Massage in West Palm Beach Florida

I have found it's hard to find serious massage therapists in Florida. Seems the heat makes people want to play rather than work. I got lucky when I found Gertrud. She proved to me she is strong, professional and a great addition to our massage team. If you are in or heading to West Palm Beach and want an amazing massage, give me a shout. Read more about her and see her picture below. x Dr. Dot

My name is Gertrud and I was born in Europe; Estonia. Since 1993, I have lived in the U.S and currently reside in West Palm Beach, Florida as a Licensed Massage Therapist. Swedish, Therapeutic, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, and CranioSacral Therapy are within my forte.
I believe massage is a vastly beneficial and spiritual symphony of muscles, touch, and energy that is a form of artistry and of ultimate benevolence. The human touch is remarkable; therefore, my genuinely effortless intention to heal, creates a vortex of power within my small yet oh so mighty hands. I will pulverize you 🙂 Furthermore, I am in the process of acquiring my Doctorate in Divinity and my Ph.D in Metaphysics.
I am quite honored and thrilled to be apart of Dr. Dot's superb team! I adore heavy metal music and the way it makes one emotionally surpass reality. Rock n' Massage, what more can one ask for!?
With Truth, Love, and Light, Be Blessed,

Sonic Youth in Berlin

June 27th ( I know, it's been a while already) Sonic Youth played Berlin. I had never seen them live before, but I already knew the drummer, Steve from Hoboken. He is co-owner of Maxwells, a club compared to CBGB's. Steve comes to me for massage as well, so I was excited to finally see him in action. I also didn't know that Kim and Thurston are together and have a lovely daughter. So love can exist in a band (well, Pat Bennetar proved it too). 


Kim enjoyed a massage before the show. What a sweet heart. Lovely feet 🙂

The lady can sing, dance and play a mean guitar. A rock and roll mom if I ever met one. Well, I suppose Sonic Youth would be classified as Punk, but on their MYSPACE PAGE they have "Rock/Experimental/Indie" listed as their genre'. 


Lee had his son backstage, and Kim and Thurston had their daughter there too. It's really a laid back, family atmosphere backstage with them. They have been around for ages and their fans are shrewdly loyal. The show was beyond sold out. PACKED to the brim.

These lovely young folks, not mentioning their names as they are shy, enjoyed meeting Steve and said the show was "fucking intense".


My mate Steve took very good care of me, what a man!  ^


I think Thurston is about 6 feet 8 inches tall. I think he looks a tad like a young Phil Lesh and could have been a NBA star at that height. 

The manger helped me fill in some of the songs there as you can see but to be honest, I don't know their music well (yet). I do know the concert was extremely energetic and unique. The crowd REFUSED to let them stop after one encore. The roadies already broke down the mic stands and mic's etc, and the house lights were on for over 20 minutes and the crowd would NOT stop cheering "Zugabe. ZUGABE!" which means "Encore". Maybe if they fucking screamed in English the Bands that play here in Berlin that are English native speakers would understand them and come out quicker. heh heh. No, I'm just playing, it is sweet they wouldn't let them stop, so the band finally gave in and came out and did one last HOT number. The crowd tried again, but finally had to leave. I hope the band knows how much they are loved.  


I love how Thurston circled himself in the autograph. As if one would over look the gentle giant. I am pretty sure that shot was taken in Hoboken. I can see the city in the background and they do have a studio in Hoboken and Steve, the drummer, lives there. 

