24 hour massage service Dresden, Germany



  Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Jana/Dresden" in subject line 🙂


Hi, I'm Jana. I'm a certified physical therapist since 2001.
My specialisations are deep massage according to Dr Marnitz, lymphatic drainage, Chinese foot reflexology, neurophysiological taping concept, orthopedic manual therapy, as well as several other fields in physical therapy. I've intensive sensitive feeling in my fingers, so I feel muscular stiffness promptly and treat it.
I'm a freelancer and live in the beautiful town Dresden since 2008.
When you are in Dresden, I hope you have a good time and when you need a massage I am there.


24 hour massage service Dresden, Germany



Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Jana/Dresden" in subject line 🙂


Hi, I'm Jana. I'm a certified physical therapist since 2001.
My specialisations are deep massage according to Dr Marnitz, lymphatic drainage, Chinese foot reflexology, neurophysiological taping concept, orthopedic manual therapy, as well as several other fields in physical therapy. I've intensive sensitive feeling in my fingers, so I feel muscular stiffness promptly and treat it.
I'm a freelancer and live in the beautiful town Dresden since 2008.
When you are in Dresden, I hope you have a good time and when you need a massage I am there.


24 hour massage service Dortmund, Germany



Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Runa/Dortmund" in subject line 🙂


Hi, my name is Ryan and I am a massage and holistic therapist based in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Massage therapy seemed an obvious vocation for me because it allowed me to marry my fascination with the inner workings of the human body and my desire to have the ability to make people feel better and achieve their potential; it is very rewarding work.

I studied at Belfast Metropolitan College and achieved VTCT qualifications in Swedish body massage, Acupressure massage and Indian head massage. Included in these qualifications were modules on Anatomy and Physiology and also Health, Safety and Security Standards. I am currently studying Stone Therapy or Geothermal Therapy and I am due to qualify in summer 2011.

I am registered with the Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT – my professional body) and I am also insured by their underwriters. I run my own business from my home office just outside the City Centre and the business has been growing steadily since it opened in 2010.

My treatments are all very beneficial in their own way but they can be adapted and combined to meet and exceed your needs and expectations. I will carry out a short consultation with you before treatments to ascertain what it is you want to gain from your treatment then we will discuss and agree a suitable treatment plan. I will then carry out the treatment to the highest standards.

After the treatment you are sure to feel light and loose and also distressed and reinvigorated to face what the world throws at you.

Contact the Dr. Dot team now to make a booking.

24 hour massage service Berlin, Germany




Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Natalie/Berlin" in subject line 🙂 


Hi, my name is Natalie. 

I initially became interested in massage in 2005 while working at a Chiropractic office in San Francisco. I decided to attend massage school and have loved every minute since. While completing my externship at a physical therapy center, I witnessed first hand the tremendous healing aspect of human touch. 

Specializing in Swedish, Deep Tissue, and Shiatsu, I find massage to be the number one preventative treatment we can treat our bodies to. I typically like to combine these techniques to create an overall experience of well being. 

I have had the opportunity to practice massage in spas, health centers, as well as privately with my own clientele in San Francisco and New York. I value creating a tranquil environment for my guests, focusing on their individual needs, to allow for a lasting healing experience. 

I am really excited to be a part of Dr. Dot’s massage team in Berlin and I look forward to hearing from you!

24 hour massage service Bremen, Germany


Book me: info@drdot.com and write: "Bettina/Germany" in subject line 🙂  

Hi, my name is Bettina and live in Bremen, Germany. Before I started to work with massages, I studied classical music (piano). Massaging people has always been part of my life, and encouraged by a lot of feedback about my good hands, I decided to get a training in massages and work on a professional level.

From 2002 until today I got to know different techniques, such as Hawaiian massage or Shiatsu. And in summer 2010 I have learned one of the most effective deep massage so far: somatic integrations. My biggest concern in massage is to really be in contact with my hands with what people actually need. And I definitely enjoy my work very much.

