not meet Tool, it's just not going to happen unless you KNOW them. They love their down time and the backstage area is controlled like the press pit at a sold out Stones show, but tighter. I was wondering what the hell all the hype is about this band and tonight, well, last night, I was going to find the fuck out.

Phil is like a groupie for this band. He LOVES them. In fact, he said about a hundred times, that TOOL is his favorite band. Phil jammed with them during their 6th song, so before that we (Phil, his body guard- also named Phil and I watched the show). What pissed me the fuck off and annoyed me to bits was the singer. Sorry, no ass kissing here. He didn't look at the audience ONCE. He had this gas mash on that has a microphone welded into it. Hard to explain but imagine someone wearing a big ol' gas mask and then having half of a microphone sticking out of the mouth piece. He NEVER ONCE took that ugly thing off. He had a fake Mohawk on, no shirt and TIGHT, peg legged jeans with cowboy boots. EH? WTF?

He sang mostly to the back screen, which had images flashing on it the whole time. A mix of Grateful Dead hippie lights with nasty Marylin Manson type images mixed in. I know, I should be grateful that I saw their show for free,. blah blah, but this singer irritates me like a yeast infection gone wild. I stood part of the time next to the stage. Backstage but next to it, so you can see the show from the side. Guess what Mr. Slim Cut Jeans did when he was bored? He bowled. He had his assistants all decked out in scientists coats and one of them had the grueling task of setting up 12 (or 16?) plastic bottles of Evian like bowling pins OVER AND OVER AGAIN, the whole show long, so the singer could roll what appeared to be a white roll of electrical tape into the bottles. Naturally all of his paid help had to watch each time and praise him when he scored. Some people were moaning that Jennifer Lopez  is a Diva because she hired a man to tweak her nipples during her video shoots to keep them perky, I don't see the fucking difference in Diva behavior, sorry. The band is talented… But the singer, in my opinion, looks like he just got out of the army and can't decide if he wants to play cowboy or Indian and I find it fucking arrogant that he never once faced the crowd or removed his mask. Whatever! Light show, well, it was rad, but I've seen it before at many Pink Floyd shows and in fact, the music reminded me of a mix of Pink Floyd peppered with Marylin Manson and Radiohead. NOT original at all. 

Again, the drummer, bassist and guitarist are outrageously talented, loved them…

The Holier then though sought after pass ^  and Phil, showing me his new Pirate style jacket  ^

^ Phil has me in a head-lock…. and Adam (they are buddies). Adam was wondering if I would put him on my massage flyer. I told him "No, not unless I massage you".

I am wearing a Frank Zappa shirt that a girlfriend made for me. Thanks Ines. Last night, Dec 4th, was Frank Zappa's death anniversary:

(born December 21, 1940, died December 4, 1993). I asked Adam if he ever listened to Frank, he said "a bit". Phil is a Zappa fan. yay!

 ^Phil explaining how Ahmet Zappa wants him to play on his album and reciting some of the obscene lyrics ๐Ÿ™‚

 < Adam is very polite, nice guy.. (needs to dump that singer though)

It is now 7:35 am and I am STILL UP. Have to get up in a few hours and massage at the MOTORHEAD show here in Berlin..ttyl

Massage in Detroit? Gotcha covered.

I am happy to say I now have 2 great Massage Therapist on my team in Detroit. Vicki is the latest to join our staff. Her Massages earn raved reviews every
time and that’s JUST what the Doctor ordered ๐Ÿ˜‰
If you are heading to Detroit (or are already there) I can arrange for you to be pampered and/or hammered, Dr. Dot style. We can even offer you the 4 handed massage
(where two of our Massage assistants massage you at the same time). Read about Vicki and see her picture below.


Dr. Dot 

My name is Vicki and I live just outside Detroit.  Originally from England, I moved to Michigan in 2003.  I spent my teenage years living in Germany, which is where my love of massage, aromatherapy, and music comes from.
I trained in Massage Therapy, Reflexology y, Aromatherapy, and Beauty Therapy at Braintree College, UK and qualified in 1999/2000.  Until I moved to Michigan, I was working at a Spa in my hometown and as a consultant for Virgin cosmetics.
I am very intuitive when it comes to massage, incorporating Swedish, deep tissue and neuromuscular technique with long relaxing strokes.  Reflexology is an amazing treatment and can be as good as a full body massage without taking your clothes off!
Music has always been a very important part of my life, back to listening to Marc Bolan & T Rex as a child.  I have a very eclectic taste in music – anything from pop to punk.  The first record I ever bought was “Heart of Glass” by Blondie.
I first heard about Dr. Dot on TV in England a few years ago and said that she had the job I always wanted, little did I know that she hired assistants and that I would become one of them!  I am honored to be a part of her team.


Amazing Massage in Las Vegas!

Meet Carole, she is one of the rare massage therapists in Vegas that do serious massage therapy. The rest give happy endings and we only give UNHAPPY endings fyi.
Seriously, it is hard to find a great massage in Vegas.. how do I know? Most of the artist I massage tell me so. I am so happy to welcome Carole to our team.
She is dependable, strong and extremely talented. Let me know if you want to escape from it all in Vegas, we are the REAL deal!
x Dr. Dot

  < Carole

I was born in North Africa then moved to France and finally to the States. As a child I used to rub and massage my family and friends and they always wanted more. When I migrated to the States I had to start my life over. I studied to be a Hair Dresser  & Make up artist and I am  quite good at it but from the first time I had a clients head in my hands I had to massage it and all  I could hear was  "Wow! You have great hands, you should be a masseuse" Little did I know then, that was my calling. So through out the years I was giving massages at night and doing hair during the day, but when my second child was born I decided to take on the task of becoming a certified Massage Therapist and never looked back since. I have developed my own style and my intuition is strong. I can read a body like a book (I have fun doing it too). Massage c’est mon kiff (can’t translate) it’s my oxygen and my life I have been at it for the last 20 years and hope to do it for the next 20. I am happy to be part of Dr. Dot’s international Massage team and look forward to treating you when you pass through Las Vegas.

