‘Frankie the lucky Pit Bull’ update

It was about a year ago that I found the 8 month old Put Bull tied to a street bench, he was very thin, you could see his ribs and he was bleeding in various areas around his face and neck, in other words, it looked like he had just lost a fight and some wanker tossed him away because of that loss.

I was just out power walking on a Friday night and saw him; some kids asked me if I wanted the dog! I was shocked but still rescued him. My landlord is a PRICK who won’t let me have any animals, so I have to keep Frankie at my Uncle Jacks house in Connecticut. Since one year, Frankie has gone from a skinny to wide and meaty, and he is so spoiled. He sleeps under the covers in between my uncles ( one is my uncle the other is his husband)

The boy who cried “Love” ( Sex and the City RULES!)

Carrie ( oh please don’t say which Carrie) hit the friggin nail right on the head tonight ( er, last night) on Sex and the City. Big waltzes back into her life, per radar ( oh, Carrie must be happy again, let me play with her heart again) and expects her to drop everything for another round with him. I have been through that before and not too long ago either.

You know, the boy who cried “WOLF” story, well, Carrie is right, why do men do that? “Don’t it always seem to go, you don’t know what you’ve got ’till it’s gone”. Right BEAR? That is what I will call him, as no way would I write

A good day for the Jewish

Hello Everyone,

just wanted to let you all know that the German who knocked me out for wearing the Star of David and being a “Jewish Pig” has pleaded guilty today in NYC court.
Stefan Waxmann was charged with a Misdemeanor Hate Crime and can now leave the counrty ( good riddens) and go back to Frankfurt Germany.
His lawyer pleaded with me on the phone

Dr. Dot video clip to view

My 3 minute clip reel (which can not compete with Paris Hilton’s new video) can now be seen on both of my web sites. It may seem short and no sweat, but it has cost me and so many other folks so much time. It cost me so much money, I can not begin to explain. Basically for the last 5 years I have been saving my TV appearances on VHS tapes. Most were taped in Germany but a few since I have been back in the USA ( yee haa!) . Taking all of the German material and having some one transfer it to USA format ( they were all different formats, big reels, tiny tapes, DVDs, VHS) and then put onto a machine in which Christine from the Image Factory ( www.ifpost.com ) spent weeks slicing everything together to make sense along with sound etc, well, it was HARD work. Here is the link: 



I am extremely grateful to Christine for her hard work and expert advice in making this important tool for me. Also, I want to thank Nobbi, my web master, who you must know is working his ASS off almost everyday keeping up both of my web sites. Thank you Nobbi! As always, I will bring LOADS of Beef Jerky over to you next time I drag my behind to Cheery Berlin.


More Frank Zappa

“Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom.

Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty.

Beauty is not love. Love is not music.


Song snatching

Am I the only one who noticed that the new Foo Fighters song “Times like these” is totally, note per note, stolen from the old Kinks song ” Celluloid Heroes ” ? I like the Foo Fighters, wicked nice guys, but HELLO, blatant robbery.

James Brown heated up the city

New York City is cold and wet at the moment, the left over snow piles that linger are now black and nasty. But the people are still laughing and friendly in the streets! The weather is NOT going to get New Yorkers down, no way! Berlin has a thing or two to learn from the Big Apple, as in, don’t let the weather turn you into a grumpy prick, we only live once baby!

I filmed with VH1 for most of the night for a show called “The fabulous life of..Rap Stars” in which they wanted my insight as to how much Stars give out for Massage and Love advice  and how far some will go to be pampered etc. If you haven’t seen that show or its rival ” It’s good to be” on E! I will explain, they just chat about Stars and how much they earn, spend and what their spending frenzies may include. How they indulge etc. The VH1 show is very star friendly, no one would be offended by that show, it is merely entertainment and a diversion to ones own problems etc. The E! show ( it’s good to be) is unauthorized, which means they make it without permission or knowledge of the star. Anyhow, I filmed at a spa called Asadal Spa.

After filming I went to see James Brown, the God Father of SOUL. He is all about show-biz. He cracks me up in a good way. He is so cute up there in his band leader uniform and tidy hair. There were so many people on stage at all times, I lost count. The band ROCKED and he let every member shine and screamed each members name individually over and over again to make sure you knew who  the hell that was blowing away at the sax etc. He has a very young guitar player, looks about 26 years old and didn’t crack a smile all night, but played his ass off. JB said he looks like Randy Travis! He played all the favorites, mans world, get on up, I feel good, you get the picture. He had a lot of people doing their own thing, giving him the few minute break he needs at his age ( 72?) but all in all, the BB KING club is great, NO SMOKING allowed and everyone is friendly and into the show.

He had two hot go-go dancers and up to 4 back up singers all up there workin it. The black one on the far right was the best back up singer, she let it rock all night, loads of rythm in that woman! The super thin white woman, who looks great in this photo but on stage she looks like Lara Flynn Boyle ( no meat on her skinny white ass) and had NO rhythm  at all, I wonder how she got that job? She must be blowing somebody important, as honestly folks, she was paper thin, made you want to throw food at her, and was as white as James Browns teeth! She should thank me for how hot she looks in this blurry photo. I took it on the sly as it is strictly forbidden in the club to take photos, so this is a bootleg photo 🙂

The go-go dancers must do sit ups ALL day long. He let some older red head from his entourage get up and sing a few tunes, one of which was TRY by Janis Joplin, nice try darling! She can’t touch my version. Her other songs were good,but everyone wanted to hear JAMES not her! When James  sang A mans world, his razor sharp voice went right through you and gave you funky goose bumps, made you feel like you were in the right place at the right time.

He was also very entertaining and making everyone laugh between songs. He is a sweetie! I do not believe this spousal abuse thing at all, now I am convinced that was just a PR gag and it worked, the place was heaving!!

I did an interview last night, by the way, with a British Journalist for the Sunday Daily Mail newspaper. It should come out in the near future. The much older lady who interviewed me was so clever, she had me rambling on about my past with the stars and telling her things I shouldn’t have, dam she was good! Hope she has mercy on me 🙂

Gotta hit the hay, xx Dot

This is a man’s world
This is a man’s world
But it wouldn’t be nothing
Nothing without a woman or a girl
You see man made the car
To take us over the road
Man made the train
To carry the heavy load
Man made the electric light
To take as out of the dark
Man made the boat for the water
Like Noah made the ark
This is a man’s man’s man’s world
But it wouldn’t be nothing
Nothing without a woman or a girl

Man thinks about the little betty baby girl
And the baby boys
Man makes them happy
Cause man made them toys
And after man made everyhing
Everything he can
You know that man makes money
To buy from other men
This is a man’s world
But it wouldn’t be nothing
Nothing not one little thing
Without a woman or a girl

He’s lost in the wilderness
He’s lost in bitterness   

Lyrics by James Brown