The English Berliner magazine called EXBERLINER, which I have been writing for, for 5 years, finally printed their reader survey. My column, "Ask Dr. Dot" won 80% of their votes, making my column number 1. I am really flattered and honored
^ Top half of cover
^ I am in the top favorite and most hated list too. heh heh.
This is their web site, if you are in or heading to Berlin and want to know what's up in English.
My friend Lisa , who I first met when I was 16 in Rockville, Connecticut, finally left the USA and came to visit me here in Berlin. It was her first time in Europe and we went nuts taking pictures. She took too many for me to post here, but here are a few.
Can you believe these posers charged her 2 Euros for this shot? Capitalists.
< I just bought this stuff and Lisa was the first to try it. Better her than me.
We HAD to visit the local Harley shop so Lisa could stock up on Harley t-shirts, etc, for the folks back in Vernon.
I brought Lisa to White Trash, we felt at home there. heh heh. ^
A somber place ^
Pascal, one of the only bikers I know in Berlin, having a brew with Lisa at the Hard Rock Cafe ^
He BARELY speaks English, so they had the biggest communication problem I've ever witnessed. It actually gave me a flaming head ache listening to them "talk". DOH!
The relentless and verbally abusive DJ ^ at Cafe Klo (he will rip you a new asshole)
Lisa at Cafe Klo (Klo is a nick name for Toilet in German). Those silly Germans & their toilet humor. Everyone there drinks out of Urinals; you know those tiny ones you pee in when you're stuck in bed at the Hospital?
Lisa, the man magnet, had fun letting the local guys try on her new Harley Jacket. Schwing.
< Lisa took this great shot of the "Siegessäule" which means "Victory Statue". The French gave it to the Germans as a present. Whatever.
Lisa in wonderland ^
Our pal Roar showed Lisa around to things that I probably wouldn't have, like the Olympia Stadium. Nice shot.
WTF? ^ Makeup your fucking mind. Are you a Zebra, Ant eater, Horse, deer, Hyena, Giraffe?….. Look at the cute Meerkat. I lingered here the longest, as I am a big fan of their show "Meerkat Manor ", they have their own reality- show! CUTE!
I am torn. I love to see Lions, but when I see them like this, behind bars, my heart aches π
< Knut with his caretaker
Lisa arrived during the Knut "mania". This little polar bear was abandoned by his mother and they Berliner Zoo was going to put him to sleep. So many people protested, they decided to let him live. When Shai, Lisa and I arrived at the Zoo at 3:45 pm, they told us, "Too late, no more Knut today" and we almost threw ourselves on the ground and had a temper tantrum. They didn't have that info on their web site (that you can only see Knut from 11am to noon and then again from 2pm to 3pm). We went in anyways (it cost about $20 to get in) and we had a lovely day anyways, so there.
Dj Big Bear . Our favorite Karaoke DJ in Berlin ^ He has NO attitude, No ego, doesn't hog the mic or sing unwanted back up and he has the biggest song selection around. LOVE HIM!
Lisa, after 6, yes SIX double shots of Jaegermeister and a few beers, me and Shai. Lisa is made of steel.
Lisa's karaoke set list: "wanted dead or alive", "I've got friends in low places" and "Born to be wild". Nuff said.
'' < HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
< Steph doesn't remember posing for this pic.
^ Those bikes are ALL over Berlin. You call the number on the bike, give the operator your credit card info, and they unlock it over the phone. You get charged per kilometer. Strange, but practical.
< it's love
Lisa made it home safe and immediately fell into the arms of her new Harley ($25,000 worth)
I am heading to NYC on Monday, yes! I LOVE NEW YORK
So, nothing has happened since I "caught" the guy who attacked me, as in, no further steps. My lawyer said "give me a few days" and the cops will apparently send me a letter when they feel like it. Not holding my breath, as I know dam well nothing will happen to the guy, except MAYBE a fine. Thing is, I am almost certain I will run into the violent prick at my grocery store, as it's the only one near by and even the evil have to stuff their pie hole.
That giant kiss above is what will be on the back of my upcoming Dr. Dot t-shirts. No, I am not going all Wall Mart on you, I get A LOT of emails/messages from folks asking me if they can buy a Dr. Dot t-shirt. This has been going on for a few years now, so I finally decided to do something about it. I found a Frank Zappa fan online, named Mark who owns his own t-shirt business and he is an amazing artist and graphic designer. I want to have my hand prints on the front, as if I was grabbing your breast, and above it, it will say "Dr. Dot was here". On the back, are my lips. I put on a heavy coat of red lipstick and kissed a piece of paper and scanned it in high res. and sent it to him and that's the color he sent back. Not sure how the red got turned to pink but he says pink looks better, but I think we will have both available. So, in a couple weeks there will be a banner on my myspace page and web site, and if you want a shirt, you just click on it and presto. Mark will send you one (sorry, I don't have any more time to go to the post office, I barely find time to sleep or wank).
Last night SUCKED. I wanted to massage Damien Rice but they had just had two days off and (1) didn't need/want any and (2) there wasn't enough time even if they did. I was REALLY wanting to massage him, LOVE his voice, but if that isn't bad enough, the BITCHY German promoters LOVE to flex their power muscle as often as possible (in between sniffing lines) and were absolute PRICKS to me. They HATE Americans and let me know about it every time our paths cross. That president of mine has made it hard for us Yanks to go anywhere outside of the states without being loathed. Yeah, yeah, Americans suck, we know, now FUCK OFF and stop watching the Simpson's dubbed in your language and stop wearing Levis, eating at Mc Donald's and Pizza Hut if you REALLY hate all things YANK. Get over it. I've lived off and on in Europe for almost 18 years, so obviously I am an open minded Yank and if anyone has a problem with Mr. Bush, write him a fucking letter, "we" as in, us yanks, are not your whipping post. K?
Even though yesterday was shit, today more than made up for it, ten fold. I got a call to go and massage Maroon 5's singer, Adam Levine. Tough job, but someone has to slave over his hot body, so I agreed π His manager is great, he uses my massage team all over the world and finally, he got a massage from the boss. He was only supposed to get an hour, as the record label big wigs were going to take him out to din din at 7pm, but the massage ended up being a 2 hour massage as he kept saying "don't ever stop", which is music to my ears. I really LOVE my job and massaging him is an absolute pleasure. Amen.
