24 hour massage service Liverpool, United Kingdom



   Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Kirstie/Liverpool" in subject line ๐Ÿ™‚


My name is Kirstie and I have been professionally qualified since 1999, I currently offer a wide range of therapeutic treatments: Acupressure, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Remedies, Equine Sports Massage, Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Therapy, Pregnancy massage with Shiatsu techniques, Reiki Master, Reiki for Animals, Remedial (Deep tissue) Massage, Swedish massage and The Metamorphic Technique.

Over the last 12 years my career includes managing my own holistic therapy studio; mobile corporate massage including Halifax plc; working with riders and horses at international equestrian competitions.

Currently I work part time as a Holistic Massage Therapist and help rehabilitate rescue horses for a local sanctuary.

Ok a little bit about the horses

Horses aren’t polite they are reactionary if they are in pain they will bite, kick… well you get the idea… I have learnt more about muscles than any text book can give me; but that is down to experience. When you provide a person with that much needed nights sleep… it all comes back to this: ‘Therapy through touch’ so true.

Please contact the Dr. Dot team now to make a booking.

24 hour massage service Los Angeles, California



   Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Robin/Los Angeles" in subject line ๐Ÿ™‚


Hi my name is Robin; I was born and raised in Los Angeles. I am a vivacious, forward thinking individual who loves to meet and learn about as many people as I can. When people ask me to tell them about myself I always like to say I have wings on my feet. Meaning I want  to just go out and experience as many adventures as I can (with  in reason of course!). I was lucky enough to backpack for a while and that journey gave me memories one can only dream about. 
My whole life I have been massaging, as far back as I can remember my father was a body builder and he found out one day I that I have very strong hands, and from the moment on I was his “little masseuse”   Years later as I started to attend a summer camp regularly word spread and my hands were put to work. As the years progressed my father went though a few surgeries and I really saw firsthand how massage therapy can help in so many different ways, from muscular to helping maintain a positive outlook.
So long story short here I am a masseuse today! 
Graduating from the California Healing Arts College here in LA I have come to realize the I do specialize in deep deep tissue work with focus on the lower back and shoulders.  I am also available for chair massage, shiatsu, aromatherapy and just help dealing with stress!
Just remember you need me and I knead you!!
Hope you see you when your in LA!

A horrifying look into E6 Cattle Co. in Hart, Texas.

Click HERE  to sign petition to prosecute abuse at E6 Cattle Ranch Co in Texas.



Video of the brutal treatment these calves endure:




  • Target: Castro County Sheriff, Salvadore Rivera & Castro County District Attorney, James Horton
  • Sponsored by: Megan Drake, Care2 Blogger

Being called the worst abuse at a factory farm yet discovered, Mercy For Animals (MFA) shot an undercover video of cruelty at the E6 Cattle Ranch in Hart, Texas during a two week period in March, 2011.

MFA documented the following abuses:

Workers bludgeoning calves in their skulls with pickaxes and hammers — often involving 5 to 6 blows, sometimes more — before rendering the animals unconscious

Beaten calves, still alive and conscious, thrown onto dead piles

Workers kicking downed calves in the head, and standing on their necks and ribs

Calves confined to squalid hutches, thick with manure and urine buildup, and barely large enough for the calves to turn around or fully extend their legs

Gruesome injuries and afflictions, including open sores, swollen joints and severed hooves

Ill, injured and dying calves denied medical care

The budding horns of calves burned out their skulls without painkillers.


Workers at the E6 Cattle Company took hammers, pickaxes and bashed the skulls of calves. They dragged the calves by their ears, stood on their necks and dropped down onto them. They burn their horns off their heads without any pain meds what so ever. Calves are kept in crates that are so tiny and filled with urine and feces. The calves that are sick and injured are just left to suffer until they die. One worker was caught on tape referencing to the sick calves saying "We don`t treat those calves. No medicine, no nothing".

Sen. Jim Norman a Republican in Florida wants to make taking of photos or videos on a farm without the owners consent a felony. It is these type of undercover videos that uncovers these types of abuses. I guess he believes in blaming the messenger!

Now states that largely depend on agriculture like Iowa, Indiana, Missouri and Nebraska want to follow Sen. Jim Norman and also create a law to make photography in a factory farm a first degree felony.

Americans deserve to know how our animals are raised, my God this is the food we put in our bodies, in our children's bodies, why should it be a secret? 

What is even more shocking is that there is no governmental agency responsible to look over these factory farms so there is no supervision to these places. I thought maybe the USDA had responsibility in farm factories but they do not. There is no one to stop these place from abusing these animals. 

Click HERE  to sign petition to prosecute abuse at E6 Cattle Ranch Co in Texas.



