Massage in Stuttgart, Germany

Email me at and put "Katja/Stuttgart" in subject line to reach me fastest


My name is Katja (pronounced Cat-ya). Already from child's legs I massaged with pleasure and had the feeling to be able to do my person by my  touches of property. In 2005 I began the education in the certificate sports-and wellness masseuse in the accredited technical school "artofbalance" in Frankfurt which I in 2008 successfully closed.

I adapt my massage always to the needs of the respective client. It is discussed before which pressure quality is welcome. For me massage is more than kneading, spannings solve and exercise technologies. My massage is a touch at all levels: Body, mind, and soul. The hands are the tools of the soul.

Everything what I have read about Dr. Dot Team, has appealed to me directly. Thus I have immediately applied with her. She arranged a meeting with her assistant Wolfgang and to me and thus I went to Frankfurt and massaged there Wolfgang. He was very contented and transmitted this judgment also to Dr. Dot. Now I am a proud member of the Dr. Dot Team.

Massage in Dresden, Germany

Book me:  put in "Hanni/Dresden" and I will answer you ASAP. 



Hello I'm Hanni and I'd like to welcome you in the Dresden area!

I'm a certified physiotherapist since 2002, but what's important in order to
be a good therapist, I learned during numerous treatments from my patients.

To give a really good treatment you need to know more than the mere anatomy
and physiology of a human body.

You have to feel what a person needs at the current moment and – even more
important –

be able to precisely treat this case.

With a little pride I can tell you that I'm really good in feeling into
somebody's needs and handle it carefully.

Most of my clients tell me, they feel sheltered and secure as soon as I get
my hands on them.

Above that, I do have very strong and persistent fingers that enable me to
get all your tensions and muscular tension away very thoroughly.

I'm a certified therapist for Functional Muscle Therapy, Progressive Muscle
Relaxation, Traditional Thai-massage, Foot Reflexology, Ayurveda and
Ayurvedic Baby and Pregnancy Care (which I learned in India) and several
other therapies.

So whether you want to regain your strength, get you sore body soothed, take
a well-deserved break or just get the tension out of your muscles I'd be
happy to help you.


Massage in Hamburg, Germany

To book me, email me at and put "Christine/Hamburg" in subject line and I will answer you ASAP. 



Hello…I'm Christiane, I was born in 1973 and I live and work in Hamburg.

I was born and raised in East-Germany, finished my school and then moved to Bavaria, where I worked as a governess in an health clinic for children. I had my first contact with the job of a masseuse and I was captivated.

In the middle of the 90's I worked for a German Travel-Organization in Turkey and Corse/France as a host for children, music and later as a chef-host. After I came back to Germany I decided to become a masseuse. I finished the training in 1999 and since then I have the best job of the world.

And now I'm glad to get a new challenge…..TO BE A PART OF THE DR. DOT TEAM

My favorites are the swedish (classic) and foot-reflex massage. I give you the massage which you need, with more pressure and pain treatment or a relaxing massage.

I hope we will see us and I give you the best massage ever!

Massage in Berlin

Email me at: and put "Oliver/Berlin" to reach me fastest.  I speak German, English and Italian.


Hi, my name is Oliver. Im born 1979 in New Haven/USA. I live in Germany since I was five years old. I raised in Bavaria and live in Berlin for 10 years now. I began my career in Germany in becoming a Reikimaster 1999 and studied a little time later, what we call in Germany a 'Heilpraktiker'. This is similarly to the Naturopathist in USA. After successfully completing a four year taking education of school medicine, herbs, homoepathics, akupuncture, shiatsu and classical massage I decided to concentrate more on the body work. I love it, because you have direct responses and relievement comes immediately.

Feeling the tension of the muscles while working on them, stretching and pressing where the pain is, adjusting the joints, that's where you come right to the point. There's no need for big explanations and understandings, its just the body of the patient and my hands which work together to find a solution for the problem. Wether it's a diffuse or a well-defined pain, wether its just exhaustion or a concrete issue ('…which is in the tissue'). There can be help. My Massage-Technics are Shiatsu, TuiNa, Deep Tissue Massage, Manual Stretching and Classical Massage. Also Foot-Reflex-Massage, Ear-massage and Cupping.