Naturally when we went to the lobby, the German record label folks were not amused with me, as they all knew he was late because Dr. Dot was massaging him. Oh well, he is worth the wait. He told me to stick around as he wanted another massage after dinner. His manager said "I am sure he didn't mean it." and Adam heard that and turned around and said "I will be on that table again later!". I was loving this of course. I met a few other members of the band, then they all left for the restaurant.
Shai and I were having some drinks with the manager in the hotel bar and she and I left for some grub, but by the time the starters came, I was texted and asked to return as Adam wanted another 30 minutes. It hadn't even been an hour, so he was obviously not in the mood to hang out all night and hob nob with the Executives. The 30 minute massage turned into another 2 hour massage and no, I never get tired. Would YOU get tired massaging amazing artists? Especially such a handsome one. I only know two songs of Maroon 5 and I think they are pretty good. The singer is what makes the band so popular; he has a lot of charisma and a kick ass voice. Hear me swoon. I didn't feel it was the right time to ask him to pose for a picture, but I did get him to sign a picture I printed out. They are coming again soon to Berlin so I will see them again here or back in the states. Shai is a big fan, she loved meeting them too. yay!
Tomorrow is St. Paddy's day and us gals will ROLL!
Tonight, Saturday night, I was walking down the street at around 10:15 pm with my friend who I call Prince Harry. We had just bought some chocolate from the gas station, and were heading down the same street that the German man attacked me on January 26th
Anyhow I was JUST saying to Price Harry that this was the same area that fucker lives, (he was heading into his house on his bike when he started shit with me, so I assumed he lived in THAT house). As soon as the words left my mouth, a saw a man on a bike, heading our way and I focused to the point where my eyes were watering (you know if you don't blink for a while, your eyes flood) well, sure enough, as he got closer, I recognized him and shouted at him. Prince Harry grabbed him by the scruff of his jacket at said he needs to hold on a minute while I call the Police. The wanker pretended not to know me but I KNOW 1000% it was him.
He even went so far as to have painted his crappy bike a light blue (shitty hand painted job to disguise himself while on the get away vehicle).
I rang the 911, which is the freakin' Fire Department here, lol, and they connected me to the Police. I was shouting, too excited to speak proper German and I have no clue how they understood me, but they said they were on their way. Meanwhile a car pulled up and a man said he was an undercover cop and asked if everything was ok. we told him the scoop and he said he
too would wait until the cops came. The wanker who hit me suddenly said he remembered me and said to Prince Harry "I remember her, she called me a German DICK!". Hello? Probably as he was trapping me against the building , holding me captive, I did shout out some swear words, and I also shoved him to get free and run away from him! (see older blog) But none of that gives him the right to bother me while I am jogging and to hunt me down and knock me out and then flee like a coward. I screamed at him in German that he was a coward and he said "you are a coward!". His English was crap and it was really hard for Prince Harry to hold back from dragging him into the woods and giving him what he gave me, a nice big punch in the face.
Anyways, as the cops were arriving, Mr. Wanker spotted a stick (twig) on the side walk and when he picked it up, I actually thought he was going to try to hurt us with it, but he is so anal, he was simply tossed it into the bushes, as in, to clean the sidewalk. This is the same anal behavior that made him approach me and scream at me for stretching on a building, not even HIS building. The cops got out of their van and asked him for his Identification, and he hadn't any on him. I said "I am sure he lives in building
number 36, don't you!?" and he said "yes" and I said, "see, I knew it was him, that's the guy!" and one of the cops was one of the ones that came on Jan 26th to take my report after I had been beaten up. He remembered me, he said "You are the American lady right?".Yes, he remembers. He was a cool cop, and he totally wanted to find this fucker and now we did. He said that I should just head home and they would be in touch.
30 minutes later, the two cops were at my door. They came in and told me that HE wants to press charges against ME. WTF? We all had a laugh, but still, the cop still had to take his statement. He claims I hit him first on Jan. 26th (that's funny that (a) it took him almost 2 months to do anything about it (b) that he fled after bashing my face and I have pictures to prove it AND the cops saw my bloody face directly after I was knocked out. The cops also said that they checked his records and he has a huge history, a long record of violent crimes. This should come to NO surprise to you that people who are repeat offenders get to walk free here, as yesterday on the cover of all the papers, was a 25 year old woman who was just brutally raped and beat by a man who had already served time for rape AND murder. They let murderes and of course, rapist walk free here. WAAAAAY too liberal, that's why no one is afraid of the law, and that's why they aren't afraid of committing crimes, as they know they will simply get a slap on the fucking hand.
Bad thing is, the fucker knows my last name as he heard me call the cops and they wanted to know my name so I had to tell them
and we don't live far from one another. I find it creepy that he lives RIGHT around the corner from me and knows my last name. My pal Prince Harry said that works both ways, we know exactly were he lives and if the law won't punish him, well, my English friends want to. I really hope justice is served here, that fucker who has a history of hitting people needs to learn his lesson.
The fact that he went so far as to paint his bike and then wait 2 months to file his complaint and his bad record will probably hurt him in court. Having to see his ugly fucking face again was bad enough, now I have to face him in court, ew! Price Harry says he looks about 47 years old. What a PRAT. But I am happy now that I saw him again, happy, nervous, scared, excited, lots of mixed emotions, just thought I would give you an update as many keep asking me "have they caught that fucker who hit you yet!?" Well, now the answer is YES, we caught him (he is still in his apartment, nice and comfy, but the cops have his info now, so we shall see what happens next, which will probably be just a slap on his hand from the Liberal German legal system).
Taking a step back now, back to December, in NYC. I know, it's taking me ages to blog lately, but I have a lot of things going on, lots to juggle indeed. NYC was amazing; it's still my favorite place on earth. I filmed my Ask Dr. Dot column for an internet radio show but who knows if that will ever take off or not. People come to me daily with "great ideas" on how to make me rich/famous, get my books and ideas out there. They all talk SHIT! It was good practice, as now I am thinking of how to make a Pod cast for my column. Only thing holding me back is the fact that I would have to spend even MORE time online (my poor ass doesn't want to be sat on that much). I like to move it, move it, I like to move it, move it. You get the picture.
< Rite Aide
Even though NYC is one of the BEST places on earth to go out and party, my friends and I try to find healthy, fun things to do instead of always hanging out in bars doing karaoke and shaking our asses. Rite Aide and CVS are open 24/7 and so you can shop whenever you fucking want to without anyone rushing, pushing, nagging, etc. We end up in these places very often and well, we like to spice things up by pushing the envelope. My ass needed some air, so I let her out and started a trend amongst my pals. It was a big rush of adrenaline, seeing how far we could REALLY go without getting caught/arrested for indecent exposure.