24 Hour Massage Service in Perth Australia

Email me at: bookings@drdot.com and enter “Romy/Perth” in the subject line to reach me ๐Ÿ™‚

I have completed a 2 year full time massage course specializing in D.A.T.A. Massage. D.A.T.A. stands for “Dragon and Tiger Alignment” and is a deep tissue therapeutic massage using pressure points, meridian stimulus and lymphatic drainage techniques.ย 


It is great for tension in the muscles, stress and to reduce cellulite. Trigger Point Therapy and Reiki can be performed upon request”.

24 hour massage delivery service in Berlin, Germany




Book me: info@drdot.com and put "Julia/Berlin" in subject line to reach me 



Hi, I am Julia. 

I am offering my massage skills which are a combination of deep tissue techniques, trigger point techniques, mobilization of joints for freeing blockages and, if requested, stretching elements. 

As I am a physiotherapist my massages are based on medical knowledge and many years of experience. 

I am also qualified in manual lymph drainage which is helping blocked water flow in the body system to move again and in manual therapy which is a soft technique to mobilize blockages. 

My massages are powerful, relaxing and individual depending on your needs. I am happy to be of service and let you experience the relaxing effect of my skills.

Fuck iTunes for spoiling it for Survivor viewers AGAIN

I KNOW it is really unimportant but I watch Survivor. Have done for years. I fucking HATE it when people post information about the show on my facebook page like who was voted off, or most importantly WHO WON because it fucking spoils it for those of us who watch it on iTunes.


iTunes is so fucking ignorant when it comes to series. They ALWAYS post the last two episodes of 99% of their series in the wrong order, SO before you get to see who won, they post the REUNION show exposing who the winner was before you even saw the last episode. Read the angry reviews on iTunes (if you give a fuck) and see the outrage. Again, I do realize how incredibly unimportant this is compared to bigger problems in life a the moment, but this is my blog and if I want to vent, I vent. I PAY for whole seasons of Survivor, I don't watch it for free on TV like most folks so you would think iTunes would get their shit together, but NO!!!!! This is the 3rd time they showed the reunion show before ending just on Survivor (they have done it loads on other contest shows too). FUCKING IDIOTS and to make it worse Facebook "Friends" on my fan page always rant and rave about who was voted off, who won etc before I get a chance to watch it, super pissed off, having a HISSY FUCKING FIT!!!!!!

Best Masasage in Hamburg, Germany

Contact me: info@drdot.com and put "Slyvia/Hamburg" in the subject line please 



Hi, my name is Sylvia from Hamburg.

I have a broad interest in health, dance and music. Before I got my medical massage certificate I’ve worked for TV-productions, as a speech-coach and in different theatres for artistic productions. My education started with getting an instructor for dance & gymnastics. A degree of nutritionalist followed and at last I become a passionate medical massage therapist.

Now I am a freelancer working for an international production and theatres, treating acteurs, musicians, artists and anyone who needs a massage. I have a lot of experience in treating performing artists.

My massage skills include:

    •    Swedish (classic)
    •    Deep tissue
    •    Manual lymph drainage
    •    Foot-reflex massage
    •    Acupressure/triggerpoints
    •    Instruction for stretching (motion exercises)

In addition I can offer you Dorn-therapy, Cupping or some TENS (electro-therapy) and I would also like to mention that I’ve special knowledge in astrology.

I love the interaction with people from all over the world.

Support Critical Habitat Designation for the Beluga Whale


Target: Ellen Sebastian, Assistant Regional Administrator – Protect Resources, Alaska Region, NOAA Fisheries
Sponsored by: Sierra Club

The Cook Inlet beluga is an isolated population of beluga whale and one of the most endangered populations of marine mammals in the world. During the 1980s the population numbered approximately 1,300 whales. Today that population is only about 300 individuals.

On December 1, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Fisheries Service announced its proposal to designate more than 3,000 square miles of ocean as critical habitat for the highly endangered Cook Inlet population of the beluga whale. That means the plan is open for public comment — and you can add yours today!

Sign here to submit your comments to the NOAA and let them know that designating critical habitat would be a crucial first step in protecting this iconic species.



Ask Dr. Dot Feb. 2010

 Feel free to email me your questions. Don't be shy, I ALWAYS change senders name to keep their dirty little secrets private:






I’m four months pregnant, happy and healthy. Thing is, I have trouble getting & staying wet
before and during sex. I’ve tried lubes and they help but they’re so greasy and it turns my
 boyfriend off when I apply lube. He thinks he does not arouse me because I’m not getting
wet like I used to. I am turned on but maybe pregnancy makes me dry. He always gives me
 oral before we have sex to get me wet but I always get dry before we finish. It’s frustrating me.
Please let me know of any products that aren’t greasy, yet safe or if you know of any techniques to help us.
Knocked up & Frisky



Perhaps your subconscious is drying out your snatch; a little voice in the back of your head
suggesting that having sex while pregnant is bad. Find that little voice and gag it. A lot of
women get extra horny while pregnant; the combo of having bigger breasts, extra hormones and
not having to worry about getting pregnant usually sets them on fire. If you are having problems
already at 4 months, it may get worse so you need to make it clear, verbally, to your BF that he does turn you on and you need his cock or you'll go crazy. Get some “K-Y natural feeling liquid personal lubricant" and after he do his best orally, and you start to dry up, have him playfully drizzle some lube on your pussy; make it fun, tell him "pour some lube on my thirsty twat babe". Rather than trying to ignore the situation, bring it right out into the open and make it fun. Give him plenty of head to keep him happy and everything should be fine.

