Rod Stewart, Barbara Schoeneberger & Simon Cowell blog ;)

As you can see from the date on the backstage pass below, I have been really busy. So busy, a month has gone and I haven’t blogged properly. I’ve felt full, like when you eat too much, but my head is the full bit; full of blogs (full of shit?), so I am up, blogging, when I should be sleeping, to get rid of all this info rolling around my mind.  

Have you seen “Bruce Almighty” with Jim Carrey? How the prayers build up and distract him? That’s how it is if I don’t write. It gets too loud and chaotic in my head.

Rather embarrassed to say, that I think the whole tonsil operation was a mistake. I thought, since the Doctors told me, they have to come out, meant, having them out would cure everything and I’d feel perfect. Seems now that instead of getting a sore throat, it just goes deeper (any infection) to the lungs. I have another lung infection (well, Berlin mostly heats with nasty COAL, so the air here is like a whore’s heart; dirty, really cold and moist. 

I went out Thanksgiving night (will blog about THAT asap) and have been basically in bed since. I have a lot to catch up on, so..moving right along….

Peter, the tour manager of Rod Stewart is a mate of mine, even though I haven’t seen him since the Jeff Beck show. He had me come to the Max Schmeling Halle in Berlin to set up and offer massages at my first ever Rod Stewart show. I can’t believe I hadn’t seen him live since that night. I was waaay into Rod before I even had any pubic hair. I thought he was the sexiest mother fucker on earth, and I didn’t even really have a grasp yet what sexy was. Hearing him made me tingle inside; I was a fan. I mean, I’ve always loved Zappa and the Beatles, but Rod and Mick Jagger, were objects of my desire…tsk tsk.  Watching Rod on TV sing “do ya think I’m sexy” turned me into a horn dog, ditto with Mick singing “Start me up” on Mtv. I admit it, go ahead and laugh. 


I massaged the band and several roadies as well. One, named Bruce, was about 6 foot 8 inches tall, hung out with me and watched the show after his massage. He’s been on the road with Rod for years and years. Big sweet heart.

Bruce, Rod’s loyal carpenter/roadie ^ 

One of the back up singers was 7 months pregnant, but I only noticed it towards the end of the show. I gave her a foot massage for free after the show, as a tiny gift. Rod takes really good care of his crew, band and managers. I heard it’s the plushest tour one can be on, as in, one day off in between every show, which is fucking great if you are touring. The catering was the fucking bomb too. These folks got it good 😉

;Rod put on a fantastic show. It was funny as hell to see so many German men dressed up like Rod in the first few rows. Extreme fans who donned his hair color/cut and the same style of clothing too. 

Still charming and handsome after all those years..and that voice. Oooh la-la. 

I didn’t get a picture with Rod, sadly. He “gets bored hanging about backstage” as his manager Lars told me, so he leaves the venue the second the show is over. I was lucky enough, though, to get a signed Football (ok, soccer ball for the yanks) from him 🙂

After the show, a friend and I went to a birthday party I was invited to from my girlfriend Betty Deluxe (not pictured). 

If you click HERE you can see Betty in action on stage recently, dressed in blue, dancing on stage with Mika.  I have no idea why I didn’t snap any shots of the birthday girl…probably because she was so surrounded by her gay friends, I couldn’t get a picture of her even if I tried 😉

ANYWAYS, two of my other friends were there. Barbara Schoeneberger, who is Germany’s cutest, funniest and SMARTEST TV moderator and Andre’ Rival, my favorite photographer.

I just went to Youtube and searched “Barbara Schoeneberger” and was pleasantly surprised when I found a video of me on her talk show at the top of the page:

This interview took place in 2000, when she had a show called “Blondes Gift” which means “Blond poison” in German. I was wearing head to toe RUBBER. Sweating my ass off. lol. Anyways,  I LOVE Barbara. She is fucking gorgeous, loves younger men, has ridiculously beautiful breasts and is smart as a fucking whip. Her show was called Blond Poison because she normally ripped her guests a second asshole. She is cheeky as, well, me. We got along perfect, so she was really nice to me; plus, why be mean when I am massaging your feet, right?