Jul 13 2007 Pitchfork Music Festival    Chicago, Illinois   
Jul 19 2007 Berkeley Community Theatre    Berkeley, California   
Jul 20 2007 Greek Theatre w/ Redd Kross    Los Angeles, California   
Jul 21 2007 KXLU Benefit at Urban Outfitters    Santa Monica, California   
Jul 28 2007 McCarren Park Pool w/ the slits    Brooklyn, New York   
Aug 15 2007 Paredes de Coura Festival    Paredes de Coura   
Aug 17 2007 la route du rock festival    Saint-Malo , Brittany   
Aug 18 2007  Pukkelpop    Hasselt   
Aug 19 2007 Lowlands Festival    Biddinghuizen   
Aug 21 2007 ABC1 – second date added    Glasgow, Scotland   
Aug 22 2007 ABC1    Glasgow, Scotland   
Aug 25 2007 Archa Theatre    Prague   
Aug 26 2007 Openair at Arena    Vienna   
Aug 27 2007 INmusic Festival / Jarun summer stage Zagreb   
Aug 29 2007 La Vilette Jazz Festival    Paris   
Aug 30 2007 Roundhouse – Sold Out    London   
Aug 31 2007 Roundhouse – Sold Out    London   
Sep 1 2007 Roundhouse – Sold Out    London   
Sep 2 2007 Electric Picnic    Port Laoise, Laois   
Oct 5 2007 Stubbs BBQ    Austin, Texas   
Oct 6 2007 Thunderbird Hotel    Marfa, Texas   
Oct 7 2007     House of Blues    Dallas, Texas


Their tour dates ^ 

If you love wild shows, go see Sonic Youth. They are on fire.  

Kanye West has a new fan

 Tonight was a busy night. I just wanted to chill but I helped Jasmine get ready for her prom -she wore a cute hippie looking wine colored dress that hung above the knees and she rejected the sueded flip flops I bought her, instead, she wanted to go barefoot. Her dread locks were tied up and some of her hair stayed down, you know, half up, half down, like Angelina Jolie always wears hers. I guess this hippie attitude comes from me seeing the Grateful Dead about 50 times while I was pregnant with her.


I am happy she is a rock chick; I'm not complaining, I just wish she would have worn shoes and maybe let me buy her a dress. The other kids and parents must think "That Dr. Dot must spend all her money on rock and roll t-shirts and globe trotting as Jasmine wears all these hippie rags and converse high tops that have more holes in them then the streets of Blackburn!" But that's not true. Jasmine is not a consumer. She loathes getting presents and being given money etc. Very practical and frugal. Like me. I do love me a new lap top and my iPod though 🙂


ANYWAYS, after that hectic whirlwind, I went home and massaged Joe Jackson (who lives in Berlin now, and is recording his new album) from 11pm until 1am when my phone rang. Kanye West was in Berlin (on a promo tour) and wanted a massage. I could have sent one of my assistants, but I was curious to meet this man that Perez Hilton and the press always talk about. They usually mention this "He stormed out of an award ceremony, angry, because his video didn't win the Video of the Year award!".


They scathe him and I wanted to see if he was really like they described. In fact, I have never even heard his music, the only reason I knew of him was because of this nasty rumor. That and I know he did a song with Jamie Foxx, who I LOVE since seeing (and buying) the film RAY. 

I was expecting a WHOLE lotta attitude. I got NONE.  I was lead to his room and was kept waiting for a few minutes, along with his assistant. He opened the door and I yapped "Avon Calling!". heh heh. His room smelt like he had been burning a stack of rubber tires! He was holding what was left of some plug adapter, which was now half black from the flames and melted. LMFAO!!!!!!!!

Apparently the hotel gave him a plug adapter and what he needed was an electricity converter, like a mini transformer or so. It was their fault, not his. Thank God it didn't fry his lap top! Anyways, we got that sorted, I told the front desk in German to sort it out. I massaged him for about 2 hours and the music he chose to play from his lap top was mostly Maroon 5, then later, Modest Mouse. He said he is friends with Adam, the singer of Maroon 5 (I told him he was a client of mine too) and that they did a song together. I never head much Maroon 5 up until tonight. I only knew the two popular tunes "She will be loved" and "This love has taken it's toll", you know those catchy tunes..


Anyways, then we heard Modest Mouse, who he said is one of his favorites. I told him how I met Modest Mouse one night at one of my karaoke hang outs in NYC: Cassidys Pub, W 55th street. They have karaoke every Friday night (no they didn't pay me to write this). Modest Mouse was in there, acting like wankers. Showing off, hogging the mic, being really obnoxious and the singer was snotty to me and my friends. Once we said "aren't you Modest Mouse?" then suddenly they were all sweet and polite and they bounced right after that. As in, "oh shit, we can't act like cunts anymore, they know who we are". Whatever. The band is tight, but have a listen, the singer sucks ass. He must purposely sing out of tune and all over the place. Have a listen, then you will know what I mean. He's a pretentious twat. 

Oh LORD I am totally off the subject now, which is HOW WONDERFUL Mr. West is! I asked him about this rumor, about him storming out of the award show in a sour grapes mood. He said "It's true" but then told me the whole story, the part the press so conveniently over looks when taking the piss out of him, you know, slagging him off. Ok, for you yanks, when they are being really mean and writing bad about him. (see why British/Irish slang is so useful? It gets to the point faster).

The missing part of the story is that his management and record company told him his video had won Video of the Year, and insisted that he attend this ceremony. 

Here is what you find when you google this crap:

Kanye West, you may remember, stormed the stage at the MTV Europe Music Awards in Denmark last week, interrupting the winners' speech, claiming his video deserved the "Best Video" Award for "Touch the Sky," which lost to Justice vs. Simian's project "We Are Your Friends."

 No fucking WONDER he was pissed off! He was lied to. He was told his video had won. So he was lead there under false pretenses. I just think it's unfair how the press leaves shit out. So you can't say they are lying, because they just leave shit out. Guys all over can relate with that method, as they use it all the time when explaining to their better half where they fuck they have been, etc.


I think he's cool. He was calm, friendly, intelligent, generous, very funny and had NO ego or attitude at all. I am not an ass kisser/brown noser, I am honest. The guy is wonderful. I know it's tabu to say, but he has an amazing ass. I told him too, so there.


ps. The only bad thing about me working until 4am and now still up online until 7:30 am, is I will be too tired to go and try to massage Lou Reed later today. Oh well, I think he is over rated anyways. Sweet Jane and take a walk on the wild side are not enough to cut into my 8 hours of sleep (Sour Grapes). Dragging my cranky ass into bed now. 

First time in Monte Carlo by Dr. Dot

What’s new?

So, nothing has happened since I "caught" the guy who attacked me, as in, no further steps. My lawyer said "give me a few days" and the cops will apparently send me a letter when they feel like it. Not holding my breath, as I know dam well nothing will happen to the guy, except MAYBE a fine. Thing is, I am almost certain I will run into the violent prick at my grocery store, as it's the only one near by and even the evil have to stuff their pie hole. 

That giant kiss above is what will be on the back of my upcoming Dr. Dot t-shirts. No, I am not going all Wall Mart on you, I get A LOT of emails/messages from folks asking me if they can buy a Dr. Dot t-shirt. This has been going on for a few years now, so I finally decided to do something about it. I found a Frank Zappa fan online,  named Mark who owns his own t-shirt business and he is an amazing artist and graphic designer. I want to have my hand prints on the front, as if I was grabbing your breast, and above it, it will say "Dr. Dot was here". On the back, are my lips. I put on a heavy coat of red lipstick and kissed a piece of paper and scanned it in high res. and sent it to him and that's the color he sent back. Not sure how the red got turned to pink but he says pink looks better, but I think we will have both available. So, in a couple weeks there will be a banner on my myspace page and web site, and if you want a shirt, you just click on it and presto. Mark will send you one (sorry, I don't have any more time to go to the post office, I barely find time to sleep or wank).

Last night SUCKED. I wanted to massage Damien Rice but they had just had two days off and (1) didn't need/want any and (2) there wasn't enough time even if they did. I was REALLY wanting to massage him, LOVE his voice, but if that isn't bad enough, the BITCHY German promoters LOVE to flex their power muscle as often as possible (in between sniffing lines) and were absolute PRICKS to me. They HATE Americans and let me know about it every time our paths cross. That president of mine has made it hard for us Yanks to go anywhere outside of the states without being loathed. Yeah, yeah, Americans suck, we know, now FUCK OFF and stop watching the Simpson's dubbed in your language and stop wearing Levis, eating at Mc Donald's and Pizza Hut if you REALLY hate all things YANK.  Get over it. I've lived off and on in Europe for almost 18 years, so obviously I am an open minded Yank and if anyone has a problem with Mr. Bush, write him a fucking letter, "we" as in, us yanks, are not your whipping post. K?

