My new faux-fur Red Fox hat came in the mail, so warm and sweet, I love it. Got ithere , in case you want one too
Late Christmas present arrived today ^ my FAVORITE game to play. Had one in Berlin years ago, but sadly had to part with it. My neighbors will LOVE me now
I have not eating a hamburger or any red meat since I was ten years old. Saw a family kill a chicken for soup in PA and it scarred me for life (or so I thought). From age 10 until about ten years ago, I was a strict Vegetarian. Ten years ago one of my best friends Satu convinced me I need to at least eat Chicken sometimes for the protein. So I have been eating it since then, like once a month. But I am SO fucking tired all of the time and feel hung over even though I don't drink or smoke. NOT fair! I don't even drink coffee anymore, just organic green tea. STILL, not well.
I have been to two different acupuncturist (one in NYC and one in Berlin) and they both told me the same thing, I NEED to eat red meat once in a while. So, I gave in and put my moral animal loving ways aside last night and finally had a burger. It tasted like heaven on earth. I could feel my body inhaling it, like it was famished for it. Going to sleep now and I will see if it makes a difference as I really have a major sleep disorder and it is ruining my life. So we shall see if it helps somehow. If I feel more energized when I wake up.
I would REALLY like to hear your opinion about meat vs vegetarianism etc. Everyone tells me something different so I am very on the fence about this.
Waiter was as dumb as a rock. Told him I wanted a wheat bun, he brings white. Then he vanishes with burger, bun, slaw and pickel for like what seemed 20 minutes (me- starving and indecisive which made it seem longer and worse). He comes back with wheat bun minus pickle and coleslaw. I am surrounded by idiots. HELP.
Still up in Boston. Every time I went out and tried to sing karaoke, there was a RED SOX baseball game on and it was canceled. The folks up here in Boston WORSHIP the Boston Red Sox. I find baseball to be almost as boring as GOLF. Give me a break people omg!!! Even though I am kind of on vacation, naturally I still have to answer over 400 emails per day (for a few days running it was over 500). BUT I am relaxing and really enjoying my stay with Betsy (mother figure/best friend). She is so wise, positive, sweet, funny, practical, motivated, productive, busy busy busy and yet still has time to make the best peanut butter cookies and pancakes on earth.
Anyways, today, Napoleon Murphy Brock sent me this super cute video:
"This is the only Frank Zappa song, that I allow" Anthony Kiedis, singer of the Red Hot Chili Peppers (extremely over rated band)
If you can figure out what the fuck he is saying, please let me know. Sounds like "this is the only Frank Zappa song I allow to exist" but he wouldn't dare say that, would he?
Sigh. Jasmine leaves for NYC on Sunday, I leave for the UK shortly after. Lots to do, little time to do it. I still have to write my Rod Stewart blog and pack.
I saw the Temptations in concert tonight. Came in at half time, missing the Four Tops
Great show but they played in the Tempodrome, which has the WORST acoustics in Berlin. Shaped like a big TeePee, all the sound echoes and sounds shallow, it's really bad. Anyhow, gotta get some shut eye, will write more asap.