Massage in Stuttgart Germany

If you want to book a massage with me, email me at and put "Birgit/Stuttgart" in the subject line.  Danke 🙂



Hi, my name is Birgit. Since I can remember I was fascinated by perceiving and communicating with my hands.

My career first led me to natural science as an engineer, but my passion of perceiving and communicating with my hands remained always present. Meanwhile I run sucessfully my own high-class massage studio nearby Stuttgart. In addition it is a pleasure to me and an important part of my work, to observe appointments in hotels and on events.

I am a certified craniosacral therapist and massage therapist and specialized on classical massage and hot stone massage.

I do really love what I am doing and work with high concentration to grant every client the best massage. I am happy, proud and grateful to be part of the Dr. Dot massage team. You are welcome to book me for a classical massage or hot stone massage in my massage studio, in your hotel or backstage.

I speak German, English, Italian, Persian and a little bit of French. You will enjoy feeling fresh, light and relaxed – I am very much looking forward to meeting you!

Berlin, July 2009


Some pictures I took this day and night (some were taken with Blackberry, some with camera, hence the difference in quality)


This gorgeous shot was taken by Scruff with his camera ^ He is an amazing photographer 

This is the waterfall at Kreuzberg park aka Viktoria Park, near my house. 


 Reichtag ^ (Berlin's Capital building)



 The most disgusting toilet I have seen in a long time ^ inside Tacheles

Scruff in Tacheles (he was in a great mood, don't know why he looks so serious here) 


Me and my old pal Robin ^ ( I haven't seen her in TEN years!). We all went out to eat together and it was great catching up with her. She is American and used to live in Berlin. She now lives in Glasgow and is married with a child. LOVE HER. 


FINALLY! Project Object plays in Berlin! The BEST Frank Zappa tribute band ever!

Click link below to see in original format:




Project/Object (US) + [trap.] (CA/D)

am 13. Aug. 2009

The members of PROJECT/OBJECT feel that Frank Zappa is one of the 20th Century's greatest and most important composers, and they are on a mission to bring his music to the masses by faithfully recreating the live Zappa experience.

PROJECT/OBJECT formed in the early '90s as an offshoot from an annual Frank Zappa birthday celebration that took place in guitarist Andre' Cholmondeley's basement in New Jersey. As the event grew in size and popularity, PROJECT/OBJECT decided to take their show on the road, performing Zappa's music in more cities and larger venues, with a growing set list from every era of Zappa's 30-year recording career. The band strives to stay true to Frank's vision of constantly challenging the musicians and the audiences.

Frank Zappa was extremely influential to many musicians and bands, especially many jambands, including Phish, moe., and Deep Banana Blackout. While many jamband fans are aware that Frank Zappa was influential, they are largely unfamiliar with his music. Of those who are familiar, many were too young to have seen him in concert. PROJECT/OBJECT is the closest they will get to the live Zappa experience, and the band has been enjoying increasing support from this growing scene.

PROJECT/OBJECT is now and always will be the world's ONLY ZAPPA TRIBUTE BAND that has played so many gigs and complete TOURS with so many of the ACTUAL PARTICIPANTS in Zappa's Musical Universe – musicians from virtually EVERY Zappa lineup…from the 1965 band all the way to the 1988 band!! Other acts may outflank them with big budgets and fancy, misleading ads, but PROJECT/OBJECT is the World's ONLY band to go to for fans that want an intimate, excellent evening with ACTUAL, AUTHENTIC, OFFICIAL ZAPPA ALUMNI…..

In every new market they visit, PROJECT/OBJECT converts the curious into dedicated fans. They want to remind old Zappa fans of the way it used to be and let younger fans, who never experienced a Zappa show, see and hear the way it was.

[trap.]: innovative international power trio shaped of :
Merlin Ettore (Canada) :: hybrid drums
Matjö Pe (france) :: explosed trumpet/mad keys
Elektremi (Germany) :: intuitive electronics

Recently based in Berlin, [trap.] have been spawning raw power and future in sound in the studio and on stage.

[trap.] is known to hand over to their audiences energy packed beat fireballs surfing on hypnotic silky sounds waves.
Expanding it’s horizons, [trap.] is know to collaborate with a wide range of instrumentalist wonders of various musical scenes.

[trap.] is currently in production recording an EP.
Release in Berlin scheduled for late May 2009.

[trap.] is endorses Yamaha Drums, Paiste Cymbals and Ableton software.