Joe Jackson interview by Dr. Dot

#TBT a Cover story interview I did with Joe Jackson in 2008, in Berlin, Germany where Joe had a flat not far from mine. I was a columnist for the ExBerliner magazine for 14 years, my monthly column was called “Ask Dr. Dot” but they also paid me to sometimes interview Rock and Pop stars since I know them personally and speak fluent German and English. Here ya go:

‘Steppin’ Kraut


Legendary British musician Joe Jackson confides in star columnist Dr Dot about his career and new Berlin home

You know Joe Jackson, the British singer, composer and musician, famed for hits such as ‘Steppin’ Out’, ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him?’ and ‘It’s Different For Girls’. He’s won a Grammy, written film music for Francis Ford Coppola, and collaborated with everyone from Marianne Faithful to William Shatner. Growing up in ordinary conditions in the south of England, with success he has become an urban cosmopolitan, with residences in London, New York and – since last year – in Berlin – where he is continuing his fight against the prohibitionists of the anti-smoking movement. Sexy sex-columnist and star masseuse Dr Dot invited Jackson to her Kreuzberg apartment for a confidential chat. .

Do you sometimes regret having moved to Berlin?

**Je ne regrette rien. I was living in London before, and it’s become a nasty place: expensive, hectic, horrible traffic, CCTV everywhere. Everyone is stressed out and when you go into a pub, people aren’t relaxing; they’re getting as drunk as possible and shouting at each other. Berlin is **so much more free and relaxed. At the same time, it’s so interesting. There’s great drama here, as you walk around you’re constantly reminded of momentous events.

Does the scene here have any influence on your own musical ideas?

The music scene isn’t my first priority, to be honest. London has more variety, and New York is better for jazz and Latin music. Then again, in Berlin I’ve discovered the Balkan Beats phenomenon, which I love – the wildness and the sort of un-cool coolness of it. As for influences, I feel like **everything is an influence. It all sinks in to the cooking pot of the unconscious and sort of bubbles away. Every now and then I dip a spoon into it and hopefully dish up something tasty. But at that point I can’t tell you any more which ingredient came from where.

In the bonus DVD for your new album **Rain, you give viewers an interesting inside view on this city by pointing out some odd places, like the Karl-Marx-Allee.

You thought that was interesting?! One German paper said it was ‘clichéd’ and it probably was. Sure I’ve found my own odd, quirky corners of Berlin, but I want to keep them to myself. So I end up saying predictable things like, ‘Isn’t it nice to sit by the Landwehr Canal in Kreuzberg on a summer evening?’ But it **is nice.

Do you still think in terms of ‘East’ and ‘West’?

I can’t help it. I started coming to Berlin in 1979. It would usually be on a tour bus from Hamburg. You’d go through two checkpoints and then have to stay on this one road through the GDR. There was one truck stop where we’d always stop to buy East German vodka at, like, 50 cents a bottle. Finally this bus, knee-deep in clanking bottles, would arrive at the Wall and go through another two checkpoints. The West Germans were always mean, while the East Germans were easily bribed with a couple of audiocassettes and a T-shirt.

Anyway, finally you’d be in this intriguing, slightly sinister place. Oddly enough, even though it was a sort of island, enclosed by a wall, it had a sense of freedom and spaciousness. Now it has even more.

You’re an unapologetic smoker. Are you pleased about the Constitutional Court’s partial reversal of the smoking ban?

What I like is that it recognizes that bar owners have some rights, and also that bans hurt business – these things are denied in the UK. What I **don’t like is that it only addresses the issue of the ‘level playing field’. This was the phrase used in England to justify a total ban; they said it was the only way to be ‘fair’. Personally I don’t see how imposing a total ban on everyone is ‘fair’, but respecting the property rights of bar owners and freedom of choice for customers is not fair. But that’s the twisted logic of anti-tobacco for you. People have this naïve idea that they’re noble souls in white coats fighting to save the world … in fact they’re a prohibitionist movement who’ve worked themselves into a position of great wealth and power, and many of them are very nasty people. I mean, I’ve met them, and debated with them, and they’re not the sort of people you’d want to have a beer with.

In your fight to defend public smoking you even use the term ‘anti- smoking fascists’ for those who openly oppose your pleasures. Would you consider yourself a ‘pro-smoking fascist’?