My Gay friend Danny and I raise extreme amounts of hell, and we don't even need alcohol
to do so. We are naturally high. We had to ask a stranger to take these pics, he wanted some
cash in the end and we were like "ok, check's in the mail fuck face".
Our mutual pal MAX shot this tiny video in Rite Aide on New Years Eve. Well, it was actually
in the wee hours of New Years Day come to think of it. NAUGHTY!
This was really CHEEKY! ^ I am on a bench, in front of the Hoboken Town Hall, and in front of their Nativity
scene. Tsk Tsk, what a disrespectful wench.
^ Ok, that plunger idea was mine. Too bad he kept his undies on π
It's REALLY fun riding in those carts; the place was packed so this shot was difficult to pull off without many
people seeing the ASS.
Funny thing is, I met Danny AGES ago in a Rite Aide, buying a stupid amount of Cotton Balls at 4am. Long story.
My friend FET made this Thong with the Wind movie poster, that's what friends are for π
Daryl is my NYC massage rep. She runs the show in that area when I am away. I trust her BIG TIME, she is so incredibly honest and ambitious and amazing at what she does. I now have 3 reps on my team, Daryl, Catherine (Baltimore) and Roddy (London). They work their way up to that position and it means they are extremely dependable and trust worthy and basically the best at what they do. That guy there in the pic, Don, is a myspace friend. Sometimes when I know I will be in a certain area, I post a bulletin and say "lets RAWK! Let's karaoke!" and I meet some of my myspace pals. Don is a really cool dude. We all went to some cheesy Asian karaoke bar cause my favorite place, IGGY's (upper East Side) didn't have it that night, the night I ask all my myspace friends to come sing with me if they can (Normally they have it 7 nights a week but they didn't that night so I was flappin'!)
Daryl and her "friend" who looks like Tiger Woods. Daryl can sing her ASS off, I was amazed!!!!! People come up to
that guy and ask for his freakin' autograph on a regular basis. He REALLY looks just like him, it's bananas.
Even though Iggy's was closed the one night, it didn't stop me from going back. I LOVE that place, it is a fucking freak show!
This one guy brings his freakin' Chinchillas in there while people sing wicked loud (karaoke). I let them crawl all over me
(not the guests, the Chinchillas). After touching those little critters, I have to loathe anyone who wears that kind of fur. MEAN!
I got to see one of my best pals, Jonesy and his gal Barbara at one of my favorite restaurants "44X10". It's called that cause it's ON 44th and 10th. It's fucking LOVELY, the food, the service, the drinks, the staff. PLUS you can park free on 10th ave after 7pm. What more could you want? And of course, it's NON smoking, which is heaven on earth for me. Jasmine and one of her best pal's Rachel joined us: those girls!! Also pictured above, Mechel and I and her pal (Mechel is the one wearing the skull & cross bone shirt) and you can see Danny lurking in the back ground. He was nervous being in another "Breeder" bar (as in, not a gay bar), but he survived.
Back in Berlin, Shai, Danielle and I go out and sing from time to time. I usually have to play body guard and shoo the men away, as those
two are too nice. Not the case with me. Heh heh.
Of course the convo usually leads to oral sex and this time they wanted me to show them what I meant ^ (don't ask)
< Shai singing some country song that mentions "Wal Mart" repeatedly
I can't BELIEVE I still have that fucking shirt. I bought it in NYC at Trash and Vaudville in 1984!! No wonder I'm not a millionaire yet,
I gave out a fortune in Beatles and Stones shit over the years. That bastard cost me $80 and I've never worn it.
OK, I massaged Shai, then Alex, then they got crazy on my massage table ^ They are NOT shy.
I went to Manchester, England on Feb 10th. I was so excited to go there and hang with my friends and Vicki (dressed as a man here) organized me going on a Music related TV show called "Manchester City Social" or something to that effect. The night I landed was pure chaos. The place I was supposed to stay at, well, the guy changed his mind and said "not tonight, but tomorrow" which left me in the fucking shit. Vicki offered me a place to stay at her place, but it's really small and she and her room mate already had guests staying there and so I had to move my shit to another random renters house, a guy named Keir who was mad cool, but the room he rented was FAR from dark and quiet like he said it would be, in fact, I doubt a place could be any fucking LOUDER!.
Anyways, Vick, Will and I went to the party, the party in which women were supposed to dress as old men and men were supposed to dress as old ladies. Didn't sound very fucking appetizing to me, so I came dressed normal and luckily didn't get turned away for showing up without a costume. The party was great and Vicki rapped on the mic, freestyle for what seemed like hours, she is born to entertain and she is getting her own radio show very soon, and personally, I think she belongs on TV, she is so fucking funny. She sings and has a song called "Don't fucking touch me on the dance floor!" which I am SURE would go over very well in the states, as I personally hate dancing in America, as the men think it's ok to hump you raw on the dance floor, some even sandwich you like a piece of lunch meat.EW, fucking EW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sad thing is, they do it cause the girls LET them do it, so they think it's ok to do that to every snatch they see. Wrong fucking answer.
< Too much touching on the dance floor
As you can see, most dressed up for the party.
^ Vicki's breast made a special appearance
This is at a bar called Siam Orchid Lounge (Portland ave). It has karaoke 7 nights a week!! So basically, it's the Iggy's of Manchester. Lots of rowdy fucking
red necks (but the Mancunian accent makes them kewl). It takes for FUCKING HOURS to sing here, so bring lots of time and money
as it's also very expensive. I suggest drinking at home, then going here and drinking water. Their wine SUCKS ASS (screw off cap). It's
great for karaoke, but the food and drinks here bite, get my drift? It's a karaoke-whore hang out. I found it horrifying that they didn't have ONE
James Brown song in their song book. WHAT THE FUCK!? Are you kidding me? Bring your own karaoke cd's to be on the safe side. heh heh.
ps. It's smoky as FUCK in every bar/pub/restaurant in the UK. I can hardly wait for the smoking ban. Amen.
^ Pauline went and washed off that make up and took down her hair. I didn't even recognize her at first. She is a
KNOCK OUT! (she is from Scotland and her accent is so charming, oh LORD!)
