Germany wins over Turkey


 ^ "fan mile" (in background you can see the Adlon Hotel where Michael Jackson dangled the baby out the window AND where I massaged the President the other night).


I am sure you heard it already, but last night Germany won over Turkey in football (soccer to the yanks) 3-2. It was a close game the whole time, super exciting!!!

Martina, my preggy gal pal, is lovin' her extra cleavage ^ I found it hard to look in her eyes whilst talking to her with such lovely optical distractions right in front of me, now I know how it must feel to be a man

Martina (my pregnant girlfriend) and I went and watched it in Oscar Wilde Irish pub, which is normally a peaceful place, BUT last night hard core German football hooligans, all with shaved heads, Doc Martin boots and Nazi symbols filled the place. At first there were just ten of them and it was funny watching them scream and shout and carry on, but then 20 or so more piled in and it got scary. Martina is German and said the songs and chants they were belting out were old German Nazi songs. The other Germans in the place were also getting very very uncomfortable with this, but even the owner and bar tenders were petrified of them, so no one could do anything. It was even too crowded to leave at one point. The shit really hit the fan when the power went out. There was a massive storm in Basel which caused a disruption of video footage, which means, all over the world, people who were watching it live, had to watch a blank screen for a few minutes during the match, and that happened 4 times, which created even more anticipation and frenzies galore.



Every time there was a goal from either side, stools went flying, beer was tossed everywhere (Martina and I were dressed in girly dresses and little strappy sandals and got SOAKED). There is no stopping these guys. A few took off their shirts and showed they had Nazi ( swastikas  ) all over them as well as this one: 

Every country has it's nationalists, but this is the closest I have been to the chaos they bring. Sometimes it seems football and nationalism go hand and hand together, sigh. This one hooligan KEPT spilling beer down Martina's back (who is 7 months pregnant) and I asked him to back up and be careful and he just screamed at us and made obscene hand gestures. Scary guys.

 One of the Jewish waitresses was off duty and sitting with us during the whole match, she was not amused. Anyways, not sure how the Turks dealt with losing as there were NO TURK supporters what so ever in that pub, or on the streets in that area afterwards. I am sure they are pissed off, gutted, sad. However, the Germans are in the BEST mood ever, the sun is shining and Berlin is heaven on earth at the moment (if Jasmine was here it would be even better, but she is still in Italy). 


Lots of great concerts coming up again here in Berlin, Motorhead, Radio Head, etc.. I will never be able to decide between NYC and Berlin. I just can't. I love them both. So instead of me trying to decide, I decided not to decide. Less pressure. ha! Next month the official smoking ban will be enforced ( I will believe it when I see it) then Berlin would be even BETTER. The Oscar Wilde pub is smoke free; LOVES IT! But "Kaffe Burger " where we went after the match to help the Exberliner celebrate it's 6th anniversary, was smoky as fuck. Oh, it's predominantly men there, and even being 7 months pregnant< Martina & I were getting hit on non-stop. So, if you are a lady and looking for a man in Berlin, head to Kaffe Burger. jeeze!! 





Berlin is happier than ever right now. The Turks are happy as they won the other night and now Germany won against Portugal, so we have happy Turks along side Happy Germans, enjoying the warm weather. Life is grand here apart from the fucking construction workers who have been doing who knows WHAT since January in my court yard, who start making EXTREME noise at 7:30 am sharp, which leaves me about, uh, one hour of silences after my head hits the pillow at 6am as always. Lucky for them there are laws protecting them, ha ha.


So today (June 19th) is Jasmine's 19th birthday. OMG! Just thought I would throw that out there, she won't want me going on and on about it. sigh. I  am so swamped lately that even thinking about blogging makes me nervous. I have so much to write and so many pictures to crop and upload and explain. Perhaps I will find time this weekend to put a dent in the France and Italy blog. Jesus I have to much catching up to do AND my New Years resolution was to actually re-write my WHOLE book again so I can see if anyone wants to publish it. Thing is, I get asked several times a day per email "where can I find your book" or "where can I buy your book?" so I know there is a demand for it and I know it will help me sleep getting all of this info out of my fucking head (like taking a huge mental dump) so I can free up memory space on my mind before I get Alzheimers and forget it all. Feck!

