Pete the grumpy old cat I am cat-sitting

Pete the meanie who bit me, showing his fangs. He just swatted me when I walked by. He has ATTITUDE.. owner Anthony is busy DOG sitting for Arturo Vega (our mutual life long friend) so I offered to cat sit for him so he doesn't have to go back and forth. BAD IDEA.

Pete came up onto the sofa and was affectionately rubbing against me and when I reached out to pet him he violently bit me, like he snapped on me!! CRAZY CAT! I prefer dogs, nuff said!! I had to go to the emergency room tonight to get a Tetanus shot and anti-biotics. The Doc said "that must be one BIG cat!!" as the bit goes from one side of my arm around to the other (you can't see the other two puncture wounds on other side) . THIS cures me of wanting a cat, not doing it.





Back from Miami

 Ocean Drive first day there (ONLY day it was really sunny)

 Keep in mind, this was the first day, on the beach, when I arrived. The rest of the time it was too cold to swim and cloudy. Guess April is not a good time to hit South Beach for a vacation..



I had TWO snakes around my neck at once (I was simply out power walking and THIS happened πŸ™‚




Landed home safely tonight from South Beach, Florida. HATED IT. Techno music blasting from every hotel, bar, club, boom box, superficial idiots everywhere flashing their money and bodies. NO KARAOKE anywhere, no rock and roll ANYWHERE around. Restaurants were over priced and the service was slow and apathetic (when it came to receiving their tips, they suddenly perked up). Only good places I ate at were Jerry's Diner (very expensive for a diner but it is open 24/7 and has EVERYTHING and it all tastes great) and an Italian place called La Lupa Di Roma:   which is loud, fun, tasty and not that expensive. 



 I took ALL of these pictures with my Blackberry because I couldn't even be asked getting my good camera out lol

View from my hotel room ^


The sun wasn't around most of my trip, just clouds and rain which made it even more unbearable. Not trying to be a whiner, but I prefer Key West. Rock and Roll everywhere, casual folks just wanting to chill and have fun and plenty of karaoke there. 





One good part was meeting and trading massages with Miami Dot Bot Amy. The massage was great and after we went to all the five star hotels to give them our flyer. She's a blast and I wish she lived closer.



Oh and I made a new friend named Billy MIA  ^ who works at an erotic shop (undies, dildos, oils, etc). He was soooo funny! He reminded me of Hoboken Danny (you know, he is in most of my youtube videos lol)

Just for fun I tried on a strap-on ^

hmmmmm, would not mind trying that bad boy out ^ (called the Rose Petal fyi)

OUCH!! ^ are you fucking kidding me?? Cactus Cock??


DIRECTLY outside a huge Miami super market ^ πŸ™ 

I talked to Louie for about an hour. He is from NYC but moved to South Beach 25 years ago. interesting person. I talk to everyone, poor, rich, fancy, plain, doesn't matter to me.

Met and pet LOTS of doggies in South Beach (and kitty cats too but no pics of them- LOTS of stray cats there, but they are all chubby as everyone feeds them. Homeless people look hungry, stray pets look fed. Strange)



 Oh …the pretty lights at night

Watched a band called Remix for a while – the did a whole set of Michael Jackson and they were TIGHT

Out in front of the Avalon hotel (where I stayed last time I was there in 1997). I want this car.. ahhhhh



and that's all she wrote..

The busier I get, the less time I have to sit down and blog. I use twitter much more often now as it is faster, easier and my blackberry is always with me. 

Lots going on lately, it's insane. I reconciled with long time gal pal Chris Myers, which I am very pleased about. I lost my dog Frankie (he was put down without my permission/knowledge) and I have lots of friends from out of town hanging around lately too. NO FREE TIME at all but somehow it suits me. 


My good friend G.A (only giving out his initials) is in town and we shall go to our favorite tattoo artist later so he can get more work done on his and I can talk to Paul Booth about the next one I want to get (a Beatles tattoo). Always fun to hang out with G.A. Face hurts from smiling after wards.

Wednesday I will go and massage and watch the Moody Blues- one of my all time favorite bands. I have seen them many times in concert and I never get bored. LOVE THEM. 

Thursday will be all about work and working out. Friday I will go massage and greet two bands my team have been working with for a few years now; Rehab and Uncle Kracker. I have NO clue what their music sounds like, but they have been loyal clients of mine for years. I love meeting the peeps I have known for so long online, finally, in person. 


I have been looking at several apartments lately- I need more space. I need an office space and a more privacy. I NEED SPACE. I miss my flat in Berlin dearly but I do NOT miss having to apologize every fucking day for being an American. Jesus fucking CHRIST, are you kidding me? People STILL judge you on where you were born? FUCK RIGHT OFF please. I have run out of energy to defend myself in Berlin. The Berliners LOATHE AMERICANS and I just can't/won't take it any longer. WISH I had come to this conclusion BEFORE I spent LOADS renovating my new Berlin flat. I am such an idiot sometimes when it comes to making up my mind. FUCK!!!!!!!


I turned my massage team into an official business now "Dr. Dot Therapy LLC". I absolutely fucking HATE paper work so a well paid accountant is helping with that. Thank GAWD. Libra's and paper work get along like water and oil. PFFFFFFFT! 

In January I had really made up my mind to get a flat in Liverpool and hang out there sometimes rather than Berlin BUT NYC and the people around me have made me feel so much at home, I just love it now. I do not feel like an outsider like I do in Berlin. Here I fit in like a fish in water. This is my style. Fast paced, ambitious, hard working, FUN and exciting. Productive people all around me, who love to work. Always something to do (and eat) how can you not like it? 


Perhaps I just have a knack for falling in love with the place I am at the time. Who knows. I love life so much I can hardly sleep. VERY gutted about my dog but what can I do? I guess I shouldn't get another one as I don't want to be responsible for another animal having the same fate. UGH.


It is 7am, I really have to sleep. Remember a while back I blogged about how great google sync was? Well that was pretty much the last time the fucker worked for me so I have yet another pesky problem on my hands, syncing my crackberry with my MAC. I know people (including me) have bigger problems, but these tiny problems seem to gnaw at you innit?


Follow me on twitter:


The English Language is “DUM”

Still up in Boston. Every time I went out and tried to sing karaoke, there was a RED SOX baseball game on and it was canceled. The folks up here in Boston WORSHIP the Boston Red Sox. I find baseball to be almost as boring as GOLF. Give me a break people omg!!! Even though I am kind of on vacation, naturally I still have to answer over 400 emails per day (for a few days running it was over 500). BUT I am relaxing and really enjoying my stay with Betsy (mother figure/best friend). She is so wise, positive, sweet, funny, practical, motivated, productive, busy busy busy and yet still has time to make the best peanut butter cookies and pancakes on earth.

Anyways, today, Napoleon Murphy Brock sent me this super cute video:





Tonsillectomy day 6

Today is day 6 after surgery and I didn't sleep but one hour last "night" thanks to ear and throat pain. I can't get comfortable… Some people will enjoy reading about this, not many, but some. Probably people thinking of getting the same operation or people who have suffered through it.

I had Catherine drag me to my Doctor 3 days after surgery and asked him to look at me, if it was normal to be throwing up so much etc. I had to wait about an hour in the waiting room, ready to keel over, looking rather light green. Finally he had time for us, Catherine being my voice. He was bitchy at us, like how DARE we question him, that all this was normal. I can not believe they fucking send people HOME two hours after such an operation. Even if you give birth in the usa, they send you home that day. That sounds ok if all goes well, but it seems they want to keep ya movin' in this country.

I am DYING to get my hands on Michael Moore's new dvd, think it's called Sicko. All about how fucked up the health care system is in the great ol' USA. The government can afford $10,000 per minute (or isn't it per second even? ) on arms, but god forbid if you stay over night at the hospital. Anyhow, my Doctor was irate that we asked him for anti-vomit nausea tablets. He said he has never written a prescription for them, ever.

Thing is, if you can't eat and barely drink, your belly is bare. You pump pain killers and antibiotics into it, and it's not a pretty sight; you will blow chunks and you don't really want to be puking if your throat is so tender from just being gutted, now do you?

I feel for everyone who has ever had this shit done.. my heart goes out to you, as I know, it is hell. I am up, since over 30 hours now, can't sleep… just passing time until it heals.. sounds counterproductive I know…

Simon Cowell (American Idol) called last night to say "Hi". That really made my night. I could barely talk but he could hear me. He said it (the operation) shouldn't change my singing voice. YAY!!!!!!!!!!! What a nice guy huh?

I guess I have to back out of going to see Guitar god Steve Vai in Manhattan tomorrow (well, today now, the 25th). I just couldn't enjoy myself, what if I bumped into someone or vice versa and my throat started bleeding? I couldn't have fun, no πŸ™

HOPEFULLY I will make it to the show on the 28th in NJ. Trying for that, really I am.  Oh, I finally gave into the call of Haagen Daas, and it felt great. I don't suggest it the first 3 or 4 days, as it clings too much to the throat. But after, it is a treat to try some πŸ™‚

ps. the old fashioned instructions the Hospital gave me to take home says "after 36 hours, you can begin a soft diet: soup, gelatine, flan, APPLE PIE"  wtf!? Let me ram some PIE down my delicate bloody, well, pie hole. NOT. 

More moaning

Throat and ears feel infected and this is the first time I have been out of bed for hours. I have been spitting large globs of blood and feel like dying.  Wish I never had this operation. I can't eat so when I take pain meds, they make me throw up. Luckily Elizabeth brought us anti-nauseous tablets.

