Last video from my Zappanale journey. Off to NYC will do the blog soon, promise
The Weblog Of Dr. Dot Stein
Last video from my Zappanale journey. Off to NYC will do the blog soon, promise
I am still at the birth place of the Zappanale.. Bad Doberan, Germany (formerly East Germany) being spoiled by the founder of the Zappanale himself and his lovely family. They are showing me around the whole area, it is amazing. Will blog about Dublin and the Zappanale as soon as I get back to Berlin.
Here is Ed Mann's (Zappa alumni) opinion on this whole situation. (Not sent to me, but forwarded to me)
Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2007 9:06 AM
Subject: Re: Gail vs the Germans
Hey Everyone
re: this event
I have to say that I agree with Gail – ARF fucked up royally, Just meeting Ahmet is in no way making an agreement with ZFT, nor is having Napoleon sing with Sheik Yerbouti any form of tacit endorsement by ZFT, and for ARF to mention those things as some sort of defense and their "18 years" of all they have been thru with ZFT, ARF did not see this coming? THAT is Dumb.
To be clear: ARF Head is a capitalizing promoter, just like any other promoter. The leader is a super duper capitalist who knows how to make gazillions Euro. Yes he has poured money into Z-nale but he is also building an institution which someday will make him lots of money, he is a guy who understands investment and return, just like Frank did.
I have read some responses in which z-fans react with this pre-enabled hate towards Gail and ZFT about "being ripped off for ticket money because of Gail" – This is not Gail acting out against the fans, this is the result of the promoters/ARF lack of professional procedure which then leads to bad experiences for fans. For an event this Big – naming a street for her husband, ARF should have contacted Gail formally long ago when this was in the planning stages (they have been into this for a couple of years), offer to fly her over and put her up in a grand hotel, ask her to speak, show her every respect, pay her a great fee, and then get on with it. This BTW is not unusual, the surviving spouses of many great composers required similar – fees, etc.
ARF operates in a big self created arena that is all about celebrating and making money off of FZ's persona. I recognize that they love FZ to death too and I understand the healing effect FZ's work has on the post WWII German populace. But if anyone wonders why there is such animosity toward ARF from Gail, I think this example serves to illuminate the big "why"….and now that the event is happening ARF is doing the crybaby thing and pointing fingers at Gail? Really Really Dumb.
It is big-time non-pro fuck-up shit like this that just makes it worse for the Zappa community at large.
From: yellowshark
Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: Gail against the Germans
Dear Ed,
Many thanks for these bright prospects, you’re wishing for Zappanales and Arf-Societies future in your email dated July 26, 2007.
We more than hope your guess – we’ll get a return of investment in the near future – comes true! This will be the safest and only base for all music – and zappa-interested people – worldwide, to enjoy more sophisticated and successful Zappanale festivals in the coming years.
We are honoured to read, that you really compare our voluntary work with Frank Zappas professionalism and cleverness. You’re absolutely right, saying that we acted naive and really unprofessional when we first tried to make contact to Gail and the ZFT, but even we are learning more about this year after year.
Do you really believe a more professional behaviour would have had any influence on Gail's reaction to our simple request of cooperation? I don’t! All she said in a telephone call (oh yes we talked to her personally) is the only chance for cooperation is:
If she gets total control about who’s allowed to play and all musicians have to subordinate their program under her creativity.
Thanks again Ed, maybe we see you back on stage in Bad Doberan one of the next years! If all your good wishes for us come true, we should get the chance to get you financed again.
By the way, Arf-Society has never had, or will have, any influence on Gail's behaviour. All we do is support her business, as allowing to sell her products at the festival through traders, who are all members of the Arf-Society, without asking any charges for this.
All of our Zappanale-CD’s and DVD’s are officially registered by the German GEMA, to keep the composers rights and the ZFT is paid by this.
Come on Ed, who’s got the return of investment?
We better should tell the fanbase about this.
Thomas Dippel
President Arf-Society e.V.
From: Ed Mann
Sent: Monday, July 30, 2007 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: Gail against the Germans
Greetings Thomas,
I do absolutely mean what I wrote and yes I do believe that the building of a Brand is what is going on. Wolfhard knows well how to invest and make money and one day Z-nale will be a money maker…any fans that choose to volunteer are unpaid workers toward this end result. Wolfhard KNOWS how to make money. In the case of Z-nale, FZ is his Brand. And I do believe that the years of problems between Gail and Z-nale has turned to Gail vs. the entire Zappa alumni (save Terry and Steve). Z-nale has played a part in making that worse and it has been going on for so long that now things are worse than ever. Sorry to say this; I do not intend to hurt anyone, but this is the truth as I see it. That ARF did not see this coming (from Gail) for the upcoming street-naming event amazes me. I do believe that before things were in place, the right kind of organization, professionalism and respectful pre-contact with Gail would have resulted in a positive effect.