Well, I’m not trying to force anyone to smoke, while they’re definitely trying to force me not to. And smoking in a bar is not ‘public smoking’. A bar is private property and it should be up to the owner. I can live with a choice of smoking and nonsmoking places, but the best solution is just to have a good modern ventilation system and encourage tolerance. The antismoking movement encourages intolerance.

Smokers and nonsmokers have co-existed for hundreds of years, and now they’ve driven this big wedge between us, divided people into the ‘normal’ group and a stigmatized group. This is certainly fascist. As for ‘secondhand smoke’: Dot, I know you don’t like smoke, but I promise you that if you really looked at the evidence, as I’ve done, you would have to come to the same conclusion. It’s nonsense. For every study that shows a tiny, unproven, hypothetical risk, there are six that can’t find anything. And many antismoking activists are well aware of this.

You just turned 54 in August, but look healthier and younger than most of your contemporaries. Is smoking a good recipe against aging?

I think it’s all about moderation and balance, but also about not denying yourself pleasure. I’m in pretty good shape. It could be the healthy diet and exercise – or drinking the blood of young virgins. Probably a bit of both.

Since your first hit single, nearly 30 years ago, you’ve sold millions of records, won a Grammy (for ‘Symphony No.1’), written music for Hollywood films (e.g. **Tucker) collaborated with Todd Rundgren, Ben Folds and Marianne Faithful, and even sang a duet with legendary actor William Shatner. Do you have more goals in life? Anything you would consider ‘a dream come true’?

I’ve always liked the idea of writing for the theatre, but could never see a way to do it that wouldn’t be cheesy. Hopefully our project on Bram Stoker is it and will actually get staged. I’ve been working with a writer and director for a couple of years about Stoker and how he became twisted enough to create **Dracula! It’s a really cool piece, not a Broadway musical, something quite strange and different. I have another project on the back burner, too, which is a tribute to Duke Ellington, with a lot of different people contributing – not necessarily jazz people. Beyond that, it’s all a great mystery. Which is nice.

In your autobiographical book **A Cure For Gravity, you wrote about your experiences before you became successful.

One thing that intrigued me when I was writing it was how horrible experiences, like gigs that were just so god-awful you wanted to die, become funny in retrospect. So I was wondering if I could do some really awful gigs and appreciate the humour then and there. Like, I play the drums a bit but I’m really bad. Maybe I could get a group of equally bad people together, and play some horrible dive somewhere and actually enjoy it this time around. So if anyone needs a really bad drummer, bear me in mind.

Special thanks to Joe, who is normally very private and too busy for interviews, and my friend Björn for his question contributions. Dr. Dot

Steppin’ Kraut


Legendary British musician Joe Jackson confides in star columnist Dr Dot about his career and new Berlin home

You know Joe Jackson, the British singer, composer and musician, famed for hits such as ‘Steppin’ Out’, ‘Is She Really Going Out With Him?’ and ‘It’s Different For Girls’. He’s won a Grammy, written film music for Francis Ford Coppola, and collaborated with everyone from Marianne Faithful to William Shatner. Growing up in ordinary conditions in the south of England, with success he has become an urban cosmopolitan, with residences in London, New York and – since last year – in Berlin – where he is continuing his fight against the prohibitionists of the anti-smoking movement. Sexy sex-columnist and star masseuse Dr Dot invited Jackson to her Kreuzberg apartment for a confidential chat. .

Do you sometimes regret having moved to Berlin?

**Je ne regrette rien. I was living in London before, and it’s become a nasty place: expensive, hectic, horrible traffic, CCTV everywhere. Everyone is stressed out and when you go into a pub, people aren’t relaxing; they’re getting as drunk as possible and shouting at each other. Berlin is **so much more free and relaxed. At the same time, it’s so interesting. There’s great drama here, as you walk around you’re constantly reminded of momentous events.

Does the scene here have any influence on your own musical ideas?

The music scene isn’t my first priority, to be honest. London has more variety, and New York is better for jazz and Latin music. Then again, in Berlin I’ve discovered the Balkan Beats phenomenon, which I love – the wildness and the sort of un-cool coolness of it. As for influences, I feel like **everything is an influence. It all sinks in to the cooking pot of the unconscious and sort of bubbles away. Every now and then I dip a spoon into it and hopefully dish up something tasty. But at that point I can’t tell you any more which ingredient came from where.

In the bonus DVD for your new album **Rain, you give viewers an interesting inside view on this city by pointing out some odd places, like the Karl-Marx-Allee.