Another myspace mate of mine, Jed. He helped me with my bags, helped me get the hell out of Manchester. I
left in a hurry as the guy who found the last place I stayed at seemed to think it was ok to ring my door bell for hours,
sneak into the building and bang on my door for ages and follow me down the street even when I said I don't want
to talk to him, so in some sense, he was stalking me. I am a drama magnet. Holy FUCK!
Vicki and I went out after I filmed that TV show and we ate at a place called Wagamama.
It quickly became my favorite place to eat in Manchester. I ate there several times.
Yummy as HELL!
< Video I made of that expensive HOLE I stated in
A tiny video I made of that OVER PRICED shit hole I stayed in for 5 nights (it was 300 pound for 5 nights, which is like $600 and it isn't even a hotel, it's a flat that has no internet, mold in the bathroom and pubic hairs all over the bed. Fucking EW!!!!!! The bar above, Churchills, is on Canal Street, the gayest street in the UK, which the fags nick named "Anal Treat" (they altered the sign, so instead of Canal Street it's ANAL TREAT). Anyhow, even hetro's hang on this street as it's hoppin' 7 nights a week and Churchills has karaoke tues. thurs and sunday nights. Vick and I went in there and the Lesbo's were really into my leather pants. One even started waltzing with me in the ladies room. I belted out some James Brown and I have to say, the sound is the best in that town for karaoke. Loved it there. Their song book is a foot thick, they have it ALL. Overall, I found Manchester to be EXTREMELY expensive. I had to drag my lap top to Starbucks every day and pay 5 pounds an hour to check my emails. A cup of coffee is like 3 pounds ($6) and to ring a friend on a cell phone, it usually cost about 4 pounds for a quick chat. I don't see how English people survive. Sure I know a lot of stars, a lot of rich folks, but the normal people I hung with were so broke, they couldn't PAY attention, I mean NO ONE has ANY money there, no one! Really sad situation.
The Germans better fucking count their blessings (6 weeks paid vacation per year,6 weeks of paid Sick Days, cheap health insurance etc) as the English have it HARD compared to how cushy it is in Germany. I bet the UK will fall to pieces if they fall prey to converting to the Euro. I doubt they could survive that blow.
Also, the streets and shops and bars are dirty there (Manchester). Litter everywhere and even the canals were loaded with trash, it was fucking nasty. Sorry, but I have to be honest here.I didn't see ANY grass at all, barely any trees and it stunk like garbage. A great town to go party if you are rich, but there is a lot of fighting there as well, very hostile drunks there (and I mean the WOMEN!). Yes, The women, well, they need to put some fucking clothes on, and no, I am not being prude, I mean most are so fucking chubby and ugly and yet wear things 8 times too small for them and they parade around the streets like that in the FREEZING, wet weather. No matter if it's snowing, raining, freezing, they refuse to wear coats, they want to make it as EASY as possible for the men to look at their bodies.
I can't understand why 95% of the people there walk around without a coat on, are they numb? Dumb? Drunk? Afraid of losing their precious coats? Can't afford one? Or all of the above? Please, fill me in on this, so I can peel my jaw off the floor. Call Jerry Springer, he needs to have a Manchester based show.
Now I know exactly where they got the inspiration for the popular UK comics THE FAT SLAGS from!!
Some crazy fucks floating around that town I tell ya and I was MADLY disappointed at the lack of rock and roll. Everywhere I went I heard shitty "music". I was shocked as I thought great music came from that area. I was hoping to at least hear some Oasis, Happy Mondays or James or so, but no, just cheesy bubble gum techno shite that would make the Spice Girls sound like Led Zepp! Next time I go there, I will do massive research as to where to REALLY go for some good music. The TV show I was on had 3 amazing acts on it, I couldn't believe my ears. So I know there is talent there, but where they fuck do they play/hide?
I guess it's the same in every major city, if you hang out in the tourist center of town, you will get CHEESE.
Me at a tiny English bus stop ^ and a tiny video I made of the country side ^
On my 7th day there, I decided it was time to escape. I was thinking of staying 2 weeks but the place I was staying at fell prey to a stalker and it was getting so expensive, the whole trip cost me more than 1000 POUNDS (that's $2,000) and for what? I still don't know the answer to that. A very special friend of mine came and rescued me, he drove me to the South of England, near Gloucester and I got to see the lovely country side (Prince William lives a mile from there). THIS is the side of England I love, countryside, fresh air, polite folks, no litter, rolling hills of green, cute pubs and loads of land to walk around on, undisturbed. I guess I prefer the country side over the big cities. The ONLY big city I love is NYC, litter and all.
"There's no place like home"
(but where is home? "Home is where the heart is. On the bus")
"Es lebt aber dort ein so verwegener Menschenschlag beisammen, dass man mit der Delikatesse nicht weit reicht, sondern dass man Haare auf den Zähnen haben und mitunter etwas grob sein muss, um sich über Wasser zu halten."
Instead of posting my NYC blog, I have to get this out now. Tonight, while jogging with my iPod on full blast, I stopped to stretch (like I do several times). I put one foot up on what ever is closest, a fence, building, step, etc. It was after midnight, which for some is a strange time to jog, but for me, very normal. I was stretching and a German man wearing thick glasses started yelling at me. I couldn’t hear a word he was saying, so I just kept on stretching thinking he must be drunk or have mistaken me for someone else.
He had a bike in his hand, and was walking it fast towards me, still yelling. I said, over my music “I can’t hear you and I don’t speak German” which isn’t true, I can speak German but at this hour, I really don’t want to talk to a strange man on the street anyways, and especially not while I am working out. I want to just focus and get it over with.
He came way up into my face yelling and started to trap me against the building with his bike, cornering me. I said “woah! Don’t touch me!”. Now I could hear what he was screaming, and he seemed furious that I didn’t speak German and yelled “You should speak German here in Germany! Do not ever put your feet on a building like that!”.
At this point I didn’t give a shit what he was screaming the point was he had me cornered and I couldn’t get out, even after a few tries so I pushed him and his bike just enough to squeeze out and I ran between to parked cars out onto the street, thinking he couldn’t squeeze through that gap very fast with his bike. I was wrong.
He followed me on the side walk, me running as fast as I could. I ran like mad, the freezing cold air hurting my lungs. Instead of taking a right onto my street, I kept on and took the next right as I didn’t want this freak knowing where I lived.
