24 Hour Massage Service in Perth Australia

Email me at: bookings@drdot.com and enter “Romy/Perth” in the subject line to reach me 🙂

I have completed a 2 year full time massage course specializing in D.A.T.A. Massage. D.A.T.A. stands for “Dragon and Tiger Alignment” and is a deep tissue therapeutic massage using pressure points, meridian stimulus and lymphatic drainage techniques. 


It is great for tension in the muscles, stress and to reduce cellulite. Trigger Point Therapy and Reiki can be performed upon request”.

Massage in Nashville, Tennessee 24/7

Contact me at info@drdot.com and put "Jarolyn/Nashville" in the subject line 🙂 
Hello, I’m Jarolyn, Licensed Massage Therapist. I am from the Philippines but have resided here in the U.S. since 2006. I am dedicated to providing a good, quality therapeutic massage because I value each and everyone of my clients and I believe in natural healing and the healing power of touch. Having a massage does more than just to relax your body and mind. It is a drug-free, non invasive and humanistic approach based on the body’s natural ability to heal itself, so it not only feels good but it can cure what ails you. 

I earned my degree in massage therapy in June of 1998 and I’ve been practicing ever since. I have served as an instructor of massage in a technical college during my practice in the Philippines, I have also worked in several spas in different countries, and some Chiropractic and Rehab establishments in my area. I am professionally trained in a broad scope of Western, European, and Asian modalities. Extensive knowledge in Swedish massage, Shiatsu, Acupressure, Reflexology, Thai massage, Lomi lomi massage, Deep tissue and Trigger Points. I am combining the modalities or techniques depending on my clients wants or needs. For over 12 years of practice I have helped a wide range of clients, all with different needs and cases, different lifestyles and backgrounds. I am really gifted and blessed to be an instrument to make people feel better. since massage is my passion nothing is more rewarding for a massage therapist than for her clients to feel better. 

I am excited to utilize my extensive clinical, training, abilities, caring nature, professionalism and passion in therapeutic massage to the most talented people who bring joy and life to the world through music. I am extremely honored to be on Dr. Dot’s international team, since I know that Dr. Dot is known as the best massage therapist in the music industry and only wants the best of the best on her team. 

I’m looking forward to work with u soon, have a great day.

Massage in Amsterdam, Holland


Please email me at  info@drdot.com and put "Maria/Amsterdam" in the subject line, cheers.


Hello! My name is Maria, born and raised in Colombia then moved to United States where I learn massage and therapeutic work in 2001. In my search for growth, I travelled overseas to discover new landscapes and cultures… Living in Amsterdam now, enjoying this beautiful city and carrying on my passion and practice through the healing power of touch!

My area of expertise is Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Stretching and Trigger Points, the ideal combination for deep tissue therapeutic treatments. I am also trained in Reflexology, relaxation techniques and energy work. For several years I practiced Taiko -traditional Japanese drumming, a martial art as well as a powerful instrument which philosophy taught me discipline, strength and confidence in life and everything I do.

Helping others has always brought big fulfillment to my life, and massage has been and continues to be the greatest instrument to my purpose. It’s greatly satisfying to be part of Dr. Dot’s team of healers and I look forward to working with you!

Massage in Zurich Switzerland

Hi, my name is Mladen. I am from Zurich and work here as a professional masseur.

Since I’ve been doing fitness sports for more than 8 years and have learned a lot about body and muscle functions, I was always thinking about starting a career as a professional masseur. That way I would be able to help people to loose the pain in their muscles, to get new energy and to feel relaxed.

So I decided to start my career as a professional masseur, accomplished very successfully my studies and became a Dipl. Wellness-Masseur. As soon as I got my diploma I started working as a sports masseur for football teams in Switzerland. I worked also in a Sauna as a Dipl. Wellness-Masseur and am working now downtown Zurich as a Hamam-Masseur.

I am specialized in deep tissue, foot reflex, shiatsu-akupressure and trigger points. I also invented my own massage which is a mixture of deep tissue and other energy points, that get lost energy back and free the muscles from pain in very short time! My massage is called Djomi-Massage.

When I’ve heard about Dr. Dot I knew that this is the right team to be in. Because only the best join her team, and she know who is the best, since she works with passion and talent and I do that too!

I am available 24/7 in Zurich & agglomeration and am available for tours if required. Just email me at info@drdot.com and put “Mladen/Zurich” in the subject line to reach me fastest.