You thought that was interesting?! One German paper said it was ‘clichéd’ and it probably was. Sure I’ve found my own odd, quirky corners of Berlin, but I want to keep them to myself. So I end up saying predictable things like, ‘Isn’t it nice to sit by the Landwehr Canal in Kreuzberg on a summer evening?’ But it **is nice.

Do you still think in terms of ‘East’ and ‘West’?

I can’t help it. I started coming to Berlin in 1979. It would usually be on a tour bus from Hamburg. You’d go through two checkpoints and then have to stay on this one road through the GDR. There was one truck stop where we’d always stop to buy East German vodka at, like, 50 cents a bottle. Finally this bus, knee-deep in clanking bottles, would arrive at the Wall and go through another two checkpoints. The West Germans were always mean, while the East Germans were easily bribed with a couple of audiocassettes and a T-shirt.

Anyway, finally you’d be in this intriguing, slightly sinister place. Oddly enough, even though it was a sort of island, enclosed by a wall, it had a sense of freedom and spaciousness. Now it has even more.

You’re an unapologetic smoker. Are you pleased about the Constitutional Court’s partial reversal of the smoking ban?

What I like is that it recognizes that bar owners have some rights, and also that bans hurt business – these things are denied in the UK. What I **don’t like is that it only addresses the issue of the ‘level playing field’. This was the phrase used in England to justify a total ban; they said it was the only way to be ‘fair’. Personally I don’t see how imposing a total ban on everyone is ‘fair’, but respecting the property rights of bar owners and freedom of choice for customers is not fair. But that’s the twisted logic of anti-tobacco for you. People have this naïve idea that they’re noble souls in white coats fighting to save the world … in fact they’re a prohibitionist movement who’ve worked themselves into a position of great wealth and power, and many of them are very nasty people. I mean, I’ve met them, and debated with them, and they’re not the sort of people you’d want to have a beer with.

In your fight to defend public smoking you even use the term ‘anti- smoking fascists’ for those who openly oppose your pleasures. Would you consider yourself a ‘pro-smoking fascist’?

Well, I’m not trying to force anyone to smoke, while they’re definitely trying to force me not to. And smoking in a bar is not ‘public smoking’. A bar is private property and it should be up to the owner. I can live with a choice of smoking and nonsmoking places, but the best solution is just to have a good modern ventilation system and encourage tolerance. The antismoking movement encourages intolerance.

Smokers and nonsmokers have co-existed for hundreds of years, and now they’ve driven this big wedge between us, divided people into the ‘normal’ group and a stigmatized group. This is certainly fascist. As for ‘secondhand smoke’: Dot, I know you don’t like smoke, but I promise you that if you really looked at the evidence, as I’ve done, you would have to come to the same conclusion. It’s nonsense. For every study that shows a tiny, unproven, hypothetical risk, there are six that can’t find anything. And many antismoking activists are well aware of this.

You just turned 54 in August, but look healthier and younger than most of your contemporaries. Is smoking a good recipe against aging?

I think it’s all about moderation and balance, but also about not denying yourself pleasure. I’m in pretty good shape. It could be the healthy diet and exercise – or drinking the blood of young virgins. Probably a bit of both.

Since your first hit single, nearly 30 years ago, you’ve sold millions of records, won a Grammy (for ‘Symphony No.1’), written music for Hollywood films (e.g. **Tucker) collaborated with Todd Rundgren, Ben Folds and Marianne Faithful, and even sang a duet with legendary actor William Shatner. Do you have more goals in life? Anything you would consider ‘a dream come true’?

I’ve always liked the idea of writing for the theatre, but could never see a way to do it that wouldn’t be cheesy. Hopefully our project on Bram Stoker is it and will actually get staged. I’ve been working with a writer and director for a couple of years about Stoker and how he became twisted enough to create **Dracula! It’s a really cool piece, not a Broadway musical, something quite strange and different. I have another project on the back burner, too, which is a tribute to Duke Ellington, with a lot of different people contributing – not necessarily jazz people. Beyond that, it’s all a great mystery. Which is nice.

In your autobiographical book **A Cure For Gravity, you wrote about your experiences before you became successful.

One thing that intrigued me when I was writing it was how horrible experiences, like gigs that were just so god-awful you wanted to die, become funny in retrospect. So I was wondering if I could do some really awful gigs and appreciate the humour then and there. Like, I play the drums a bit but I’m really bad. Maybe I could get a group of equally bad people together, and play some horrible dive somewhere and actually enjoy it this time around. So if anyone needs a really bad drummer, bear me in mind.