There was no one out on the street, unfortunately and the street I turned onto was dark. I was panicking as I didn’t know if he was still following me. Half way down that street I turned back and sure enough, he was. I ran faster and took the next right and there was a man walking his dog. I thought about stopping and asking for help, but was so freaked out, I just kept running. I passed a bar that is open 24 hours a day, and thought about running in there too, but I didn’t want to be cornered by this guy at all, so I took another right which brought me onto my street. He sped up to me on his bike, cut me off so I couldn’t move and punched me EXTREMELY hard in my mouth; I fell back, knocked out. When I snapped out of it, I was screaming and crying and blood was pouring out of my mouth, and the cowardly German was already half way down the street.
My cries for help went unheard and no one could have caught him anyways. I ran into the bar bleeding and the drunks all poured out. None of them understood me because I was crying in English, and they couldn’t help anyways. So I ran home and called the Police.
Sorry, no pretty picturse today ^
This reminds me of the time I was punched out by a German man in NYC (!!!!) right on 2nd ave, right out side of a karaoke bar. You can click HERE to read that story and HERE for the follow up. He kept calling me a “Jude Votze”, (which means Jewish Cunt) “Jude Schwein!” (which means Jewish Pig) because of my Jewish Star of David necklace basically.
Even though I am not Jewish, I have many Jewish friends. The guy was caught and charged with a hate crime. About 10 years ago here in Berlin, before I had a cell phone, I was in a phone booth talking to a girlfriend, broad day light and a German guy was waiting very impatiently out side, pacing. He opened the door, grabbed the phone out of my hand, hung it up, then slapped me violently across the face, than ran.
Just last week, I was in a disco, which I NEVER do, with my friend Shai. As I went to the bathroom, an Earth Wind and Fire song began to play, so I started dancing alone. The dance floor is on the very bottom floor and everyone up top can look over the railing at the dancers. I looked up at Shai most of the time, smiling as in “come down here girl” and a German dude, who looked a bit like Woody Allen started trying the hump dance with me and talking to me and I politely moved away.
He started to talk to me and I said “ I don’t speak German” and kept dancing and looking up at Shai. He then walked up to me and said “We do not want your big tits on this dance floor bitch” so I spit in his face. Then he shoved me wicked hard across the dance floor and Shai was looking and shocked as hell and asked one of our male friends to check it out. I just kept ignoring the guy, dancing, hoping he had learned his lesson. He came back and said MORE obnoxious slander and shoved me again.
One thing that pisses me off about Germany is the way the men think of girls as completely equal. Perhaps in Politics, this is a good thing, but everywhere else it sucks. They do NOT open doors, compliment or help females in need, ever. Even when play fighting with a boyfriend, they will hit you as hard as they can.
I have been told this by many of my girlfriends who live here and date Germans as well. They will not buy you a drink, flowers or help with the rent even if you live with them. And they think NOTHING of punching a woman square in the face. I am afraid to go out here anymore. When I called the Police, they came in (with the Ambulance team) and asked me to explain everything. They said there could be two explanations. 1) the guy was the land lord of that building and is anal as fuck about foot prints (it isn’t even wet out tonight) or (2) because the initial contact (stretching locating on building) was directly next to the Kreuzberg park, which is very dark and rumored to be dangerous at night, they think he may have just used that as an excuse to talk to me then perhaps intended on dragging me into the park to rape me. Either reason is fucked up.
The Doctors (the Ambulance team) said I have to ice my upper and lower lip, the blood clot will take a few days to go away, but thank God (I think my Mom and Granny are up in heaven looking after me) my teeth were not broken, nor my nose. My lips and nose are swollen up like balloons and I wonder what Mr. Joe Jackson will think of my appearance when I massage him tomorrow evening. He just moved here from London, telling me how much he loves Berlin. I told him I want to move to the UK and so, I guess the grass is always greener.
I am still shaking like a leaf when I type this and was hesitant to even write about it, as if the German press gets wind of it, they will for sure be like “oh, she is just doing that for publicity” just like they did when the Nazi like German knocked me out for wearing the Jewish Star. Showing sympathy is not one of their better qualities. One paper, the “Berliner Zeitung” (which is known to be very right wing) tried to turn it around “our poor German citizen is sitting in jail for a couple days, poor guy”. They made me out to be the bad guy. Very frustrating indeed. They just can’t admit that there are still very racist men here.
A black dude was beat into a coma a few months ago here in Berlin. Luckily the found the two skin heads and they are now in jail. I have to say, I afraid to live in Berlin, it is violent, especially for women. Not GUN violent, but cave man style violent.
You can and will get punched, randomly, female or not. I have many girlfriends tell me their tales and tales of other girlfriends who get shit walking home at night. I will never leave the house without mace again. I mean, I was just out JOGGING, not bothering anyone and this shit happened.
I can barely type this because my hands are shaking so bad. NOT AMUSED with German men at this point. Chivalry is not in their dictionary. If you are a German woman, and can still breed, do us all a fucking favor and teach your baby German boy, it is NOT ok to hit a girl. For fucks sake! I assume the house I was stretching on was the German bully’s house, so the cops and I went there to check it out.
They will now get my pictures of everyone who lives in the two buildings that are next to each other to be safe and I will hopefully spot this bastard and bring him to court. Like I have time for such shit, but he needs to learn a lesson. Germans always register with the Police, where they live and all have photo identity cards, so it shouldn’t be too hard to pin point the guy. WANKER. Next blog will be a happy blog, I hope. I am thinking to myself, like most victims do, “was it my fault? Did I provoke this? Could I have handled this better?” I try to think of what I could have done differently, but when a strange man corners me at night, and won’t let me go, I act naturally and push and flee.
I just don’t get it how a man can punch a female in the face. I told the German Police, that in America, it's not acceptable for a man to hit a girl. They said "it happens hereALL the time". Nice!