Throat is literally on FIRE.

Me= Miserable.


Click HERE to read an interview I gave to

Tonsil HELL – continuted

Yesterday I was in severe pain and notice on my pain killer bottle that I could take "one or two tablets every 6 hours" so I decided to take two. BIG MISTAKE.
I grew pale and got that tickling feeling in the belly and my friend Catherine caught me each time I vomited, as I faint every single time I puke. I HATE IT. I hate puking. Not that anyone likes it, but I fall all over the bathroom and end up lying on my back sometimes with puke in my mouth, which is dangerous. I get so freaked out when I have to vomit.
I faint and it takes me minutes to come to.  I wake in a sweat and it feels like I was out for hours. Puking is not good with a freshly operated throat.

After a few hours of vomiting and fainting, Catherine called the ambulance. They were too busy, so they sent the sheriff to bring us. He had his sirens on, running red lights and all, I was in too much pain to laugh, but I did find it humorous in a twisted way. Not so funny though when we arrived.
I had to wait over 30 minutes until they finally gave me medical attention. Waiting in the waiting room was no fun fyi, why? Because we don't speak SPANISH.
The TV was on a Spanish station, everyone there was speaking Spanish and it was all extremely loud.
I found the energy to turn to Catherine and whisper:
"what country are we in?" which wasn't meant to be funny, but it made Catherine laugh out loud. But seriously, Spanish is the main language in the usa now, but I don't fucking speak it (yet).
Guess I will have to learn it.
After a few hours of lying there with an IV shoved in my veins, we took a cab home and today my throat feels 10 times worse.

HOLY FUCK this pain is the worst I have ever had. I feel bad for Catherine as I am boring and miserable right now. BORING. Lying around in pain. She is a great friend indeed.
I have no appetite at all. Can't get enough ice water, but it hurts to swallow each time.
I am sorry to moan and whine, but I wish this was over with ASAP.
Steve Vai is playing in 4 days, I have to get better, I want to see the show !

 ps. Good news is Joanne Harras of the NY Press sent all of my checks, yay! And I have gotten loads of emails from confused NY PRESS readers, asking me "where is your column!???". They are shocked and sad. Like me. Oh well, there's always the blog, I will keep posting Ask Dr. Dot weekly, as soon as my throat heals (will it ever?)


Getting your tonsils removed is absolute HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Walked into the Hospital this morning at 5:30am, as planned and the man at the front desk started speaking to me in Spanish. After he realized I don't speak Spanish, he said "oh, you speak English instead?".  That's how it is here in the USA now. They speak first to you in Spanish or ask you in Spanish,  to "push 1 for Spanish", then 2 for English. I just thought that was amusing.

I was told I had to wait until 11am until I was to go under the knife. I didn't sleep the night before, so I was up for around 24 hours. Bored and pissed off that my thirst was driving me mad. You have to stop, as I said before, by midnight the night before, so now I had to wait until 11am. Then I was given an IV (hate being pricked with needles) and wheeled down to another waiting room. Finally the Doctor walks in, surrounded by nurses and tells me "wow, you have GREAT skin". I also found that odd. This made me even more nervous, thinking, is he ok? He said he has already done 8 tonsil removals that morning. Last thing I remember was hearing "we are putting some medicine into your IV to make you relax". The anesthesiologist was great; I didn't vomit like I usually do after being put under.


Woke up FREEZING, like you do and by the way, why do they wake us up? I was in the deepest sleep, didn't notice any pain until I heard "are you sleep!??" from a tiny group of Latino scrubs (people who work in the operating room). I WAS sleeping, now I am awake and realize that I am in FUCKING PAIN. I told you last blog how tough I am. Guess I lied. I can barely swallow water. It KILLS to sip cold water. DYIN' HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Food is the last thing on my mind. I never want to eat again. Thank GOD I ate two pints of Haagen Daas last night before my midnight cut off point. As I can imagine it will be a few days before I can get even some sorbet down my pie hole. Speaking of my pie hole, I just photographed it, it will probably disgust you, but this is a case of misery loves company. If I have to suffer, why shouldn't you? Ow! FUCKING OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a wimp, this is killing me, I just wanna fucking die!

Will update you on the agony when I get a chance. I wish people would stop telling me to eat ice cream. ANY diary products are bad for a tonsil recovery. It sticks to the throat, creates mucus and prevents healing. It's all about sorbet, Italian Ice as they call it over here. Ice Cream with out ANY milk in it. I have some jars of baby food lined up too, mashed apples, pears, etc.. Catherine, my assistant and friend will be here tomorrow to baby me (I even bought a Pooh Bear bib πŸ™‚


I wanted to film the Tonsil operation, but they were "not amused" at the idea.

Here is the ugly truth that is happening in my big abrasive mouth:

 That picture even makes me want to hurl. NASTY.