Special thanks to Joe, who is normally very private and too busy for interviews, and my friend Björn for his question contributions. Dr. Dot’

Observer writes about Dr. Dot Therapy LLC


A massage with Dr. Dot was a two-hour journey of intense release, pressure and pain—in other words, “the strongest deep-tissue bodywork session in the tri-state area” lived up to the claim. Proud to boast that she has “the best hands in the business,” there was little let up when she encountered a stubborn knot of tension in my neck—if anything, it felt like an invitation to go deeper. Not for the faint of heart, it was also a treatment that Dr. Dot, a.k.a. Connecticut-born Dorothy Stein, had honed to perfection over 30 years of massaging some of the most tour-bus-weary names in the music business; from Kanye West to Katy Perry (for the full, mind-boggling list just visit her website). Her first client was Def Leppard but Robert Plant, Mariah Carey, the Stones, and Sting and Trudie have all passed through her healing hands. She even gave the Oasis lads their first massage ever. Based in Berlin in recent years, Dr. Dot decided to move back to the States this summer, prompted by her involvement in Buick’s new Happiness Test Drive campaign—for which she created a unique in-car self massage technique. Motoring giant GM approached her after word spread among that set of people who always seem to know the very best contact for everything, from dentists and cosmetic surgeons to well, rock and roll’s top massage therapist. “There’s no place like home,” she told the Observer, speaking on the phone from her hair salon in Midtown NYC, sounding not unlike another famous Dorothy. And, indeed, the yellow brick road of her career to date does read something like a journey to the land of Oz, though home is Hoboken, N.J. Oasis (Photo: Getty Images). Oasis (Photo: Getty Images). Born to hippie parents in the late 1960s (Dr. Dot is an athletic yet voluptuous 47), “We didn’t have a TV, so in my household music and massage were our entertainment,” she said. “My mom was always like, ‘massage my feet, walk on my back.’ That was my role—I was the little family masseuse.” Dedicated Dead Heads, her parents would also take her to concerts from a young age: “I saw Frank Zappa at age 12. I even went to school the next day in a T-shirt that said ‘Titties and Beer,’ and got sent home,” she recalled. It was Zappa who put the doc in Dorothy; later in life he named her Dr. Dot for her expert skills and the moniker stuck. When Dr. Dot’s parents divorced and stopped funding what was by now a serious rock and roll habit, she had to find her own way into shows. “At first I would just sneak in, but then I decided I wanted to meet the people up on stage. And so I began to barter—backstage passes for massage. That started at age 15 with Def Leppard, and they’re still my clients today.” Ronnie Wood and Mick Jagger (Photo: Michael Hickey/Getty Images). Ronnie Wood and Mick Jagger (Photo: Michael Hickey/Getty Images). If it sounds a little suspect, a 15-year-old girl offering massage to hang backstage with bands, “have you met me?” she demanded, when questioned about whether any “extras” were ever expected. “My clients are usually scared of me, not the other way around. I have an aura that says ‘back off.’ That was never going to happen.” Word spread, and for the first decade of her career she continued to barter, massaging an ever-growing roster of bands in exchange for backstage access. “It was Charlie Watts from the Rolling Stones who told me I had to start charging if I wanted people to take me seriously.” She went on to travel with the Stones on three consecutive tours: “Where I would have worked for the food! They had the best catering in the world.” Dr. Dot has since grown her business considerably, and now manages over 900 “Dot Bots” in over 30 countries globally—Dr. Dot vetted and approved each massage therapist, chiropractor and beauty therapist herself and deploys them via her Blackberry. She continues to receive applications daily, and employs a full-time assistant to screen them. “They have to be certified, in America they have to be licensed, and they have to have at least one year’s experience before we’ll even talk to them.” Once past this initial screening process, they then had to give a demonstration. “If they can’t come to me personally, they have to make it to the nearest Dr. Dot tester. To be a tester, you have to have already massaged me, or got a massage from me.” And sometimes this job fell to her most trusted clients. “Steve Vai and Joe Jackson have both been testers, plus lots of tour managers. They’re looking for a free massage; I’m looking for a tester. It’s a win-win!” Juliette Lewis (Photo: Larry Busacca/Getty Images). Juliette Lewis (Photo: Larry Busacca/Getty Images). Dr. Dot also counts A-list actors Bruce Willis and Juliette Lewis as clients, plus NFL players and corporations including Siemens and GM. Signed as part of a roster of wellness experts tasked with finding solutions for driving stress, Dr. Dot was happy to get involved. “I loved the idea. I thought good for them (Buick), they actually want to help their customers,” she said. “People get so stressed out when they’re driving, and massage is proven to lower blood pressure, as well stimulate the immune system.” Dr. Dot honed her self-taught healing technique—including a scary-sounding but strangely effective “biting” technique—at a medical massage school in Berlin. She moved to the German capital full time after meeting the father of her first child, a German, at a Grateful Dead concert in Hartford, Conn. “He looked like John Lennon…” a lifelong Beatles fan, she added, “my heart really belongs in Liverpool!” Berlin was also where she met Danielle Finkelstein, a former TV producer and now Toronto-based skincare entrepreneur who would launch a line of high-end Dr. Dot massage oils through her Argan Lounge enterprise. Available via a link on Dr. Dot’s homepage from mid-September, they are made in Canada using 80 percent pure, eco certified, fair traded argan oil, and are 100 percent organic and cruelty free. For now, Dr. Dot is happy to be back on home soil—and claimed her inbox was “raining requests” from high-profile clients, all wanting a one-on-one with the most infamous hands in the business. For a personal appointment email Read more at:



Massaggi Rock & Roll

Click HERE  to see article





a cura di Valentina Giosa

La bella e sexy Dr. Dot (nickname creato nel 1988 da Frank Zappa che girava nel backstage gridando «portatemi Dr. Dot!») si è presa cura del meglio dell’élite musicale per oltre due decenni. Dorothy Stein si definisce una «rock chick», in italiano rockettara, che da ragazzina avrebbe fatto di tutto per conoscere i suoi idoli senza però cedere a favori sessuali. Amante dei massaggi, che praticava a casa con la madre sin dall’età di 5 anni, pensò un giorno di offrirsi come massaggiatrice solo per entrare gratis al concerto dei Def Leppard in Virginia. Quell’idea si trasformò presto in una fortunatissima carriera tanto che Sting, Eminem, Ramones, Rolling Stones, Sheryl Crow, Robert Plant, Kiss, Aerosmith, Blondie, Backstreet Boys, Oasis, The Who, Courtney Love, Bruce Willis e tanti altri faranno a gara per farsi «toccare» da lei.

Ma Doctor Stein non è solo la masseuse rock’n roll più richiesta dalle star e colei che ha inventato un nuovo concetto di groupie; è anche un’ottima esperta di sesso. Scoprite di più nell’intervista esclusiva rilasciata a Music In e dai suoi siti (,,

Qual è stata l’ultima grande star a godere delle tue mani d’oro e quale sarà la prossima?

L’ultima Simon Cowell [ndr. superboss televisivo e discografico, direttore dei programmi American Idol e X Factor] e Gregg Allman degli Allman Brothers Band la prossima.

Quante richieste hai approssimativamente ogni giorno?

All’incirca 50, sono molto impegnata ma felicissima, non avrei mai immaginato di arrivare fino a questo punto.

Quando hai deciso di diventare una massaggiatrice e com’è nata soprattutto l’idea di lavorare esclusivamente per le rockstar?

Cominciai camminando sulla schiena di mia madre e massaggiandole i piedi a 5 anni, e i massaggi divennero parte del nostro rituale familiare. Non mi sono più fermata. Ho cominciato ad appassionarmi al rock e a girare i concerti, mi muovevo molto da uno Stato all’altro insieme alla mia famiglia, la musica e le gig erano come amici. I miei genitori cominciarono a lamentarsi del fatto che quest’abitudine stava diventando troppo costosa, perciò un giorno ho avuto l’idea di offrire massaggi per entrare al concerto dei Def Leppard in Virginia. E funzionò.

So che hai fatto massaggi gratis dal 1982 fino al 1994 soltanto per entrare agli show. Cosa è successo poi?

Sì, all’inizio era solo una scusa per veder suonare dal vivo tutti i miei musicisti preferiti. Massage for music. Nel 1994 un aneddoto poi mi fece riflettere: una sera Charlie Watts dei Rolling Stones ha voluto insistere per darmi dei soldi. È stato il mio primo cliente pagante. Così ho realizzato che il mio hobby (volevo fare la scrittrice e la fotografa e fare massaggi solo per passione) stava diventando un vero e proprio lavoro. Nel 1997 mi sono così iscritta ad una scuola di massaggio in Germania. E adesso sono talmente piena di richieste che riesco a stento a dormire perché tutto ciò è diventato la mia vita. Chi riesce a fare di un hobby la propria professione, può essere totalmente felice.