So to be positive, take this for what it is worth, ARF would be well advised to bring their activities up to professional standards and not let unskilled volunteers be given the authority to make critical ARF decisions. The way I see it now, as a result of the street naming event and how things have transpired, and Gail's reaction to it – progress has been set back a good 5-10 years for the entire Zappa community.
I am just being honest with you.
Best wishes
Just a preview of one of the upcoming massive blogs. I was at the unveiling of the one and only Frank Zappa street tonight (well, last night in Berlin). Sheil Yerbouti, a Zappa tribute band headlined and the very famous and talented Zappa alumni, Napi (above ^) joined the band. He plays with many Zappa tribute bands and he always steals the show 😉
I read an open letter from Bobby Zappa to the fans which gave his blessings for the Zappa street ceremony. I also joined Sheik Yerbouti and sang “I am the slime” with them. Much fun. I will finish this blog in a few days, I still have to do my Dublin blog. I have loads of pics to crop and upload and all that writing too.. and I have to get ready and pack for the upcoming, 18th annual Frank Zappa fest called Zappanale. Battling a lung infection again, wondering if Steve Vai passed that flu onto me accidentally in Dublin, if so, I would have to say I have the Steve Vai-rus. heh heh.
Dweezil read my blog and emailed me; he is disappointed by my comments, which were aimed at Gail, not him.
It is a fine line I walk, trying to speak (write) my thoughts without hurting anyone, but yet, I am not one to brown-nose either. Most of my blogs are very complimentary, but sometimes they hurt and disappoint. I strongly believe in the words and music of Frank Zappa and believe bands and fans have the right to play his music (they should pay the royalties of course).
I hope someday the whole mess between Mrs. Zappa and the Zappa fans and festivals comes to a peaceful solution. I think Dweezil should headline at the famous annual Zappa festival in Germany, like Ozzy headlines his Ozfest, but that's just a dream I guess.
I adore Dweezil and always will. I have yet to do an interview without mentioning Frank Zappa. I do more PR for ZAPPA then anyone around. I have done since 20 years.
A few Zappa fans (one is actually a Zappa alumni that wishes to remain anonymous) have responded to this blog today and I thought I would share that with you….
My favorite line is when Bobby called Gail "mean spirited, untalented and money-hungry." In my opinion the most horrible thing Gail does is alienate the kids from their aunt and uncles. I know you keep in touch with Dweezil. Ask him why he hasn't spoken with Candy in 14 years, even though Candy has tried to get in contact with him. Ask him why Carl had to sell his jacket on Ebay two years ago just to pay rent. IT'S FRANK'S BROTHER FOR GOD'S SAKE! I was a mild supporter of Gail until this. For Christ's sake it's just a goddamn street! I don't know. Take care, James.
Gail= Mommy Dearest
Thank you Dot,
You brought it to the point!
All we want is cooperation, our biggest dream is to have Dweezil on stage,
and I'm shure he knows this deep in his heart.
He never will have the chance to find a better promoter for his music in the
zappascene than us.
These are my true words and wishes! I love what he's doing, I went to his
shows in Germany and will go again this year.
He needs to get undepentend from his mother, to realize a career he's
supposed too.
Tell him!
Thomas ARF Society
3) (from the Zappa alumni)
Fuck that!!
EVERYONE has asked over and over and over for 'permission'
bottom line--- YOU CAN RELEASE MUSIC and the ARTIST
GETS paid, period. they cannot control it!!Like you said -- that's why the beatles music, zeppelin etc can be
you simply pay the publishing amounts, it's all legally worked out, you
simply look it up (online) enter all the info about your cd sales,,,,and
PAY..This (Dweezil's response) is a lame response on his part- very naive. and heNEVER addresses your very good pointsHe Dweezil, if you can't beat 'em, JOIN 'EM!MOOOOOOO WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!4)The one thing I agree with Dweezil in his letter is that Gail has every
right to protect Frank's music, but why is she so determined to
alienate his fans? I know that when ZPZ plays a concert the money goes
back to the ZFT. But, like you suggested, if Gail could give a little
I'm sure Arf-Society would gladly give a percentage of their profits to
Gail. It just take a little cooperation on both ends.Steve.5)
I hate this unholy war, but your response to Dweez was pretty cool. It does
seem that he (too) is somewhat misinformed. I'm not sure what he means by the
"many inappropriate things" the Arf Society have done, but I'm pretty sure they
haven't ever made a profit from staging Zappanale. Not ever.As regards the t-shirts, for the last four events these haven't
featured any trademarks that I can discern (I'm wearing last year's right now,
which simply says "2006 Zappanale" on the front, and lists the bands that played
on the back). A few years ago, they had what I thought was a psychedelic bird,
that was probably in fact an abstract tache and imperial, but certainly nothing
like the copyrighted ZFT version (took me a year to work out that's what it
might be). Prior to that, for the star-studded Zappanale #13, they had a bad
drawing of Frank on the toilet, which I'm pretty sure the ZFT does not have any
claim to and which, if they did, their attorneys would be knocking on your door
about right now! In any event, as you rightly point out, fans wearing these
shirts simply promote FZ's music. As for the festival discs, I compiled last
year's in my precious spare time for NOTHING and I know that the Arfs ensure
both the CDs and DVDs are officially
registered by the German GEMA to keep the composers rights and the ZFT
bottom line is: Zappanale is put on by fans for the fans. The Arfs may be a
little naive, but if they were to get totally professional the event would
lose most of its charm and probably a lot of its hard-core fans.