Even though yesterday was shit, today more than made up for it, ten fold. I got a call to go and massage Maroon 5's singer, Adam Levine. Tough job, but someone has to slave over his hot body, so I agreed 🙂 His manager is great, he uses my massage team all over the world and finally, he got a massage from the boss. He was only supposed to get an hour, as the record label big wigs were going to take him out to din din at 7pm, but the massage ended up being a 2 hour massage as he kept saying "don't ever stop", which is music to my ears. I really LOVE my job and massaging him is an absolute pleasure. Amen. 

Naturally when we went to the lobby, the German record label folks were not amused with me, as they all knew he was late because Dr. Dot was massaging him. Oh well, he is worth the wait. He told me to stick around as he wanted another massage after dinner. His manager said "I am sure he didn't mean it." and Adam heard that and turned around and said "I will be on that table again later!". I was loving this of course. I met a few other members of the band, then they all left for the restaurant.

Shai and I were having some drinks with the manager in the hotel bar and she and I left for some grub, but by the time the starters came, I was texted and asked to return as Adam wanted another 30 minutes. It hadn't even been an hour, so he was obviously not in the mood to hang out all night and hob nob with the Executives. The 30 minute massage turned into another 2 hour massage and no, I never get tired. Would YOU get tired massaging amazing artists? Especially such a handsome one. I only know two songs of Maroon 5 and I think they are pretty good. The singer is what makes the band so popular; he has a lot of charisma and a kick ass voice. Hear me swoon. I didn't feel it was the right time to ask him to pose for a picture, but I did get him to sign a picture I printed out. They are coming again soon to Berlin so I will see them again here or back in the states. Shai is a big fan, she loved meeting them too. yay! 

Tomorrow is St. Paddy's day and us gals will ROLL!

maroon 5 autograph for Dr. Dot

^  "You're the Best!

Adam Levine"



Happy St. Patrick's Day x 




Massage in San Diego (we have you covered)

Meet Josh, the newest member of my ever growing team of Massage specialist. Josh is one of the best;

he passed our massage audition with flying colors and was hired immediately. He is strong, talented, punctual

and friendly. If you are in San Diego or heading there, and want a wonderful massage from a wondeful man,

give me a shout. Read more about Josh below.


Dr. Dot 

Hi, my name is Josh and I live and work in my hometown of San Diego, California. During my life, I have done everything from the corporate world.. to non-profit work.. to spending eight years in the U.S. Army; but as long as I can remember, I've always loved giving massage… The natural healing gift of Massage… the skill, intuition, and the right touch are just in my DNA! While rubbing the necks and backs of my friends and family for fun, I must have heard a thousand times, "You should be a Massage Therapist!" Then one day I was soul-searching and asking myself, "What can I do for a living that I actually LOVE doing?!?! Hello?!?! MASSAGE!!!

I attended the revered Mueller College of Holistic Studies, and started doing massage in spas, homes, resorts and offices all around San Diego… and YES, I LOVE what I do!! Now I'm blessed to be a part of Dr. Dot's team!!! I have several modalities at my disposal; but I am exceptionally fond of Swedish (a nice gentle, relaxing massage), Deep Tissue (I can dig in and rip you up—"There's no such thing as too DEEP… only too FAST"), and Hot Stones (My personal favorite to receive… just freakin luxurious!!) I also give great Thai, Shiatsu, Sports, Pregnancy, and Chair Massage.

Aside from being known for my "Amazing Hands"—I also love reading, traveling the world, playing the drums (although I kind of suck), music, books, spirituality, movies, photography, art, bodyboarding, skateboarding, snowboarding and skydiving! I'm very easy-going, warm and friendly… In short, I have great energy and an unquenchable passion for LIFE!!! I look forward to meeting and working on you!! Blessings Josh

Massage in London

Just came back from Manchester, UK, will do a major blog as soon as I catch my breath… it was
a crazy trip, as usual..
Anyhow, meet our new Massage Therapist, Sadie. She can massage you in or around London
when ever you want a Dr. Dot style massage. If you are heading there or are already there and
want a massage, let me know


Hi my name is Sadie and I live just outside of London, England.
 I worked freelance in Illustration for a year after completing
a course at the London College of Fashion. To earn some money I
worked in the Banking industry for two years, but that was
 definitely not for me. I wanted a more creative job that matched
 my personality & interests.

