I fucking HATE being misquoted.

When I was out in Arizona for THAT convention I went to, a friends of mine told me a local AZ magazine wanted to interview me. So on my last night there, WHILE I was out at karaoke with dot bots Sonora and Rachel, a reporter showed up. I thought he was friends with my local pals, so I gave him my time. It was totally unannounced. I told my local pals where I would be and presto- a guy named Corrin showed up. At first I thought he was their friend and they were on their way, but after a bit of conversation I found out he was a reporter/writer for Java Magazine. Well, normally during an interview you sit down in a quiet area and talk but it was my last night there and we had planned this karaoke night ages ago.


Once he started asking me questions I was showing him some of the pictures in my camera and blackberry. I am not happy with the tone in the interview but you can not change things once they are printed. No wonder celebrities get pissed off at the press, being misquoted SUCKS. 


I have to clear up these misquotes as I am PISSED OFF about them.





Once he started asking me questions I was showing him some of the pictures in my camera and blackberry (above he makes it sound like I was dying to show him pictures to brag). 


Also, the NO CLAPPING part. He told me his editor cut some parts out to save space, as he failed to explain here that NO ONE clapped for any singers. I found that rather odd. No matter how good the singer was, no one clapped. He makes it sound (above) that I was shocked that no one clapped for me. You give people your time, and they stab you in the back in their little interviews.

I am not happy with the tone in the interview but you can not change things once they are printed. No wonder celebrities get pissed off at the press, being misquoted SUCKS.Big stars like Madonna, or so I have heard, insist on having their management proof read the interview before it is printed. I told/asked Corrin I wanted to see it but he ignored that and used my pictures from my myspace page without asking, without permission. 


He also failed to mention I DO have help answering some of the emails, I am not a micro-manager. SOME of the emails must be answered by me personally (about 800 of them a day). But facts are obviously not that important to some magazines.

He quotes me above as saying "American guys are horrible". Hello? I never said that and do not think that. I said it is horrible how American guys are all circumcised without their permission. This misquote really really irks me. I found him on facebook and told him so. He humbly apologized and said he would correct it for the online version. And as far as me inviting him to the hotel, it was to continue the interview if he wanted, but he makes it sound like I wanted to get my leg over (or under). Whatever. So easy to hide behind your desk and have YOUR story put into print, even if it is not accurate. That's what I get for being kind and generous. Makes you want to think twice about doing so again. 

Greetings from Mesa, Arizona

Out here for the Tour Link convention. Palm trees, orange trees, sun…. all good so far. HATED the flight- 5.5 hours, omfg. Could have flown to the UK in that time. I use twitter a lot now, much more than this blog, so if you want to follow me on twitter I am at:http://twitter.com/dr_dot


Holding on for dear life in back seat of taxi

 Ronzilla ^ and Pooh

NY native and fellow karaoke FREAK, showed me and Rachel around Mesa and we ended up in a bar called the Tilted Kilt for karaoke. Hard putting up with drunks (local drunken men) when you are sober, ugh!

Local Mesa Dot Bot, Rachel ^ spoiling my feets after karaoke


View from my hotel room ^ (if you look closely you will see some orange trees)


Lazy cunt Pooh just lies around all day while I go out and bring home the bacon. Pffft. 


Orange trees EVERYWHERE here in AZ. Lovin' it so far…



… and Palm trees too. I can imagine it must be hotter than hell here in the summer though.


Mesa, Arizona Dot Bot April ^ massaging my aching feet :p

Doesn't she resemble a young Grace Slick ?


In the pilot seat of a 19 million dollar private jet at the Tour Link "Jet BBQ". I felt like a fish out of water there


Went out to karaoke with a few dot bots and local friends at Uncle Monkeys. REALLY STRANGE! I ordered a GLASS of club soda with a splash of cranberry juice, no ice, and this is the "glass" they brought me. lol. It is super cheap in AZ. And sunny. So I can see the attraction. Not much ambition going on, people seem to just wanna chill out there. To each his own you know?


 After karaoke at Denny's, 1:30 am ^ I was being interviewed by some guy, not sure what will become of it. Dot Bot Rachel was in on the action, I made some funny videos, will post asap.