Joe Jackson’s Guide to Berlin

Speaking of Joe Jackson, look at this video he made about Berlin. He is so witty. 


(don't be fooled by the sun in that ^ video, it's not sunny here lol) 


 I think he should have his own travel show. I love the way he words things. Sometimes he tells me of his travels, whilst on tour, and the way he describes things makes me feel like I am there with him, looking at what he his talking about. The smells, sights, moods of the people. Very descriptive and informative. He doesn't take any pictures though, as he "isn't a photographer". He is so modest, low key,  understated, fucking cool but without trying at ALL. 


It's gray, cold and moist out, again, here in Berlin. And I have to think that maybe one of my neighbors may have read my blog about no one listening to any hippie music as I woke up at 5pm (yikes) and someone was blasting Janis Joplin's Pearl album. Ha! Nice one! Love it. Perhaps I will go karaoke tonight and sing me some Janis. aaaaaaaaah. Love her.  

Nice quote

I received hundreds of comments and emails about the posting I made about how much shit an American gets here in Berlin and the best quote so far was this one 

"res​pon​din​g neg​ati​vel​y to the​ neg​ati​ve rem​ark​s cau​ses​ it to per​sis​t. the​ peo​ple​ who​ mak​e tho​se rem​ark​s to you​ are​n't​ say​ing​ any​thi​ng abo​ut you​, the​y are​ tel​lin​g you​ abo​ut the​m..​"


There were HUNDREDS of people writing about how if the Americans didn't make the air bridge, the Berliners would have starved to death, etc… and there were a few Berliners writing me arguing that Berliners aren't that bad. But I have to laugh when I read the quote Goethe made in the 1700's about how miserable and mean the Berliners were, even back then, so it's obviously not just my opinion (or was Goethe just a liar?)


"Es lebt in Berlin ein so verwegener Menschenschlag beisammen,
dass man mit der Delikatesse nicht weit reicht, sondern dass man
Haare auf den Zähnen haben und mitunter etwas grob sein muss, um
sich über Wasser zu halten."

Goethe, May 1778