24 hour massage service in Dortmond Germany


Reach me at info@drdot.com and put "Kati/Dortmond" in the subject line please  


My name is Kati, I live and work in Dortmund, a city in the Ruhr area. 

I am a licensed massage therapist with a three-year-apprenticeship in massages, medical gymnastics and other physical therapies. Additionally I learned foot reflexology and manual lymphatic drainage. During my education I decided to study medicine and so I am applying for a college place now. I have an interest in natural medicine, osteopathy and TCM. 

The work as a massage therapist is a very active and thankful job, I love it. A good massage can bring relaxation or it can vitalize, it relaxes the muscles and encourages the metabolism of the treated region. It helps to calm down, ease pains and let go of the tensions of daily life and it can bring back life into overworked bodies and revive spirits as well. 

Since my childhood I am making and enjoying music. I can just quote Tom Waits in the wonderful Jim Jarmusch movie “Coffee And Cigarettes”: “I mean, music and medicine, really, my thing is combining the two…and living in that place where they overlap.” 

I am bookable day & night for the whole Ruhr area and its neighborhood, including Cologne/Düsseldorf/Münster.

24 Hour Massage Service in Berlin Germany


Contact: info@drdot.com (write "Hans/Berlin" in the subject line please) 

Hallo, ich bin Hans-Georg. Ich war über 20 Jahre Bühnentänzer und habe mich mit dem Themen Körper und Bewegung lange und intensiv auseinandergesetzt. Vor einigen Jahren beschloss ich Massieren zu meiner neuen Berufung zu machen und lebe seitdem in Berlin. Meine hervorragenden Massagen zeichnen sich durch Einfühlungsvermögen und Intuition aus. 

Ich orientiere mich an deinen individuellen Beschwerden und Wünschen. Die Verbindung von Elementen der Klassischen Massage, Tiefengewebsmassage und Joint-Release Techniken garantieren Dir ein außergewöhnliches Massage-Erlebnis. Du kannst zwischen einer kräftigen, intensiven Sportmassage oder eine wohltuenden "anti-stress" Wohlfühlmassage wählen. 

Ich freu' mich drauf!

24 hour massage delivery service in Berlin, Germany




Book me: info@drdot.com and put "Julia/Berlin" in subject line to reach me 



Hi, I am Julia. 

I am offering my massage skills which are a combination of deep tissue techniques, trigger point techniques, mobilization of joints for freeing blockages and, if requested, stretching elements. 

As I am a physiotherapist my massages are based on medical knowledge and many years of experience. 

I am also qualified in manual lymph drainage which is helping blocked water flow in the body system to move again and in manual therapy which is a soft technique to mobilize blockages. 

My massages are powerful, relaxing and individual depending on your needs. I am happy to be of service and let you experience the relaxing effect of my skills.

24 hour Massage Service in Frankfurt Germany

 Please email me at info@drdot.com and out  "Noemi/Frankfurt" in the subject line





I'm Noemi from Frankfurt/Main Germany, born in Offenbach/M in 1983. I do classical Massage, Lomi Lomi Nui, hot stone, foot reflexology and lymphatic drainage. 

Near end of school time i massaged some other people of my class while waiting on the steps and they just wanted to fall asleep while sitting there. So I get informed about the profession of a medical massage therapist and I liked all that knowledge and so I started to be a professional massage therapist. And the feedback of clients and patients still tell me I'm a good one. I speak german, english and also a little bit of spanish. 

Hope to see and massage you soon. 



The Squirrel Highway

SO HAPPY to be back home in the USA, I LOVE NYC! Since I have been back from Berlin (not even a week) the sun has been shining every day but one. SUPER warm, breezy, gorgeous!!!! Great to be back around smiling, happy people (you may call them superficial, I call them HAPPY and easy to relate to). I regret staying an extra week in Berlin. 3 weeks was enough, but no, I had to push it and change flight and stay another week. NEVER again. Always stick to the plan or Murphy's Law kicks in and pisses on your parade. 

I am laying on my deck today and FINALLY I got some good shots of the Squirrel Highway in motion. They are so f-ing cute I just wanna snuggle them!!!