Half of Ahment, Frank and 3/4 of me ^
Hello Arfers
I am with Jimmy Carl Black at his home, we play this weekend at Schipoorst (Faust) festival near Hamburg.
Jimmy had told me about this stupid situation with Gail Zappa. We just had our own trouble, she insisted two Zappa pieces be removed from the new Jack and Jim CD coming on the Boxholder label in USA: fine versions of Mom and Dad and Willie the Pimp which I no doubt FZ himself would have appreciated because of the spirit of adventure and excellent quality banjo and guitar playing.
In doing this, she violates my understanding of the American copyright law, specifically the compulsory mechanical liscense that cover artists must apply for and also MUST be granted by the publisher once the composer has released a recording of the song.
Although I know no exception to this law, Gail Zappa will not allow her lawyer to communicate with me, all I want is an explanation of why she is allowed to violate this law.
You may be amused, although I am not sure (??) that in our correspondence she told me the Mothers of Invention as we know them do not even play on We’re Only In It For the Money, only four mysterious musicians who Frank told her about but she will not reveal who they are.
The reason the Mothers are pictured on the album was pressure from the record company, a marketing ploy.
Gail, you see, wants me to believe that her husband was such a patsy that he would do whatever the record company says. Meanwhile, we wonder, who played on the record, then? A young Elton John? Neil Diamond?
The Monkees?
Meanwhile, I wish you the best of patience with this problematic human being.
Name withheld to avoid more shit from Gail.
July 23, 2007
Ridgewood, New Jersey USA
This is an open letter to Thomas Dippel, President of the ARF Society and co.organizer of the annual
Zappanale festival and to all Frank Zappa fans on the occasion of the street naming event in Berlin
on July 28, 2007:
Dear Thomas and all Frank Zappa fans everywhere:
I am writing this letter on behalf of Frank’s original remaining family members, our brother
Carl and our sisters Candy and Ann to show our support and deepest gratitude for the special
honor that the ORWOhaus musician’s collective have arranged in Frank’s memory.
We are genuinely touched and extraordinarily pleased that the world famous city of Berlin has
agreed to permit the street renaming in our brother’s honor on July 28th. We are thrilled to
know that there will be a street in the Marzahn district of what was once East Berlin that will
be formally dedicated as “Frank-Zappa-strasse”. This is an honor we humbly share in his
memory and we extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who made this event possible.
When I first heard about this event I remember reading the comments that Andreas Otto,
spokesperson for ORWOhaus, made about Frank to explain how his organization made the
decision to arrange for this honor. He said that:
“Frank Zappa was one of the best all-around musicians in the world; (he was) a guitarist,
composer, and band-leader. He was celebrated for his uncompromising pursuit of musical
exploration and excellence, and also for his courage using his music and lyrics to make
society see its faults and hypocrisies. He didn’t do it just for media attention; it was part
of his highly creative and unbending character. He stood up to his own government
against politically -motivated censorship – he testified with great intelligence in the US
Congress, and he refused to hold back his own outrageous sense of humor. We of
ORWOhaus had our own battles trying to save an unused building and turn it into an
active music center, and we decided that Zappa was a great example of how a musician
can have an influence so far beyond the notes on a page. We hope Frank would be proud
to have his name as an address for so many musicians.”
I know that I can speak for my brother and sisters when I say that Mr. Otto’s comments have
captured the essence of our Frank’s unique talent and motivation and that I am absolutely
certain that he would be very proud to have his name as an address for so many musicians.
And no, he didn’t do it just for media attention , or even for the money. He did it because he
had the integrity and strength of purpose that those who knew and loved his music looked up
to. Those character traits served us, myself included, as examples of how to deal with the
mean spirited, untalented and money-hungry people in this world who use threats and
intimidation to get their way. And I can think of no better way to keep Frank’s legacy alive
and out of the reach of anyone who would demean his memory for profit than to let the world
know of this special honor.
Our very best wishes and deepest gratitude to the ORWOhaus collective for their kindness and
generosity in connection with the street renaming of Frank-Zappa-strasse.
Bobby Zappa