Massage in Berlin, Germany

Email me: and put "Christiane/Berlin" in the subject line please 🙂



Hello, my name is Christiane.

When I was eighteen I knew that bodywork was my vocation. Five years later, as a mother of two children, I started practical training in Shiatsu where I acquired skills such as back- pressure and other wonderful osteopathic techniques. Most of all I got a feel for doing the right thing in just the right moment. Then I became a physiotherapist, in order to reinforce my expertise and consolidate my specialist knowledge.

Since then I work in the medical and in the wellness sector where I treating critical ill patients, athletes, elderly people, children and just “ordinary people” like you successfully and enthusiastically. To my mind massage is not a job, its more a kind of meeting.

Massage in Munich, Germany


Book me: and please put "Guenther/Munich" in the subject line to reach me fastest. 




nice, that you’re interested in my profile. My name is Günther (Günne). I was born in the south of Munich in February 1974. I work since 2003 in different Hotels and Studios as an professional massager. Before I’ve became a massage therapist, I owned six years ago a music bar in my hometown. After this time I worked as an independently assembler in steel construction, till I had a brain haemorrhage (blooding). So I took the chance to start new and make my dream job. Music was for me always important, I visit very often concerts and festivals so is this, to work for Dr.Dot was a dream for me.

I’m qualifyed in:
Ayurveda-, Aromaoil-, classical- medical-, deep tissue-, foot-reflex- zone, Lomi Lomi Nui, Hot Stone and Sportmassage. Also I make the Dorn- Therapy and Breuss- Massage and the manual Lymphtherapy. I’m Reikimaster and Teacher.

I give all the best for your healthy and well- being. I’m available 24/7 and for tours if required. You can book me for Munich, Augsburg and the south of Munich.

Your Günne

Massage in Hamburg, Germany

Contact me for a massage: and put "Annette/Hamburg" in the subject line please.



Hello, my name is Annette and I live in Hamburg since 1989.

In the nineties I went to university to become a teacher. In this time I worked in different venues as a security or at the cash-desk and went on tour being the merchandiser. I really enjoyed these jobs because I always loved music! But I had to stop this after my daughter was born in '95.

In 1999 I started an education in alternative medicine (in german: Heilpraktikerin) and specialised myself in homeopathy and massage. When I give massages I use deep tissue massage, medical massage, triggerpoints, Shiatsu, Acupressure or a mixture of all to achieve the best individual results in accordance with the needs of my clients. I always do my best and follow the, even nonverbal, communication between my hands and the person on my massage table. So every treatment is different from strong and deep to soft and relaxing or something in between.

For two years I worked in a clinic for Osthopathy, Chiropractics and medical massage where I gave strong massages the whole day long with no chance to get tired – it is just a question of technique!

In may 2009 I set up my own little clinic for homeopathy and massage in Hamburg St.Pauli and later a friend told me about the Dr. Dot team. So now I am very happy to be part of this team because for me it is the perfect way to be back into the "music-world" with doing what I really enjoy.

See you soon!

Massage in Cologne Germany

Contact me at and put  "Chantal/Cologne" in subject line to reach me.



"Let me be surrounded by luxury, I can do without the necessities" – said Oscar Wilde and I love that quote. Getting a massage is a luxury, no one should live without. As I learned several techniques from Shiatsu, Thai-elements, Reiki, Ayurveda up to foot massage, body release and lymph drainage, I work individually, depending on what clients need at that moment.

In my opinion, Dr. Dot represents a true, authentic personality doing the job in a very professional way with passion, fun and respect. I think, that is, what it's all about. I can absolutely identify working and living like this.



Mr. Fox in my back yard tonight

I LOVE my Berliner apartment. My back yard as I said before, is like a little wild zoo. Tonight this gorgeous fox was hanging around so I gave him some food. I hope he comes back, he's so sweet and not at all shy. Like a domesticated dog. 




Paramore and You and Me at Six in Berlin

Jeeze, I really hit the ground running this time in Berlin. Day after I landed I was up and at em getting new US passport and a facial, next day massaging Paul McCartney's guitarist, Brian Ray , then saw the show that night (I paid 250 euro for my ticket so I wasn't after a freebie, although I was gutted Paul had no time for a massage).



Next day after Macca show (which by the way was good BUT I could have just watched the DVD I have called Back in the US , live concert footage from 2002 from Paul, which was almost EXACTLY like the show I saw here in Berlin December 3rd, 2009. I mean even the dialog was the same "this is when the band goes away and leaves me alone with YOU" etc. sigh. FUCK!!! I LOVE the Beatles and Paul but had I known the set list and dialog was an exact replica I would have stayed home and slept off a big of this jet lag I STILL have. This below is the best shot I could get from the Macca show:


You can see the set list on my blog of that show HERE



Drummer Zac – only 19 years old and already so successful. This band is going places. Seriously.  Check them out:



Singer Josh is a super sweet person (also 19 years old!). This band is from London, keep your eye out: http: / / www. myspace. com/youmeatsix



Paramore was headlining, they are HUGE now. Heard they penned a song or two from the Twilight movie sound track so the crowd was 99.9% young screaming girls lol. The band Paramore are SO down to earth. I got along with the bassist and drummer the best. They are both very chatty and fun. Guitarist was a sweety but very quiet. He and the drummer are brothers. I love meeting young musicians who are ambitious, successful and not into drugs. They will go far, I just have a feeling about these guys. Nashville natives takin' over, yo. 


