Letter from reader, regarding Frank Zappa and the whole ZFT fiasco

Dear Dr. Dot


You are one of my friends on Myspace.
I am relating the energy you put into the Zappa fiasco.
Right now my name is Blue Sky.

The reason I sent a message through email.
I have free dial up and excellent computer machines.
Can not send you a private message on myspace
Your page takes forever to load in with the graphics. (fine with me)

It would take me a long time to post a comment.
I also don't want the whole world to know.
So forgive me while messaging through this way.

BIG Business:
Mr. Frank Zappa had set up the people to produce the rest of his music after he
died. (I know this)
Gail and Family crumbled down the solid business Zappa left behind.
Slowly getting rid of people until they had an idea. Dweezil carries on the

The biggest mistake the family made was to have that big auction of the vaults!
Zappa had set everything up to continue. The ZFT could have made a museum
rather than sell.
As far as Gail goes and the kids. They should have been letting Zappa's system

Now there is insane challenges and collateral destruction of the system set up.
They are wasting there own money and not continuing with the wise plan of Zappa.
What if the government was involved???? Maybe.
(They should be producing more of the vaults now corrupted, What a shame)

Zappa left a gift when he died. All the people who where selected to play his
music should play it.
Like a spiral of endless energy forming a world of truth and mystic knowledge.
Harmony of the stars, Life and space.
He built this to give back.

To all he cared about.

Thank you Dr.Dot for your strength and promise.

All good medicine.

(I have said all I can)
Gail should have done.
1. Keep zappa's plan alive.
2. create a museum.
3. Publish the works left behind.
4. Let everyone play his music.
5. Be friends with a vast community who cares about the message left behind.

All of us.

Love ya,

Gail Zappa war continues: Zappa Family Trust trying to stop Napoleon Murphy Brock tour (the torture never stops)

Update on my last blog titled "Gail Zappa loses in court today"


Firstly, the ZFT has finally lost its battle to curb Arf-Society
activities in organising the annual Zappa music and more festival in Bad
Doberan. Basically, it could not prove that it owned any rights to the name
‘Zappanale’. Therefore, the 20th festival will go ahead as planned (see
updated details here). This has not deterred the ZFT from issuing another
‘cease and desist’ letter, this time regarding the ‘Napoleon Murphy Brock
performs Zappa with the Paul Green School Of Rock All-Stars’ tour. The letter
states that “none of you possess any license, permission or authority to
publicly perform the songs of Frank Zappa”. Over 3,000 fans have now signed
the petition to try and stop this sort of nonsense – are you one of them?

I thought The Zappa's wanted to reach the younger generation with Frank's music?



Don Preston , Napoleon Murphy Brock and Dr. Dot   ^

Berlin, Monday at sunset


Haupt strasse ^ same street David Bowie lived on in the 70's (5 minute walk from my house). On my computer the colors look darker, wilder, but when I upload them onto my blog, they seem to fade. Strange that. 

I have lived in Berlin, on and off since 1989 and I don't ever recall seeing such vibrant colors in the sky in winter. I MUST start bringing my camera out and about with me from now on, ugh! These were taken with my crackberry, which I always have with me. Not great  quality, but you get the idea.

When I first get back to Berlin it takes me a while to get back into the loop. Friends are happy I am back but are weary of giving their hearts over again, somehow, as they know I am leaving again in March, know what I mean? THAT is the part that sucks the most about living two lives on two different continents. Takes WEEKS to warm yourself and others up to the fact you are back, then once things are in full swing, you leave again, leaving sad and leaving people sad. I hate that part. It may not be like that if you are peddling from one small town back to another, but it is REALLY difficult with cities like NYC and Berlin, where the people are hard to win over anyways, super hard to make friends in either city. I would say it takes at least 2 full years to make a friend in Berlin, a good friend, one you can trust and one that trusts you. Maybe even longer. My REAL friends understand my lifestyle and it seems we never miss a beat. The other kind of friends, well, they are hard work. Not that I even have time to see friends often, sometimes I don't see anyone for DAYS as I am in my flat answering over 1,000 emails a day, writing the sex columns, answering love/relationship questions from strangers (or people I know posing as stranges, and that person knows exactly who I am talking about you fucking freak) also answering emails from people all over the world who hope to join my massage team, hoping to meet and massage their rock and roll idols or just make some cash- thing is, I can not and will not hire anyone with out them giving an audition massage, so it's all about planning and logistics, when and where this test massage will take place. This is why I only have like 200 people working for me and not 40,000, because I insist they have to give that audition massage. Some feel they are above doing such a thing, and their emails are then deleted, some take the test and suck ass, and then they are deleted. 

Emails fly back and forth all feckin' day and night- people getting fired (usually every other day someone gets fired) people quitting "I am moving, I am pregnant, I took another job, my boyfriend/husband is too jealous" etc). There is DRAMA every fucking day,. seriously. Dot Bots making critical mistakes, costing me valuable contacts and money, band managers screaming at top of their lungs down at me over the phone because of mistakes made by a Dot Bot or two (Dot Bot is a nick name bassist Bryan Bellar gave to all Dr. Dot massage assistants a few years ago).  He says it is too much work to keep saying "Please send a Dr. Dot massage assistant to the show" so now people just say "send a Dot Bot". And you have to remember, it goes on 24/7. 