Ask Dr. Dot

After I sucked my boyfriend’s dick, he came on my face and right after I wiped some
 of it with my fingers and put it my vagina. I wonder, could I be pregnant now?
Dumb Ass Dana

You could be pregnant; those little fuckers can and will swim and surf up to their final
destination even from outside of the grand entrance. Word: condom.

I recently had a fight with a young man I used to date.  He dumped me for someone else…
I retaliated by same he had a small penis…I was trying to hurt him as he had hurt him…
How can I get him to forgive me?
Sore Loser Layla

First of all, why would you want some one who "dumped you for someone else"?
I have the feeling you just don’t like losing but you need to let this go, he will never
come back and if he did, it would be out of pity and he will never forget you called
his cock SMALL. He will resent you and treat you worse than he did before..
Just forget the tiny tooled cheater and move on.

 I lost my virginity to my boyfriend about a month ago. Ever since then, we’ve been having sex a lot.
I don’t really have a problem with that because we also do other things together. The thing is,
 every time we have sex he won’t come until I come because of his philosophy that the guy shouldn’t
get pleasure if the girl isn’t pleasured. And I don’t know how to come. He tells me I’m supposed to
feel this really good feeling, something I never felt before. The thing is I’m still not sure. So,
 every time we just end it when we are both tired. I do get really wet but I don’t know if I came.
 Can u help me? 
Young Blood

First of all, congrats on finding a male that insists the female cums first. Bravo. Secondly, you have
to spend some quality time alone, perhaps perched in front of a dirty movie and a tube of KY-Jelly to
find out exactly how to make yourself cum. You can also try a shower head that has strong pressure.
Don’t feel sad or insecure, many women don’t figure out how to cum until they are in their twenties.
 It’s not like your Mom teaches you how, it happens accidentally the first time and then once you figure
 out how to do it on purpose, you have mastered the art of wanking. Then you have you integrate that
into sex with another. The clit is merely a tiny penis, yes, we all start out pretty much the same down
there and it stops growing for females and keeps on growing (God bless it ) for the males. It has to be
rubbed repeatedly with just the right amount of pressure and presto, the big O.
Spread a blanket out on the floor and put two or three pillows vertically on top of each other, forming
 what will be your "man". The floor is best, as it’s hard and stable, for getting up into the hard to
reach spot, also known as your clit. Cover pillows with a towel, as they will get wet. Have some lube and
the remote control within reach. Lube up your favorite hand and lie on your hand and the pillows. No need
to go inside, as the clit is what needs to be stimulated; this can be done easily by having your four
fingers together(loads of lube) and rocking back and forth on top of your fingers (riding on hand which
is between you and pillows). The pillows need to be vertical, as your legs should drape down on each
 side of pillows making more pressure on your hand/clit. Let go of all pointless thoughts, just get selfish
 and make sure you cum. Once you learn to do that, you will know what pressure and frame of mind it takes
 to trip your trigger. Some girls can make themselves cum on a guy much easier than having the guy make her cum.
If you are a slight control freak, you may have to make yourself cum on the guy (you on top for example),
as opposed to having him make you cum. Being on top of the man is the easiest way for most girls to cum,
 it’s best if he grabs your ankles while you are on top and slides you back and forth like a cheese grater:

I drew this to demonstrate what I call the Grate Method ^  ๐Ÿ™‚

 (His dick is the Parmesan and your pussy the grater). The best part of all this, is you haven’t faked it.
 Don’t go there. Just tell him to keep trying and to be patient, it will happen.

I’m really young, but have loads of experienced. I’ve plenty of sex,
with plenty of people. I’m just aggravated with the fact that
I’ve never had an orgasm from a guy. I can do it "manually", but I can’t seem,
no matter how hard I work to get a nut from sex. That’s all I want. It’s about to drive me crazy.
 My current boyfriend, and I have sex a lot, and he always cums, but I don’t. I LOVE sex, but this is really
starting to get annoying. Everyone says, “Oh, just keep trying, you haven’t found the right thing”,
 blah, blah, blah, but all I can see is that I have a very satisfied
boyfriend, and a very unsatisfied coochie. I can’t even nut when I get head, so
I don’t know what to do. And I’ve been in so many different positions, and
angles, and all I am is sore, and "nut less". My boyfriend won’t eat me out
either (the general argument is "Hey, my dick has never bled. Ever."). So if you
have any strategies on how to get him to munch me, let me know. I’ll even try some new positions for what
it’s worth, but this is messed up. One other thing. Since I never get a nut, when he cums it’s a little awkward,
 he’s always tired, so I was wondering what I could do while he’s nutting, or after he’s cum so I’m not just
 sitting there like “come on”, and so I can get some more after he’s done.

Nut Job Jane

Read my answer to that honey above on my advice on how to cum with a guy. What’s all this “Nut” bullshit?
Are you two rabid Squirrels or what? If he isn’t making you cum, and you know how to make yourself cum,
like I said above, take control and ride him. Close your eyes and concentrate on getting there. If you have to,
 wank while he is shooting his load. If that lazy fuck isn’t licking your snatch, quote that tart,  Lil’ Kim and
say “If you ain’t lickin’ it, you ain’t stickin’ it!”. If it’s good enough to fuck, it’s good enough to eat.
 Nuff said.

< Lil’ Kim showing her Beaver

No, I don’t make these questions up, people REALLY do write in on a daily basis. It boggles my mind too.

thanks to my pal Bobby J. for that Stones image ……..