So, Paul Booth spent another two hours on my Jimi Hendrix tattoo and did his afro last night, but we are still not done. Last time I was there he spent 6 hours on the outline and face, so that's
Paul Booth tattoo’s Dr. Dot’s ASS (well, hip)
Paul, who normally never tattoo’s on demand or in color, or anything you ask him to, he is an artist who also does tattoo’s did me the biggest favor ever by taking the drawing I gave him and turning into my tattoo (not done yet, I have two more sittings to do for this one still with him). As I mentioned in my last blog about Paul (and Gregg Allman getting his tattoo by Paul), he only does tattoo’s freehand, no tracing and he picks and chooses who he lays his ink on, his everlasting artwork.

The Allman Brothers Band in NYC
March 23, 2009:
If it's REALLY important I can get up at 7am (when I usually go to sleep). Massaging Mr. Gregg Allman is REALLY important. Gregg has had massages from my team now and again, but this is the first time I got to massage him myself. I can't count the times he told me “this was the BEST massage I have ever had!”. I asked him if he likes Frank Zappa's version of his song “Whipping Post” and he said “I love it”. That is my favorite Allman Brothers Band song fyi.
YAY!! New Tattoo a big success
As predicted, I screamed for about 2 hours straight. The guys in the tattoo shop were having a blast winding me up. I told them “this has got to be the only thing that hurts worse than anal sex” and that got them all roaring with laughter.
Dan did an amazing job on my tattoo. I have to post before and after now: