Ask Dr. Dot (revenge/anal birth?/kissing hell)


I am LIVID. I caught my fiance’ cheating on me a week after he proposed to me.
Is it unethical to ask you for advice on how to get revenge? I need it bad.
Hell Bent Halle


There is one web site out there that you can post naked pictures of your ex boyfriend,
 have a look:  

My current flame always says "revenge is best served cold", as in, if you
tried to get back at him too fast, he would know it was you, so take your time
planning your revenge and let it rip when it’s ready to serve.

You could do what Samantha from Sex and the City did and photo copy the naked
pictures and post them all around his work building and neighborhood, etc, and
write something on the photo copy like "BOB is  a Shit Sticker" (gay) or
something else clever like that. However, the best response is no response, try to
find something constructive to do with your rage, like blow his best friend, or
his Dad ( have a heart: only if Dad is single).

My boyfriend is older than me (he is 22 and I am 13). We had sex the other
night in the park and  I was wondering if a guy fucks you up the ass and hes not wearing a condom and
he cums up there what will happen? I mean, I couldn’t get pregnant could I? I am scared now.


< Loves young trim

First of all, is his name R. Kelly per chance? If so, expect to see a video of
your romp on line in the near future.
Trying not to pass judgment here but he sounds a bit too advanced/old for
you.  There are no reproductive organs up
your poop shoot, so relax, you can’t get pregnant from anal sex. You should
always use condoms, no matter what hole you are "celebrating", especially anal sex.

I have been dating a girl for 4 months. Our sex life is great. I have no
complaints except for kissing. I love to kiss and she is a terrible kisser.
  She opens her mouth too wide and uses only her tongue. I have tried
different things like asking her
  to hold her mouth still and let me kiss her hoping she can see how I like to
kiss. Didn’t work.I know everyone kisses different but I hate kissing her
  and am loosing one of my favorite parts of being in a relationship. What do
I do?



Sorry, but if she can’t learn to kiss you properly, it’s a deal breaker.
Kissing is super important. You have to enjoy it and even like their smell and
taste in order for it to work.
  You’ve tried to teach her, she is too stubborn/dumb/thick to catch on, so she’s gotta go. If you can’t
bare to leave her,  make the best of her wide mouth and eager tongue and Introduce her to your balls.


My boyfriend of 11 months and I finally broke up after an intense, passionate
but havoc ridden relationship. I know
he loves me as much as I love him, but jealousy (from his side) drove us
apart. ONLY ten days after our break,
I called to say hello and check up on him (read: get him back) and a girl
answered his phone (it was 2am). The next
day he emailed me and said "you woke us up. Yes, she is my new girl and she is
PERFECT for me". I am shocked in thinking
he can move on so quickly. I was sure we were just on a break, didn’t think it
was THE break. How fast does it
take for most people to move on? Are men heartless turds?

Ms. Venice

You sound gutted, like someone ripped your heart out. Welcome to love. Love is
like a dream, it hurts the most when you wake up. It usually takes women longer to get over a heart break. Men 
numb the pain with beer, Friends and new pussy. Good thing is, once the woman is finally over the man, it’s REALLY
history. After the novelty of the fresh  meat and beer wears off, the men tend to get sentimental and try to get their
ex back.
  I smell foul play in your situation. Sounds like he had been working on this
other girl for a while as nobody lets a person they just met answer their phone. He met, fell for and got THAT
close within two weeks? BULLSHIT.
Just move on. If you can be that easily replaced, you should be happy you got
that jealous (he was probably so jealous because HE was up to no good), lying asshole out of your life.
Think:  "NEXT!".


< tilt head to the right to read

Ask Dr. Dot

I need sexual tips that will make my husband happy in bed. I am fat and this makes me very unhappy,
but i still want to make my husband happy in bed.

Chubby Cher

If you’re unhappy about being "fat" then you should find time to go for fast walks as often
as you can. But that’s a whole different story. If you are heavy, the best position for sex
is doggy style or the old fashioned missionary position. You should make him sit on the corner
of the bed, with you kneeling in front of him. You can give titty fuck him and blow him, both
of which will please him and he won’t be looking at your chubby body, just your face and breasts.
Many men like big women, but if it is making YOU unhappy, then get moving and get in shape. You will
have more energy and it will increase your sexual appetite and most importantly, you won’t be limited
in sexual posistions any longer. If you can’t be bothered losing weight, keep in mind "the Bigger the cushion,
the better the pushin’". Frank Zappa.