When Dot Bots in Melbourne wake up, Dot Bots in NYC are sleeping, etc, there are always folks awake, wanting something from me, calling, texting, emailing, wondering, crying, bitching, lonely and wanting to chat. I LOVE it, so don't get me wrong I am just telling you why I am online so much and why the blog suffers as it is last to get attention. I still have so many blogs in me, Italy, France, Flogging Molly, Project Object, Ac/Dc, Rock am Ring for Christs sake and that was last summer. Omfg. My ass starts to hurt from sitting and after answering like 800 emails in a row, I hit refresh and then there are another 200 in line waiting. You scoff and say "hire a fucking assistant tight ass and stop micro managing, ya dumb cunt!". Well, I do have a few assistants that I trust and they do somethings for me and are a huge help, but no one can sign into my email account, for what seem to me, obvious reasons. They would/could steal all of my contacts, but mainly, no one knows who I know, as in, no one would know that Suzy in LA knows Frank the roadie from Aerosmith and they are both in Dallas as the same time, etc.. Or no one knows that a tour manager that once toured with Depeche Mode is now touring with The Eagles and he can hook us up, etc. So even if my top Dot Bots who I love and trust signed into answer some of the emails, they would still have to call me ask what to do. "who is Stan and why is he asking for Cindy's number? Who is Cindy and what is her number?". I just doesn't work. 


But I think, fuck it, I have had so much fun in my life, more than most people for sure, so if I have down time and have to hide at home in front of the computer, it's all good, I don't feel I am missing anything. Been there, done that, shagged that, eaten that, saw it, heard it, experienced so much I am grateful, satisfied, content. Most people freak and feel they have to travel here and there and see this and that, I followed the Grateful Dead on tour for almost 3 years straight, drove a hearse across the usa, been to Guatemala, all over Europe, the USA and Canada, been backstage to over 3,000 concerts, met musician except Rings Star that I really want to meet, so I am just chillin' now. Good times still to be had, but for me, working is FUN. Sound strange? Most people hate work, I live for it. Guess that addictive trait from my family rubbed off on me, but instead of drugs or alcohol, I got the work bug, and bad. 

But if you love your work, it doesn't feel like work. It just pisses everyone around you off that you are always busy and even when you are out, looking on blackberry to avoid missing any work. I REALLY enjoyed myself at Christmas in Florida, I finally relaxed. Still got about 500 emails a day, which I am still paying for, but it as fucking awesome. Just know, I can't write everything I want in my blogs, as certain people get hurt, pissed off and crazy when I do. I am pretty much banned from writing about my daughter (she is very private). I wish I could post TONS of pictures of her and brag about her and her accomplishments, but her friends all read my blog and report back to her and sure enough, Bitchfest. Then the love life, can't write about that either, that is private. (heh, someday I will write a book about it, big fat juicy book). heh heh. I hate being stifled, restrained, censored, controlled in any way. HATE IT. 

But you have to protect and respect the people you love, and so it goes. Friends read my blog and have learned how to read between the lines. They read it, call me and pretty much get 10 pounds of shit from a 5 pound bag. Bravo. Even Dweezil Zappa reads my blog. How do I know? I posted a blog a while back titled "Is Gail Zappa only in it for the money?" and he emailed me 10 minutes later bitching about it. But, I now write what I want about Gail and the ZFT as I have tried to be nice and suggest ideas on how to please all the fans and tribute bands and Zappa festivals etc, but those ideas fall on deaf ears (they refuse to bend at all) and so they go on suing every cunt who plays a Zappa song, even had all of my youtube videos removed that had ZAPPA songs playing IN THE BACKGROUND!!! "The Zappa family trust has written in and claimed copyright infringement on one or more of your videos. You can either replace the sound and have them active again, or they will remain frozen". So all the work I did nararrting my videos was all done in vain because stupid me had some Frank playing on my iPod in the background. Pffft. lol.

Not even sure I am going with all of this rambling. I have to leave now and power walk to the KuDamm (main drag in West Berlin) to a Doctor appointment (still ill from drinking tap water in Key West Florida, so if you go there DO NOT DRINK THE TAP WATER). I get fit so fast here as I walk everywhere, ride my bike and when it is dry, rollerblade. In the USA I get in the car, drive everywhere and pound the Resee's Peanut Butter cups, tsk tsk tsk!! I get softer, which I guess isn't such a bad thing, but I like to remain firm and fruity, you know? 

Gotta go, ttyl




Gail Zappa lost in court today against the Zappanale / Arf Society


(basically what this article says is that Gail lost her several year long war against the Zappanale/Arf Society folks. She was trying her best to prevent the annual Frank Zappa tribute festival from taking place and from using the name ZAPPANALE. But she lost because she could not prove that the name ZAPPANALE belonged to her, not enough proof or power in Germany to coin that phrase. So, the 20th annual Zappanale Festival, which hosts MANY MANY Zappa tribute bands and Alumni from around the world over three fun filled days, will go on as planned this coming August. They (Arf Society) have tried MANY MANY times, even had me help, to make peace with the ZFT to join forces and make something that is already great, even better, but they (Zappa Family Trust, aka Gail and Dweezil) don't want any part of it and spend lots of time fighting against it. Pretty silly.

I say: If you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'em! 



Zappa-Witwe verliert «Zappanale»-Streit am 21. Januar 2009 17:00 Uhr


Die Witwe des US-Rockmusikers Frank Zappa hat einen Prozess um das deutsche Musikfestival «Zappanale» und den Bart ihres Mannes verloren. Das Düsseldorfer Landgericht wies die Zivilklage Gail Zappas am Mittwoch ab. Gail Zappa Gail Zappa hat verloren. Die Witwe wollte verhindern, dass das Festival weiter unter dem Namen «Zappanale» ausgerichtet wird. Sie sah darin Markenrechte verletzt. Auch das Logo, das einen stilisierten Bart Zappas (1940-1993, «Bobby Brown») darstellt, verletze Markenrechte, hatten die Zappa-Anwälte behauptet. Beides sah das Gericht anders: Die Klägerin habe nicht nachweisen können, dass sie ihre Wortmarke «Zappa» in Deutschland ernsthaft nutzt. Die Website in englischer Sprache mit Preisen in US-Dollar für Zappa-Devotionalien reiche als Nachweis nicht aus. Bei der Bildmarke, dem stilisierten Bart Zappas, seien die Unterschiede zum Festival- Logo so groß, dass keine Verwechslungsgefahr bestehe. Die 19. «Zappanale» hatte im vergangenen Jahr in Bad Doberan (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) 6800 Besucher angezogen. Der Vorsitzende der Festival-Veranstalterin Arf Society, Thomas Dippel, zeigte sich nach dem Urteilsspruch «sehr zufrieden». Die 20. «Jubiläums-Zappanale» könne wie geplant in diesem Jahr stattfinden. Man werde freiwillig den Zusatz «Zappa Music and more» anfügen, auf den man sich bei den Vergleichsverhandlungen mit den Zappa-Anwälten geeinigt hatte. Die Verhandlungen waren dennoch gescheitert. Die Witwe Zappas hatte in ihrer Zivilklage gegen den einzigen deutschen Zappa-Fanclub erklärt, sie habe in den USA den Eindruck gewonnen, der Name ihres Mannes werde als «Hingucker» für zum Teil völlig andere Musik benutzt. Der Rechtsvertreter des Fan-Clubs, Johannes Vogel, betonte, das Festival sei eindeutig «zappaesk».


Comments about this posting, taken from my myspace bulletin, below:

From Comment
donvision Jan 22, 2009 9:24 AM
what did she lose? her looks?
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joe Jan 22, 2009 5:11 AM
sometimes the will of the people is actually served, glad to see it in this case. it sucks to see someone who wants to drag everyone down and make her loss everyone's loss. glad this fest isn't in america, judges here are so ugly and hardup they probably woulda gangbanged her and she woulda won the case , and fuck fuckin dweebil too
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MO Jan 22, 2009 2:29 AM
i have always disliked gail…shes a money hungry widow living off of a great mans fortune and talent!! i wish i could make it to that festival though R.I.P F.Z.
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Blue sky! Online Now! Jan 22, 2009 2:06 AM
Dweezil is not Mr. Frank Zappa. I am sure they wanted to shut everyone up so Dweezil could dominate. Dweezil Zappa does not conduct the band the way his father did. He was supposed to do a show at the Wakarusa music festival in Kansas last summer. I was in back stage camping for the event and witnessed the sound check. WEIRD. ZPZ was supposed to play at the end of the day when A HUGE rolling cloud of thunder and lightening doused the show with heavy Hail and Rain. Enough said. Thank you Dr. Dot
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Angelum Jan 22, 2009 1:38 AM
I would really like to hear Gail's "reasons" and give her a chance to speak out about why, we the audience, should be restricted from celebrating her husband's talent and music. I am wondering if she is so adamant about not being able to hear Zappa on the radio for example…?
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david Jan 22, 2009 1:38 AM
I played Black Napkins today and i saw The Mothers and FZ live. I hope to god she never finds out or i'm fucked.
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WPLJ Jan 22, 2009 1:19 AM
Smitten Then Bitten…….Too bad Gail…..Sorry 'bout your luck…(LMFAO)…now get over it!!!!!!! LOL
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Loki Jan 22, 2009 12:49 AM
Their whole issue seems to be regarding Frank considering himself a composer. Things are much more formal, legally and business wise about performing orchestral works than they are with rock or jazz styled works. Thing is my impression was Frank satirised the rigid formality of the orchestra world as much as he satirised the absurdity of rock n roll. I really hate how Gail thinks she is the only person who "gets" Frank Zappa's music and ideas. My father was an accountant but my mother doesn't know anything about accounting. I'm sure his clients wouldn't want her dealing with their finances.
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Eric Jan 22, 2009 12:40 AM
FRANKly, she seems to have nothing better to do than have/create issues with such events/activities regarding her late husband's great musical legacy. She should lighten up, encourage others to celebrate FZ and not deter these events from occuring. Perhaps if some of the garnered monies from the event went to a Cancer research foundation she might be more inclined to join in.
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From Comment
ѴÏ€†ØЯ¡Ã Jan 21, 2009 10:39 PM
My only beef is with the font. Had to right click/highlight to read it. 🙁 Some ppl like to argue and fight throughout life. Gives them a "cause" to stand up for, right or wrong. (See "Middle East")
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Mike Jan 21, 2009 9:51 PM
Hey Gail… "Don't make a fuss, just get on the bus, and be a crew slut"
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Jock Of Rock Jan 21, 2009 9:40 PM
I do not want to disrespect Frank's wife… but it is sooo hard not to! It is hard to imagine FZ being behind all that Gail and Dweezil do to discourage his music being played and heard… isn't that the point of it all anyway?? Play and listen to FZ music people…Everyone!! Miss you FZ and thank you Dr. Dot!
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Dr. Benway Jan 21, 2009 9:29 PM
I have mad respect for Frank and the rest of the family, but honestly I cant stand Gale. She sues her husbands own fans all the time for wanting to celebrate his life and achievements and keep his memory alive. I think she's ridiculous.
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Greg Rhodes Jan 21, 2009 9:19 PM
A friend of mine was the coordinator for the "Annual Frank Zappa Hoot Nite" in Austin, Texas (the proceeds of said event were always donated to the American Cancer Society) and they were hit with a letter of cease and desist merely because they didn't have permission to use the name Frank Zappa. I don't presume to speak for FZ, but that seems like exactly the sort of thing he would have found both frivolous and absurd. Sad.
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Zoon Noetikon Jan 21, 2009 9:03 PM
Couldn't you find a better pix of Gail?
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J.D. Jan 21, 2009 8:42 PM
Paul McCartney doesn't own the rights to the Beatles songs, they were bought by Michael Jackson.
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MR. JOHN EDGAR Jan 21, 2009 8:42 PM
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Manchik Engineering & C… Jan 21, 2009 8:25 PM
Y A A A A A A A Y ! Gail Zappa is one greedy bitch! The ZFT should let EVERYONE celebrate the music and life of Frank Zappa.
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From Comment
Dream Weaver Jan 21, 2009 8:14 PM
This is your side of it; I'd like to hear it all from Gail's p.o.v……..
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Decay Jan 21, 2009 8:13 PM
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Steve C Jan 21, 2009 8:11 PM
Who owns the rights to all the Zappa songs?
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Curtis E Johnson Jan 21, 2009 8:08 PM
It is such a shame that Gail is so intent on trying to stop the people That love Frank, and his work, Enjoying his art. When Frank was alive. his work, and the people who bought it, and payed to see him live. Gave her and her family a very safe financial base to allow them all to live a massively more affluent life than most. No one wants to take anything, from Gail we all would like her to enjoy Good health, wealth, & happiness. There are massive vaults of unreleased recorded material at the house, that really should be allowed to be heard, not hidden away and allowed to decompose (magnetic tape that old is gonna start going mushy even in an air conditioned room) People want to buy it So Cmon Gail Zappa, the Kids just wanna rock and we dont mind paying for the privilege, AGAIN! Look at your house, if you don't belive me. Frank is an icon You were lucky enough to have him to yourself in life. .Now in death he belongs to all of us.
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dwayne jones Jan 21, 2009 8:03 PM
I wonder if she will soon realize how much these efforts hurt FZ's legacy and will ultimately work to not spread his music.
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Tim Jan 21, 2009 7:30 PM
wunderbar! (aber lass mal die farben… da kriegt man ja augenkrebs oder sowas ;))
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GB Jan 21, 2009 7:27 PM
I am happy for that! And reading the German text aloud was a good exercise for my tongue. Thank you!
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scott Jan 21, 2009 7:22 PM
And the relevant quoate of the day is…"JAZZ IS NOT DEAD IT JUST SMELLS FUNNY"…boogie on, Igor…
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From Comment
BillyAzlin Jan 22, 2009 6:27 PM
When we're all dead, the MUSIC will still BE!!! All these shenanigans will be for nought! Music Is Best!
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Jestersdomain Jan 22, 2009 6:04 PM
Zappa rules! I have over 60 of the albums he put out. I can't believe anyone would try to stop people from celebrating this great man and his music.
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Two Fist Popping Corn Jan 22, 2009 4:33 PM
Damnit! it's a fucking honor to have people play your husband's music and have large groups of people come check it out. the man's dead and gone already. let the people celebrate his legacy how they want to. and stop putting out frank's music at absurd prices. every time i check out the zappa website or get one of those emails from "the barflys" i think to myself, "WHAT THE FUCK!" i have no idea what these guys are saying. and their pissing all over franks legacy. either they really are bar flys and have drank too and don't need to be marketing fz product, or someone's lost their sense. not too mention that they have lost my cents. thanks to bit-torrent, who needs zft! thanks for the rant doc.


From Comment
Jimmyjammz Jan 22, 2009 10:20 PM
why try to take away something that frank himself gave to us,love,what is the problem,do you need to controll everything that has a frank-dollar attached to it,let the fans express theyre love and interest in frank,my god get a cosmic clue gail,we all love the zappas.
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Jenn Jan 22, 2009 7:48 PM
It is truly sad when it is for the good of Zappa's name and music, not for slander and other crap….man, like you said, if you can't beat em, join em.
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Watch the new video for RADIATION here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFlnG3AKOW8

Hi Folks

Andre' Cholmondeley here , from Project/Object, Adrian Belew Tours and more…….

I am proud to be doing some work for and with another of my all time favorite musicians/composers….I'm running Show Production for this one-night tour for  none other than EDDIE JOBSON, the violinist/keyboardist. Many of you first heard Eddie's work with King Crimson or, like me,  when I was 16 in a dorm room at Rutgers University, 1981…on ZAPPA IN NEW YORK….

Eddie is making his first return to the stage with his own music after almost 28 years (!!). He's been VERY busy in music — running a record company, producing, and scoring TV shows like Nash Bridges (100+ episodes), TV commercials, movies, etc. When he came off the road from the Jethro Tull Tour in 1981, he has not performed live except for a Bach Tribute with Tull in 1985, and the "Concert For Peace" and Moscow concert in Aug/Sep 2008. You may have read my  blogs from those events….

Spread the word on this historic show!!! If you are ANYWHERE near NYC , do not miss this!! The opening act (Tony Levin's new band!) will also be making their US premiere (read on). With people flying in from England, Europe, South Africa, all around the USA……you have no excuse!!!

Thanks! – Andre'

Watch the new video for RADIATION here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFlnG3AKOW8


For interviews, CDs, review tickets and further press info …

Contact: Randy Alexander, Randex Communications (856) 596-1410 or randex@randexpr.com

Online press kit with downloadable jpegs at www.randexpr.com









UKZ Debut EP, RADIATION, to follow in March via Ryko Distribution


Watch the new video for RADIATION here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFlnG3AKOW8


“The word ‘genius’ is bandied about a bit too freely these days, but in Jobson’s case, the term not only applies, it’s been used to describe him since his northern England childhood.” – EMMY Magazine


NEW YORK (Jan. 7, 2009) — Keyboard and electric-violin legend EDDIE JOBSON (U.K., Roxy Music, Frank Zappa, Jethro Tull) is returning in grand style from a self-imposed 27-year retirement to introduce UKZ, his new “Virtual Virtuoso” supergroup, with a world debut concert exclusive in New York City.


 Anticipated by Ticket News as “one of contemporary music’s iconic performances” and attracting concertgoers from around the world, UKZ will begin and end its “One City World Tour” on Saturday, Jan. 24 at Town Hall, 123 W. 43rd St., NYC. Show time is 8 p.m. This rare concert event also will feature the U.S.debut of special guests Stick Men, featuring King Crimson’s Tony Levin and Pat Mastelotto. Tickets are $125, $95, $85 & $60 and on sale NOW through Ticketmaster at www.ticketmaster.com. For info, call the box office at 212.840.2824 or visit www.the-townhall-nyc.org.


In a state-of-the-art display of masterful musicianship that elevates the spirit of progressive music to the modern demands of younger new audiences, UKZ will be premiering compositions from its upcoming debut EP, RADIATION, set for release March 24 via Ryko Distribution. UKZ’s updated sound infuses the industrial edge and rhythmic aggression of bands from Tool to Nine Inch Nails, and it’s exemplified in the seven-minute video for the title track, which already has received over 5,000 hits in its first week on YouTube.


“New directions excite me,” says Jobson, “I decided a year-and-a-half ago that I still had more to say in the rock arena, and that the internet had allowed every aspect of that _expression to be approached in a new way. Everything with this band project has been self-produced, independent of the music-business machine.  I have created a real ‘player’ band of virtuosos and I am taking it straight to the people.”


A classically trained progressive-rock icon, Jobson assembled UKZ virtually by auditioning performances on YouTube. The result is a multi-generational “dream band” of world-class improvisers from all parts of the globe whose members are: Trey Gunn (American, a 10-year veteran of King Crimson and the leading exponent of the Warr 10-string touch guitar), Aaron Lippert (Belgian, former lead singer of Expanding Man), Alex Machacek (Austrian guitar prodigy, also in TERRY BOZZIO's OUT TRIO), and Marco Minnemann (German drum sensation, in several projects including with MIKE KENEALLY), with Eddie Jobson of course hailing from England/UK..


Jobson has spent much of his time away from band activity creating music for film and television. He’s been an integral contributor to movie and TV soundtracks, and also has earned several Clio awards for his commercial compositions. 


More recently, he’s been the driving force behind the Bulgarian Women’s Choir, which he began working with 13 years ago while exploring new sounds for a reunion of U.K., the influential British supergroup. Jobson also runs Globe Media Arts, a music/video production company, music publishing company, and online store, including two indie labels for advanced musicians, Globe Music and Glo Digital.


“I have spent my life looking for new musical challenges,” he says. “The latest is in taking on the challenge of creating a truly contemporary rock environment for some of the world’s best players to exhibit their craft, while maintaining some level of accessibility.  So far, I am pleased with the results and I am looking forward to returning to live performance to share those results with fans from around the globe, in New York City — the capital of the world.  My hope is to move things forward — at least a little bit.”