I have been back in Berlin now for 5 days and I was already feeling like a stranger, amongst the bitchy Berliner's and the gray skies until I crossed the street near my house in Kreuzberg, heard "Watch out where the Huskies go" playing VERY loudly in an older man's car. I looked at him and smiled, then I felt ok again. Ok, I am not alone, I am not the only one listening to cool music here. Little things about Berlin make it feel so far from home, like going to one of the biggest book shops here, on the MAIN drag, called the Ku'Damm (this shop could be compared to a big Barnes and Noble or Virgin Record store, on a main street which could be compared to 5th ave) – anyways, I went there today to buy a gadget that you can stick your iPod into and listen to it out loud (like the one Lemmy got from Phil in my Motorhead blog) and I was ready to plunk down a decent amount of cash for this thing and when it was time to pay, they said "oh, we don't take credit cards" (well, they said it in German ). I was like, oh you are kidding right? No, they were not kidding. A GIANT shop,with 3 floors, that has cds. dvds, iPods etc. and they don't take credit cards. WTF? No wonder Germany and Berlin in particular is in debt. Also, you have to hunt high and fucking low to find a fucking ATM machine (cash machine). Guess they really don't want your money, let them squirm. I said forget it, as I couldn't be bothered to go down 3 floors, and out side to the nearest bank to get cash. I am just happy the Holidays are over, aren't you? Jesus! All that pressure to buy shit for people you love, to prove to them you love them by buying shit for them. The Christmas trees, wrapping paper, all that food, the closed shops… I am happy the shit is over. It's all commercial brainwashing to get you to spend, spend, SPEND. It stresses everyone out and I just don't see why we buy into it year after year. If you are over 10 years old, you don't need a fucking present. Get over it.
Moving right along, last month I went to see and meet (and touch) Placebo. I wouldn't know a Placebo song if it came up and slapped me in the fucking face. But hey, I did have a look and listen to the show for about 5 minutes and they sounded great. I liked them better than Tool heh heh.
< Nice stache
This pic ^ was taken before the show. Try to ignore the fact I am dressed like a Welches grape.
I was in the production office before the show, hanging with their tour manager, Quinner whom I have known for about 14 years and a couple German journalist from the dreaded "BZ" were suddenly alone with me in the office. They asked me if I was going to massage them and all that. Steph, the Swedish guitarist came in and sat down to do an interview with them. I sat there and listened. They asked him the dummest fucking crap I have ever heard. "do you like sex, drugs and rock and roll?" was the first one. "Do you like to have sex with groupies?" was the second one. The guy, Steph was like "WTF?!". He was trying so hard to be polite, but he is not the type to be overly happy-go-lucky and his patients was running thin. I felt so bad for him. The journalist said "we are sorry, but our boss said we MUST ask these questions". This was like the 6th interview they had given that evening and the dumb questions grow old fast.
It is NOT all fun and games being a musician on the road. I would say it's about 3 hours of fun per day and the rest is boring,tedious , annoying and hard work. Been there a bit with my band and I was like "uh, no". Touring is the worst, I feel so sorry for people who tour all the time, in fact, if you want to make any money in the music biz, it only happens with touring and merchandising. So I figure they deserve a kick ass massage. I didn't earn much that night but it was REALLY fun.
< The singer
I heard the singer is from Scotland and lived a long time in the USA as well, so he has an American accent but he said "only when I talk to you Americans". He was super polite, friendly and charming. I liked him. But by far, my favorite was the drummer, Steve. He is from Manchester, UK and has my favorite markings: light eyes, dark hair. He is mad into Hendrix and when he saw from my flyer that I had massaged Vinnie Colaiuta , he was very impressed. He said he was jealous that I got to meet him, let alone touch him. I showed him the videos I made of Vinnie during the recent Herbie Hancock sound check and he nearly fainted.
Oh well, I guess I should listen to a bit of Placebo before I meet up with them again, if you have any suggestions as to what their best song is or best cd, a starter kit or so, let me know.
I miss NYC badly, can't wait to return. I was only there for 10 days and went out 8 nights. I have to hang low and recover now. I am working on a monster blog, a NYC blog. it is taking FOREVA! (read that with a New Englander accent please). I have to get to bed and watch some more "Meerkat Manor", I am hooked… nite nite
I have been ill since Halloween with Pneumonia but I finally got well enough to work again. My friend Nathan East, who plays bass (for many big names like Michael Jackson, Eric Clapton, Rod Stewart, Bon Jovi, Quincy Jones and loads more) suggested that I come to his gig in Berlin, as he is touring with Herbie Hancock now.
^Herbie is a wonderful person
The last time I saw Nathan was about 8 years ago when he was on tour with Eric Clapton. I massaged them all back then and was amazed that Nathan insisted on riding his mountain bike from the Hotel to the concert hall, which was MILES away and in East Berlin. It was already (it gets dark early in the winter).. but he was confident that he could find it and he did. He is soooo outgoing and fun. Nathan is a perfectionist and you can hear that in his music. That's why he only works with the best musicians around. He has been called one of the best bassist in the world…You can read all about him by clicking HERE
After I massaged Nathan, we all met in the lobby to go to the gig which was at the UdK (university of Art) here in Berlin. I met their tour manager Phil and was told he is also Paul McCartney's tour manager, so we chatted about Paul a bit *sigh* I LOVE PAUL! Anyhow, next time Sir Paul tours, I may be able to massage him..yay!
Nathan introduced me to Herbie outside the hotel, he was super friendly and has a warm, contagious smile. He was driven to the gig in a sleek black Mercedes and the band and I went in a van. VInnie was so tired that he was delirious and hence, FUN. Vinnie sort of reminds me of Dee Dee Ramone; he is funny even when he isn't trying to be.
Vinnie Colaiuta is on tour with Herbie too, playing drums of course. Vinnie has slept through his wake up call (he was napping) and was a bit tired, but perked up when he saw me and gave me a big hug. Last time I saw Vinnie was this past summer when he toured with Jeff Beck. Poor Vinnie, he hasn't been getting much sleep on tour, I feel really bad for touring musicians, no matter HOW cushy the tour, no matter how rich they are, it's still hard on the body. You hardly ever get a good night's sleep and the constant sitting (in the tour bus, on the plane, on the train, backstage) and irregular meals and meeting new people every day can be exhausting. If I could give them a gift of 8 hours sleep, I would. Massage does help, but nothing beats a good sleep.
Backstage, before sound check, Herbie asked me if I would like to join him chanting later. He is a Buddist and has been for the last 25 years. I told him I was open minded and would love to try. I was thinking, maybe this could be the answer to my nasty sleep disorder.
During the sound check I got to stand on the stage and watch the geniuses in action. Vinnie is so exciting to to watch, no wonder he gets so many hits on youtube.The last time I saw Vinnie was n the summer when he was drumming for Jeff Beck. He said he was actually planning on a long break but "when Herbie called, well, that was a no brainer, of course I said yes, he is one of my hero's."