Is there a way to shave your pussy and not get little red, painful/itchy bumps everywhere?
It’s always nice and smooth the day I shave but the next day it looks like I have the chicken pox
 on my pussy.Please help me.I have tried everything I can think of.

If you know someone will be viewing/touching your nicely shaved areas, then wait until that day to shave,
 as the second day is when the hairs start to poke through again and if they get irritated with sweat,
 perfume or heat, they can cause red bumps. There is a lotion called Tend Skin that you can put on the
freshly shaved areas AFTER the skin dries. If you can’t find Tend Skin  you can soak some cotton balls with
 alcohol and aloe Vera gel and saturate the shaved area, then let air dry. Also, change your razor blades
as often as you can afford to and avoid cheap razors, this is one area you shouldn’t try to cut corners.

The other day my boyfriend and myself were having sex and he urinated inside of me. I was wondering what,
 if anything it would do to me.


What a sick bastard. Was he too lazy to get up and piss in the toilet? It’s unhygienic and disgusting to piss
inside of someone else. If you start itching, you may want to drag it to the Gynecologists office, have fun
explaining that one.


I have been with a girl now for 8 months. We’re not legitimately going out but essentially we are.
 I’m a very sexual person and she also seems to be, but I am her first "boyfriend" and the first person she has done anything sexual with. Yet throughout our sexual relationship, she has never reached orgasm!
This bothers me mainly because I would think of myself as very good at giving pleasure, due to my past experiences with girls, always getting them to climax in obvious gratification. The problem is I can get her moaning and squirming but she gets to a point that seems like unbearable pleasure and she can’t go any further! I’ve never encountered a girl who can’t bear to go on and I often wonder if it’s psychological as opposed to physical, yet she seems completely and utterly comfortable with me so I can’t imagine why it would be a problem in her mind.
Excuse the frustrated rant, I would appreciate any help you could give!

Thank you,    – Thwarted Tom


Faking it is easy ^

"Always getting them to climax". Ha ha. Sorry to be the one to drop the bomb, but A LOT of women fake it just to get it over with, so, using the term "always" is just naive. MANY women have a problem climaxing. I personally know a large number of females who can’t cum with a partner, only with themselves and I know a few who can’t cum at all. I think she is just being honest, she moans and squirms when it feels good, but she doesn’t fake it. Many would. Try giving her oral sex, takes patients and time, but ask her where is the right spot and stick with it for at least 20 minutes. Don’t change and move around, or you will have to start from scratch. You should also ask her OUTSIDE of the bed room, if she masturbates and if so, how long does it take for her to cum. Since she seems so comfortable with you, talking about these things will make things in bed much easier. One more thing, just because a woman doesn’t have an orgasm, doesn’t mean she didn’t enjoy you banging her. Women can have just as much fun without the big O. It’s nice, but not mandatory, we don’t have a stiff cock and bursting balls distracting us constantly. Amen.


Syd Barrett leaves us….January 6, 1946 – July 2006

Syd Barrett   January 6, 1946 – July 2006


He joined Pink Floyd in 1965 but left three years later after one album. He went on to live as a recluse, with his mental deterioration blamed on drugs.

 "He died very peacefully a couple of days ago," the band’s spokeswoman said.


 "Nobody knows where you are, how near or how far. Shine on you crazy diamond. Pile on many more layers and I’ll be joining you there. Shine on you crazy diamond. And we’ll bask in the shadow of yesterday’s triumph, sail on the steel breeze. Come on you boy child, you winner and loser, come on you miner for truth and delusion, and shine"

England are still the real winners in my eyes

Total bullshit. An Argentinian referee (everyone knows they HATE the English) gets rid of Rooney; Beckham was down (got stomped on by Portugal's Nuno Valente… 

THEN the penalty goal was in, but the ref said, well, I wasn't ready, so it didn't count. I feel it was unfair. England should have won. Can you say 'conspiracy'?… πŸ™