Frank Zappa shred video

People have done this to Steve Vai too. They play to the video (erasing the artists audio). Hopefully everyone will get the joke and KNOW it is not Frank playing  ( I worry some people will watch it and think it's really him). I did NOT make this video by the way lol.




With DENNY WALLEY (in GA, TN, NC only!)

the music of Frank Zappa



"You want to see the actual people who recorded your favorite Zappa and Mothers albums?

Performing all eras of Zappa?

Come to us. We'll take care of you"

The Actual music…with the Actual Alumni*

DON PRESTON Mothers Of Invention & Zappa Tours and Albums 1966-1974
ED MANN Zappa Tours and Albums 1976-1988
IKE WILLIS Zappa Tours and Albums 1978-1988
DENNY WALLEY Zappa Tours and Albums 1975-1981 (GA, NC, TN shows only)
On Tour Together for the Very First Time!!!

PROJECT/OBJECT with IKE WILLIS, DON PRESTON and other special guests TBA!

Zappaween 2008 with Bogus Pomp (starring Ike Willis)

I have heard about ZAPPAWEEN the last couple years and never knew what it was exactly. I thought it was similar to the Zappanale but new. I skipped this past Zappanale (Frank Zappa tribute festival held every year for the past 19 years in Germany) due to a certain someone causing havoc for me. So I was itching to be around other Zappa fans and celebrate Frank and his music. I booked a flight and room and headed down to St. Petersburg, where ZAPPAWEEN is held. Robin and John (also avid Zappa freaks) met me there. I arrived a day early as they drove all the way from Atlanta (John flew to Atlanta from Chicago). I am NOT into road trips anymore (did enough of those following the Grateful Dead around for a few years back in the 80's ). 


I stayed at the Days Inn which I found online, not having a CLUE as to how that area is set up. I just wanted something close to the venue where ZAPPAWEEN takes place. Now you would think, having such an event, that happens once a year, that it would be bigger, you know, with a few Zappa tribute bands and perhaps tips on Bogus Pomps web site (they are the band that puts on ZAPPAWEEN every year) for Zappa fans who come to the area just for this event. But no. In fact, even up to show day (Nov 1st) their web site still didn't even have info on THIS YEARS Zappaween on it (I guess they are so busy they didn't get to it). I thought this event was a couple years old. But NO, it has been going on for FOURTEEN YEARS already. This surprised me as Robin, John and I were there a couple days early, HOPING to meet other Zappa fans and hang out with them, you know? BUT NO. NOTHING. 


I called a Zappa fan I know from Tampa which is rather close. I don't know him well, just an online Zappa buddy. I asked him "where do the Zappa fans meet down here?". He snapped at me "This is NOT ZAPPANALE DOT! This is ZAPPAWEEN and we don't meet up, it's just that one show and that is it!!". He was so snippy about it, Robin, John and I sat there in the cheesiest fucking bar ever with our jaws dropped at his response. Not just the tone (he continued to say "You should all be in bed, like I am, FUCKING!"). Oh, ok, whatever. So, let me get this straight. Zappa fans come from all over the world (one girl came all the way from Germany but we didn't meet her until the show started), yet no one organised a meeting point or pre-Zappaween party? Why? What the fuck. 


Let me try to explain to you how incredibly BORING St. Petersburg and Treasure Island (the actual beach area) IS. There are only THREE BARS on Treasure Island (all SUPER SMOKY) and walking into them is like walking back in time, and not a good time either. After hearing a few stories from "locals" we found out time seems to STOP when you escape to this area. No one was FROM that area, they are all from NJ, Chicago, Boston, etc, people who seemed to have ran away from the cold and their mundane busy lives. One waitress, who felt the need to tell us about all of her past husbands and addictions, was from NJ and has been there for 15 years. Her hair, clothes, make up and lingo that spat out of her pie hole were all set in that time, styled like life was 15 years ago. It reminded me of watching the Berlin wall come down November 9th, 1989 in Berlin. I watched the people come through the wall, dressed so old fashioned, as they didn't know any better. This was the same vibe. The music, hair, clothes, everything. It was so strange! We were all gob smacked. We just could NOT get over this time warp. Fucking BIZARRE.


Anyways, I still can't get over the fact, that after 14 years, there is no "where to go before and after Zappaween to meet other Zappa fans in St. Petersburg" web site or at least a tiny section on the Bogus Pomp web site "Zappaween Tips/stuff to do before/after". I guess I just am the type to see potential in things and wonder why no one else does. What harm could it do to have a pre-Zappaween party to get all excited for the show? Also, there is only ONE band at the Zappaween. One band, one show. So the whole Zappaween lasts about three hours. This would be worth the trip if you lived in the area. 

