My myspace buddy David ( ) brought this video to my attention and I love it so much I had to share it with you. I LOVE IT. Brilliant idea. NYC is full of creative minds. Ahhh, NYC, how I love thee..
The Weblog Of Dr. Dot Stein
My myspace buddy David ( ) brought this video to my attention and I love it so much I had to share it with you. I LOVE IT. Brilliant idea. NYC is full of creative minds. Ahhh, NYC, how I love thee..
Someone from the audience filmed this of me at Arlene's Groceries on Feb. 4th 2008
^ Taken a few hours ago in an Irish bar, midtown (pretty sure it's called PJ Clarke's), none of the staff was Irish..anyways, they claim to have one of the oldest toilets in NYC. They said they are "over 100 years old". WOAH, that's really old (not!). Baby USA lol…..
I went to PJ Clarke's after a stop in at a bar called 2A, because it's on 2nd street and avenue A. When you ask for a wine list, they roll their eyes and say "red or white, that's our list!". The snotty bartenders barely look up from their Blackberry pearls, so good luck getting their arrogant service. Two good things about the place though are (1) the music (the bitchy bartenders have great shit on their iPods) (2) It's dirt cheap. Just thought I would throw a little review in there, heh heh.
It's bloody cold here in NYC. Been swamped with things to do, people to visit and packing for my journey back to Berlin in a couple days. Once I am settled in, I will spend hours uploading the many pictures I have taken over the last couple of months. I supposed on one hand it's good thing when one is too busy to blog properly, but I find it therapeutic and it helps me sleep better once I've unloaded all the shit flying around in my mind onto my blog. Sadly, I can't write everything I would like to, as certain people in my life read my blog religiously and get upset, jealous, etc.. that sucks as I wish I could just write everything I am doing, thinking, etc.. but I do try to write in a way that one can read a tad between the lines. Censorship sucks ass.
My fingers are KILLING me from doing so many massages. Fuck, my knuckles hurt so bad. I have been massaging pretty much non stop since I was 5 years old; starting on my mom and her hurtin' back and feet and it's taking a toll on my fingers as I don't just pet people, I insist on doing extreme deep tissue, which gives the patient lots of energy, but it takes mine. Guess that means at least my hands are getting old. dam!
Massage therapists are like shooting stars. They usually shine really bright for a few years, but they can't last forever. Usually people start doing massage at around 20 and throw in the towel after ten or 15 years as it is really taxing on the body (schlepping the heavy massage table up and down stairs, working odd hours usually spontaneously.. it is a difficult profession. I started WAY young and so I am feelin' it. I have met therapists that retired at age 40 already (well, they do other things for a living after; things that are not as physically taxing).
The rest of me feels great, it's just my knuckles and wrists that are aching. Tried wearing a copper bracelet for a while, I didn't notice a big difference. I wonder if that is just a scam/hoax?
It's gonna be tough leaving NYC again, this place is wild, ambitious, fast, loud, exciting, quirky, liberal, wealthy in every way and packed with talented people from all over the world, but most of all, it's FUN. Like Arnold said "I'll be back"
"A long, long time ago… I can still remember how
That music used to make me smile.
And I knew if I had my chance,
That I could make those people dance,
And maybe they'd be happy for a while.
But February made me shiver,
With every paper I'd deliver,
Bad news on the doorstep…
I couldn't take one more step.
I can't remember if I cried
When I read about his widowed bride
But something touched me deep inside,
The day the music died."
(taken a few hours ago ^)
I went again to massage Kim and her man; two nights in a row! WOW, they love the Doctor! I am so excited to see her new show, which starts tonight February 7th, 2008.
The same lady who wrote Sex and the City wrote this as well. A lot of the same people who worked on Sex and the City are working for Lipstick Jungle. Patricia Field is doing their wardrobe, just like she did for Carrie and the girls.
"Lipstick Jungle," also stars Brooke Shields and Lindsay Price.
"We're honored to have that audience come to us," Raver said. "`Sex and the City' was such a fantastic show, but this is a different show. It's a different entity."
I was pleasantly surprised that Kim posed for me and impressed that she did so without make up/hair-do…. fresh from the shower.. naturally gorgeous and very cool. Some people are so beautiful you just look at them and think DAM! Nice genes!!
I noticed in her oldest son's room (the young one is only 4 months old) he had a home made drum set and home made guitars, all made of card board and bits of metal etc.. HOW CUTE. A mini rock star in the making. When Kim saw my rock and roll laden massage flyer, she said "wow, my son is gonna love this!" So sweet. It boggles my mind how she juggles being a nursing mother of two (she only nurses the baby!), has a husband and more than full time career (she works 12 hour days, every day) AND she still looks like she just slept 12 hours (read: rested and radiant).
I shall just call her "wonder woman"
If you are home and have nothing to do besides eat and shag, take a break and tune in to see her in action….
I just finished massaging Kim Raver (the lady on the right in the above billboard ^) and her husband. They have been regulars of my massage team here in NYC but this time I massaged them personally. What an amazing couple and how beautiful is Kim? As you know, I sometimes take pictures and get autographs, but I always use good judgment as far as timing goes and it was just too chill, to private to ask. Maybe another time.
There are many celebs that I have massaged, sometimes numerous times, without every asking for a picture, for example, Jerry Garcia, Joe Jackson, David Bowie (well, I got his autograph a few times, but never asked for a pic), a German star named Ester Schweins as well… big star, but if the right moment doesn't arrive, I don't ask.
Kim used to star in the series called "24" and now she is in one of the upcoming series, which will premiere this coming Thursday Feb 7th, on NBC. This show is supposed to be similar to Sex and the City.
Since the writers strike, TV in the USA has been absolute CRAP (apart from Animal Planet, of course). This show will be a breath of fresh air for those who actually have time to watch TV. Kim is a mother of two but you would never know it. She looks like she just got off the runway and that's without any make up on. She is absolutely stunning (and sweet as pie). Gorgeous feet too π
Anyways, last night I went out and sang with a live band at Arlene's Groceries .. lots of fun. You can sing with an AMAZING live band every Monday night there.
I really have to find time and make a massive blog with loads of pics.. pics I took on my trip to Georgia, pics I took all around NYC, sigh, I am so swamped, I feel guilty for neglecting my blog. NYC is so fun and busy, I just don't have the time like I do when I am in Berlin.. I go out here a LOT more than I do in Berlin because (1) There is NO SMOKING allowed here in bars, cafes, restaurants, etc.. and my eyes and lungs don't hurt the next few weeks like they do when I go out in Berlin…even though Berlin claims to be Smoke Free now, I have heard from mates back in Berlin that it's a fucking joke. (2) NYC is more fucking fun and the people are friendlier too. My face hurts from smiling too much when I am here in NYC..
So much for me making a decision (Berlin or NYC)… can't do it. Jasmine will be buzzing around Berlin forever I guess and so I will always want to have one foot in Berlin and NYC, well, my life here is more productive, fun, wild, exciting, busy busy busy! Each place has it's ups and downs..which I have gone over repeatedly over the last few years..sigh.
I will fly back to Berlin soon (if I miss an opportunity to massage Madge (Madonna!) while she is in Berlin for the Berlin film fest, I will fucking flap. I land there in a week or so and I am crossing my fingers that I don't miss any exciting massage situations. ugh. I can't be every where at once.
Super exciting that Penthouse Forum will start running my sex column (they will call it "Calling Dr. Dot) which was my kinda sounds like that Kiss song "Calling Dr. Love" heh heh. They also said I will be on their May cover, so I hope that all works out. It is 7am NYC time and I am STILL AWAKE. I voted for Hillary, massaged that couple and then went all over Hoboken with Danny filming random people in random shops..we are working on a little project, I can't wait to post it, it's hilarious..
Gotta hit the hay, it's freakin' LIGHT OUT.
ps. Iggy, the owner of one of my hang outs in NYC, called, Iggy's , insisted I post this pic of us online. This was taken this past Sunday night by my mate Jill ( I will post more pics in upcoming blog, which include her π
Iggy is aiming to have the BEST karaoke place in NYC and I hope that turns out to be true really soon. Iggy's is on the Upper East Side and has karaoke 7 nights a week, they just need to get a bigger song list and organize things a bit more, pimp the sound system more and bingo, it's karaoke paradise (most people sing rock and roll tunes there, not much ABBA or Britney going on there).
Video material from our New Years eve chaos ^
My buddies and I first went to a house party on 5th street in Alphabet City (Manhattan in case you have never heard of it) and rang in the new year at Carol Sadick's apartment. She is a lovely, cook chick that I met through Arturo (Arturo wasn't there as he is in South America climbing huge mountains). There were lots of familiar faces there, some friendly and some waaaay too grumpy to be at a fucking party. One lady brought her 2 year old daughter (duh, bring a little tot to a wild, loud, LATE party filled with crazy punks, great idea!). Anyhow, her kid looked exactly like Pearl, you know, from the Wil Farrel LAND LORD video (click HERE to see it). The lady hated the fact that everyone said she looks just like Pearl. You would think people were saying she looks like a ape the way she was snapping at people.
Then there was an ancient woman who resembled in every way, Melissa Etheridge, who kept telling us to keep our "Cackling to a minimum". Whatever, I thought parties loved laughing guest. There was tons of food and drinks there, so that was a BONUS (I brought Champagne and killer red wine).
Danny came in a bit after I did and said "oh, look, it's Pearl and she wants the rent money" and me and my buddies were laughing hysterically but the lady screamed at Danny in a psycho voice (that we had fun imitating the rest of the night) that sounded like the Devil. One older guy, who was in the band The Dead Boys had a bitchy attitude and almost started a fight with me when I said he looked a bit like Mick Jones from Foreigner.
Jeff (Grumpy as FUCK) Magnum of the Dead Boys ^ (does he, or does he NOT look similar to Mick Jones or Foreigner? Sorry, I have Foreigner on the brain lately, I'm obsessed ha ha). He had glasses on at the party, which made him look exactly like Mick Jones (well, Mick is better looking and much more polite, fun and talented)
Hello? Grumpy old folks alert. If I ever get old and grumpy, some one please tie me up and feed me happy pills. For FUCK SAKE.
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Carol's rock and roll Fridge ^
There were several nice people there too, so we didn't let the miserable one's get us down, we were howlin' with laughter all night. It was almost 3 am when we drove up town to Iggy's for some karaoke (there is no way in hell to hail a cab on New Years eve, so we ended up taking 3 strangers with us up town (cramped as HELL in my car) and just for fun, we charged them $5. It was the taxi ride from hell (lots of loud Hendrix being blasted and I do drive like a quirky race car driver. heh heh. The guys kissed the ground of 76 th street when they got out, they were that happy to be alive.
Raising hell in Carol's kitchen ^
Can not understand why we don't have any Jonesy pictures. He was moving around too fast all night I suppose. I will get loads next time around. Cory surprised us at how great he can sing Billy Joel's Piano Man and Danny is more confident then ever now on stage; he sang "Workin' 9 to 5 and I touch myself, which is no easy feat in front of a packed, new years eve crowd in NYC. I did the usual crowd pleaser, Highway to Hell and Old Time Rock and Roll. Iggy's needs to increase their song books; we need more of a selection.
I went to LIT (93 2nd ave) on Sunday night with my pals Ant and Elizabeth and they have a million songs and the sound quality is the BEST out of all the karaoke places in NYC, BUT they let everyone smoke (downstairs where karaoke is) and you can barely see. Quite strange for a Non-smoking city, but the song list and sound quality are worth the smoke. Most people sing heavy metal songs there. Zeppelin, Dio, Sabbath, Iron Maiden, AC/DC, it's awesome!!