  < yum yum, two’s better than one

After a couple glasses of wine, well, Barbara and I get kinda friendly. Andre’ Rival took this shot of us, he was in heaven. 

Look how cute she is! She is not only a HUGE TV star, she sings too and is going on tour very soon. Click HERE   to see her web site and hear her voice. Continue reading “Rod Stewart, Barbara Schoeneberger & Simon Cowell blog ;)”

Back in Berlin

Omg, been so busy it's insane. Just got back from London, where I was since last Sunday massaging Simon Cowell, who is by FAR my all time favorite massage client. I will do a blog about London and the Rod Stewart show I worked at but I have to sleep a day or two lol..

Jasmine is in NYC and I am so nervous I can barely sleep, so that is adding to the sleeping disorder here.. Berlin is freezing, damp and dark (when I go to bed it's dark, when I get up it's dark).  One good thing about that is you don't have to worry about sun damage to your skin Cool


Super excited about the fact that Simon Cowell of American Idol has been using my team for massages. Yay! The word on the team is he is super nice, polite and generous. Our team rules.


Sleepy London town (get’s a wake up call :)

It took me a while to make the video ^ so I hope you enjoy it.. It was filmed in May, during my stay in London. I went their mainly to meet up with my two gal pals, Christin and Nicole, who Steve Vai has sweetly nick-named the “Crazy Red Heads”.Next time I hope we have more time together and it would ROCK if we could meet up again in Dublin for example. We got along great…we have that special New England charm, that razor sharp smart ass sense of humor that not everyone understands. Wickedfuckinpissa  for example. 

Roy brought me out with his brother Erez  and his Fiance’, Nikki (my friend too) to Tramps, alllegedly  the BEST  nightclub in London.  The food  was  great but  as the night grew later,  the service grew worse.  It’s obviously  London’s version  of Studio  54.  Well, living off of  the old fumes of such a scene.  VIP wanna-be’s,  wearing as little as possible,  snorting this, snorting that.  Posing at the bar,  hoping to be  seen/recognized .. all  to  the crappy  tunes they  dare call  “music” .   ew! Give me  ROCK AND ROLL!

My pal Roy lives 5 minutes from Abbey Road, so we had fun stopping the traffic (just as all Beatles fans do) to take pictures, walking the same path the Beatles walked years ago.. It’s the busiest fucking street ever, even on a Sunday! It’s worth the hassle though 🙂

 We joked constantly about the ridiculous prices in and around our hotel. $15 for a bowl of strawberries for example. Bite me!

Like I said in the video, we wanted to walk to this restaurant my pal Amir suggested, call the Red Pepper. Obviously we took a wrong turn on the yellow brick road and we weren’t in Kansas anymore, we were in the Projects (the Brits call them “Counsel Estates or Counsel Flats” as in, the Government is supporting this particular neighborhood. ANYWAYS, we were getting nervous as we could sense we were not in a safe area and were desperately trying to flag down a cab. Everytime one stopped, they seemed to be waiting for someone to get out, go make a dope deal and get back in. There were no available taxis. Boo fucking hoo.

I saw a cop car heading our way and ran out in the street to flag them down. I am sure it was our American accents that charmed them into not only telling us how to get to the restaurant, but they brought us there, gladly. One of the cops was actually pretty hot. The Red Pepper became our daily bread. We loved it so much, we ate there every fucking night. Best spinach I have ever had.  I know there are loads of choices as far as places to eat go in London, but I am a creature of habit and when I love something, I want it all the time. Pun intended. 


Sitting on the ground, chilling in front of the Palace. When the flag is flying, it means the Queen is “home”.

My my you have a big…weapon

I slipped my flyer into his boot. They aren’t allowed to move/flinch, etc. I told him to call me if he needed a massage. He did eventually text me, but I had already left. What a cutie 🙂


 “Wild Horses couldn’t drag me away

Mad men of London ^

 My standard convenience store pose. I convinced that Moby look-a-like above to try it too.

The over worked door men of the Dorchester Hotel let me try on their hat


The lovely lane that lead to the Hyde Park Stables ^

My temporary Horse. She was a sweet heart..