Anyways, the hotel I stayed in was frowned upon by the rental car dealer. They asked me where I was staying, I told them and they all stopped talking. They told me NOT to go out a lone at night and "it's very dangerous" in that area. DAM, you can never tell when booking online. Apart from the pubic hairs on my sheets left from last guest and half full can of coke left in fridge, it was ok. Vama, the manager (in the pictures above and below) treated me like a queen when she found out I do massages. I massaged her for free and she let me get away with everything. Front row parking, etc. The room only cost $50 a night, so I guess you can deal with some random short and curlies in your sheets ( I slept with jogging pants and long sleeved shirt on to avoid touching sheets). She even upgraded me after the first night to a suite and that was nicer. The maid was the problem. She weighed about 400 pounds, always had a cigarette in one hand and did NOT want to work. 



Vama ^ and I bonding 

I was so fucking shattered when I landed in St. Petersburg as I literally had TWO hours of sleep the "night" before. I was up until ten am, slept til noon (two full power hours) and then had to rush to airport. Rented a car and could barely drive I was so tired. On my way to hotel, I saw a Thai restaurant and stopped in to eat. It was PERFECT. "Thai Orchid" is the place to eat in St. Petersburg if you like Thai. I even brought Robin and John there the next night (I'm a creature of habit). After dinner, I was so tired I could barely see, but  instead of crashing when I got into the seedy room, I went out for a walk in the danger zone.I tucked my hair up under my hat and wore unattractive baggy clothes and headed out to stretch my legs. I was saddened to witness the poverty around me. I thought THIS is America? Sidewalks and streets haven't been repaired in years, in fact, bushes and weeds were growing out of all the cracks. 

Shop after shop, fast food joint after fast food joint were closed down, overgrown with bushes and trees. You could smell how desperate people have become in this area. The nasty hotels all along the road were housing for many family's. I could tell the people lived there, that they were not just passing through. Some places boasted "$33 per night or $150 per week" and of course they all offered an hourly rate (lots of ratty looking hookers lurking about outside of each hotel). HOWEVER, every few blocks was a brand spanking new, sparkling clean CVS or Walgreens. Oh LORD they are doing so well. Why? Because Pharmacy's will always do well, because the Government wants us all hooked on prescription drugs. The commercials never stop. I went into several of these CVS's and Walgreens on my nightly walks, mainly to buy Reese's peanut butter cups , but also because they are open 24/7 and safe. What a massive contrast: CVS every few blocks, obviously thriving, with a Walgreens directly across the street from each one, surrounded by obvious poverty. Tsk tsk. It makes me ill. 

One night after our boring fucking trek into the local bars (which turned UP the crappy music on the juke box and turned the Zappa and Hendrix we picked out down super low), Robin, John and I walked together to CVS (I think the peace pipe made us extra giddy) and we had a fucking blast in CVS. The woman behind the counter got to know me by now and I loved making her laugh out loud every night. This night, I told her I would give her $100 – or any other store employee if they could tell me the MEANING of what "CVS" actually stands for. No one in the whole freakin place knew what it meant. ROBIN DOES! How fucking random is that!! Robin KNEW!! It means "chorionic villi sampling" omfg. It's a test that is done that is done to check for birth defects. WOT???? Robin works in a woman's help center. LMFAO!!!!!! So, if you want to fuck with CVS employees, go and ask them what CVS stands for. 


 One advantage of me arriving so tired, is I went to bed at midnight and got up at TEN AM. I had time audition a new Dot Bot. Alison came to my hotel and massaged me by the pool side. On her massage table, out in the sun. It was lovely. I hired her, she is amazing. You will see her online very soon. She just massaged Jason Mraz for us yesterday. 

I did manage to get to the beach during daylight hours (beach was ten minute drive from hotel). I jogged along the beach and watched the sun set. It was breath taking. Made me want to move there, but then again, those bars, those freaky locals and that time warp effect woke me right up. If I ever go there again, I will surely stay RIGHT on the beach, which costs twice as much but the hell, you only live once. If you're gonna do it, do it right. 



 ZAPPAWEEN has an annual costume contest and ^ John dressed as Vito Paulekas (freak?) posing here with Robin in front of the State Theater. 

 I just dressed as Mary, the crew slut (or did I?) I love my Jetson Boots.   Robin and I lovin' life. 


 Jerry Outlaw's girlfriend, Deborah,  did 

a great job dressing up as Amy Winehouse



Zappa fan Dave Black  dressed "Potato headed Bobby" , posed with his cutie pie girl friend and Robin. 



Ike was the star of the show for sure. Everyone was scared he wouldn't show or whatever, like with the Zappanale (he missed the plane) but he was there, in full force and nailed it. He is a jolly soul. Smart as whip too, don't let that goofy grin fool ya. 

 "Not by the hairs of my chinny-chin-chin"

 Dan Campbell , violinist, fiddler and guitarist, was one of my favorite

parts of the show. At one point he was fiddling so fast, I swear I saw 

smoke. I couldn't help but imagining him wanking; thinking how good he

must be at it. I asked him after and he assured me he is a pro. 


 The Bassist looks like an older version of one of my ex-boyfriends, also 

a bassist. He was on fire. Seriously. 




Jerry O. and Shane Blank bending those strings ^


 A view from side stage ^

Byron Hogan, Cello player and Pat Buffo ^ (even though Pat is sporting

pig tails and a dress, he is so lumber-jack manly, he can pull it off and 

still make the ladies, including me, swoon. 