The band You and Me at Six are very popular in the UK and slowly gaining respect in Europe and the USA too. Super young as well, dam I felt old around all these 19 year olds! Hello!! haha. Well I massaged for 9 hours straight apart from the dinner break I had and my fingers were sore the next day, the deep tissue massage I give out is BRUTAL. The clients love it but my fingers are not amused the next day. 


Berlin is FREEZING, it is too fucking cold to even snow here. Jesus. Anyway, I am running a slight fever, rather cranky and miss my Jasmine so I will stop moaning now and get to bed


Setlist from Paul McCartney show in Berlin Dec. 3, 2009

In a hurry now, off to massage a band called PARAMORE. Here is set list from last night's Paul McCartney show, it was HEAVEN!


      1. Magical Mystery Tour Play Video
         2. Drive My Car Play Video
         3. Jet Play Video
         4. Only Mama Knows Play Video
         5. Flaming Pie Play Video
         6. Got To Get You Into My Life Play Video
         7. Let Me Roll It / Foxy Lady Play Video
         8. Highway Play Video
         9. The Long and Winding Road Play Video
        10. (I Want to) Come Home Play Video
        11. My Love Play Video
        12. Blackbird Play Video
        13. Here Today Play Video
        14. Dance Tonight Play Video
        15. And I Love Her Play Video
        16. Mrs Vanderbilt Play Video
        17. Eleanor Rigby Play Video
        18. Band on the Run Play Video
        19. Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da Play Video
        20. Sing the Changes Play Video
        21. Back in the U.S.S.R. Play Video
        22. Something Play Video
        23. I've Got a Feeling Play Video
        24. Paperback Writer Play Video
        25. A Day in the Life / Give Peace A Chance Play
        26. Let It Be Play Video
        27. Live and Let Die Play Video
        28. Hey Jude Play Video
        29. Encore:
        29. Day Tripper Play Video
        30. Lady Madonna Play Video
        31. Get Back Play Video
        32. Encore 2:
        32. Yesterday Play Video
        33. Helter Skelter Play Video
        34. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band Play 

Get back to where you once belonged




So my US passport is about to expire and the embassy closes at noon, so I figured going to get a new passport right after landing in Berlin, while I still have jet lag (I get up ridiculously early the first few days back in Berlin) I should take advantage and do productive early morning things while I still can. 

I rushed to embassy expecting a huge line but I was the ONLY one there. They pointed me to the photo-machine and I crammed in there and took this picture above left. I wore a Beatles shirt, but sadly you can't see the logo in the pic. I put this pic on Facebook and a friend decided to help me out and put the Beatles pin into the picture for me, so sweet! Too late for the passport though, as it is already shipped off for processing with the pic from the left. I look so pale like a vampire. Guess my friend added some color to me out of sympathy haha.


US Embassy, Clayallee, Berlin ^

WOW!! This empty eerie lot ^ was once the American PX. I worked there in the shoe department in 1990 when I first moved to Berlin (I moved to Berlin October 1989 actually, right before the wall came down). I only lasted 6 months in the PX as I was in charge of Men's Athletic shoes. Which meant all of my customers were soldiers, as the PX was ONLY for the armed forces. So the British, French and American soldiers all came to me for help finding shoes. I loved it, but the Army wives HATED ME and complained EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY about my clothes: "her navel button is showing!" or "shirt is too tight" "jeans too tight" "shirt too short" etc. They tried sooooo hard to get me fired, even though I increased sales by 30%. I was fired. Fuck them. I hate the military way of thinking anyways. They did me a favor as I tried extra hard to learn German and did so and could finally do massages in German clinics. Movin' on up! What doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, baby. These pics were taken with my blackberry, hence the quality..


Paul McCartney is in town OMFG!! I bought a ticket for 250 euro, we shall see what happens. I don't want to jinx anything. I am so happy to have space again, as the apartment in NYC is too fucking small and crowded, it is seriously doing my head in!!! I NEED SPACE DAMMIT!!!

I decided I will start writing my book (again) this Christmas. I will hopefully have some "free" time and start pounding away at the keyboards and see what happens. Yes I brought out a book in 1999, but it was in German and 99% of my humor and personal touch was missing. It sucked!!! So I will start all over and give it a go. 

The Ku'damm yesterday ^

Cramming Christmas down the Berliners throats ^

It is FREEEEZING in Berlin right now by the way



Massage in Frankfurt, Germany

Contact me at: and put "Franco/Frankfurt" in the subject line


My Name is Franco. I currently live in Frankfurt and I have been working as trainer for rehabilitation, fitness and nutrition.

As long as I can remember, my loved ones benefited from my passion for giving Massages. Therefore, I decided to go to private School to learn various professional Techniques. I wanted to give my talent more structure. Soon I found out that the Work as a Personal Trainer and Massage Therapist complement each other. One of the Massage techniques which I use most frequently (body balance) is very dynamic and fluent and includes techniques from various backgrounds, such as classical, medical and relaxation Massage.

I am looking forward to expanding my Horizon and making new Experiences with my new Clients. It flows together with all the other types of techniques like the classic, medical and relaxing Massages. I would love to be able to expend my Horizon again. I'm also looking forward to new Experiences with my Future Clients.