 Even Mick was "not amused"

Ask Dr. Dot


I had been obese all my life and I had designed all my life around my obesity. Always reading, not going out, working at my local parish. One day I decided I wanted to lose weight; I became conscious of what I ate and the pounds just started to melt away! I hadn’t realized my accomplishment until my own mother didn’t recognize me and walked right by me at the supermarket! Suffice to say I lost all my friends because they said everyone looked at me now, leaving nothing for them! I was heartbroken until my  parents urged me to stop crying over people who were so blatantly jealous of me and that I should go out and live the life I had never lived with their blessings. And then my father added: "You don’t only look normal now; you look gorgeous! Why didn’t you do this earlier?"
 All my life I dreamed to be able to see my favorite band live on stage and then maybe try my luck backstage but was always ashamed of the way I looked. Even though I am proud of my looks today,  I dread that my dad is right. I think I’m way too old for daring to pose as a groupie backstage. I’m 32 going on 33, (but I’ve been told I look much younger). Do you still I got a chance of realizing my dream even if it is for just one time?


Congrats for shedding your extra weight. It not only looks better and makes one feel sexier, it is healthier to have a normal weight. You already proved to yourself you can accomplish things you set your mind to, so trying to meet a favorite band should be a breeze compared to losing lots of weight. Start out trying to meet a couple local bands and see how they react to you. If that goes over well, why not try for your favorite band? You only live once. I wrote an informative article called  "How to get backstage without blowing anyone"  that may give you some pointers. Click HERE

Will a lady get pregnant by fucking at her back (anal or oral) not vagina? I want to fuck my girl but she should not get pregnant,please suggest me some good idea.

Are you for real? Put a rain coat on your cock dumb ass.


I have been seeing a girl recently, things have gone well. Now, like any other red blooded male I feel a desire to mark my territory. I’ve tried the basics, leaving watches behind etc. etc. but I feel I should do something more permanent.  Taking ques from mother nature I am considering marking my territory with urine (not just leaving a few drops on her toilet seat, I mean pissing on her door etc.) Do you think this is appropriate in this day and age? Or is my testosterone-driven agenda clouding my rational thought process? If I decide to go ahead where would be the best place to do it?
Territorial Tom

I think that’s a brilliant idea. Wait until really late at night when you kiss your sweetie good bye then whip it out and piss all around her building. Not her front door as that would end up smelling like Grand Central Station after a while. Just on her building or in her yard etc. Just knowing you marked your territory will give you an extra shot of confidence, an extra spring in your step, which is an irresistible trait. Try not to get caught, as that could result in making her sick or even worse, turning her on.


I just finished reading your response to the guy who thinks he doesn’t produce
enough sperm when he ejaculates. I have the OPPOSITE condition: When I cum,
it’s like a geyser, and it doesn’t matter if it’s because of masturbation or
sex. Every woman I’ve ever been with is startled after having sex with me for
the first time; they can’t believe that I have cum so much, and wonder if I
had not orgasmed for days or weeks before having sex with them. In your
response to "Little Load Larry," you said that shooting such heavy loads isn’t
normal. So is there something wrong with me?

 Big Load Al

No, nothing "wrong" at all,it’s just that you are juicier. You should maybe go
into porn. Just kidding.
If the women get freaked out, just say "wow, I usually don’t cum so much, you do
this to me baby" and they will think of it as a compliment rather than as an
inconvenience or wet freak show. But don’t take it personally if none of them can swallow
your tide without pausing a few times.

Not sure if anyone has asked you this before or not, but how do you tell a girl that she has
bad breath? My new girl is great in bed and is a sweet heart, but her mouth smells like
ass. I just can’t get myself to tell her this.
Grossed out Gary

I know, I know, this is a tough one. Casually mention one day that one of your work mates/Friends just
dumped his girlfriend because her breath was so bad. And/or frequently offer her mints. If she still doesn’t
get the hint, stop kissing her and offer her another mint. If that doesn’t work, she is too dumb/ignorant to
kiss anyways.