Parlaci un po’ del tuo più grande amore, i Ramones…

La cosa che ricordo con più piacere della mia lunga esperienza con i Ramones è il concerto che tennero ad Ellington, nel Connecticut, la mia città natale. Era l’estate del 1984 e stavo pregando Joey di venire a suonare nella mia piccola città. «Ma non c’è neanche una sala per concerti!» mi disse. Gli consigliai un ristorante, il Country Squire, oggi Cippinno’s, che aveva un palco dove spesso tenevano concerti country e il cui proprietario era un grandissimo fan dei Ramones. Dopo una lunga serie di implorazioni e massaggi ai piedi, accolse la mia proposta. Ancora ricordo la faccia della VJ di MTV dalla tv di casa di mio nonno: non credeva ai suoi occhi quando fra le date del tour dei Ramones lesse la tappa nel Connecticut. Sembrava come se se lo stesse domandando: «The Country Squire? Ellington, Connecticut?» Tutti i miei amici di scuola mi chiamarono increduli. Sapevano che frequentavo Joey ma nessuno poteva credere che i Ramones sarebbero venuti ad Ellington, in mezzo al nulla, in una cowtown.

Eri molto legata a Joey?

Lo adoravo! Era così divertente quando beveva il latte al cioccolato o quando guidava i go-carts. Mi faceva continuamente ridere, era uno spasso quando uscivamo insieme, era come un bambino grande. Non parlava molto, ma quando lo faceva ogni cosa che diceva mi faceva ridere a crepapelle. Ricordo che non flirtava mai con nessuno e non parlava molto con le altre ragazze. Mi faceva sentire l’unica ragazza sulla terra.

Oltre ai Ramones e gli altri artisti già citati hai lavorato per Sheryl Crow, Sting, Steven Tyler, Lauryn Hill, Courtney Love, Oasis, Bob Dylan e tanti altri, raccontaci qualcosa su di loro…

Sheryl è vera, adorabile, una delle mie migliori amiche. Sting è affascinante, attraente, divertente, generoso e sempre in forma. Lauryn Hill è bella, intelligente, gentile, setosa e morbida. Courtney è maledettamente selvaggia: non ci sono segreti per lei. Gli Oasis li amo, con me hanno fatto il primo massaggio della loro vita nel 1996. Bob Dylan ha tentato di venire a letto con me nel 1985 all’after party del Live Aid. Ero vestita di rosso, senza reggiseno e avevo delle grandi tette! Eravamo sul punto più bello quando all’improvviso una donna bionda ha urlato verso di me: «Se gli parli ancora solo una volta ti strappo la testa!». Che peccato, anche se probabilmente avrei voluto andare con lui solo perché era Bob Dylan, dopotutto, chi non vorrebbe andare a letto con Bob Dylan?

Potrebbe essere una bella idea per un sondaggio questa, ci penseremo… A parte Bob Dylan, c’è qualche italiano fra i tuoi clienti?

Certo: Eros Ramazzotti, che uomo interessante! Adora i massaggi «deep tissue». Rircordo che mi ha mostrato alcuni suoi video di concerti sul suo laptop dopo la seduta. Mi sembra che poi abbiamo anche fumato dell’erba. (ride).

Quali sono state per te le sedute più indimenticabili?

Oddio, ci vorrebbero anni per parlarne… Steven Tyler è sempre così maledettamente «riot», lo amo!

C’è qualche artista per cui non hai ancora lavorato e che ti piacerebbe avere come cliente?

Madonna, Monica Bellucci (che dea!), Beyonce, Chris Rock, Jim Carey, Ringo Starr.

Una curiosità: come hanno fatto i tuoi clienti (uomini) a resistere alla tua bellezza e alla tua evidente e procace sensualità?

La maggior parte di loro si eccitano. Ma il mio atteggiamento li ha sempre portati a capire che non possono catturarmi. Non mi piace mischiare il business con il piacere. L’ho fatto solo una volta con Bruce Willis nel 1999 e non lo farò mai più.

