Pictures of Berlin, Aug. 2010
I am here, for a couple more weeks, enjoying my flat, loved ones and German bread. Best to follow me on twitter if you want to read more, as I don't have time to blog so much anymore (LOVE my blog just mad busy). I am on Twitter:dr_dot
U-bahnhof (subway stop) Rathaus Schoeneberg ^
Ruedesheimer platz
Ruedesheimer platz
Older German woman enjoying the moment, as we all should ^
I filmed with VOX TV's show "Mieten, Wohnen, Kaufen" all over Berlin. This is in Pankow. GORGEOUS area. My episode will air in 5 weeks (late Sept).
The day I landed from NYC I auditioned Denise for my massage team. EVERYONE must pass the audition to be part of my massage team. She passed. Her hands are amazing. Only 23 years old, strong as HELL. Well educated in massage and very well mannered. I am lucky to have her.
View from top of Kreuzberg park (Viktoria park)
Great to be back in Kreuzberg. Those sill Germans.
Best Masasage in Hamburg, Germany
Contact me: and put "Slyvia/Hamburg" in the subject line please
Hi, my name is Sylvia from Hamburg.
I have a broad interest in health, dance and music. Before I got my medical massage certificate I’ve worked for TV-productions, as a speech-coach and in different theatres for artistic productions. My education started with getting an instructor for dance & gymnastics. A degree of nutritionalist followed and at last I become a passionate medical massage therapist.
Now I am a freelancer working for an international production and theatres, treating acteurs, musicians, artists and anyone who needs a massage. I have a lot of experience in treating performing artists.
My massage skills include:
• Swedish (classic)
• Deep tissue
• Manual lymph drainage
• Foot-reflex massage
• Acupressure/triggerpoints
• Instruction for stretching (motion exercises)
In addition I can offer you Dorn-therapy, Cupping or some TENS (electro-therapy) and I would also like to mention that I’ve special knowledge in astrology.
I love the interaction with people from all over the world.
Dee Dee Ramone getting massaged in my old Berliner flat (1997)
Lance Lopez tours Germany
Massage in Cologne, Germany
Contact me: and put "Arunima/Cologne" in the subject line please
Hi,my name is Arunima-since 14 years i live and work in cologne. I got my licence as a Heilpraktiker in 1999 and since that time i work with bodies and souls.I like different ways to massage and touch-Classical,Ayurvedic,Shiatsu,Lymphdrainage and Cranio Sacral Therapy.Whatever is needed to help a person feeling relaxed,pain-free and happy.
Greetings Arunima
Massage in Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Email me: and put "Bianca/Frankfurt" in the subject line please
Hello, I am Bianca and I live in Frankfurt/Main. Everywhere I am going, I am trying to spread love and warmth.
Since my childhood, I have massaged everyone who wanted me to do that. Every time, when the massaged ones said to me that I did a really good job and that I am having healing hands, I felt a great satisfaction inside of me. After some detours in my life, I have decided to make this passion to my profession. So, I have started to study massage (classical massage, Ayurvedic massage, wellness massage etc.) and have a continuous practice in my personal surrounding.
Apart from that, I am practicing martial arts and yoga which are also as important as massaging.
My first job with Dr. Dot was on a Nickelback concert in Mannheim.
So, come and book my hands in combination with my warm and big smile.
Massage in Kassel, Germany
To reach me, email me at: and put “Angel/Kassel, Germany” in subject line please.
Hi there, my name is Angela. I liver in Zurich, Switzerland but spend a lot of time in Santa Monica as well.
I was born 1986 in Winterthur, Switzerland in a patchwork – family of artists and therapists. Music, Dance and Bodywork were constant companions in my childhood. Since then my passion for Music, Dance and Massage is growing.
For many years, I was an active member of a Rock-Choir while also studying and performing dance. It was during that time that I also studied and developed several massage-techniques. I am very interested in travelling and experiencing other cultures.
My interest in massage therapy developed in my childhood where I would intuitively massage members of my family and friends. They all enjoyed it very much and the positive feedback encouraged me to go on and further study and explore in this field. One of the important schools I studied in is the “Swiss Prävensana Academy”. For a few years I have worked as a self-employed freelance bodyworker for artists, musicians, and sportsmen; both little known as well as famous.
I am grateful for all the experiences I have had and I am keen to improve on all levels. Over time I have developed my own technique which focuses on punctual intuitive deep massages and energetic massage (anamawe). I am responsive to the individual needs of my clients.
I am ready and looking forward to offering you many happy moments of deep relaxation while massaging you. I do incalls, outcalls and accompany you on tour as you wish and need. To be a part of Dr. Dot’s Team is an honour and a pleasure.
May we all be happy and well and free!
Dave Gahan is fantastic
So after two days of massaging Dave again, I am thinking he is for sure one of my favorite clients. Simon Cowell, Joe Jackson too. Dave is so mellow, low maintenance for sure a big star. Generous, polite, charming, fun. He is looking fitter than ever! I swear every time I see him he looks younger. He is in tip top form now in every way. Healthy as can be. Good to see that.
Dave was kind enough to put me and my friend on the guest list for Saturday nights Berlin show. Great seats and backstage passes. The show was incredible and I am not even a big Depeche Mode fan. I only know a few of their songs. I am a rock chick, no doubt about that. Beatles, Frank Zappa, Hendrix, Led Zepp, Ac/Dc, etc. BUT I did enjoy the show. The sound was fucking PERFECT and the band was tight. Lights and video were mad cool and Dave's dancing is so erotic on stage, I could tell the whole venue wanted to shag him. Seriously.
The crowd showed them so much love, they did NOT hold still one minute and knew every word to every song. VERY high energy. No wonder he is so fucking fit.
I feel funny asking Dave for an autograph as we are buddies and he is my client and I am his therapist but this will look nice on my massage wall. He was mad cool about it, like no big deal. I adore him for that. This pic above was from last time, in June He was just getting over being ill in the pic above. I think you can tell he is much healthier now by the new picture below:
Sigur Ros was his choice of massage music again and I have to admit, they are growing on me now.
I left early because I am swamped with work at the moment and not feeling well (Kidney/Urinary Tract infection) and I left my friend there, she said she was fine alone. BUT she left after the show and didn't even go backstage as she is shy. I thought, wow, so many people in there would have LOVED to go backstage but neither of us did lol.
I did not even take a camera into the show, I nabbed this just now from Youtube for your pleasure, and you know I like to give pleasure.
The last few years I have only massaged Dave, but I have massaged Martin before too, years ago in Berlin at the Waldbuhne:
I have seen him since, at the hotel always, and he is super polite and sweet- we shared an elevator in June. I have to say, he is fucking gorgeous in person. Schwing! He smelt so nice when I massaged him that time and I asked him what scent he was wearing and it was Amen, from Thiery Mugler. (Angel for Men). Smells sooooo delicious. I went out and bought Angel for women because of that day and I sometimes still wear it (I have a favorite perfume, not tellin' you though
I massaged Andrew too but can NOT find the picture right now, and it's bothering the shit out of me, ugh! I will find it, thing is, it isn't labeled on my computer so it will take hours, hours I don't have, to find it. sigh. I have to say, I am not a big fan of their music but to know THEM is to love them. Such wonderful guys. I only know (and love) "No Good" and "Enjoy the Silence" and then I like "Just can't get enough" and my friend played me "Personal Jesus" and I love that song but only knew the cover version from Marylin Manson. So kill me why don't ya?
Gotta run. Here are some old DM things I found today on my MAC
Their tour dates, hopefully coming to your area soon, see them if you can, they are on FIRE right now!!
Jan 9 2010 O2 Arena Berlin, Germany
Jan 11 2010 Budapest Sportarena Budapest, Hungary
Jan 14 2010 O2 Arena Prague, Czech Republic
Jan 17 2010 Stade Couvert Regional Lievin, France
Jan 19 2010 Palais Omnisports de Paris-Bercy Paris, France
Jan 20 2010 Palais Omnisports de Paris- Bercy Paris, France
Jan 23 2010 Sportspaleis Antwerp, Belgium
Jan 25 2010 Arena Malmo, Sweden
Jan 26 2010 Scandinavium Gothenburg, Sweden
Jan 29 2010 Koengen Bergen, Norway
Jan 31 2010 Globe Stockholm, Sweden
Feb 2 2010 Hartwall Arena Helsinki, Finland
Feb 4 2010 SKK Arena St. Petersburg, Russia
Feb 6 2010 Olympiiski Moscow, Russia
Feb 8 2010 Palace of Sports Kiev, Ukraine
Feb 10 2010 Lodz Arena Lodz, Poland
Feb 11 2010 Lodz Arena Lodz, Poland
Feb 14 2010 Arena Zagreb, Croatia
Feb 17 2010 Royal Albert Hall London
Feb 20 2010 The O2 – London London
Feb 22 2010 Forum Horsens, Denmark
Feb 23 2010 Forum Horsens, Denmark
Feb 26 2010 ESPRIT Arena Dusseldorf, Germany
Feb 27 2010 ESPRIT Arena Dusseldorf, Germany
Massage delivery service in Hamburg, Germany
Reach me at: and put "Susann/Hamburg" in the subject line please.
Susann (Massage Therapist)
During one of many Round trips in Thailand I discovered my dream job was to be a Massage Therapist.
I have studied many different modalities of Massage including Thai and Deep Tissue massage.
Since 14 years I am happy to say, I am a certified Massage Therapist. For the last 5 years I
work independently and service most of Hamburg's 5 star hotels as well. Now I am proud to be
part of Dr. Dot's massage team. If you are heading to Hamburg, give me a shout so I can heal you
and your aching body.