Passing of Petra…sad sad blog

It is with tears in my eyes (and all over the keyboards) that I write the words, my dear friend Petra lost her fight with cancer last night


                         ^ Petra                                          Iris and Petra  ^                  

^ Petra                           ^ Billy (Smashing Pumpkins)      & Me


                                                                                  ^ us two with Manny (ex Stone Roses)


    ^ Iris   and Petra                                             ^ Happy times.. Petra and I out in Berlin

I am brutally beating myself up mentally because I wasn't there for her at her bedside. The last time I saw her was October 28th, the day before I left back to the USA. I went to her house and saw her and her twin sister, Iris. I gave them their belated birthday presents and I gave Petra a massage. She was really ill and when I said good bye I burst out in tears, as I knew in my heart there was a chance I would never see her again. Fuck! Life is short, show the people you love how much you love them, don't wait.

Petra was a Libra, a sweet, caring fun person. An optimist, never saying anything negative about anyone,ever. She lived life to the fullest, even up to the end. I want to post some things below, images of things she loved, things she had pictures of in her cool, hot pink and red bed room. She had a red shag carpet, hot pink furniture and heart shaped lights all around, pink curtains and a fuzzy red chair, her room screamed Rockabilly. Here are some of Petra's favorite things, Heaven has just inherited a new Angel … πŸ™

  Petra LOVED ELVIS and the Beatles too


And oooh how she loved Sex and the city! We watched it together many a nights..


                                                                                                                             ^ Petra has tons of these

   <  Petra loved the Lord of the Rings books and films and wore one of those rings

^ Petra knew Johnny really well, but never bragged. She adored him, says he is super kind and fun.

Going to bed now, will rub my puffy eyes to sleep. Now I am faced with another decision, go to Atlanta on Wednesday to see my family as planned

and then fly to Berlin on Dec 1st or change it all around and go to Berlin now. Not sure when the funeral is yet, I hear it can take weeks in Germany.

All I know is Death don't no mercy…

"Well now death don't have no mercy in this land
He'll come to your house and he won't stay long
Look 'round the room one of your family will be gone
Death don't have no mercy in this land"   Hot Tuna

Petra Hammerer, gone but not forgotten…


Stereophonics get the Dr. Dot rub down in Berlin

I had only been in Berlin for 24 hours and was already massaging the amazing Stereophonics. I wasn't even close to catching my breath or unpacking, but nevertheless, not tired enough to turn down such a gig. My friend Quinner, whom I've known since 1992 is on tour with them. He invited me to come rub everybody down. I have never met this band before and certainly wasn't familiar with their music. A friend of mine from the UK told me “they are as huge as Coldplay! Go see them!”. I was so tired from my jet lag, I was really not in the mood to go anywhere, but dragged my tired ass to the Columbia Hall anyways to see them all.

Glad I did. What a great bunch of people. The management was sweet as pie and so was the band. The singer, Kelly has an incredible voice, rough and strong, super powerful. It was a sold out show and the place was heavin' with Brits who live in Berlin. I could hear every song perfectly from my massage room. I didn't see much of the show, as they smoke so much in Berlin, the air makes your eyes blood red within minutes. The band was not amused at how smokey the place was. It's so ignorant when people smoke at concerts, the smoke kills the singers voice and makes it hell.

^ Kelly and I (slap that arrogant look off my face k?). You can see my Leopard Bra, how cheesy..

Anyhow, the bands main members are Kelly Jones (singer/guitarist/song writer) and Richard Jones (Bass). They come from South Wales (yummy accents!) and have been friends since like the 3rd grade (that's what Quinner told me anyways). The drummer is from Argentina and is called Javier Weyler. The keyboardist, Barry, is from Manchester and had gorgeous eyes, like most Mancunians by the way…. I didn't take his picture though, slipped my mind, too much going on.

^ Richard (6 feet of fun)

After the show they all got a massage and we hung around havin' a laugh and what not. The roadies were in and out of the dressing room and even they were cool. One of the cool things about being in Berlin is that when bands pass through, they are usually on their way to another country and they give me certain things that they can not bring across borders, loads of small change and other goodies… YAY!

Massaging Mariah (it’s like butter!)

I know, it's taken me ages to finally write my Mariah blog. I just landed not even a week ago back from 6 weeks in Berlin (not much fun as I had to move).

Now that I am home, of course I am swamped with much more work than I normally have, and those of you who know me, know I burn the

the 5th Wheel show – March 1st 2004, 1:00am

I finally found out when the 5th Wheel show will air on TV. Way back in August ( or was it September?) I filmed for HOURS and hours with the producers and other contestants of the 5th Wheel show in Manhattan.

You can read about this way back in my blog. But anyhow, if you want to see it:

It will also be aired on TV on March 1st at 1:00am, so really, if you stay up late (until 1am)

Its a tough job, but some one’s gotta do it

Naturally, I mean that in a cheeky way. I massaged the gorgeous Dave Gahan ( Depeche Mode singer) today. He has been on a solo tour for a long time now, has a solo album out and the Germans are OBSESSED with him, with or without Depeche Mode.

You may think I rub stars and don't even notice anymore, like I am immune to admiration pangs. Not true. I am still grateful- most females here would PAY to massage him, whereas

Ripping open old wounds ( and a cockey Arab )

One thing that has changed since I have been back here in Sauerkraut land, something quite amazing-is that I have become a morning person. I am not sure how long it will last, or if it is a sign that I am ill, but since I landed 6 days ago, I have gone to bed every night at 11:30pm and I get up at 9:00am! Of course I got up like everyone else for school at 6am for years and with Jasmine for years too, but like I said in a former blog entree,