My new girl is great, sex is wonderful and everything else, BUT she has one thing about her I don’t understand. At first the sex was just normal but now she knows me better she has revealed a rather bizarre fetish. She likes to watch Wallace and Gromit as we make love. She has also moaned Wallace’s name while she touches herself. I can deal with this, it doesn’t bother me too much but recently she has gone even further. The other night she presented two costumes, one for me, one for her…of Wallace and Gromit. She wants us to wear them while we have sex, with me as Wallace and her as Gromit. I think she an amazing woman, but if I give in to this will we ever have normal sex again?

Scared Stiff


*For those of you who live in a cave, Wallace and Gromit are an Oscar winning animated duo with heavy Northern English accents. Wallace is a bald man and Gromit is his dog.

Wallace does have a sexy accent, so I understand her yearning. Nothing wrong with role playing and acting out ones fantasy, as long as no one gets physically hurt. If you are dead against it, tell her you can’t shag a dog or even someone dressed up as a dog because you frown upon bestiality


I met a girl and fell madly in love she said she is also in love with me and
wants to be with me. We both are looking for a long term relationship. When we
met she told me she had mostly male friends and knows that I do not
particularly care for the situation, but am willing to meet them and work on
my own insecurities from previous relationships ( I have been hurt in the past
by a girl who told me someone was just a friend). She told me they were all
purely friends and had never been with any of them previously. Now that I have
given my entire being to her she has confessed that one of them was an ex
lover. She said when they first met they only intended to enjoy each others
companionship without any strings. But during the relationship she fell in
love with him. He told her all the things she wanted to here to get what he
wanted. When she told him how she felt the relationship ended. Now she claims
they are only friends but sees him and speaks to him regularly on the phone.
  She told me she knows it will never go anywhere but she still has very
strong feelings for him. When I found out I was devastated, I told her if she
really wants our relationship to go forward she would have to stop all contact
phone and e-mail conversations with him. She said she knows she needs to let
him go but does not know if she can. The situation is tearing me up inside
every day and now I am not sure that I can really trust what she tells me
since she was not up front with me when we met. I want so much to be with her
I’m not sure if I am thinking straight. The last time we spoke she said she
left him a message saying they need to talk and that when they do she is going
to tell him they can no longer be friends. I am not sure if she can do this and
if she does can I really believe that it is over or that they may still have
contact without letting me know. I don’t know what to do or say and need a
woman’s perspective on the situation.

Please help, "Crushed"


Everyone lies a bit and it’s usually to save someones feelings from getting
hurt. She told you she still has strong feelings for him, nothing can change
that apart from time and perhaps falling deeply for you, but still, love
doesn’t die, it just subsides. I would tell her you need a break to think
about all this, which will surely show you if she can or can not live without
you. He appears even more attractive to her now because he is so forbidden, so
you need to make him less appealing. You have to put your love to the test.
This ex-boyfriend shit will never end unless you call her bluff.

Take a break and if she comes back to you, she is all yours and you will be
more confident and perhaps trust her again. If she doesn’t come back, it may hurt but
at least you will know the truth and you will be free to love someone else who puts you
number one on her list, where you deserve to be.(I would personally show her the door).

How do I convince a girl to blow me?

Eager Earl
Say "Ladies first" and give her oral sex, then it will be your turn..

I have a problem with not being able to find other lesbians to have sex with. Can you give me some advice on where to find willing lesbians that would have me as a sexual partner.

Lesbo Lilly

Make yourself a page on and make it clear you are a Lesbian and look for some in your area. That site is much better than a dating site, everything is out in the open, you can see who you are communicating with and find someone close to you to meet. Unless you live in the middle of no where, there should be gay bars/clubs near you, if not, you may want to relocate to the nearest big city, as that’s where most open minded and sexually adventurous people live. Check out:

You could always try to convert a straight girl. It’s been done a million times before. Approach a woman and say "Hey babe, take a walk on the wild side" then show her how wide you can make your tongue.Works every time.

Ask Dr. Dot


A while ago, you disclosed your perfume to attract men in response to a horny lady. What about men? Is there a perfume that women can’t resist?

—Shower-less and Stinky


Angel for Men (or its nickname “A*MEN”) by Thierry Mugler or Fahrenheit by Christian Dior. Not too much, just a dash here and there. A*MEN has chocolate in it and will make women’s mouths water when they get a whiff. The first time I massaged Depeche Mode, they were all wearing it, and I have to say, it was difficult for me to concentrate on my work. You will definitely notice more attention from the ladies when you wear these.