I have always loved massage and decided to enroll on a course,
 I totally absorbed myself and completed last year in Swedish
 massage. I am now on an advanced course for Swedish massage that
specializes in deep tissue, and hope to go into Reflexology and
 Holistic therapy at the end of the year. I would also love to
study abroad for different massage techniques and therapies; I am
 always looking for ways to enhance my massage techniques and
create a more unusual and tailor made experience for the client.

I met Dot last year at a party and we got talking straight away,
 I was instantly inspired. I had never met anyone so focused and
 ambitious. When Dot explained the Dr.Dot team and gave me a leaflet
 I couldn’t wait to audition. I massaged Dot later that week and
 was thrilled and shocked to have been offered a place on the team!


Email me at and write "Sadie/London" in the subject line if you want to book a massage

Massage in Ibiza, Spain

Meet Carolina,
She is located in Ibiza.
You can read about her and see her picture below. Looking forward to helping
you relax,
x Dr. Dot

My name is Carolina and I´m from Valparaíso, Chile.  I moved to Barcelona in
2001 and soon began studying Natural Therapies. Now I live in Ibiza.

I have since completed my
studies and I now work in Therapeutic Massage and specialize in Hot and
Cold Stone Massage, Lymphatic Drainage, Cyriax (deep transversal massage),
Reflexology and Thai Reflexology, Infantile and Traditional Thai Massage,
Craneo-sacra Therapy and Aromatherapy.
Before moving to Spain I studied journalism and, as well as doing my
Therapy work, I am also a freelance journalist for a health magazine. I
have worked backstage as a news reporter in concerts and art shows, so I feel
that I have a lot in common with Dr Dot. I  enjoy this work a lot, and
working as a part of Dr Dot’s Team means that I can now combine my two passions:
music and massage.
When I heard about Dr Dot I wrote her a letter her asking to be a part of the team.
I was then asked to give one of her assistants a massage and, well, the rest is
history! At the moment I am working in different places around the Barcelona and
Cataluña. For example, I work in a beautiful Health Spa situated on the coast just
south of the city and a Gym which is exclusively for females. I also have many clients,
of different ages and back-grounds, whom I visit at their homes.
When I was Thailand recently doing a course on Thai Massage, my teacher in Chan Mai
used to call me “magic hands” – so I guess I was doing something right!

If you want a massage, email me: and put “Carolina/Barcelona” in the subject line and I will write back right away. 


I have been back in Berlin now for 5 days and I was already feeling like a stranger, amongst the bitchy Berliner's and the gray skies until I crossed the street near my house in Kreuzberg, heard "Watch out where the Huskies go" playing VERY loudly in an older man's car. I looked at him and smiled, then I felt ok again. Ok, I am not alone, I am not the only one listening to cool music here.
Little things about Berlin make it feel so far from home, like going to one of the biggest book shops here, on the MAIN drag, called the Ku'Damm (this shop could be compared to a big Barnes and Noble or Virgin Record store, on a main street which could be compared to 5th ave) – anyways, I went there today to buy a gadget that you can stick your iPod into and listen to it out loud (like the one Lemmy got from Phil in my Motorhead blog) and I was ready to plunk down a decent amount of cash for this thing and when it was time to pay, they said "oh, we don't take credit cards" (well, they said it in German ). I was like, oh you are kidding right? No, they were not kidding. A GIANT shop,with 3 floors, that has cds. dvds, iPods etc. and they don't take credit cards. WTF? No wonder Germany and Berlin in particular is in debt. Also, you have to hunt high and fucking low to find a fucking ATM machine (cash machine). Guess they really don't want your money, let them squirm. I said forget it, as I couldn't be bothered to go down 3 floors, and out side to the nearest bank to get cash.
I am just happy the Holidays are over, aren't you? Jesus! All that pressure to buy shit for people you love, to prove to them you love them by buying shit for them. The Christmas trees, wrapping paper, all that food, the closed shops… I am happy the shit is over. It's all commercial brainwashing to get you to spend, spend, SPEND. It stresses everyone out and I just don't see why we buy into it year after year. If you are over 10 years old, you don't need  a fucking present. Get over it.

