Watch the new video for RADIATION here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFlnG3AKOW8

Hi Folks

Andre' Cholmondeley here , from Project/Object, Adrian Belew Tours and more…….

I am proud to be doing some work for and with another of my all time favorite musicians/composers….I'm running Show Production for this one-night tour for  none other than EDDIE JOBSON, the violinist/keyboardist. Many of you first heard Eddie's work with King Crimson or, like me,  when I was 16 in a dorm room at Rutgers University, 1981…on ZAPPA IN NEW YORK….

Eddie is making his first return to the stage with his own music after almost 28 years (!!). He's been VERY busy in music — running a record company, producing, and scoring TV shows like Nash Bridges (100+ episodes), TV commercials, movies, etc. When he came off the road from the Jethro Tull Tour in 1981, he has not performed live except for a Bach Tribute with Tull in 1985, and the "Concert For Peace" and Moscow concert in Aug/Sep 2008. You may have read my  blogs from those events….

Spread the word on this historic show!!! If you are ANYWHERE near NYC , do not miss this!! The opening act (Tony Levin's new band!) will also be making their US premiere (read on). With people flying in from England, Europe, South Africa, all around the USA……you have no excuse!!!

Thanks! – Andre'

Watch the new video for RADIATION here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFlnG3AKOW8


For interviews, CDs, review tickets and further press info …

Contact: Randy Alexander, Randex Communications (856) 596-1410 or randex@randexpr.com

Online press kit with downloadable jpegs at www.randexpr.com









UKZ Debut EP, RADIATION, to follow in March via Ryko Distribution


Watch the new video for RADIATION here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFlnG3AKOW8


“The word ‘genius’ is bandied about a bit too freely these days, but in Jobson’s case, the term not only applies, it’s been used to describe him since his northern England childhood.” – EMMY Magazine


NEW YORK (Jan. 7, 2009) — Keyboard and electric-violin legend EDDIE JOBSON (U.K., Roxy Music, Frank Zappa, Jethro Tull) is returning in grand style from a self-imposed 27-year retirement to introduce UKZ, his new “Virtual Virtuoso” supergroup, with a world debut concert exclusive in New York City.


 Anticipated by Ticket News as “one of contemporary music’s iconic performances” and attracting concertgoers from around the world, UKZ will begin and end its “One City World Tour” on Saturday, Jan. 24 at Town Hall, 123 W. 43rd St., NYC. Show time is 8 p.m. This rare concert event also will feature the U.S.debut of special guests Stick Men, featuring King Crimson’s Tony Levin and Pat Mastelotto. Tickets are $125, $95, $85 & $60 and on sale NOW through Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com. For info, call the box office at 212.840.2824 or visit www.the-townhall-nyc.org.


In a state-of-the-art display of masterful musicianship that elevates the spirit of progressive music to the modern demands of younger new audiences, UKZ will be premiering compositions from its upcoming debut EP, RADIATION, set for release March 24 via Ryko Distribution. UKZ’s updated sound infuses the industrial edge and rhythmic aggression of bands from Tool to Nine Inch Nails, and it’s exemplified in the seven-minute video for the title track, which already has received over 5,000 hits in its first week on YouTube.


“New directions excite me,” says Jobson, “I decided a year-and-a-half ago that I still had more to say in the rock arena, and that the internet had allowed every aspect of that _expression to be approached in a new way. Everything with this band project has been self-produced, independent of the music-business machine.  I have created a real ‘player’ band of virtuosos and I am taking it straight to the people.”


A classically trained progressive-rock icon, Jobson assembled UKZ virtually by auditioning performances on YouTube. The result is a multi-generational “dream band” of world-class improvisers from all parts of the globe whose members are: Trey Gunn (American, a 10-year veteran of King Crimson and the leading exponent of the Warr 10-string touch guitar), Aaron Lippert (Belgian, former lead singer of Expanding Man), Alex Machacek (Austrian guitar prodigy, also in TERRY BOZZIO's OUT TRIO), and Marco Minnemann (German drum sensation, in several projects including with MIKE KENEALLY), with Eddie Jobson of course hailing from England/UK..


Jobson has spent much of his time away from band activity creating music for film and television. He’s been an integral contributor to movie and TV soundtracks, and also has earned several Clio awards for his commercial compositions. 


