Massage in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania


Book me: and put "Beth/PA" in the subject line 🙂



Beth brings 20 years in the profession of healing arts, relaxation and healthful living. She has over 8,000 hours of hands on body experience. 

She began her career at 22 as a Yoga Instructor in NYC, teaching up to 5 classes a day. 

In 1997 she began her studies in Spiritual Healing which unfolded into her Massage career. In 1998 she received her CMT. 

Green in the profession, she was hired at top spa in CA. Here she worked with celebrity and VIP clientele as well as professional athletes. She also provided services for other primary spas in Napa Valley as well as catering to local VIP clientele. While in Napa she continued her studies of thermotherapy, aromatherapy, and the healing effects of massage. 

In 2001 she and her husband moved to Montana where she began her first "Traveling Spa". This is where she fell in love with the idea of bringing massage TO people and letting them "just roll from the table into their beds!" It made perfect sense! 

Returning to PA she continued her private practice and moved into spa management. 

Her specialties are Deep Tissue, Hot Stone Massage, Cranio Sacral Therapy and Energy Healing.

Snowed in, again


The weather is too much. Going stir crazy being stuck inside the house most of the time. Moving to FLA like my Uncle Jack is, starts to sound like a good idea. Pffft.  

Help save the whales

As you read this, the Japanese whaling fleet is busy killing whales in the Southern Ocean. Just like they did last year and just like they will again this time next year if nothing changes at the International Whaling Commission (IWC). But there’s hope.

Not only does President Obama have the power to make those changes; he’s already promised he would. Here’s what he told Greenpeace back in 2008:

"As president, I will ensure that the U.S. provides leadership in enforcing international wildlife protection agreements, including strengthening the international moratorium on commercial whaling. Allowing Japan to continue commercial whaling is unacceptable."

It’s time for President Obama to keep his word and save the whales. Join me and tell him to end commercial whaling once and for all by reforming the IWC. Just click on the link below…


Dr. Dot 

Napoleon Murphy Brock and the Grande Mothers tour (Frank Zappa alumni :)


31 OCT. LE TRABENDO PARIS Porte de Pantin
2 NOV.  DE BEES BAR Winsford, Cheshire
 3 NOV. The Deaf Institute, Manchester

24 hour Massage service in Paris, Burgundy, Dijon and Troyes France

Please contact me at: and put “Rashid/Paris” in subject line, cheers


Hi, my name is Rashid. I have been a qualified massage therapist for the last 2 years and already have a number of holistic qualifications under my belt. I have now developed my techniques further by completing an advanced deep tissue massage and a sports massage course, which enables me to work precisely and much more deeper. 


Originally from the Greater Manchester, I had lived in Brighton on the South coast of UK for the past 2 years and have a built up and large client base. I have treated athletes at the Brighton marathon and Hove ladies football team. Now I live in France.


Being part of the Dr. Dot team is an exciting part of my career, mixing passions of massage, traveling and music all into one. I’m looking forward to treating you as I’m sure your looking forward to being treated. 


Lets Rock ‘n’ Roll. 



Get “The View” to Publicly Apologize to Certified/Licensed/Professional Massage Therapists 


Click the link to make Elisabeth Hasselbeck apologize ^. In their chat  about Al Gore and his massage, she said "any massage longer than 2 hours is a date" which is disrespectful to the legitimate massage therapists all over the world. I give 4 hour massages to clients. I GET 3 hour massages from the Chinese sometimes when my Dot Bots are busy. She is a right wing loud mouth who needs to back it up and say sorry.  They are so freakin' conservative and judgmental on that show, it makes me ill, seriously. 

Please help save the Sea Turtles

Save Sea Turtles - Defenders of Wildlife

Take Action for Sea Turtles

Oiled kemp's ridley sea turtle

Young turtles like the Kemp’s ridley above are especially imperiled by oil on beaches and in the water. Loggerheads, now listed as threatened, need new protections in the wake of the Gulf offshore oil disaster.

Help Save Loggerheads


Urge the National Marine Fisheries Service to list loggerhead sea turtles as endangered.

Please help us send 50,000 messages by Monday, June 14th. Take action nowand encourage a friend to do the same.

Forward this message

As a career biologist, former Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Executive Vice President of Defenders of Wildlife, I’m no stranger to animals in distress.

But what is happening in the Gulf of Mexico right now is an unprecedented ecological disaster. It is threatening sea turtles, sperm whales, dolphins, brown pelicans, Atlantic bluefin tuna and scores of other species… along with entire ecosystems. 

Today you can help me save one of most visible victims of the Gulf offshore oil disaster: imperiled loggerhead sea turtles. 

Urge the Obama administration to improve protections for these amazing seafarers by listing them as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Please take action now.

Today I’m in the Gulf, meeting with senior officials in charge of the oil clean-up and response. Tomorrow I’ll be on one of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s response boats, surveying the damage… and dreading the sight of sea turtles, birds and other wildlife caught in the massive oil slick that’s growing by the day in the Gulf.

I’ll be working with government officials for as long as it takes to protect the wildlife that are innocent victims of BP’s negligence – all the wildlife victims. But today I need your help to save one species in particular: loggerhead sea turtles.

Help ensure loggerheads get the life-saving protections they need. Please send your message to federal officials now.

Loggerhead sea turtles were in trouble before the Gulf oil spill disaster. 

The number of female loggerheads nesting on Florida beaches – one of the most important habitats for the species – has declined by 50 percent in the past decade. Scientists and government officials have sounded the alarm about what this could mean for the future of the ancient sea mariners. The National Marine Fisheries Service is now proposing to upgrade protection for loggerheads from threatened to endangered under the Endangered Species Act.

These turtles need our  help even more now.

The world’s second-largest loggerhead nesting area is on the beaches of the southeastern United States, the vast majority of which includes Florida’s central Atlantic beaches.

This area is expected to be threatened by the horrific oil slick, depending on how much of the slick gets picked up by the Loop Current — a powerful ocean current that could bring the slick around the southern reaches of the state, through the sensitive coral reef and mangrove areas of the Everglades and the Keys, and then into the Gulf Stream and up the east coast of Florida.

The spill could not have happened at a worse time: loggerheads and other sea turtles — as well as many shorebirds — are in the peak of their nesting seasons right now. 

Oil is extremely toxic to loggerheads and other species. Exposure can cause skin loss, poisoning, drowning and death… which is exactly why we need every available tool to help save the lives of individual loggerheads and save this species from extinction.

Today you can do something concrete to help save wildlife impacted by the disaster in the Gulf by helping to save loggerhead sea turtles from extinction. Please take action now.

We’ll do everything we can to save the lives of wildlife impacted by this environmental catastrophe. I hope you will too.

With Gratitude,

Jamie Rappaport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

Jamie Rappaport Clark
Executive Vice President
Defenders of Wildlife

P.S. Please be sure to follow our blog ( and updates on Facebook andTwitter. I’ll be posting from the Gulf all week as we work to protect coastal wildlife from toxic oil.

P.P.S. Please forward this email to at least 3 friends and help us hit our goal of 50,000 messages by next Monday (June 14th).