Nathan had me film him while he sang "I just called" (Stevie Wonder) with his high tech camera during the sound check. I am almost certain if he wasn't busy being on of the best bassist on earth, he would be a full time photographer. He takes more pics than I do and he always makes sure the background, angle and lighting are right. Nathan is also madly in love with his wife and super proud of his twins. He shows off pics of them so proudly. It's nice and refreshing to meet a man in the music business that tours so often to still be so dedicated and in love with their wife. In fact, I rarely meet anyone anymore that is so in love with their spouse. People usually moan about how they wish things were like they used to be, in the beginning of the relationship, or the complain about "the ol'ball and chain". My Father and Step Mom are madly in love STILL after 25 years and they were the only couple I knew that were like that until I met Nathan. I thought to myself "all women would love a man like that". Nathan is such a positive person and he radiates that. This man truly loves life. I love being around people like him, it recharges your battery, takes away any jaded edges you have lurking around (well, at least for a while). To top that all off, he can sing his ass off too. Herbie chose the best musicians for his quartette.
I was really surprised when Herbie told me he had never collaborated with Zappa. He said they had spoken a few times about doing so, but things always seem to get in the way. I could tell he regrets that deeply, as he speaks so highly of Frank, which just confirms how cool Heribe is.
Herbie during sound check ^
My friend Shai ^ arrived during the sound check. Herbie was standing on stage with a mic in his hand and I introduced her to him. He spoke into the mic for all to hear "Shai? How do you spell that?" Shai spelled it for him. "Oh, nice! Great name!" Herbie is so friendly! After the sound check, Herbie invited us into his dressing room. I gave him a quick back massage and they he asked us if we wanted to chant.
He set it all up, and everyone came in to join us, except Vinnie, I think he was too tired. Herbie handed us a booklet with all of the verses he was going to say and we were to follow. He has been doing this every day for the last 25 years, so he doesn't even need to look at the book. It sounds Japanese to me, and he speaks very fast, we got lost at one point and Herbie turned around, found our spot were we should have been and never even missed a beat with his chanting. We were gob smacked.Amazed. He gave us a card with the web site and info we need to chant. Almost every city has a Buddha center. It was so relaxing and calming, I find myself chanting now, when I get stressed. You can read up about it online..Apparently Herbie is really famous for his participation as I have been approached online by people who say they are also Buddhist and they have chanted with Herbie too.Wtf? Small world.
The show was long, well over 2 hours. It was amazing, sounded perfect.Herbie is really charming on stage, he talks sometimes in between songs, and the people love it. He makes them all laugh. He needed help translating something; he needed the German words for his song "Watermelon man" and I shouted it out in German for him (note: I am NOT German, no German blood, I just have a flat here and speak the lingo). Anyways, Herbie repeated it in German and it was super cute. If Herbie is to play anywhere near you, do check out the show, the band is TIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! After the show, my daughter Jasmine and her "friend" Julian, who is from Italy, came backstage to say Hi to Herbie, Nathan, Vinnie and Lionel. Nathan entertained us with a few magic tricks, he is a magician too (jack of all trades!). I am glad Jasmine gets to meet such musical legends, they are rare and should be treasured. I was going to go to Italy and massage Herbie and co. at a few Italian shows but as I said before, the first show was canceled and it just didn't work out. Looking very forward to seeing the lads again..
My massage assistant in Italy, Melissa, got to massage them in Milan for a few days. She also chanted and went to see the Buddha center with Herbie. Mad cool.
I know, I know, it has taken me 6 days to complete this blog, but I am dam busy- hard to believe I know. No matter, the sweet taste/smell/sound of Juliette and her Licks are still fresh in my mind. Honestly, I had only heard that she has a band a year ago in NYC, my Jewish friend, Seth Abrams, who is very good friends with the band H20 told me about Juliette and the Licks, that they were playing in NYC and he wanted to bring me but at the last minute, it fell through, blah blah, apparently it was sold out as fuck and I couldn't be bothered to try to work/con/beg my way in, so I missed the show. Seth said it was amazing and I now know that was an understatement. I formed my band just this past April and was told by a few that I remind them of Juliette and I hadn't seen any of her videos or even heard any of her songs. Now that I have seen/heard her, I though "fuck it, why even bother! I will just throw in the towel right now, no point in even trying". This woman RULES Rock and Roll (and even Punk). She does stuff on stage I wouldn't dare do, things I couldn't do, things David Lee Roth did in his prime, things Iggy Pop tried to do. "She will rock you" (see the Rolling Stone magazine cover she graced).
When I showed Juliette this picture I printed out for her to sign ^ I said "I hope your band isn't upset that I just have a picture of you instead of the whole band" she smiled and said "oh please, they are SO used to 'the Juliette show' ". She is sooooo funny, I was laughing my ass off the whole night..
I massaged some of the band before Juliette even arrived. They were on a tiny Promo tour and were already all knotted up, tired and stressed out. They are NOT getting special treatment, they are paying their dues like all bands do. Living on 3 hours of sleep a day, riding in buses instead of sleeping in hotels and yes, barely getting paid.
I know Juliette from her films, From Dusk til Dawn, Hysterical Blindness (my favorite), What's eating Gilbert Grape, California, Natural Born Killers and Cape Fear, etc etc…she has done about 50 films in 8 years, I think she is a work-o-holic. It seems she has just put the movie star career on the back burner to focus 100% on the Rock star career. It was a big risk and for the life of me, I can't think of another actor/actress that has done it successfully, but she is on her way to being the next female icon. I won't dare compare her to Janis Joplin, as Juliette is of course hotter, very modern, very very flexible and she stage dives, head first, then crowd surfs without fear, something Janis nor any other female rock/pop star has done, to my knowledge. She flirts with the audience sometimes in between songs and everyone, even females, melt.
She couldn't have chosen a better band to back her, they are tight and in person, are super cool, no attitudes, no ego's just great musicians (oh, they are all hot too, but that's besides the point completely).
Set list ^
This is Todd, formerly of H20 (just google it ok?). Seth lives or lived in the same building as Todd ^ in NYC. Todd is calm, cool, collected and extreme eye candy. The band has her back, the click so well together.
Kemble, is also extreme eye candy ^ , is very polite and friendly and WAILS on guitar!
The drummer is fairly new, not sure why they changed drummers, but this one learned all of their songs in 3 weeks. His name is Ed ^ and he is from Austin, Texas. I totally kicked his ass; wonder if he could move properly the next day.. but he needed it. Drummers always need deep tissue massage, more than anyone else in the band…
< Kemble in action
I did get a new camera – a bigger and better Sony cyber shot with 7.2 mega pixels, but still, it's not the best camera for onstage shots.