I am 23 years old and have been dating an 18-year-old girl for a few months. I popped her
cherry the first month we were together and since then she has gone from clingy, to
psycho. I used to call her and court her, but now she doesn't give me the chance. She
is all over me like a rash to the point where I want out. When I try to pull away, she throws
a massive fit and threatens to kill herself. She cries, pulls her hair out and even cuts herself.
If I leave and she does kill herself, I will have to live with that guilt forever. If I stay, I am
suffocated in every way. She makes me feel obligated to stay with her forever because I
took her virginity.
Poppa Cherry




This emotional blackmail has got to stop. Find
a way to contact her parents/best friend/relative that she admires
and listens to most and arrange a private meeting. Explain the situation
and tell them she needs help and you need an exit. Write her a letter and
tell her you care about her but want to be single to concentrate on your life,
as most 23 year olds (and 18 year olds!) do. If you feel that isn't strong enough,
tell her you have doubts about your sexuality and have met a guy that you have
feelings for. Telling her you are gay is an easy way out. You can't argue with
that. Then stop all contact with her as any form of communication with just lead her
on and prolong the agony for both of you. Lesson learned, popping cherries is fun,
but seldom worth the drama that usually comes with it.





I meet (and bed) women easily but I've been having trouble getting
off with them lately. I concentrate so hard on pleasing them that I end up having
to finish myself off.  Now, I don't mind it if I'm getting the woman off but they seem to get frustrated that they can't bring me to cum, and eventually leave me. Help.

Rage against her Machine




Nice to hear you are putting out such efforts to please women. Try to avoid wanking
 24 hours before you jump in bed with a lady. A nice goal would be to get to know one girl so
well that you know how and when she will end up cuming, then try to climax together.
 Or make her cum, and then have her suck on you (or your favorite means) until you shoot your load.
If they just came, I don't see why they give a fuck how or when you get yours.
Tell her it turns you on to wank off onto her breasts or at worst, tell her you spent so much
energy making her cum you are too tired to cross the finish line. In the end, you will know it's the
 right girl when (1) you can still cum with her or after her (2) she doesn't fucking mind what you do, as long as she is with you.





I’m in a relationship, all is good. BUT, my girlfriend has been out of town for about 2 months and my ex girlfriend, who I chat with online periodically asked me over for tea. Well, I had a good meal and ended up getting rid of a nagging 2-month dry spell.  I really don’t have feelings for her in a relationship kind of sense, I was just sexually frustrated and my ex was in for the kill from the get go. I guess I just let the wrong “head,” think for me. In the morning we had another round. I’ve never cheated before and don’t intend on doing it again as I feel like a complete cunt. I doubt she would understand but oh the guilt. Should I tell her?

Randy Ralf



Do NOT confess your infidelity to your girlfriend. It may free you of guilty feelings but it will
crush her and ruin the relationship. Everyone makes mistakes. Hopefully it
was a safe-sex kind of mistake but if not, go have yourself checked out and use condoms
for a while with your girlfriend so you don't harm her (tell her you have an urinary tract infection).
Every one gets "super horny" and you aren't married, so you won't burn in hell, you will just have a guilty complex for a while which could in turn, make you more grateful for your girlfriends love which may even enhance your relationship. Twisted, I know, but you are not the first person to have a fling and you won't be the last. Just keep it to yourself no matter what as what one doesn't know, won't hurt them (at least mentally/emotionally).


Massage in Frankfurt, Germany

Contact me at:  info@drdot.com and put "Franco/Frankfurt" in the subject line


My Name is Franco. I currently live in Frankfurt and I have been working as trainer for rehabilitation, fitness and nutrition.
โ€จAs long as I can remember, my loved ones benefited from my passion for giving Massages. Therefore, I decided to go to private School to learn various professional Techniques. I wanted to give my talent more structure. Soon I found out that the Work as a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist complement each other. One of the Massage techniques which I use most frequently (body balance) is very dynamic and fluent and includes techniques from various backgrounds, such as classical, medical and relaxation Massage.

I am looking forward to expanding my Horizon and making new Experiences with my new Clients. It flows together with all the other types of techniques like the classic, medical and relaxing Massages. I would love to be able to expend my Horizon again. I'm also looking forward to new Experiences with my Future Clients.