Moving right along, last month I went to see and meet  (and touch) Placebo. I wouldn't know a Placebo song if it came up and slapped me in the fucking face. But hey, I did have a look and listen to the show for about 5 minutes and they sounded great. I liked them better than Tool heh heh.


< Nice stache

This pic ^ was taken before the show. Try to ignore the fact I am dressed like a Welches grape.

I was in the production office before the show, hanging with their tour manager, Quinner whom I have known for about 14 years and a couple German journalist from the dreaded "BZ" were suddenly alone with me in the office. They asked me if I was going to massage them and all that. Steph, the Swedish guitarist came in and sat down to do an interview with them. I sat there and listened. They asked him the dummest fucking crap I have ever heard. "do you like sex, drugs and rock and roll?" was the first one. "Do you like to have sex with groupies?" was the second one. The guy, Steph was like "WTF?!". He was trying so hard to be polite, but he is not the type to be overly happy-go-lucky and his patients was running thin. I felt so bad for him. The journalist said "we are sorry, but our boss said we MUST ask these questions". This was like the 6th interview they had given that evening and the dumb questions grow old fast.

It is NOT all fun and games being a musician on the road. I would say it's about 3 hours of fun per day and the rest is boring,tedious , annoying and hard work. Been there a bit with my band and I was like "uh, no". Touring is the worst, I feel so sorry for people who tour all the time, in fact, if you want to make any money in the music biz, it only happens with touring and merchandising. So I figure they deserve a kick ass massage. I didn't earn much that night but it was REALLY fun.

< The singer

I heard the singer is from Scotland and lived a long time in the USA as well, so he has an American accent but he said "only when I talk to you Americans". He was super polite, friendly and charming. I liked him. But by far, my favorite was the drummer, Steve. He is from Manchester, UK and has my favorite markings: light eyes, dark hair. He is mad into Hendrix and when he saw from my flyer that I had massaged Vinnie Colaiuta , he was very impressed. He said he was jealous that I got to meet him, let alone touch him. I showed him the videos I made of Vinnie during the recent Herbie Hancock sound check and he nearly fainted.

Oh well, I guess I should listen to a bit of Placebo before I meet  up with them again, if you have any suggestions as to what their best song is or best cd, a starter kit or so, let me know.

I miss NYC badly, can't wait to return. I was only there for 10 days and went out 8 nights. I have to hang low and recover now. I am working on a monster blog, a NYC blog. it is taking FOREVA! (read that with a New Englander accent please). I have to get to bed and watch some more "Meerkat Manor", I am hooked… nite nite


< I guess this is their most popular tune (?)

Massage in Philly

I am happy to say our team is growing, slowly but surely. Of course, if we didn't go through the trouble of screening and testing each Massage Therapist on our team, we would have one in every town, world wide. However we insist on auditioning every one on our team to insure top quality service. Quality, not quantity is what the Dr. Dot massage team is about. Read below about Aisha, who has hands of STEEL and never tires.


Dr. Dot

Bon jour! My Name is Aisha. I am a Certified Massage Therapist living in the  Philly area. I'm available 24/7 and willing to go on tour.

My specialties are Swedish, Deep Tissue, Reflexology, Myofascial, Trigger points, Prenatal and PNF. I also perform spa techniques.

I am very excited and appreciative for the opportunity to be working with the famous Dr. Dot.

I was introduced to Massage Therapy when I was registering to go back to school for Graphic Communications and the head counselor asked me

 "Have you ever thought of massage therapy?" So I decided to give it a shot. From the beginning I'm loved it and have been relieving tension ever since. I have been told that I have a great touch and a natural gift. I love all types of music; you can catch me listening to Jazz, Rap, and R&B, Classical, Heavy Metal, Pop and Rock. Some of my favorite bands are The Killers, Maroon 5, Jay-Z and Mariah Carey. I believe that music is also therapeutic for the simple fact that it can put you in a good mood or bring it down. With that being said, Thank you for your interest and I look forward to working with you. Peace Out!