More recently, he’s been the driving force behind the Bulgarian Women’s Choir, which he began working with 13 years ago while exploring new sounds for a reunion of U.K., the influential British supergroup. Jobson also runs Globe Media Arts, a music/video production company, music publishing company, and online store, including two indie labels for advanced musicians, Globe Music and Glo Digital.


“I have spent my life looking for new musical challenges,” he says. “The latest is in taking on the challenge of creating a truly contemporary rock environment for some of the world’s best players to exhibit their craft, while maintaining some level of accessibility.  So far, I am pleased with the results and I am looking forward to returning to live performance to share those results with fans from around the globe, in New York City — the capital of the world.  My hope is to move things forward — at least a little bit.”





Knocked out by another angry German “MAN”

Friday, January 26th, 1:30 am.

Instead of posting my NYC blog, I have to get this out now. Tonight, while jogging with my iPod on full blast, I stopped to stretch (like I do several times). I put one foot up on what ever is closest, a fence, building, step, etc. It was after midnight, which for some is a strange time to jog, but for me, very normal. I was stretching and a German man wearing thick glasses started yelling at me. I couldn’t hear a word he was saying, so I just kept on stretching thinking he must be drunk or have mistaken me for someone else.

He had a bike in his hand, and was walking it fast towards me, still yelling. I said, over my music
 “I can’t hear you and I don’t speak German” which isn’t true, I can speak German but at this hour,  I really don’t want to talk to a strange man on the street anyways, and especially not while I am working out. I want to just focus and get it over with.

He came way up into my face yelling and started to trap me against the building with his bike, cornering me.
 I said “woah! Don’t touch me!”. Now I could hear what he was screaming, and he seemed furious that I didn’t speak German and yelled “You should speak German here in Germany! Do not ever put your feet on a building like that!”.

At this point I didn’t give a shit what he was screaming the point was he had me cornered and I couldn’t get out, even after a few tries so I pushed him and his bike just enough to squeeze out and I ran between to parked cars out onto the street, thinking he couldn’t squeeze through that gap very fast with his bike. I was wrong.

He followed me on the side walk, me running as fast as I could. I ran like mad, the freezing cold air hurting my lungs. Instead of taking a right onto my street, I kept on and took the next right as I didn’t want this freak knowing where I lived.

There was no one out on the street, unfortunately and the street I turned onto was dark. I was panicking as I didn’t know if he was still following me. Half way down that street I turned back and sure enough, he was.
 I ran faster and took the next right and there was a man walking his dog. I thought about stopping and asking for help, but was so freaked out, I just kept running. I passed a bar that is open 24 hours a day, and thought about running in there too, but I didn’t want to be cornered by this guy at all, so I took another right which brought me onto my street. He sped up to me on his bike, cut me off so I couldn’t move and punched me EXTREMELY hard in my mouth; I fell back, knocked out. When I snapped out of it, I was screaming and crying and blood was pouring out of my mouth, and the cowardly German was already half way down the street.

My cries for help went unheard and no one could have caught him anyways. I ran into the bar bleeding and the drunks all poured out. None of them understood me because I was crying in English, and they couldn’t help anyways. So I ran home and called the Police.

Sorry, no pretty picturse today  ^

This reminds me of the time I was punched out by a German man in NYC (!!!!)  right on 2nd ave,  right out side of a karaoke bar. You can click HERE to read that story and HERE for the follow up.  He kept calling me a “Jude Votze”, (which means
Jewish Cunt)  “Jude Schwein!” (which means Jewish Pig) because of my Jewish Star of David necklace basically.

Even though I am not Jewish, I have many Jewish friends. The guy was caught and charged with a hate crime.
About 10 years ago here in Berlin, before I had a cell phone, I was in a phone booth talking to a girlfriend, broad day light and a German guy was waiting very impatiently out side, pacing. He opened the door, grabbed the phone out of my hand, hung it up, then slapped me violently across the face, than ran.

Just last week, I was in a disco, which I NEVER do, with my friend Shai. As I went to the bathroom, an Earth Wind and Fire song began to play, so I started dancing alone. The dance floor is on the very bottom floor and everyone up top can look over the railing at the dancers. I looked up at Shai most of the time, smiling as in “come down here girl” and a German dude, who looked a bit like Woody Allen started trying the hump dance with me and talking to me and I politely moved away.

He started to talk to me and I said “ I don’t speak German” and kept dancing and looking up at Shai. He then walked up to me and said “We do not want your big tits on this dance floor bitch” so I spit in his face. Then he shoved me wicked hard across the dance floor and Shai was looking and shocked as hell and asked one of our male friends to check it out. I just kept ignoring the guy, dancing, hoping he had learned his lesson. He came back and said MORE obnoxious slander
and shoved me again.

One thing that pisses me off about Germany is the way the men think of girls as completely equal. Perhaps in Politics, this is a good thing, but everywhere else it sucks. They do NOT open doors, compliment or help females in need, ever. Even when play fighting with a boyfriend, they will hit you as hard as they can.

I have been told this by many of my girlfriends who live here and date Germans as well. They will not buy you a drink, flowers or help with the rent even if you live with them. And they think NOTHING of punching a woman square in the face. I am afraid to go out here anymore.
When I called the Police, they came in (with the Ambulance team) and asked me to explain everything. They said there could be two explanations. 1) the guy was the land lord of that building and is anal as fuck about
 foot prints (it isn’t even wet out tonight) or (2) because the initial contact (stretching locating on
building) was directly next to the Kreuzberg park, which is very dark and rumored to be dangerous at night, they think he may have just used that as an excuse to talk to me then perhaps intended on dragging me into the park to rape me. Either reason is fucked up.

The Doctors (the Ambulance team) said I have to ice my upper and lower lip, the blood clot will take a few days to go away, but thank God (I think my Mom and Granny are up in heaven looking after me) my teeth were not broken, nor my nose. My lips and nose are swollen up like
 balloons and I wonder what Mr. Joe Jackson will think of my appearance when I massage him tomorrow evening.
 He just moved here from London, telling me how much he loves Berlin. I told him I want to move to the UK and so, I guess the grass is always greener.

I am still shaking like a leaf when I type this and was hesitant to even write about it, as if the German press gets wind of it, they will for sure be like “oh, she is just doing that for publicity” just like they did when the Nazi like German knocked me out for wearing the Jewish Star. Showing sympathy is not one of their better qualities. One paper, the “Berliner Zeitung” (which is known to be very right wing)  tried to turn it around “our poor German citizen is sitting in jail for a couple days, poor guy”. They made me out to be the bad guy. Very frustrating indeed.  They just can’t admit that there are still very racist men here.

 A black dude was beat into a coma a few months ago here in Berlin. Luckily the found the two skin heads and they are now in jail.  I have to say, I afraid to live in Berlin, it is violent, especially for women. Not GUN violent, but cave man style violent.

You can and will get punched, randomly, female or not. I have many girlfriends tell me their
tales and tales of other girlfriends who get shit walking home at night. I will never leave the house without mace again. I mean, I was just out JOGGING, not bothering anyone and this shit happened.

I can barely type this because my hands are shaking so bad. NOT AMUSED with German men at this point.
Chivalry is not in their dictionary. If you are a German woman, and can still breed, do us all a fucking favor and teach your baby German boy, it is NOT ok to hit a girl. For fucks sake!
I assume the house I was stretching on was the German bully’s house, so the cops and I went there to check it out.

They will now get my pictures of everyone who lives in the two buildings that are next to each other to be safe and I will hopefully spot this bastard and bring him to court. Like I have time for such shit, but he needs to learn a lesson. Germans always register with the Police, where they live and all have photo identity cards, so it shouldn’t be too hard to pin point the guy. WANKER.
Next blog will be a happy blog, I hope. I am thinking to myself, like most victims do, “was it my fault? Did  I provoke this? Could I have handled this better?” I try to think of what I could have done differently, but when a strange man corners me at night, and won’t let me go, I act naturally and push and flee.

I just don’t get it how a man can punch a female in the face. I told the German Police, that in America, it's not acceptable for a man to hit a girl. They said "it happens hereALL the time". Nice!

Black Out Escapee

What does Janis Joplin have to do with the Black Out? As I left the chaos of a dark NYC behind me, I drove north in my vw black golf, listening to Janis, the pain in her voice as she belted out Kozmic Blues made me grateful that we are only having a power outage, others have had it worse.

Yes, NYC was crazy today, as you all saw on the news.This is my second LOG entree tonight, the first one somehow disappeard ( dont you HATE that??). So now I have to start all over again. I had to pack my bags in the dark today, and take a shower by candle lights, which would have been much more fun if I wasn't alone 😉