The band came out in full force and never let up. They had the crowd going mad, they were slam dancing so wildly that even I was getting crushed and tossed around and I was waaaay up front on the side near the amplifier (my ears are still ringing). She brings out the crazy fucking Indian in you, she makes you want to play, get sweaty and just ROCK.
It must have been hard when she first started out with her band, I can imaging the critics bashing her before she even started "oh great, another star wanting to change careers". But I am sure they have eaten their words now, as if you hear her sing, you can't imagine why she ever chose a career doing anything else. Even if being a Rock star for a while was a role she wanted to try out, she has become THAT rock star, she IS the REAL DEAL.
I imagined since she is such a well know movie star that she would have a big hair and make up crew on tour with her, body guards and personal assistants to grant her every wish. I was dead wrong. She has NONE of those. Paul, the tour manager, takes good care of her. He, by the way, multi tasks, he does tour/production and personally catches her when she is done body surfing. Juliette is lucky to be surrounded by so many great people who all care about her and want to help make this Rock and Roll journey work like a charm.
^ If you watch closely, you will see Paul (big blonde man) helping Juliette after her crowd surfing
Juliette spoke to me while we all had dinner in the catering room as if she knew me for years. She makes you feel welcome and comfortable. Actually, she is pretty much exactly how I imagined she would be, similar to the role she played in "What's eating Gilbert Grape". Laid back, FUN, cute as hell and sexy without even trying.
Everyone is drawn to her and her irresistible charisma. She is NO DIVA, she is the opposite, a pure rock chick , running around without any make up, worn out jeans and an old YES concert t-shirt on, before and after the show. She wanted her scalp and feet done before the show and when I was doing her feet, she said when her band makes it big, and she can afford me, she wants to bring me on the road to massage her every day. For me, that is the biggest compliment *sigh*.. I am still purring. I did warn her that she would want to marry me when she tried my foot massage. She was really loving it (note to men: I TOLD you, ALL women want is their fucking FEET DONE properly, so get busy).
After the show I massaged her again… she was really ill that night, a cold and living off of 3 hours of sleep over the last few days.
She still looks amazing in my opinion, not that she cares, she is SO not into the whole hair and make up thingy. She carries her own bags and didn't make any demands at all.
The band did a rather long meet and greet after the show even though they were dead tired. She posed with people for pictures and signed loads of autographs like a champ.
Watching her and seeing how much work this REALLY involves ( I have seen it for years, but watching her do it from scratch was different). I really saw first had what it takes to keep a band going, it's SO MUCH WORK, it actually turned me off wanting to take my band to the next level. Touring is HELL and it takes so much out of you. I felt sorry for the whole band and wish I could have gave them SLEEP as a present on top of the brutal massages. I over heard her mention that she just turned down a HBO series, which would have been amazing for her career, to keep working with her band. She said "I'm gonna ride this thing until the fucking wheels fall off!!!". Now THAT is Rock and Roll.
Their two month tour started yesterday (see the dates below) and if they are heading to a town near you, please go check them out, you won't believe your eyes and ears.
These pictures are from their myspace page ^ you can hear my favorite song of theirs American Boy on there…check it!
Sep 26 2006 8:00 Concorde 2 Brighton Sep 27 2006 8:00 Astoria London Sep 28 2006 8:00 MDH Manchester Sep 29 2006 8:00 Leadmill Sheffield Okt 2 2006 8:00 Rescue Rooms Nottingham Okt 3 2006 8:00 The Village Dublin Okt 4 2006 8:00 ABC Glasgow Okt 5 2006 8:00 Metropolitan University Leeds Okt 8 2006 8:00 Backstage Werk Munich Okt 10 2006 8:00 New Estragon Bologna Okt 11 2006 8:00 Rolling Stone Milano Okt 12 2006 8:00 Usine Geneva Okt 13 2006 8:00 Cooperative de Mai Clermont-Ferrand Okt 14 2006 8:00 Vents Des Suds Toulouse Okt 16 2006 8:00 Sala Apolo Barcelona Okt 17 2006 8:00 Sala Arena Madrid Okt 18 2006 8:00 Kafe Antzokia Bilbao Okt 20 2006 8:00 Trabendo Paris Okt 21 2006 8:00 Den Atelier Luxembourg City Okt 22 2006 8:00 Uebel & Gefaehrlich Hamburg Okt 23 2006 8:00 Pumpehuset Copenhagen Okt 25 2006 8:00 Folken Stavenger Okt 26 2006 8:00 John Dee Oslo Okt 28 2006 8:00 Trädgårn Gothenburg Okt 29 2006 8:00 KB Malmo Okt 30 2006 8:00 Debaser Medis Stockholm Okt 31 2006 8:00 Platensbar Linkoping Nov 4 2006 8:00 Palladium Warsaw Nov 5 2006 8:00 Roxy Prague Nov 7 2006 8:00 Coccon Club Frankfurt Nov 8 2006 8:00 Gloria Koln Nov 9 2006 8:00 Starclub Dresden Nov 10 2006 8:00 Riff Bochum Nov 11 2006 8:00 Karlstorbahnhof Heidelberg Nov 13 2006 8:00 Paradiso Amsterdam Nov 14 2006 8:00 Solus Bar Cardiff Nov 15 2006 8:00 Wedgewood Rooms Portsmouth Nov 16 2006 8:00 University Newcastle
My friend (right) Fabi and his girlfiend (left) are soooooo smitten with Juliette. They begged me to introduced them. Fabi helped produce
a song for my band and he is super cool, so I did. This picture cracks me up, it looks like Fabi is punching his girl in the face. lol.
I took this shot of the band just minutes after they got off stage.. Juliette is so low maintenance, so naturally beautiful.
^ Jason, the bass player is the only one I didn't get a solo picture of, he was really busy with his new lap top, and I came to this conclusion about Rock stars, Lap tops are
the main reason modern day rock/pop stars stay out of trouble now a days. They now have something constructive to do before and after the show, surf online, mainly on Whereas years ago, before the internet / Lap tops were so popular and easy to get, the artist would be bored out of their minds on tour, as they are only on stage for 2 hours, what the FUCK else do you expect them to do the other 22 hours? No wonder Jimi, Janis, Keith, Jim and co. all partied too hard, it's fucking boring waiting around for show time. So in some perverted way, the internet has saved Rock and Roll. Amen.