Massage in Kassel, Germany

To reach me, email me at: and put “Angel/Kassel, Germany” in subject line please. 



Hi there, my name is Angela. I liver in Zurich, Switzerland but spend a lot of time in Santa Monica as well.

I was born 1986 in Winterthur, Switzerland in a patchwork – family of artists and therapists. Music, Dance and Bodywork were constant companions in my childhood. Since then my passion for Music, Dance and Massage is growing.

For many years, I was an active member of a Rock-Choir while also studying and performing dance. It was during that time that I also studied and developed several massage-techniques. I am very interested in travelling and experiencing other cultures.

My interest in massage therapy developed in my childhood where I would intuitively massage members of my family and friends. They all enjoyed it very much and the positive feedback encouraged me to go on and further study and explore in this field. One of the important schools I studied in is the “Swiss Prävensana Academy”. For a few years I have worked as a self-employed freelance bodyworker for artists, musicians, and sportsmen; both little known as well as famous.

I am grateful for all the experiences I have had and I am keen to improve on all levels. Over time I have developed my own technique which focuses on punctual intuitive deep massages and energetic massage (anamawe). I am responsive to the individual needs of my clients.

I am ready and looking forward to offering you many happy moments of deep relaxation while massaging you. I do incalls, outcalls and accompany you on tour as you wish and need. To be a part of Dr. Dot’s Team is an honour and a pleasure.

May we all be happy and well and free!

Massage in Zurich, Switzerland


Meine Name ist Martina. Geboren 1977 in den Schweizer Alpen.

Mein Werdegang bis zur dipl. Masseurin war abwechslungsreich. Nach dem Gymnasium
habe ich so einiges ausprobiert über Orgelbauerin, Lehrerin, Streetworkerin etc

1998 habe ich mich entschieden eine Ausbildung als Heilpraktikerin zu machen,
die ich  2002 mit
Erfolg abgeschlossen habe. In meiner Freizeit habe ich viele Menschen massiert,
die mich dann ermutigt
haben, noch eine Ausbildung zur med. Masseurin in Angriff zu nehmen.

Der Beruf macht mir Spass und ich selber kann mich dabei auch sehr gut
Es ist ein tägliches Workout und eine sensible Aufgabe, die ich nicht mehr
missen möchte. Schicken Sie Mir einen email: und schreib:

"Martina/Zurich" ins "subject" feld, und Ich melde Mich so schnell wie moeglich.

Lieber Gruss