So much to do everyday, so many emails and columns to write that I never get around to the fun writing.. I think it's better to have too much to do than not enough. I simply can NOT understand people who get bored. WHAT? Bored? I just don't comprehend. I have no time to be bored. There is always something to do, in fact, more than one thing to do; I'm not even bored when I sleep, I have naughty dreams keeping me entertained.

Oh, I saw the Sex and the City movie tonight and LOVED IT!!! I went with  my girlfriend Martina (who looks, dresses and acts just like Charlotte AND is 7 months pregnant, so at the part in the film where Charlotte was super pregnant, it was so funny looking at Martina!). Anyways the film is fabulous and we want MORE! On another note, I watched an episode of WEEDS, which everyone told me about; told me how much I would love it. HATED IT. What a waste of time that was. STUPID. Don't waste your time. Sometimes before I sleep, Pooh and I watch something on my MAC lap top (which I LOVE now by the way) and it's usually Meerkat Manor or Gene Simmon's Family Jewels which I order from iTunes. LOVE THEM.


I am just rambling on now, I have to get to bed before the trash men and construction workers start making their war sounds. Will write again soon,


1 May in Berlin, Germany 2008


Normally on the 1 of May Berlin is chaotic and a tad dangerous… I brought my camera out just in case I came across such action on my daily strut through the park across from my flat in Berlin. This is the video material I gathered on the 1st of May.. (above)



"May 1 is a bubbling sea of discontent. The urban masses are a flurry with protest, parade, and party. Though in recent years a series of more benign events have taken some of the anger out of the day's mood, May Day is traditionally when a motley collection of left and radical groups — communist, socialist, revolutionary, and anarchist — get out for good old Berlin-style demonstrations. In addition to the primary evil, crappy work conditions and compensation, participants protest any and all things negative: racism, sexism, environmental damage, and globalization/capitalism. Other causes are uniquely Berlin: for instance there was last year's march for the release of a jailed Red Army Faction terrorist, a concern that harkens back to West Berlin as the breeding ground for terrorist groups in the late-1960s and 1970s).

Amid the ruckus, Berlin emerges yet again as a metropolis of contradictions. For starters, May 1 in Germany has seen street fights between right- and left-wing radical groups, as when the far right NPD and gangs of neo-Nazi ruffians decide that they can use the day for their own cause, which then leads to battle with Nazi opposition groups. These violent conflicts obviously contradict the messages of coexistence and peace that are the focus of several of the other groups hitting the streets on May Day.

These clashes aside, most of the violence comes from people with little political motivation — a wave of wayward punks and anarchists out for a little destructive fun. More like football hooligans than pensive protesters, these angry champions of disorder charge through the streets come nightfall looking for a chance to throw bottles and/or rocks at cops, vandalize, and, most notoriously, set cars, garbage cans, and such on fire. Their rage against authority just causes grief for a bunch of unempowered average Berliners — the residents of Kreuzberg, street cleaners, and other unlucky souls forced to deal with the aftermath.

I'm eager to see how things play out this year, after the peaceful and goal-oriented activists managed to win the day (but not the night) for constructive purposes last year. But as this year marks the 80th anniversary of Blutmai (Blood May), during which the police injured and killed protesters, it'll be interesting to see who'll claim that as their precedent (and how).

There are eleven demonstrations planned so far this year. On April 1 alone, exactly one month before the Tag der Arbeit, three revolutionary groups registered their May Day protests with the city's police. So, as in years prior, the Revolutionäre 1 Mai Demonstration will begin at 1 p.m. in Kreuzberg (pictured above). Then two other rallies will also hit the streets: Mayday beginning at 2 p.m. and Gegen Kapital und Krieg (literally 'Against Capital and War') at 5 p.m. Once you tire of watching these spectacles, you can wander MyFest, the neighborhood's fantastic street festival. Just be sure to batten down the hatches come nightfall."  From 



November in Berlin ( I know, I KNOW, long ago)

Got a new Macbook Pro and still have to use Windows on it to do my videos, pics and blogs, but I haven't given up, I will learn and master the Mac (someday).. this is why it's taken me so long to blog again..anyways… 

My two German buddies and I went to the Hard Rock Cafe for Thanksgiving dinner. They had never experienced a Thanksgiving before. The Turkey was rather suspicious. They ordered "Turkey Legs" but the waitress told us they only have Breast. Not that they ran out of legs, they simply ONLY serve Turkey Breasts and they expect people to believe that they use REAL, fresh turkey? What do they cut the tits off and bin the rest of the fucking turkey or what? Oh please. It was obvious it was canned Turkey breast. Bitch please. It's 25 euro per person to eat there and you can cranberry sauce, turkey breasts, stuffing, gravy, mashed potatoes and a slice of apple or pumpkin pie. Everything but the suspicious Hard COCK cafe Turkey and the NASTY fucking wine was scrumptious. Note: never ever expect decent wine at a Hard Rock Cafe. They are ALL about cocktails.

The Sage club in Berlin has been around for years. It used to be called the Boogaloo, when I brought Robert Plant there in 1993. I have also brought Bruce Willis there, Pantera and Eminem and D-12 there over the years to party. Hey, I not only massage the artists, I play tour guide too as I speak fluent German and know Berlin better than any other city I know. Anyhow, the owner of the Sage, Sacha, put me on the guest list for VIP passes for a special party. Each Thursday the Sage hosts a Rock and Roll party. LOADS of rock and metal fans pack this club every Thursday. It starts around 11pm and goes onto 8 or 9 am, sometimes until noon. This particular party was a 24 hour party.

I have to laugh when people  (Frank Sinatra) calls NYC the "city that never sleeps". I am in NYC and believe me, it fucking sleeps. It's hard to find a rowdy place to go really late at night, whereas Berlin literally parties all day and all night; I'm surprised any work at all gets done in Berlin. Most clubs and bars stay open 24 hours a day. It's really strange. People don't even go OUT until midnight in Berlin. In New England, however, they go out at 7pm and get thrown out of the bar at 1am sharp (in Connecticut they set the bar clocks 20 minutes ahead to get rid of the crowd early) wtf?


Pics I took inside the Sage 

Ok, where was I..oh yes, this particular party was a special party. It was the 10 year anniversary party for their "Rock Night". So I simply had to go. When the girls and I got there and parked, the line to get in was outside, all around the block. We were really grateful to be on the VIP list. Yay! All those years of bringing stars to their club finally paid off 😉

Another cool thing about Germany and Berlin in particular is the freedom. They are almost too liberal (trying to make up for a guilty past perhaps?). You can get into any club and bar at age 14 and up. I mean, do these girls look older than 15 to you? Hell no. I have cheese and wine older than these babes.  They are cute as fuck though and posed for me in the bathroom. Cuties.

< Andreas, aka Kirion

I love the rockers you meet at the Sage Rock nights. Most other Berliners are into Techno or House, they are so "sprockets"!. I am pretty sure I was drinking with the hottest guys in the whole club. The ladies were leering at me all night. Heh heh. First we have Andreas, aka Kirion (his band name) from Italy. He is the singer of a Black Metal band called Sturmkaiser . He wanted to make it clear, the band plays Black Metal, not Death Metal, which according to him, is much lighter music, as in, for pussies. Black Metal is what Satan himself listens to down in Hell. Whatever. I had fun talking to him and telling him how fucking gorgeous he was and how lucky (or not?) his girlfriend is. I am actually not sure having such a gorgeous, flirty boyfriend would be a good thing. sigh. 

I mean, look how fucking good looking he is. It's insane.  He enjoyed using up my free drink tickets Sascha (club owner) kept sending my way. The younger girls were hissing and leering from a very close distance. It was amusing and it got even worse when Charlie came to hang out with us….


Charlie Crawford is very very famous in Germany for being a final runner up on their version of "American Idol" called "Deutschland sucht ein Superstar". He was on it until the very end but lost to some other punk. I have known Charlie and his Goddess of a sister for over 2 years. Charlie has a band called "Empty Trash" which is becoming more and more popular. Thing is, Charlie is 19 and Andreas (Kirion) is 23, so it felt fun being the sugar mama of the evening. "don't stand, don't stand so, don't stand so close to me"…

German girls are insane over Charlie. They swoon, scream, push and shove to get near him. It's adorable. Since I've had him in my myspace top friends, I have gotten several emails from random young German girls asking me to hook them up with Charlie. It's insane. lol 

Oh what a night. It was perfect apart from the fact it was SOOOOO SMOKEY that I got another lung infection and ended up in bed for two whole weeks on antibiotics (had same problem one year ago). I can hardly fucking wait until the smoking ban takes effect in Berlin (starts Jan. 1st 2008). If it works, Berlin will be even more amazing then it already is.