Carrots get you everywhere 🙂

St.James park is breath taking ^


Another crazy Red Head ^ 

President Roosevelt and Winston Churchill didn’t mind me sitting on them for a while ^

Not to sound like a moaner, but London isn’t exciting as you may imagine. Everything is closed by 1am (most pubs close at 11pm!!). The shops close at 6pm, or the latest, 8pm. There is NO karaoke scene at ALL. I found one place, called Murphis and all of their songs have that accordion sound. As in, they aren’t allowed to have the real version, so they have a play school tone to them. Imagine Highway to Hell played on an Accordion. You couldn’t bring your own discs, like you can most places either. Their web site makes you think it’s gonna be a HUGE, two floored, happening place. Trust me, it’s not. HATED IT. In short, London, like the Stones say, is a “sleepy town”. Cute, expensive but a tad boring compared to Berlin and NYC.

“Evrywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy
cause summers here and the time is right for fighting in the street, boy
But what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock n roll band
cause in sleepy london town
Theres just no place for a street fighting man
No”   The Rolling Stones

Massage in London

Just came back from Manchester, UK, will do a major blog as soon as I catch my breath… it was
a crazy trip, as usual..
Anyhow, meet our new Massage Therapist, Sadie. She can massage you in or around London
when ever you want a Dr. Dot style massage. If you are heading there or are already there and
want a massage, let me know


Hi my name is Sadie and I live just outside of London, England.
 I worked freelance in Illustration for a year after completing
a course at the London College of Fashion. To earn some money I
worked in the Banking industry for two years, but that was
 definitely not for me. I wanted a more creative job that matched
 my personality & interests.

I have always loved massage and decided to enroll on a course,
 I totally absorbed myself and completed last year in Swedish
 massage. I am now on an advanced course for Swedish massage that
specializes in deep tissue, and hope to go into Reflexology and
 Holistic therapy at the end of the year. I would also love to
study abroad for different massage techniques and therapies; I am
 always looking for ways to enhance my massage techniques and
create a more unusual and tailor made experience for the client.

I met Dot last year at a party and we got talking straight away,
 I was instantly inspired. I had never met anyone so focused and
 ambitious. When Dot explained the Dr.Dot team and gave me a leaflet
 I couldn’t wait to audition. I massaged Dot later that week and
 was thrilled and shocked to have been offered a place on the team!


Email me at and write "Sadie/London" in the subject line if you want to book a massage

World Wide Massage (for everyone)

“Someday we will be famous and rich and get a massage from you” 

This is just one version of the silly myths about my massage business. One doesn’t have to be rich OR famous to get a kick-ass, deep tissue and/or relaxing massage to soothe your mind, body and soul.

“Normal person getting massage by Dr. Dot ^

I have massage assistants all over the world and we have good prices. If you come to the Dr. Dot assistant closest to you, it will be cheaper then having them come to you.  Having a massage in your home naturally cost more, this isn’t Domino’s pizza ok?

If you want a rub down,  just let me know. If you happen to live in NYC or NJ I could probably massage you myself, but if not, one of my tried and tested and very much trusted massage assistants will sort you out.

Click HERE to see my assistants and scroll lightly over the flag next to their name to find out their location…

I have them in the following locations:

Helsinki, Hartford, Berlin, NJ. NY, VA, MD, Philly-PA, FLA (Miami and Tampa), Boston, All over CT, Dallas, Hamburg, Frankfurt, Zurich, London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Dublin, LA (and OC), Paris, Vancouver, Dallas, Albuquerque, Toronto and the list keeps growing.

“You don’t have to be a star baby”


Dr Dot flyer  2013 copy

The Grass is always greener

After being in London for 4 days, I thought to myself, ‘Sex and the City’ could be about any big city, even London. I was put up in a 4 star hotel called the Moat House and it was rite at Convent Garden, which is one of the major shopping and Theater areas. It didn’t take long for Room Service to hate me. Well, my room was so friggin hot – like a rain forest! I couldn’t get dressed or put on make up as I was sweating like hell. The window wouldn’t open and there was no central air.