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Catherine began her interest in Massage and Anatomy/Physiology at a young age when she began her interest in Fitness. She started giving massages to neighbors on her street as a teenager in Brooklyn N.Y. She worked doing Fitness Instruction in the early 80’s and giving Massage at a Gym. At the same time she was working at a Live venue Rock Club on the weekends as a cocktail waitress and giving Massages to bands backstage before shows and during sound check.
Catherine has her BS in Psychology and saw the body as the focus of healing. She worked as a Personal Trainer in NYC for over 10 years working in Gyms and Privately. She incorporated Massage into her trainings to help people get more into their bodies and to release held tensions. Educating people about the Mind/Body connection has been her passion. Catherine also, worked as an EMT-D for FDNY in NYC for 6 years. Further educating herself in the functions and understanding of Anatomy and Physiology. The need and desire to help people heal on the inside as well as on the outside.
Around the time of 911 Catherine relocated to upstate NY to the Omega Institute for Holistic studies learning and receiving certifications in Massage, Reiki and Yoga. Catherine taught Yoga to staff and guest, gave Thai Body work massages and deep tissue. She was on staff as the First Aid Technician treating guest and staff for illness/injuries both minor and more serious. During the winter months in between Omega she studied at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, MA and received a certification in Yoga/Meditation and Bodywork.
Catherine was the Yoga Instructor and massage Therapist at the Samasati Nature retreat in Costa Rica and in the UK. Catherine received her certification in Thai /Yoga bodywork massage in 2000 with Michael Buck and the Vedic Conservatory. Catherine has studied with Glenn Black of the Omega Institute and completed a month Intensive training in Forest Yoga/Bodywork.
Also, at the Omega Institute Catherine studied with Deepak Chopra, John Grey, Debbie Ford, David Life and Sharron Gannon, Kundalini Yoga and breath work, Cindy Lee of OM Yoga In NYC, Shiva Rhea, Baron Baptist, courses in Feldencrist, and the Hakomi method. Catherine also, worked in Production at the Omega Institute assisting faculty such as Ekhart Tolle and Dr Wayne Dyer.
Catherine completed workshops in Somatic/body Therapy with Nancy Napier at the NY Open Center in as well as classes with Mikio Kaku, Physicist. Catherine worked with people with MS and ALS in and around New Hope, PA and Longmont, CO teaching fitness and Massage to stimulate healing. Catherine is now studying Yoga at Richard Freeman’s studio in Boulder, CO and working as a MT Privately and with the Café of Life. Catherine has won trophies for Bodybuilding and completed the 88 NYC Marathon.