Why do men, straight and gay, shave their armpits? I can’t tell you how un-sexy I find this, and I’m a gay man who came of age in the Chelsea district of New York in the early ’90s—birthplace of the chest wax for guys. Don’t give me that “It’s cooler in the summer” or “It just feels cleaner” nonsense. It’s stupid! And it’s emasculating somehow. I suspect the same forces (i.e. unattractive German women who can’t get the knack of walking in heels) have moved this to the top of their lists, having been successful in their campaign to teach their men to pee sitting down.

—Hairy Hal


It can’t be that gay men have given into dominating women and their wish to make the men shave. Since when do gay men give a fuck what women think/want? I think it started from certain ad campaigns and films in which shaved men were on display. Weak minds get sucked into such images and think that is what they have to do/wear/buy in order to get their pee-pee wet or at least gain a little love and acceptance. Also, young people usually have less hair so there must be a hidden agenda there (no hair=youth). I find it repulsive when men (hetero or gay) shave anything other than their face. Giving into trends or demands is just a sign of low self-esteem. Not to say shaving/waxing means low self-esteem, just pointing out that the further you go out of your way to look good and do annoying things like shave for more attention is just trying too hard, which is never sexy. Being yourself, hairy and all, is the hottest thing on earth in my eyes. When I see hetero men with shaved armpits/crotches, I cringe: It’s a sign of being high maintenance and vanity. Shall we start a “stop shaving” campaign? I will be your biggest supporter. Let it grow!


Why is it that when I masturbate I ejaculate only little sperm?

—Little Load Larry


It could be that you need to drink more fluids, and if you wank many times per day, naturally it can’t be a full load every time. Even if a drop comes out, it’s still enough to populate the world, so don’t panic and try not to compare your load size to those one sees in porn. Those guys are chosen because of their (1) large schlongs, (2) stamina and (3) liters of spunk that shoot out of them (all of which are not the norm). 



My boyfriend and I have had anal sex twice now. I have never had a strong urge to do this, but I am willing to try anything. The problem is that it scares me how much he likes it. The intensity of his orgasm is much greater than when we have vaginal intercourse. I also feel less connected to him this way, almost used. It isn’t that it is not at all pleasurable for me, or that I don’t want him to experience the greatest possible pleasure. I just feel he will want it more than “regular” intercourse. Am I weird for feeling used and less connected emotionally to him because of his intense enjoyment of anal? Help me please!

—Pain in my Ass


I’m sure most of the girls reading this feel you. We wonder, “Now that he’s had my ass, will he always want my ass? Does he like my ass better than my pussy?” and, “Since when is ass back on the menu?” I have asked many men about this ass phenomenon, and they do admit the fascination is due to the tight fit and most importantly, because it’s so taboo and dirty (literally). You are the boss of your body, so don’t put up with anal sex if you don’t like it. If it’s just “OK” with you and you do it as a favor, use it as a treat, like once a month or on special occasions. If you give in every time, he will think he can do whatever he wants with you, whenever he wants. If it’s a treat, he’ll appreciate it more. No point in wasting time analyzing why he wants to fuck your ass, just be happy he likes to be in you. But make sure you call the shots.

< Some men love receiving anal sex too

Massage in Rome

Finally we have help in Italy. I am so happy to introduce Melissa, our right hand wo-"man" in Rome. Why does it take so long to get Dr. Dot massage assistants all over the world? Because I insist on quality and that means they have to be tested/auditioned by me and my team in order to make the grade. I wouldn't suggest a restaurant to you without having tried it myself, nor would I send a massage therapist to work on you without having them auditioned. Quality, not quantity, that's what our team is about. Read about Melissa (and see her picture) below. If you are heading to Rome, let me know, we will set up your massage appointment.

Dr. Dot

ps. Melissa's first mission for the Dr. Dot team was to massage Roger Waters in Rome. Now that's a great first mission.

