Fuck iTunes for spoiling it for Survivor viewers AGAIN

I KNOW it is really unimportant but I watch Survivor. Have done for years. I fucking HATE it when people post information about the show on my facebook page like who was voted off, or most importantly WHO WON because it fucking spoils it for those of us who watch it on iTunes.


iTunes is so fucking ignorant when it comes to series. They ALWAYS post the last two episodes of 99% of their series in the wrong order, SO before you get to see who won, they post the REUNION show exposing who the winner was before you even saw the last episode. Read the angry reviews on iTunes (if you give a fuck) and see the outrage. Again, I do realize how incredibly unimportant this is compared to bigger problems in life a the moment, but this is my blog and if I want to vent, I vent. I PAY for whole seasons of Survivor, I don't watch it for free on TV like most folks so you would think iTunes would get their shit together, but NO!!!!! This is the 3rd time they showed the reunion show before ending just on Survivor (they have done it loads on other contest shows too). FUCKING IDIOTS and to make it worse Facebook "Friends" on my fan page always rant and rave about who was voted off, who won etc before I get a chance to watch it, super pissed off, having a HISSY FUCKING FIT!!!!!!

What happened to Ron Paul? www.wacla.org (we are change LA)

From: WeAreChangeLA - wacla.org 
Date: Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 11:28 AM

Please email your Senators and Representatives now!

On Wednesday, George Bush went on TV to sweet-talk Americans into
letting him steal $700 billion of our tax dollars - $2,333 for every
man, woman, and child - to bail out his greedy rich friends on Wall
Street. Worst of all, it's another massive fraud. Bush lied to our
faces when he promised to buy toxic securities "at their current low
prices... and we expect that much, if not all, of the tax dollars we
invest will be paid back." Bull. This is the same administration that
promised the invasion of Iraq would pay for itself through lower oil
prices. The cost of that disaster is now $3 trillion and climbing, not
to mention millions dead, maimed, or exiled...Call your
Senators and Representative right now to say "No $700 Billion Bailout
for Wall Street" - dial the Capitol switchboard at 800-473-6711 or
202-224-3121 or dial direct using the instant phone lookup available
here. And if you have not emailed your Senators and Representative,
please do it now.