To book me please email bookings@drdot.com and write “Christine/Sydney/Australia“ in the subject line 
WHO AM I … ?
My name is Christine and I am presently living in Sydney, Australia, although I’m originally from New Zealand (a Kiwi).
When I first left New Zealand I was very interested in alternative lifestyles and a more organic and natural way of being in the world. Through a series of events I ended up in Japan where I discovered I had ‘healing hands’ and an instinctive way of working with bodies.
After injuring myself in an Aikido class I decided that studying acupuncture and shiatsu was a safer and more beneficial path for me. Interestingly, the language barrier helped confirm that I instinctively knew what to do and how to use my hands and body to ease people’s pain and discomfort. I often ended up showing other students in the class how to work and eventually became more like an assistant to the teacher.
When I heard about how Dr. Ida Rolf helped release trauma stored in tissue and could changed posture by aligning structure, I knew I needed to go to the US to study this method. Prior to entering the Rolf Institute, I studied Esalen oil massage (as taught at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California) – and afterwards, I went on to study Rolfing Movement integration in Boulder, Colorado.
After returning to Australia, I deepened my work by studying the Feldenkrais Method in Sydney (with European and American instructors) and qualified as a teacher and practitioner.
It’s been my experience that Rolfing® gets immediate, visible and palpable results – and hence it has remained my primary focus for the past 23 plus years.
I enjoy working with people from all over the world and I feel confident working with my hands, fingers, elbows in alignment with my intuition to get the required results.
I listen carefully to what each client asks for and needs to personalize each massage just for them. I have an innate ability to help people (and animals) release shock and trauma from their bodies. Using the right combination of tools you, I encourage and stimulate your body’s natural ability to recalibrate, heal and find balance, with just the right pressure to facilitate the body’s natural healing ability.
For tired, sore muscles I recommend deep tissue massage or Rolfing®. For the immune system support and/or a feeling of being run down, I highly recommend having a Raindrop Technique® treatment as well.
Typically, clients experience more ease, relaxation, openness, awareness, grace and flexibility. They have reduced levels of pain and less restriction in movement and breathing. They report viewing – and being in – the world differently and having renewed confidence to do what they want to do.
Aside from success in dealing with sleep issues, I’m gifted in working with neck and back difficulties, RSI and carpel tunnel (forearm and wrist) problems, Clients also gain an increased capacity to breathe more fully – very useful for those in the entertainment industry … musicians, in particular, love this work!
I also specialise in making sure clients are more fully present, centred and grounded in their bodies and hence more present with others and effective in all their endeavours.
My bodywork sessions address the following issues (and more) to promote relaxation, realignment and physical/emotional wellbeing:
· Muscular aches and pains
· Fatigue
· Sleep issues
· Headaches
· Joint problems including neck, wrists, hips, knees, shoulders
· Circulation issues
· Breathing difficulties
· Movement difficulties
· Menstrual problems
· Repetitive strain injuries
· Digestive issues