Hai anche scritto un libro «Butt-Naked and Backstage: Diary of the Worlds Greatest Rock and Roll Masseuse». Il presentatore Howard Stern ha dichiarato a riguardo: «Ho paura di quello che potrai scrivere su di me sul tuo libro». Perché?

Durante il suo show gli ho chiesto se voleva un massaggio e lui ha risposto così. Forse aveva solo paura di farsi massaggiare perché sapeva che si sarebbe eccitato o «comportato male» e non voleva lo scrivessi.

Non solo sei la massaggiatrice più richiesta dalle star, la «regina-massaggiatrice » del rock’n roll, ma scrivi anche regolarmente una rubrica e un blog sul sesso. Sesso e rock’n roll camminano sempre a braccetto?

Assolutamente sì.

Un consiglio di sesso da Dr Dot ai lettori di Music In?

Agli uomini consiglio di massaggiare i piedi delle donne: otterrete in cambio più sesso orale. Alle donne consiglio di praticare più sesso orale: vi tratteranno come una regina. E non chiedete loro dove stanno andando, non lamentatevi troppo, mostratevi impegnate e attive. Saranno tutti per voi.

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I fucking HATE being misquoted.

When I was out in Arizona for THAT convention I went to, a friends of mine told me a local AZ magazine wanted to interview me. So on my last night there, WHILE I was out at karaoke with dot bots Sonora and Rachel, a reporter showed up. I thought he was friends with my local pals, so I gave him my time. It was totally unannounced. I told my local pals where I would be and presto- a guy named Corrin showed up. At first I thought he was their friend and they were on their way, but after a bit of conversation I found out he was a reporter/writer for Java Magazine. Well, normally during an interview you sit down in a quiet area and talk but it was my last night there and we had planned this karaoke night ages ago.


Once he started asking me questions I was showing him some of the pictures in my camera and blackberry. I am not happy with the tone in the interview but you can not change things once they are printed. No wonder celebrities get pissed off at the press, being misquoted SUCKS. 


I have to clear up these misquotes as I am PISSED OFF about them.





Once he started asking me questions I was showing him some of the pictures in my camera and blackberry (above he makes it sound like I was dying to show him pictures to brag). 


Also, the NO CLAPPING part. He told me his editor cut some parts out to save space, as he failed to explain here that NO ONE clapped for any singers. I found that rather odd. No matter how good the singer was, no one clapped. He makes it sound (above) that I was shocked that no one clapped for me. You give people your time, and they stab you in the back in their little interviews.

I am not happy with the tone in the interview but you can not change things once they are printed. No wonder celebrities get pissed off at the press, being misquoted SUCKS.Big stars like Madonna, or so I have heard, insist on having their management proof read the interview before it is printed. I told/asked Corrin I wanted to see it but he ignored that and used my pictures from my myspace page without asking, without permission. 


He also failed to mention I DO have help answering some of the emails, I am not a micro-manager. SOME of the emails must be answered by me personally (about 800 of them a day). But facts are obviously not that important to some magazines.

He quotes me above as saying "American guys are horrible". Hello? I never said that and do not think that. I said it is horrible how American guys are all circumcised without their permission. This misquote really really irks me. I found him on facebook and told him so. He humbly apologized and said he would correct it for the online version. And as far as me inviting him to the hotel, it was to continue the interview if he wanted, but he makes it sound like I wanted to get my leg over (or under). Whatever. So easy to hide behind your desk and have YOUR story put into print, even if it is not accurate. That's what I get for being kind and generous. Makes you want to think twice about doing so again. 

Please vote for Frank Zappa


click  HERE to vote!


Don't get me wrong…but, a lot of people are over looking Frank
Zappa in lieu of Rick Derringer for the Vintage Guitar Magazine Hall of
Fame contest below.

Yet, overwhelmingly, the Gibson SG standard guitar is sweeping this con…test..which is the very same guitar Frank Zappa played!

I find it a bit strange for Rick Derringer to win over Frank for this
contest when FZ's guitar is sweeping like this…with all due respect
for Rick and his talent – as he too is an amazing player, artist, and friend…and Frank not being here to hype himself…perhaps we should all vote to help remember him?

Again with all due respect to Rick who I think is a great player…but to me Frank was not only a great player but also a legendary player and a musical genius and deservingly should win this induction into the VGM Hall of Fame contest along with his guitar the Gibson SG standard.

Anyway, here is the link if you
can help to spread the word?


thanks to my pal Lewy Stix for bringing this to my attention.