Jasmine and I went and saw The Fab Faux the other night at a club called Terminal 5. If you ever head there to see a show, know that they (a) keep ALL of the doors wide open, which is a drag when it's below zero out side and/or big trucks part outside and blast their Diesel smell into the club (b) there are NO seats, so you have to stand. This band is the best Beatles cover band ever. The bassists is Will Lee from the David Letterman house band ('the most dangerous band in the world') and one of the guitarist, Jimmy Vivino is from Conan O'Brein's band, the 'Max Weinberg 7' and the horn players look like they are from both of those shows. The band is tight as fuck and they played a FULL THREE HOURS (hence me whining about standing). They played the whole Revolver album in it's entirety. They are on myspace, you can click HERE to see their page. If they ever head towards you, let me tell you, you get your money's worth ten times over ($40 for 3 hours of perfect Beatles renditions) and they play many songs that the Beatles never played live, sigh.
Utter nonsense (scenes from the smallest shop in the world) ^
It's always fun to drop by Arturo's loft. After all, I have been dropping by in and sleeping over at Mr. Vega's lower East Side place since I was 15 years old. Artie always has new Ramones goodies, like these expensive collector's item skulls below. He is the Art Director of the Ramones and designed every Ramones album ever made, even the famous eagle with baseball bat logo on the skull at the right, in the picture below.
If you are really curious about Arturo and haven't heard of him before, just google: Arturo Vega. He is famous amongst the Ramones fans and alumni, etc. They signed their first ever record contract in his loft, so it's legendary and still an exciting place to hang. To know Artie is to love him.
The loft is adorned with numerous art pieces by various artist, like Dee-Dee Ramone for example. He had a wild imagination, as you can see from the paintings below:
When Dee Dee came to Berlin, he stayed at my flat with his then wife Barbara. They spent an absurd amount of time coloring in fact (with crayons!). Lots of fun indeed. Did you ever read Dee Dee's book "Lobotomy: Surviving the Ramones" ? He is so cute; didn't have enough funds to edit it, so it's unedited and hilarious!
Arturo (on the right) and his room mate James (middle) and his lovely sister (was visiting from San Fran)
Picture I took of a picture hanging on Arturo's bedroom wall ^ Johnny Ramone & Arturo YEARS ago. Look how HOT Arturo looks! He is older now, but still looks healthy, fit and much younger than he really is. Notice Johnny looks miserable, as usual.
So after hanging at the loft for a while, Arturo, Jasmine and I all went to a ^ book release party at the Alphabet City bar, 'Manitoba's' to honor the "Official Punk Rock book of lists" by Handsome Dick Manitoba & Amy Wallace. The party was packed with familiar faces and lots of ambitious artists, writers, photographers and other folks in the music & literary world. I found a review of the party online, click HERE to read it. Handsome Dick is also the singer of the Dictators and a radio personality.
( I HIGHLY recommend clicking that link to read their report of the event, it's much more thorough than mine π
Dick, me and his gorgeous British born wife, Zoe ^
Zoe is so incredibly sexy, you just get pulled in by her piercing blue eyes and luminous skin, then she seals the deal with her charming English accent and contagious smile. She was "thrilled" to meet me and shrieked loudly when introduced "Dr. Dot!? I know you, I've read your column for AGES! I LUV YOU Dr. Dot!" and proceeded to whisk me around, introducing me to new people and people that already knew me, but I didn't know yet, like Eric, the Managing Editor of Penthouse Forum/Girls of Penthouse, who reminded me we already know each other from a 2 hour phone interview for a piece the Penthouse Forum did on me a year or two ago. "oooooh, I forgot about that" I sheepishly admitted.
Me and Eric Danville ^
Eric told me it's ok to spill the beans, to pass on the great news, that as of May, my sex/relationship column, "Ask Dr. Dot" can be found monthly in the Penthouse Forum. I am over the moon about this. This certainly helps ease the pain of having my naughty column let go from the NY Press thanks to their new, wholesome (word:Boring) image. Sigh. Penthouse Forum, here I come.
I got to chat with Mike Edison, Senior Editor of Backbeat Books and Hal Leonard Books, which was a thrill. The man is legendary. You couldn't swing a cat without hitting a cool, connected New Yorker. I should go out with Arturo more often, it's so fun and there are always great folks around. I do admit I spend too much time at karaoke bars, whoring the mic. Karaoke WHORE!