My name is Melissa and I was born in the states but have been living in Italy since 2005. I graduated from the University of South Florida in Tampa with a degree in dance performance and have been dancing professionally for several years now in the States and Italy. Being a dancer, I understand how important it is to keep the body healthy physically and mentally, seeing injuries occur on a regular basis including myself. For this I decided to enter into massage, to be able to help those around me and really to get a better understanding of how the body functions. I attended  Massage Therapy School in Florida and received my license specializing in Sports massage and have been working with dancers, other artists, and the general public, privately and in centers since 2004. I incorporate several different modalities into my massage depending on the needs of the client; from a more sports/rehabilitative approach to a general Swedish relaxation massage. I fee l very fortunate to have the opportunity to work with Dr. Dot, her team, and all the artists who come through doing what they do. Truly beautiful.

Ask Dr. Dot


Me and my boyfriend are both rather young. We have just started watching porn together and it is rather awkward just sitting there watching it, I mean, what does one normally do? It feels odd how we both just sit there in silence.

Wondering Wanda



Try doing it doggy style while you both watch your naughty film or lie on your back while he munches on you (you can have your head hanging over the bed and watch watch upside down or look to the side). When guys watch porn together, they just sit there in silence, but when a couple watches it, you are supposed to get busy. Don't ask him, just get naked and into position, he will follow your lead.


  I've been with my boyfriend 10 months now, we are very sexually active and experiment quite alot. He's made me cum through my clitoris, however he has never made me have a vaginal orgasm at all, I have also tried to find my g spot myself, they say it is meant tho be about 2 or 3 inches inside you, however i cannot find anything there at all, i am getting very upset and annoyed by this and I am wondering if it is possible that some women cannot have a vaginal orgasm at all, please help me because it is becoming a major concern of mine, thanks Clity Kate



 First of all, this G-spot bullshit is highly overrated. When one is looking for mine, it just makes me have to piss. Ditto with all of my gal pals. The clit is like a tiny penis, in fact, some will argue that it IS a tiny penis that just never grew. SO you have to treat it similar to a penis. Could you make a man cum just by touching his balls? Highly unlikely. One of you would have to touch his cock to get him to cum. Same with the clit. He can lick your clit or slide against it while you two are shagging to get you to cum. Stop worrying so much about a 'vaginal orgasm' or your mysterious G-spot and just enjoy the fact that he can make you cum. I know many women who can't cum at all, so count your blessings.


My boyfriend of 6 years has never liked kissing or giving oral sex.. also the frequency is about every 12 days… he is 51, and all his other girlfriends have complained about the same issues.. is he gay? Curious Carol


Honey, if you have been dating him for 6 years and still don't know if he is gay, you have serious problems. Gay men don't date women first of all. They like cock. Did you and the other girlfriends stop to think that maybe he is just a man who doesn't like to suck face/pussy? Kissing is extremely intimate as is oral sex. Some people are just not that deep. Like it or leave it.


I am 22 and my girlfriend is 21,and she always wants to suck my dick.That's fine but she always bites it. What would you do to stop this?



 Put a bunch of coins in a tin can and the next time she blows you and her fangs dig in, shake the can aggressively. Dog trainers use this tactic but I am sure it will work for your toothy gal. Tell her to roll her lips over her teeth, like she has no teeth, just gums (like that old lady in the film 'King Pin') and tell her not to let her teeth touch your willy. Explain to her that it's is like being in heaven and hell at the same time.

^ Sex with teeth = Heaven and Hell


I have been seeing this guy for three months now… horizontally we are a great match and have a lot of fun… vertically, I unfortunately am finding him more and more boring… and he seems to have fallen in love with me… how do I deal with this situation without breaking his heart??? Bored Bonnie


Why not enjoy the horizontal part with him as much as you can and when you are done tell him you have things to do. Keeping busy is good for the soul, so is great sex. It is hard to find someone who is perfect for you in every category. Be honest with him and tell him you love having sex with him but that's about it. Some men don't mind being on call just for sex. Relying on someone to entertain you is ridiculous. Also, in this day and age, if you are up front about wanting to see other people and practicing safe sex, it's not frowned upon to date more than one person (one who is fun, one who is good in bed, one who spoils you, etc). Besides, there is no "Mr. Right" there is only "Mr. Right-NOW".