I just finished massaging Kim Raver (the lady on the right in the above billboard ^) and her husband. They have been regulars of my massage team here in NYC but this time I massaged them personally. What an amazing couple and how beautiful is Kim? As you know, I sometimes take pictures and get autographs, but I always use good judgment as far as timing goes and it was just too chill, to private to ask. Maybe another time.
There are many celebs that I have massaged, sometimes numerous times, without every asking for a picture, for example, Jerry Garcia, Joe Jackson, David Bowie (well, I got his autograph a few times, but never asked for a pic), a German star named Ester Schweins as well… big star, but if the right moment doesn't arrive, I don't ask.
Kim used to star in the series called "24" and now she is in one of the upcoming series, which will premiere this coming Thursday Feb 7th, on NBC. This show is supposed to be similar to Sex and the City.
Since the writers strike, TV in the USA has been absolute CRAP (apart from Animal Planet, of course). This show will be a breath of fresh air for those who actually have time to watch TV. Kim is a mother of two but you would never know it. She looks like she just got off the runway and that's without any make up on. She is absolutely stunning (and sweet as pie). Gorgeous feet too 
Anyways, last night I went out and sang with a live band at Arlene's Groceries .. lots of fun. You can sing with an AMAZING live band every Monday night there.
I really have to find time and make a massive blog with loads of pics.. pics I took on my trip to Georgia, pics I took all around NYC, sigh, I am so swamped, I feel guilty for neglecting my blog. NYC is so fun and busy, I just don't have the time like I do when I am in Berlin.. I go out here a LOT more than I do in Berlin because (1) There is NO SMOKING allowed here in bars, cafes, restaurants, etc.. and my eyes and lungs don't hurt the next few weeks like they do when I go out in Berlin…even though Berlin claims to be Smoke Free now, I have heard from mates back in Berlin that it's a fucking joke. (2) NYC is more fucking fun and the people are friendlier too. My face hurts from smiling too much when I am here in NYC..
So much for me making a decision (Berlin or NYC)… can't do it. Jasmine will be buzzing around Berlin forever I guess and so I will always want to have one foot in Berlin and NYC, well, my life here is more productive, fun, wild, exciting, busy busy busy! Each place has it's ups and downs..which I have gone over repeatedly over the last few years..sigh.
I will fly back to Berlin soon (if I miss an opportunity to massage Madge (Madonna!) while she is in Berlin for the Berlin film fest, I will fucking flap. I land there in a week or so and I am crossing my fingers that I don't miss any exciting massage situations. ugh. I can't be every where at once.
Super exciting that Penthouse Forum will start running my sex column (they will call it "Calling Dr. Dot) which was my idea..it kinda sounds like that Kiss song "Calling Dr. Love" heh heh. They also said I will be on their May cover, so I hope that all works out. It is 7am NYC time and I am STILL AWAKE. I voted for Hillary, massaged that couple and then went all over Hoboken with Danny filming random people in random shops..we are working on a little project, I can't wait to post it, it's hilarious..
Gotta hit the hay, it's freakin' LIGHT OUT.
ps. Iggy, the owner of one of my hang outs in NYC, called, Iggy's , insisted I post this pic of us online. This was taken this past Sunday night by my mate Jill ( I will post more pics in upcoming blog, which include her 
Iggy is aiming to have the BEST karaoke place in NYC and I hope that turns out to be true really soon. Iggy's is on the Upper East Side and has karaoke 7 nights a week, they just need to get a bigger song list and organize things a bit more, pimp the sound system more and bingo, it's karaoke paradise (most people sing rock and roll tunes there, not much ABBA or Britney going on there).