   Shane Blank , guitar prodigy, age 14, jammed with Bogus Pomp and jaws hit the floor. 



Mr. Zappaween himself, Jerry Outlaw, founder of Bogus Pomp. When I got into the gig, Jerry was on stage, changing guitar strings on his guitar. The audience was just chilling to the house music (led zeppelin, janis joplin and many other classics) while Jerry was sweating his balls off to get done in time. You can tell he has his plate full but works all year long to pull off Zappaween. To say the band was TIGHT would be a severe understatement. In fact, between Bogus Pomp and Project Object, ZPZ hasn't a snow ball's chance in hell at recreating Frank Zappa's music the way it is supposed to be played, like these two bands; with passion. REAL passion. Not just "I need to do this to pay my bills cause my own band doesn't cut the mustard" – passion. 


Dressed as the "Spider of Destiny" (google it) won the contest and won the guitar. 


Billy the Mountain came in second place I think… I found it strange they

didn't invite the costumed freaks on stage for voting. They were just called

to the front row; which was lame as no one but the band could see and judge


   This Tomb Raider babe had the men in a "petulant frenzy"


 Guest vocalist, Pat Buffo ^ impressed me greatly. His rendition of 50/50 and Zombie Wolf gave me goose bumps. The mother fucker can SING. He has his own band called Rebel Pride


Acting out "Dirty Love" (the way your mama makes that nasty poodle chew) -see the white poodle near my rump?



Ok, during the show, I received an email on my crackberry from Jerry Ford one of Jimmy (rip) Carl Black's best friends. The email came around 11pm and it said that Jimmy Carl Black had just passed away in his sleep. My reaction was LOUD, shocking and undeniable. In other words, I couldn't have hidden this emotion. Robin and John simotaneously went "WHAT? What's going on!??" The music was so loud, I couldn't hear them nor then me, so I just passed my crackberry to them to read. We all flipped out with watery eyes. What a downer. We were in between heaven (amazing Zappa tribute band) and hell (hearing of Jimmy, original Mother of Invention) passing. 

Matt Koegler , fellow Zappa freak suggested keeping that news to myself, as not to bring everyone down, but I just had to tell Ike. I mean, wouldn't all the Zappa fans want to know as soon as possible so we could all send him loving thoughts? I waited until Ike had a break and went back stage and brought him out side to tell him and show him the email. The above picture was taken a few minutes after, when Robin came outside to help console him. Perhaps the tears in my eyes prevented me from focusing my camera properly or perhaps my camera has just gone to shit. Not sure. 

   Holy FUCK! Some people have a lot of free time. Looks amazing doesn't it???

 So Ike decided he would announce Jimmy's passing when he got back on stage. He went on stage, whispered it into Jerry's ear and then Jerry broke the bad news. But instead of bringing everyone down, Jerry said it in such a way and dedicated the rest of the show to Jimmy, that everyone celebrated his life, rather than being bummed out about death. At least Jimmy wasn't suffering from the torture of the cancer any longer. RIP Jimmy, my friend. At least no one can sue him any more for playing Frank Zappa's music. Pffft!


Can you BELIEVE how amazing these pumpkins are? The carving must have taken HOURS. There were two of them at the show and they looked even better when the lights were out. They glowed. They seemed surreal. 


I am dam proud of that picture. Great colors, mood, yes!

The two love birds were alone on stage after the show, showing love and I just asked them to pose. So sweet. Poor Jerry must need a whole year to recover from all the stress and energy it takes to put on Zappaween. I think some of his friends should help out a bit more, like with the web site, and lugging the equipment in and out as I saw him doing most of the work, but maybe he likes it that way. 


 Although the actual Zappaween/Bogus Pomp SHOW was fun, I have to admit I prefer Zappanale. There are 4 days of Zappa-packed fun, with Zappa fans from all over the world (total sausage fest) and the scenery is gorgeous too. Zappaween is three hours of fun. No comparison. Fourteen years of Zappaween and still no place to hang out before the show? wtf? You know I love comparisons. So lets just say, you have two amazing lovers. Both well equipped. Both can make you cum. But one fucks you for four days, a four day fuck fest, you know the kind, were you stink of sex for days in a row. The other, comes in, makes you cum really fast and leaves. Zappaween is the quickie; Zappanale will make you sore for a few days. Both are fun. It's a matter of taste and time I guess. 

Ike and John after the show. The mood was somber again after the smoke cleared and Jimmy's name came up again. There was mad love for Jimmy at the show that night. He will never be forgotten. Such a talented sweet heart. Missed by many many fans, friends and loved ones. 


Comment from Robin:


Dec 6, 2008 9:55 PM
great florida/zappaween blog…will add a story or two soon…like how i had NO VOICE…and that DINER we went to at 3am…what a trip that was!! omg…our dr. dot massages at the pubic hair motel…with the highest *mildew* rating!!LOL! although blurry, i like the shot of ike and me sitting outside after learning that JCB had died 🙁 your previous poster is right, for such heavy news it was great to be with you and john and ike and all the fans…RIP jimmy…RIP frank… peace and music…robin