^ Charile, me and some unknown drunk clown 


Busiest bartender in Berlin ^ 

 Just edited a tiny film I made of NYC and spent hours uploading and cropping pics I have taken here in the city and will post them in the next day or so. I am glad Christmas is over and am looking forward to New Years eve (may go see Chris Rock at Madison Square Gardens 🙂


Back in Berlin

Omg, been so busy it's insane. Just got back from London, where I was since last Sunday massaging Simon Cowell, who is by FAR my all time favorite massage client. I will do a blog about London and the Rod Stewart show I worked at but I have to sleep a day or two lol..

Jasmine is in NYC and I am so nervous I can barely sleep, so that is adding to the sleeping disorder here.. Berlin is freezing, damp and dark (when I go to bed it's dark, when I get up it's dark).  One good thing about that is you don't have to worry about sun damage to your skin Cool

October in Berlin (Birthdays and a visit from Arturo Vega)

So another birthday has come and gone (Friday was my Birthday and naturally I will just let you wonder how old/young I am )


Jasmine and I spent most of the  day at the Ritz Carlton Hotel, at their Spa. Jasmine has never had a facial or anything of the sort, so it was funny to see her experience it all. The service was great, but their techniques were half ass. Not worth the 600 euros is cost, at all. They rushed us, left Jasmine's face a mess and didn't have time to do my manicure (had to do it at home). Just warning you if you were thinking of spending money on the place.. The lady who does my facials since 10 years at the Europa Center is the best, by far. I guess I shouldn't have cheated on her 🙂

The last few days have been very eventful as my friend Arturo Vega (art director for the Ramones) has been in town. He just turned 60 but does NOT act it or look it. A youthful Libra, like myself, heh heh. I have known him since I was 15 years old. When I first started dating Joey Ramone. Anyways, Arturo is in town for some art exhibition he is taking part in. He designed EVERY single Ramones album/cd cover. He invented THAT Ramones symbol most people know, in fact, he even got it tattoed on his back:

< Arturo Vega

Some pics of us over the years…..

^ 2002 NYC

  < 2004 

I have one of us together when I was just 16 and I just tried to find it,  but it will take days to find that one pic. When I do find it, I will post it as it's hilarious.

Below are some pictures I took the other day, showing Arturo around Berlin. 



Arturo near the Sony Center, Potsdamer Platz

Jewish Monument near Brandenburger Tor ^


^ The typical Brandenburger Tor (gate) pose  🙂

 Artie loved this building with the big D on it ^ . I am pretty sure it's an Art related/performance hall- building, but don't quote me on that. 

We stood in line for ages to get to the top of the Reichtag (like the White House of Germany). The view was nice, I just wish we got there earlier, as it was kinda dark as you can see..

Unfortunately they were cleaning that glass dome, which you can normally walk around, literally. There is a winding path inside that you can scale, but we arrived at an awkward time, as they were vacuuming and mopping.  


The middle of the dome, looks so futuristic ^

View from the top of Reichtag ^

No trip to Berlin is complete without a stop at Tacheles, the broke down building that squatters took over after the wall fell in 1989. They took over, making it into a bizarre art museum of sort. One artist, Tim Roelofs, is so successful, he has his own, rather permanent, shop on the 3rd floor. I even bought a piece from there, for my Dad for Christmas (keep that info on the down low 🙂

No, this is NOT the piece I bought for my Dad. But I find it entertaining and thought it was worth sharing.. (also by  Tim Roelofs)

There are many freaks who live and/or hanging out in Tacheles. Never a dull moment. This girl from Sweden for example, has the longest Dreads I have ever seen on a chick. She was asking me if I had any weed to share. Didn't have any on me, lol, but I gave her some spare change for posing for me and to help in her search.

Be happy she has her mouth closed. Her tooth (and I mean TOOTH, not teeth) was rather disturbing.



Arturo was not impressed much by Tacheles like most people I drag there. He said he has seen similar/better/worse places in Holland for example. I guess at his age, and the fact he hung with the Ramones for over 25 years, you pretty much have seen it all. The Ramones signed their first ever record contract in his kitchen. He has pictures of that in his flat, which is like a Ramones museum.

Speaking of Ramones museums, our friend Flo, who is probably the biggest Ramones fan I have ever met, runs the Ramones Museum in Berlin. Arturo has been hanging out there every day since he's been there. I will go and film there tomorrow..

Click HERE to see the museums myspace page.. 



I gathered together with some friends at White Trash, the night after my birthday….just to have some laughs, no big woop…



 Arturo talking to Paualo and Martina (one of my best friends & also a Libra 🙂  ^


 Me ^ wearing the "DD"  charms (in the usa, people call me 'Double D') I bought myself for my birthday. ^ Daniel  givin' us the Dr. Evil pose.

 Sansi, my friend and drummer and his lovely girlfriend Chrissy (also a Libra) and Bjoern, an old friend of mine since many years (who sometimes also acts as an agent for me). 

It was fun, but after 3 hours of White Trash, I had to bolt with Freaky and Arturo to sing some karaoke. The first time since my tonsillectomy one month ago. My pipes are in working order again, it was so fun to sing again, and finally Arturo got to witness the madness 🙂

Art work by Tim Roelofs ^  (notice the "woman" to the right holding her penis) Ahem, welcome to Berlin.

Berlin, baby

Sooooooooooooo, back in Berlin. The flight, as predicted, killed my ears and throat. Whine ,whine, whine. I know. Since I have been back, I have been going to bed at 7pm and getting up at 6 am. Can't seem to stop this insanity, but I am sure once I get better and go for a late night of karaoke, this early morning crap will be cured. I sit here for hours working online, thinking to myself, what do people do this early in the morning? I feel like I have too much time on my hands and all of my friends are still sleeping.

Simon, of American Idol/X-Factor Fame has been in touch and I will hopefully be massaging him again soon. Ditto with Joe Jackson, Harry Connick Jr.  and Rod Stewart and his entourage. Finally Harry will be able to get a massage from me personally. He has been using my team for ages but has yet to meet the Doctor. He even spoke about my team on stage one night on his tour, saying how much he loves Dr. Dot's massage team. He will freak when he gets a massage from me, he ain't seen nothin' yet Wink

The guilt of not blogging has been rather strong, sorry about that. I went to my local Ear, Nose, Throat doctor yesterday here in Berlin, just to see how things were in my throat and hear a different opinion and this Berliner bases Doctor freaked out when she looked in my throat, thus spreading panic into me. She said (all in German of course) that the Americans butchered me, that there is still lots of left over tissue he (my USA based ENT Dr. ) "forgot" and that I am bound to have many more tonsil related problems as there is still left over tonsils lurking about in my throat. GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, when I told her I was home 2 hours after the operation, she turned a nice shade of maroon with rage. She didn't believe me and when I convinced her she was still irate and slagging off the American health care routines. She told me in Germany you have to stay "AT LEAST" one week in the hospital after such an operation. Not so in the USA, where they ask you to leave as soon as you wake from the anesthesia. Buh Bye they say as they shove you out the door…. "don't call us, we will call you".

The pro's and con's between the USA and Germany have been taunting me for 18+ years now, I am  a Libra and have trouble making up my mind about every thing, so this is driving me batty. "Should I stay or should I go now?" runs through my head all the time. So afraid of making the wrong choice, that I make none and continue to live two lives, spreading myself thin. Naturally there are pro's to this situation, otherwise I wouldn't keep doing it. Hard to get bored if you keep moving "I don't know but I've been told, you never slow down, you never grow old" a quote from a very underrated Tom Petty..

So before I left, as you may know, I went to see Steve Vai and had fun hanging out with him. Somehow we got to talking about Farts, as  you do, and he said "Farts are like God's little joke on us". So I went online and ordered him a fart machine. I sent it express mail up to Christin, my friend and also the worlds biggest Vai fan. They are pals, Steve always makes time for her, so she is not just a fan. Anyways, they met at a local Starbucks in Boston before the show, and she gave him my fart machine.  

Steve & Christin ^  – Steve opening my Fart Machine  Laughing

Anyways, Jasmine returns tomorrow from Italy (she has been studying Italian in Bologna). I can't wait to give her mad hugs and kisses, yay!

Gotta run, things to do..ttyl