The legendary Photogrpaher, Leee Black Childers (yes, it's with 3 "eee's) and Zoe ^
Click HERE to read ALL about Leee and his part of Punk & Rock and Roll history… Speaking of history, Zoe doesn't hesitate to let you know she is an ex-PORN star who is working on her memoirs. Maybe even a reality show. She's so attractive, I'm sure many would tune in. SCHWING!
< Leee, on the left, was HOT when he was a young man.
It was GREAT to see my pal Monte again. I have known him (And Arturo) since I was 15. Monte, in case you don't know, was the Ramones road manager. He kept everything sane & as organized as possible on the road. He was always on the ball! I haven't seen Monte for a couple years (last time was at a party for Joey's Birthday celebration at CBGB's in 2002) yet the first thing Monte says to me when he saw me was "why did you remove me from your myspace top friends!??". LMFAO, that's so funny, myspace is taking over. "you're still in MY top friends!!" he continued. "Ok, ok, I rotate my top friends, but I promise to have you back up there by tomorrow" I swore to him. I made another snide remark about how I find it totally UNFAIR that his book "on the road with the Ramones" does NOT include my name at ALL. How could that be? I was dating Joey for 3 years and hardly ever missed a weekend show! (had to go to school Monday – Thursday, skipped Fridays to be with my Punk God). Well, we all know why I am not mentioned. I was only 15 when I started seeing Joey (I told them ALL I was 19). This seems kinda creepy now, but it wasn't back then, I looked 19, acted 19 and so, to them, I was 19. Anyways. What's done is done, I'm not in the dam book! Fine. I will just write about it in mine (again). Snap π
Close up of Monte's jacket. I'm sure it's a collectors item…
Many more pics from the party can be seen HERE
I do have lovely pictures of Jasmine, but she's banned me from posting any pics of her and even mentioning her. I will get my face ripped off for even mentioning her name in this blog. Sigh. Trying as hard as I can to NOT write about my lovely, talented, honest, intelligent daughter, but I have to respect her wishes. Hoping you don't think I'm SOOOOO wrapped up in my business and activities that I forget my Jasmine; it's just the opposite, I wish I could post ALL the pics I have of her, she's so subtle, shy, humble and sweet; but she doesn't want it, so I can't. She isn't a camera hog like her mum. How can that be? We are the same at some points but completely opposite at others. I respect her completely and that's why you don't see a parade of Jasmine pics/videos.
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Random shots I took whilst about town (town, I mean, CITY!). Isn't it funny when you say "I'm in the city" people still ask "what city?". I don't feel a slight bit of guilt when I say "THE city; NYC". If you haven't been to Manhattan, then you may not understand the sarcastic, presumptuous response.
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Is it strange to be surprised when people ask "what city?" when you tell them you are "in the city" ? If you have never been to Manhattan, you may not understand that sarcastic, presumptuous response (THE city!)
The infamous ^ Jonesy in front of the 24/7 Apple store on 5th ave
Icy branches amuse me ^
I made another little video in Manhattan. Click HERE to see it
Times Square always makes for a good photo-op.
Not that I watch much TV (in Germany I NEVER watch any TV, don't even get one channel and if I did, I still wouldn't watch it) but here in the USA they are having a writers strike (enough already peeps, get the fuck back to work, be happy you have a job). TV sucks monkey balls at the moment, hence all the time for blogging. Animal Planet + Discovery Channel are the only things worth watching. "You and me baby ain't nothin' but mammals, so lets do it like they do it on the Discovery channel"
Landed in NYC a few days ago and have been lovin' it. Went out to a Book release party last night with Arturo and met lots of folks I haven't seen in a while. Once I figure out how to use my new Mac Book Pro, I will upload pictures and blog about it and Thanksgiving (oh lord, how embarrassing).
Life is so exciting here, I wonder why I ever leave. Tough to be torn between two great cities (Berlin-NYC). Gotta dash, ttyl